152 人が評価
Pawn Suppression Implants
Mod, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
347.474 KB
2022年11月1日 13時48分
5月7日 14時43分
10 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Pawn Suppression Implants

[Zerg03] MrHydralisk 作成の 1 件のコレクション
MrHydralisk's mods
20 アイテム
Ever felt that with amount of technology you have, you should be able to suppress colonists with mental break or prisoners more efficiently? Then this mod might help you with that.

Mod Contents

Mod add few new brain implants for prisoners suppression or shortly PSI. Although originally intended for use in high-risk prisons, PSI have become very popular in colonies of Rimworld with it low levels of human rights and privacy for suppressing colonists with frequent mental breaks.

Requires "prisoner suppression implants" research to unlock crafting option.

When pawn have PSI installed it will get button for it activation.
Auto trigger on mental break can be enabled/disabled in settings (Explosive disabled by default).
Additionally each PSI can be activated from Comms console.

A prisoner suppression implant that can be installed into the brain. Implant containing a small amount of explosives, that can be triggered remotely.

Lethal. Created to terminate high risk pawns. Due to small amount of explosives it explosion won't affect anything around owner. But consider sending a cleaner to the place after activation, because it's usually pretty messy. No one would like to have such thing inside their head.

Cost: 20 Steel, 1 Component, 10 Chemfuel

A prisoner suppression implant that can be installed into the brain. Implant containing a small super capacitor, that can be discharged remotely.

Immobilizing. Created to stop pawns from fighting back by stunning them with a small electric shock. Due to its close proximity to the brain, the duration of the stun is approximately an hour. Super сapacitor will recharge 6 hours after use. Pawns will not be happy with such implant in their head.

Cost: 20 Steel, 3 Component

A prisoner suppression implant that can be installed into the brain. Implant containing a small amount of anesthetic drug, that can be administered remotely.

Immobilizing. Created to calm pawns by placing them under anesthesia. Due to its close proximity to the brain, the duration of the anesthetic is same as during operations. Implant will recharge a day after use by filtering anesthetic drug from the blood.

Cost: 20 Steel, 1 Component, 1 Medicine

A prisoner suppression implant that can be installed into the brain. Implant containing few retracted rotary blades, that can be extended remotely.

Lethal. Created to terminate high risk pawns. Due to it size will keep owner's head on it place compare to Explosive type. No one would like to have such thing inside their head.

Cost: 25 Steel, 2 Component

PSI:Movement Inhibitor
A prisoner suppression implant that can be installed into the neck. Implant containing neural inhibitor chip, which reduce strength of motor signals coming through the cervical spine. Сan be activated remotely.

Immobilizing. Created to slow pawns. Crude low tech implant that causes pain to owner. Due to its effect on the cervical spine, the duration of the inhibitor is approximately half an hour. Chip can be used again 4 hours after use. Pawns will not be happy with such implant in their head.

Cost: 15 Steel, 2 Component

PSI:Skull Piercer
A prisoner suppression implant that can be installed into the skull. Implant containing retracted drill, that can be activated and extended remotely.

Lethal. Created to terminate high risk pawns. Crude low tech implant that causes pain to owner. Due to it size will keep owner's head on it place compare to Explosive type. No one would like to have such thing inside their head.

Cost: 40 Steel, 2 Component

A prisoner suppression implant that can be installed into the skull next to ear canal. Implant containing small speaker, that periodically plays one of pre-recorded intimidating speech.

Mental. Created to terminate affecting pawns consciousness. Crude low tech implant that influence hearing ability of owner. It will periodically suppress pawn. No one would like to have such thing next to their ear.

Cost: 20 Steel, 4 Component

A prisoner suppression implant that can be installed into the brain. Implant containing neuronal network, that alters perception of surroundings.

Mental. Created to terminate affecting pawns consciousness. Implant that influence owner preception of surroundings, cause it to ignore prison and slave rebelions. But it comes with a cost of reduced consciousness capacity.

Cost: 10 Steel, 5 Plasteel, 2 Advanced component


Discord [discord.gg]

Mod Compatibility

Should have no compatibility issues with other mods, unless it changes something important in pawn health and prosthetics.

Version for 1.3 lacking some features, due to difference in versions.

Supported languages: English, Russian.


Mod should be safe to add to existing save. But when you want to remove it, better make backup save just in case.
81 件のコメント
[Zerg03] MrHydralisk  [作成者] 6月5日 19時06分 
Klang, never really heard of such, so highly likely there is either other mod that changes something related to research or mod files smh corrupted on your PC (even tho it should shown error then). PSI have it own research tab, so maybe you just have too many tabs from other mods, so it not showing. But overall can't suggest much with this amount of information.
Klang 6月5日 17時36分 
I'm having an issue where despite having the mod in the mod list, the technology isn't showing up? I don't know for certain if this is a problem with the mod or not, but I was hoping someone may have had the same thing happen?
cap_wacky 6月1日 11時39分 
Thank you so much for the update on this one :)
[Zerg03] MrHydralisk  [作成者] 5月30日 5時01分 
Zo_Confuzled, it works on humans, so it not limited to be prisoner or not. Mostly description says "prisoners" cause putting "pawn" inside the game will be close to breaking 4th wall, so it replaced with similar word, which will still keep the idea and fit the in game world.
Zo_Confuzled 5月30日 4時55分 
Do these work on slaves as well or only on prisoners? Would be cool to have implants that help controll slaves trying to escape
[Zerg03] MrHydralisk  [作成者] 5月7日 14時46分 
Goisa and cap_wacky, now it seems to be compatable with Rimworld 1.5. The issue was that in devs removed brain reference in vanilla code, which the mod was relying on. But now I added local reference and it working again.
[Zerg03] MrHydralisk  [作成者] 5月7日 12時47分 
Goisa, still in progress of updating, cause need to revisit a lot
Goisa 5月7日 11時15分 
work with 1/5?
cap_wacky 4月16日 20時42分 
Excellent, just glad to know it's on your radar and not abandoned :) Thank you.
[Zerg03] MrHydralisk  [作成者] 4月16日 3時11分 
cap_wacky, almost updated all mods that I made, this one was just not first on the list. Hopefully this one wasn't affected much by 1.5 changes, so it wouldn't take long to do.