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Rune Golem + Rune Guardian Models (Updated)
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2022년 11월 1일 오전 2시 52분
2022년 11월 6일 오전 4시 24분
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Rune Golem + Rune Guardian Models (Updated)

Hello, this mod contains a working model of a Dwarf Rune Golem based on Giant G1 skeleton, so it can use animations from Hierotitan or Bone Giant. The Hiarotitan animations look super cool, now the Rune Golem finally feels like a proper construct, slow and heavy. Additionally, now the mod contains a model for a Monster Infantry Rune Guardian based on Lizardmen Sacred Kroks. It needs a smoke effect from the pipe to look pretty great :)
My ADHD is too strong to finish it now, and if I don't finish it now, I will probably never.
It needs quite a bit of work to be really nice, for example it needs glowing runes, a Master Rune of Walking on it's forehead and glowing eyes. Some textures need a rework as well.
It's completely free to use and there is no need to mention me if you don't want to, I will just be super happy if someone uses it to create a cool proper Dwarf Rune Golem.

Rune Golems (gronti-duraz in Khazalid, lit. "enduring stone") were among the pinnacles of the runecraft of the old Dwarfs. The first one was said to have been shaped by Thungni, the Ancestor God of Rune magic himself.[1a]

They were stored in the inner sanctums of the oldest Dwarf fortresses, where the Runelords practiced their crafts and kept their Anvils of Doom. During the War of Vengeance, the "old magic" that had empowered the Rune Golems had begun to sink deeper into the earth, out of the reach of any Runelord.[1a] The last one able to command them was Ranuld Silverthumb, the Runelord of Karaz-a-Karak, and even he needed the aid of other Runelords to fully awaken them. The act of attempting to animate the slumbering Golems and use them in the war alone turned him into stone.[1a] - from Warhammer Wiki.

My headcannon is that by weakening the Vortex wards, the events of Warhammer TW2 allowed Kragg the Grim, the oldest Runelord alive, to activate several Rune Golems which were discovered by Thorek Ironbrow in the long-lost Karak Zorn. The demon armies invading the world after the Bear God was wounded warranted the ancient weapon to be used to balance the scales.

Rune Guardians - A Rune Guardian is a golem that looks somewhat like a heavily armoured, Ogre-sized Dwarf. It’s covered in a heavy metal skin, beneath which lies a complex system of cogs, levers, and pulleys that would baffle the greatest engineers of the Empire. Each arm ends in an axe-like blade, which it uses to cut down any foe that tries to get past. Completely mindless, a Rune Guardian can only follow the instructions given to it the moment the Master Rune of Waking was inscribed upon its forehead. Rune Guardians sometimes have other Runes inscribed on their weapons or armour but can only have three Runes in total, and they can have no other Master Runes.[1b]

My headcannon: another of Malakai Makaisson creations, the Rune Guardians combine Rune Magic with some extremely rebellious engineering. No self-respecting Dwarf Lord would field such unproved technology, but I will leave it to the player :)

For an actual unit based on my model, see:

If you are interested in contributing to a Dwarf Rework Compilation, here is a documentation file:
You are free to write down your comments in the file
댓글 18
Backmechuisa 2023년 4월 20일 오전 8시 10분 
@A Peasant Mobster
Thank you for your generosity and hard work in creating the modeling.
I uploaded the completed mod as below, so please play it if you don't mind.
Noin Trongaz  [작성자] 2023년 4월 20일 오전 7시 08분 
@Backmechuisa sorry, got your name wrong, see the comment below
Noin Trongaz  [작성자] 2023년 4월 20일 오전 7시 07분 
@Backmechulsa yes, of course, you are free to use the model in any way as mentioned in the description! Link me the result once you have published it!
Backmechuisa 2023년 4월 19일 오후 5시 19분 
@A Peasant Mobster
Hi, I'm working on a new db mode with your model.
The plan is to add a rune golem transformation capability like Cathay instead of having a mount for Dwarf Lord and Thane.
Can I use this model? I appreciate your hard work and would like to mention your credit.
Oh_Man[TFE] 2023년 1월 21일 오후 9시 13분 
I really hope CA brings these beauties to the game one day...

Good job on whetting our appetites in the meantime.
Noin Trongaz  [작성자] 2023년 1월 13일 오전 10시 10분 
Thank you for your kind words!
Gleen Cross 2023년 1월 13일 오전 4시 58분 
This unit has potential to be very cool, most likely CA will force us to buy the DLC (a rival dwarf lord against the chaos dwarfs). If they add cool animations based on smoke and runecraft, ok, maybe that can justify the DLC price. But there's a legit chance CA will simply make what you and _D3rpyN3wb_ did, reusing animations from the titan units from the Tomb Kings and call it a day. For a modder, this is very impressive... now for the devs themselves, it will be very lazy
Ben 2022년 11월 6일 오전 5시 33분 
Nice. Very nice.
On the other hand the Rune Guardians would be employed by Dwarfs a lot for being both Engineer and Runesmith brainstorm children. And I wouldn't see it as a stretch if Malakai (even Grimm) or Thorek (not to mention Kragg) get their hands on those to mass-produce them after reverse-engineering them.
greenphoenix23 2022년 11월 2일 오전 11시 27분 
Cool stuff!
_D3rpyN3wb_ 2022년 11월 2일 오전 4시 43분