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Calamity, Brick Only (Post-Moon Lord)
Av Okami Tomato
The Throwing Brick is a weapon that almost every Calamity player has owned at some point... but this almost entirely consists of them getting it from the starter bag, and then only using maybe 20 or 30 of them before they get something stronger and abandon them entirely

So I wondered how an entire Calamity run would go if I were ONLY allowed to use Throwing Bricks as my only weapon

And this is how it went...
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[Prior Notes]
Welcome to the third and final part of Throwing Brick only Calamity, detailing my adventures starting right after Moon Lord's defeat and continuing through to the End and Post-Game

First-off, I would like to thank everyone for the attention and support the other two parts received, it has been a great motivator to get this done :)

I did actually mean to get this done sooner, but other projects, IRL things, and University mean I've been fairly busy and not had much time to write these, since they do take a fair while to write out as you probably guessed

Secondly, the last two parts have mentioned the 'big three' bosses in the run; Wall of Flesh, Empress of Light, and Moon Lord, already. While those were the 'toughest' fights, don't think that Post-Moon Lord was easy by any means; as I can say for certain that it wasn't and some of the fights here are a real test of skill, memory, and patience in a few cases

Third, and finally, Calamity plans to revamp a lot of bosses and rogue items in the future, so this run might become outdated shortly. Hopefully not much will change so this still works as a good baseline, however

[[Boss Difficulties:]]
Easily Malleable (Easy)
The easiest tier of boss, generally being those you don't have to worry about at all. While it is entirely possible to lose to them, careful play almost always ensures victory.

Most of the bosses in this tier are, as expected, Pre-Hardmode bosses with limited mobility and/or large hitboxes that allow me to best utilise the Throwing Brick.

Standard Toughness (Easy-Ish)
Bosses that are noticeably tougher than those in the bottom tier, and are for the most part comparable to how the boss would be encountered on a more standard Calamity run.

Mostly limited to Pre-Hardmode, but the occasional Hardmode or Post-Moon Lord boss may be found here if circumstances arise that allow for them to be dealt with reasonably well.

Rock Solid (Normal)
Bosses that are generally noticeably harder than a standard Calamity run, either due to the Brick's lacking damage dragging out intense parts of the fight, or the Brick's arc forcing you to be more creative on how you hit the boss.

Despite only being tier 3, these bosses do have a solid chance of killing the player during the run at least once or twice.

Infernally Forged (Hard)
Bosses that begin reaching into the majorly problematic tier, typically due to a mixture of the bosses' own abilities and lack of counterplay available to the player at that current point in time.

Bosses in this tier likely require a lot of pre-preparation and are more than likely to kill the player a fair number of times before a successful attempt.

Cosmilite Composed (Very Hard)
Bosses that are reaching a point of mild unfairness for the majority of Calamity players, potentially acting as a large, seemingly-unwinnable roadblock for some runs. Most of the time the reasons as to why they are so difficult are the same as the previous tier, though enhanced even further to the point where these bosses may be quite un-fun to deal with.

Expect a fair amount of deaths and reasonable frustration for the bosses listed under this category.

AuBrick Tesla (Absolutely Awful)
Bosses that slowly begin to delve into a tier of difficulty that is borderline-impossible for the majority of players, often caused due to a combination of some form of time limits or general DPS checks combined with a general lack of options.

Only 3 bosses in the entire run are in this tier and, while I'd normally advise skipping bosses like this until later, some of them are tied to progression so... have fun with that...

That aside, I hope you'll enjoy this part as much as the others!
Post-Moon Lord
Brick-fficulty: N/A
This section is mainly about my plans and upgrades after defeating the Moon Lord, and the few other plans before I started fighting the Post-Moon Lord bosses.

Firstly, in the challenge rules, I have been allowed 1 extra accessory slot after defeating Moon Lord. This, combined with the Celestial Onion, provide a total of +2.

After that, I upgraded my wings to Seraph Tracers, primarily to give myself another free accessory slot due to this run's reliance on accessories. I also crafted the Moonstone Crown, and used the other 2 free accessory slots to re-equip some accessories I had to remove due to limited space.

I also crafted the Empyrean Armour for my first Post-Moon Lord armour upgrade.

Time: N/A

I didn't have any plan of action for this point, with the decision thus falling to either Dragonfolly or the Guardians.

I decided to tackle Dragonfolly first, since it doesn't have a time limit like the Guardians do.
Brick-fficulty: Rock Solid
Dragonfolly is a highly mobile boss with a comparatively small hitbox compared to some of the other bosses I've faced so far, and to make it worse it is also a boss that frequently spawns minions; doing so indefinitely if they are killed.

As you can expect, the issues above meant that Dragonfolly was far from a free fight, and did take a fairly long time to defeat. Some of this came from its mobility making it hard to consistently hit with the Throwing Bricks, and some of this came from the Draconic Swarmers frequently taking hits from the boss and absorbing the additional projectiles spawned from stealth strikes.

When it came to dealing damage, the most consistent way was either throwing while it chased me directly, or when it went to charge throwing a brick just before it started the charge and another while it passed by. With the old Ruin Medallion only consuming 50% stealth I could hit 2 stealth strikes back-to-back, made easier by the Swarmers' lack of a charge keeping them further away to maximise damage against the Folly.

Gradually as phases progressed the fight became more and more hectic until I finally managed to get a few clean stealth strikes off and win the fight.

Time: 8:50

Unfortunately I don't really get much from the fight. The Blunder Booster upgrade is the only rogue item I can actually use that it drops and its expert drop only provides a 12% speed boost for non-ranger classes, which simply isn't worth it due to this run's dependence on accessories.

The fight did act as a decent DPS test however, though I was still worried about the Guardians and their master...
Profaned Guardians
Brick-fficulty: Standard Toughness
The Guardians, in a normal run, are typically a very easy fight since piercing, high-damage, and/or homing weapons allow you to target the general Guardian group and still defeat them in-order without too much extra work. However, in a run where your weapons are slow, lack piercing, and the bonus projectiles spawned are fairly random with their targeting, I was bound to run into some issues.

The first issue was trying to find a way to hit the Guardians in order, since otherwise I couldn't deal any reasonable damage and, while the Healer was alive, outright could not deal damage to the other two. I couldn't rely on the etherial extorter's projectiles since their homing was seemingly too random, too, so I had no choice but to remain very, very close.

I started off with very close circles to the Guardians, keeping in a constant loop of circling them and landing stealth strikes whenever I was very close to the Healer and, to my surprise, it worked extremely well; even stopping the Guardians' fireballs from hitting me due to how close I was. The same went for the Defender; though the added spears meant I had to be more precise with my circles to avoid being caught out by a spear. Healer down by 5:44 and Defender by 9:28.

The final Guardian Commander wasn't too bad, as its fight is very similar to how it used to be before the rework. Just bait the charges, stealth strike it while it charges at you to ensure hits, and keep up a loop until victory is won.

Time: 11:00

The Guardians' defeat allowed me to now access Providence; the next major boss in the run. However, with how long the Guardians alone took, I was concerned that the fight would run into nighttime and would, therefore, bring about nighttime Providence to cause me problems.

However, due to my desire to keep things in order, and me not being able to see any noteworthy upgrades for a fair while without it, I bit the bullet and prepared to face Providence the very next day.
Brick-fficulty: Cosmilite-Composed
Providence has historically been the first major leap in difficulty for Post-Moon Lord content in my challenge runs, and the same applies here. A long, gruelling fight where dying would reset my progress and force me to restart a fight that could last 15 minutes without downtime; especially problematic considering I absolutely suck at the cocoon phases.

Providence went very much the same as other runs; taking decent damage from my attacks but this doing very little towards her health bar. Her large hitbox and predictable movement made hitting her very, very easy, and with my ability to fire 2 stealth strikes back-to-back catching her twice as she flew past me was common, as was spending time stood still during her nigh-invulnerable phases to build stealth for when she became vulnerable again.

When the Guardians spawned, I knew I had to rush to kill them in the same order as the Guardians' own fight: Healer to stop Providence regaining health and undoing my progress, Defender to reduce Providence's defence, and lastly Commander since it was the only one not directly buffing Providence's survivability. I was reckless during this point since time was running out, and I did get close to death a few times, but I managed to eventually defeat the 2 problematic Guardians.

However, 15 minutes had passed, nighttime was upon us, and Providence transformed into her more powerful nighttime form... for exactly 6 seconds. My recklessness when dealing with the Guardians had saved me enough time that I didn't have to endure Providence's enraged form for very long at all, thankfully, in turn leading to her defeat.

Time: 15:06

Providence's defeat grants access to Divine Geodes and Uelibloom. The main additions I get from this are health and armour upgrades from the Elderberry and Tarragon Armour sets, respectively, but also some potion upgrades to buff my damage slightly more.

With Providence defeated, I now had a slightly calmer stretch ahead of my in the form of the sentinels and Polterghast; bosses I was typically good at dealing with in other runs and, hopefully, the same here as well.
Brick-fficulty: Easily Malleable
Signus was the easiest Post-Moon Lord boss in the challenge, despite how long it took to fight it. Due to its predictable and somewhat exploitable movement, Signus could be baited into Throwing Bricks very consistently and without much risk to myself.

While you would think the Cosmilanterns would be a problem, due to their health being higher than the Brick's base damage and spawning in in large numbers constantly, in practice they aren't too big of a problem. Their movements are simple and easy to dodge, and the stealth strikes and their projectiles would generally clear out the Cosmilanterns as Signus spawned them.

A long, though entirely simple, fight.

Time: 8:37

Signus brings us 1/3 of the way to being able to fight the Devourer, though I never used any of its drops directly.

After Signus I tried to fight Weaver, but due to the location of my arena and inexperience with its new behaviours it constantly despawned during the fight, leading to me postponing it for much longer than I probably should have...
Ceaseless Void
Brick-fficulty: Standard Toughness
Void is always a long fight in these challenge runs, typically because my weapons of choice have poor damage and thus have a hard time dealing with its various Dark Energy orbs and Void itself during its 'vacuum' phases. The same applies here.

Vampiric Talisman would not let me heal from the Dark Energies, since my damage is so poor I am below the general threshold the Talisman will heal from, outside of the additional stealth strike-spawned projectiles that cannot trigger lifesteal for me regardless.

Void's 'vacuum' phases are, also, incredibly slow for the same reasons. Thankfully, due to their generally simple patterns spending a long time in these phases isn't too horrible most of the time outside of some weird behaviour from the Distorted debuff and Void's windbox. In fact, Void's final phase deals the same self-damage as my Brick damage, for general reference.

Very slow fight, but more than possible.

Time: 10:50

I am now 2/3 of the way to being able to fight the Devourer

While I'm in the dungeon I also decided to try and face off against Polterghast, since my fights against Weaver had been fruitless due to its despawning.
Brick-fficulty: Rock Solid
The infamous gauntlet fight for challenge runs, often taking 20+ minutes to kill during these challenge runs due to it often being a boss that gatekeeps a lot of powerful items for these runs. Polterghast retains this title here.

Polterghast is the only boss at this point where the charges aren't the best time to attack it. I'm not sure if it's just purely a skill issue, but it actually seems harder to hit with the Bricks during the charges than when it moves normally. Thankfully, its Plantera-like movement behaviour makes it fairly easy to bait into throws.

An important mention is Phase 3. As the clone is now vulnerable, has far less health than Polterghast, and your projectiles' homing is hard to control, you have a very high chance of killing the clone and angering Polterghast; making it faster and giving it a 4th dash. It is possible to kill it without killing the clone, but I'd recommend preparing for the worst.

Another small note is that some projectiles, mainly the Etherial Extorter's, will blend in with Polterghast's own projectiles to a degree. However, with how useful the Extorter is in this challenge, it really isn't an option to scrap it.

Time: 20:29

The first major buff from defeating Polterghast is access to Bloodflare Armour; something that in hindsight I should have probably picked up before fighting the Sentinels, but it's not too big of an issue.

Bobbit Hook is recommended, too, now that it is unlocked. For some reason I didn't immediately go to grab it; instead waiting until after Storm Weaver.

Unfortunately, with the Reaper Tooth Necklace nerf, it isn't worth sacrificing the accessory slots for on this run.
Storm Weaver
Brick-fficulty: Standard Toughness
Weaver managed to be the most awkward of the three Sentinels, due to both having a new, more advanced AI in the previous update, and because it forced me to have to make an entirely new arena due to the placement of my old arena causing it to despawn.

Weaver, having a new AI, meant it was a fight I was somewhat unfamiliar with, and that it also still needed tweaking for balance. Weaver's tornado and ice wave spawns were still very close together which, paired with its aggressive charges, made Weaver rather hard to dodge and overall the toughest of the three Sentinels, beating out Void marginally.

In terms of fight plan, circling Phase 1 to bombard the tail with stealth strikes is best, but for Phase 2 I focused more on dodging than aiming as Weaver's long body and frequent charges meant that it was a large target that typically tried to stay near me.

With its eventual nerfs, it is probably easier now that it was during the run, but as for when I fought it it was a decently tough fight compared to the other Sentinels.

Time: 8:24

All 3 Sentinels are now defeated, allowing me access to the Devourer fight.

I now decided to get the Bobbit Hook; a task easier said than done due to my projectiles often flying off and triggering aggro on other abyss enemies. Getting the hook led to an eventual 3v1 against the Reaper Shark, Eidolon Wyrm, and Colossal Squid which I decided to play out despite gaining little from it and, surprisingly, managed to survive.

I also tried fighting Old Duke after this, but with its speed, my comparative lack of power, and some weird happenings with the Tooth Balls that let them hit you twice in rapid succession, I decided to postpone it until after Devourer.
The Devourer
Brick-fficulty: Infernally-Forged
The Devourer is a fight that I either do really well in, or just die pathetically really fast. Thankfully, this time around it was mostly the former.

The Devourer has insanely high defence and has properties on most of its body segments that make homing projectiles intentionally ignore them, meaning I only have 2 options for hitting it; the head or the tail. The speed of the Throwing Bricks, however, makes hitting the tail almost impossible as the Devourer moves faster than the Brick travels unless coiled up, so I had to rely on attacking the head exclusively.

While the Devourer is in its 'passive' phase, flying overhead, I would charge stealth strikes before flying up a short distance, intentionally drawing aggro, before throwing a Brick and dropping to the ground again. This let me set up stealth strikes against the head with relative safety, so long as I didn't fly too high so I couldn't reach the ground again in time.

In its 'aggressive' phase, the Devourer is already flying at you directly. The main thing for this phase is playing more defensively; the Devourer will give plenty of opportunities for you to deal damage, however you cannot take many hits from its head yourself.

Phase 2 is very much the same, though the Devourer will now teleport. Teleporting does potentially give extra opportunities to hit the head, but is generally more of an issue.

The Cosmic Guardians spawned as it loses health, combined with its increased movement speed, make the final phase additionally chaotic and is more than capable of killing you due to just how long you have to fight the Devourer for.

Overall, an expectedly tough boss, but more than manageable.

Time (Phase 1): 11:52
Time (Phase 2): 13:00
Time (Total): 24:52

The Devourer grants arguably the second best upgrades of any Post-Moon Lord boss in this run, both through upgrades and through other useful items being unlocked. Do note, however, you will have to fight the Devourer multiple times for all the upgrades due to how much Cosmilite is needed, so try to prioritise important items first.

The Devourer drops the Nebulous Core directly, useful for its revival mechanic, and the Bandit begins selling the Venerated Locket; a rogue accessory that summons cosmic knives on stealth strikes and in turn grants a massive damage increase.

Using a Cosmic Anvil you can upgrade accessories, mainly the Asgardian Aegis, Elysian Tracers, Eclipse Mirror, The Sponge, Nanotech, and the Rampart of Deities for upgrades both offensively and defensively.

Additionally, rogue God Slayer Armour is recommended, though I'd suggest leaving it 'til last since you typically need to fight the Devourer multiple times for the full set.

Finally, with the Devourer downed and its loot obtained, it's time to head back to the Sulphurous Sea for a rematch...
Old Duke
Brick-fficulty: Rock Solid
To summarise Old Duke in this run; I have post-Devourer accessories and armour, putting me a whole level of progression ahead of Old Duke, and it still puts up more of a fight than the majority of Post-Moon Lord bosses have managed.

Old Duke, as stated briefly a short time ago, is a highly agile boss that risks overwhelming the player with projectiles and movement-altering mechanics once Phase 2 triggers. This is bad both because of how long the fight will take due to my sub-par damage, and because Throwing Bricks can actually be quite hard to connect outside of Old Duke's charges.

When Duke charges, I'd recommend throwing a Brick and then dashing; allowing you to get some damage against the boss while also avoiding the charges. Of course, with how long stealth strikes take to trigger, this isn't always an option, though it is recommended whenever you can fire off a stealth strike.

A large arena is recommended to allow you to keep away from the sulphurous typhoons it spawns as much as you can, as much like Ceaseless Void their windbox can mess up some movement mechanics, so avoid them as best as you can.

Overall, still a tough fight even with Post-Devourer gear and upgrades. Would not recommend pre-Devourer on this run.

Time: 8:18

Old Duke is sadly much like its younger self in that it provides very little of worth for the run; having its drop pool primarily consisting of various weapons. Worse yet, while Duke Fishron had the Fishron Wings, Old Duke has no accessories particularly good for the run, either. Old Duke's Scales aren't worth giving up an accessory slot for, and the Mutated Truffle is banned for the run as it summons minions.
Jungle Dragon, Yharon
Brick-fficulty: Infernally-Forged
A fitting difficulty for the fiery dragon, Yharon is one of the tougher Post-Moon Lord bosses of the run as you may have expected from one of Calamity's end-game bosses.

Yharon has a large hitbox and charges at the player frequently; a double-edged sword in this run. Obviously the usual problem of being a high-damage, high-velocity enemy flying directly at your face applies to every run, but for this run specifically the charges are quite helpful for landing stealth strikes with the Throwing Brick; as Yharon will bring its large hitbox right too you consistently.

Of course, most of the usual strategies for Yharon will still work, though of course the fight will be longer than average and so playing more defensively is recommended. However, unlike in other challenge runs, Yharon's total fight time is actually fairly 'sane', comparable to a pre-rework Yharon time, as opposed to the 20-30-minute gauntlets I've had to endure in other runs.

Overall, a tough fight, but a fun one nonetheless.

Time: 8:56

Yharon has the absolute best loot of any boss in this run, almost entirely due to one item. An item not dropped from Yharon itself, mind you, but one sold by the Bandit after Yharon's defeat; the Dragon Scales.

You might be wondering, "Are the Dragon Scales really good enough to be considered better than the other post-boss upgrades? Better than even the Devourer's massive list of upgrades?" and to that I say, debatably, yes.

Why do I think this? Well, initially I wasn't aware of their power, but you'll also come to learn just how good these things are; soon... real soon...

(Oh, and of course Auric Tesla Armour. Almost forgot to mention that; oops)
Brick-fficulty: Standard Toughness
Really? Draedon only having 'average' difficulty? Draedon looks on-paper like a boss that would be the bane of this run; 3 high-health, high-defence, high-damage enemies that all have their own unique quirks that make them seem a living nightmare for this run:
-Thanatos has periods of invulnerability, which leads to wasted stealth strikes and thus forcing the fight to last even longer
-Artemis and Apollo stay a set distance from the player most of the fight, making it hard to hit them with Throwing Bricks
-Ares does high damage and constantly bombards the player with attacks, making prolonged fights against it a death sentence
So how can I call this fight one of the easier Post-Moon Lord fights in the challenge? Even lower than some Pre-Hardmode bosses? That is due purely to the Dragon Scales.

The Dragon Scales have a simple property; when a stealth strike is launched, wherever your rogue projectile lands will be engulfed in a large flarenado; much like Yharon's own. This flarenado has set damage, lingers for a long time, and deals constant damage to enemies in its hitbox.

As you may have guessed, this fight is only made realistically possible due to these flarenado spawns:

One Throwing Brick, combined with the flarenado damage, can deal on average around 400,000 damage to Ares. That is with one Brick. One.

At 1:30 the phase where all three bosses are active at the same time triggered... and lasted only 1 second because I timed it so I could summon a new flarenado right at the start of the phase to catch both Thanatos and Ares in its area of effect and deal extreme damage to both.

Only 28 seconds later, at 1:58, Thanatos was defeated due to its crippling weakness to the flarenadoes the Dragon Scales spawn.

Artemis and Apollo are a slight problem, still, due to their habit of keeping a distance from the player. Best dealt with by summoning a flarenado and trying to maneuver one to remain inside it as much as possible, throwing stealth strikes when possible to get off bonus damage with the cosmic knives spawned by the Venerated Locked.

Eventually Ares returns to take another butt-ton of damage from the flarenadoes and, by 4:00, was also defeated.

The rest of the fight was spent manipulating Artemis and Apollo's movements to keep them inside any flarenadoes spawned, while dodging their enhanced attacks like the dashes and the 'Ohio beam'

So, yeah, not too bad I must say, won in 3 attempts 'v'

Time: 7:23

With Draedon down, only 1 major boss remains for me to fight...
Supreme Calamitas
Brick-fficulty: Infernally-Forged
Another fiery difficulty for another fiery boss. Supreme Calamitas is the more challenging of the two endgame bosses on this run due to being a small, fairly agile enemy with invulnerable phases and no major weakness to the Dragon Scales; hence why I left her until last.

The Sepulcher is actually a surprisingly hard phase to deal with. Due to how awkward it is to spawn the flarenadoes, getting one to spawn over more than one of the Brimstone Hearts is actually quite tricky, and due to the cooldown time this phase is rather lengthy and awkward to deal with.

Supreme Calamitas herself is best dealt with like Artemis and Apollo; manipulating her position with your movements to keep her inside flarenadoes as much as possible while spamming stealth strikes to spawn cosmic knives while the flarenado is on cooldown.

The brother seem a simple enough phase, as they typically move vertically with their horizontal movement dependent on the player's, however for some reason the flarenadoes often wouldn't trigger when hitting the brothers directly; forcing you to attack the ground beneath them to spawn the flarenadoes. This, combined with Catastrophe's deceptive hitboxes, also make this phase quite awkward to progress through safely.

Lastly, the Seeker phase. The Seekers are weak to the Dragon Scales due to their number and health, making this phase simple enough. A breath of fresh (admittedly ash-filled) air after the problems with her other minions.

Overall, a tough fight to bring the 'official' end to the run.

Time: 6:40

With Supreme Calamitas defeated the run comes to its 'official' end, so thanks for taking a look at the page and see you next ti-

...actually, wait, you can read the headings. You know there's more. Of course I had to attempt the Post-Game content in this run with how well the endgame bosses went, so lets see how those ended up going!
Adult Eidolon Wyrm
Brick-fficulty: Cosmilite-Composed
AEW was a fight that I initially guessed would be impossible. Its enraged state is too fast as of the mobility changes from a previous update, and fighting it in the 4th layer of the abyss would drain my air too quickly for me to kill it in time due to my abysmal DPS, so I had to find a solution.

My solution was to create a 'wall' of non-abyss ocean to the left of my abyss, allowing me to enter it during 'safe' moments to replenish my air meter before heading back into the abyss to de-enrage AEW. Of course, I had to mark this off carefully to not accidentally enter when I didn't need to, and picking 'safe moments' also proved tricky due to how aggressive the Wyrm typically is.

The earlier phases were another puzzle of trying to keep the Wyrm inside the flarenado hitboxes for damage, though this was harder than with Artemis, Apollo, and Supreme Calamitas due to how aggressive the Wyrm is. At least its constant chasing made hitting bricks simple enough.

The final phase was especially awful and took several attempts as the projectiles it spawns blend in with the abyss quite well when you're in the middle of a tense fight, and my damage being as bad as it was I couldn't end it quickly, so this part was painful.

Possible, but not a very fun fight. Probably the worst Post-Moon Lord boss and only a short distance behind the 'big three' from earlier in the run.

Time: 9:00

AEW doesn't provide anything else for the run. The Halibut Cannon is a nice trophy for winning, though.
Brick-fficulty: Cosmilite-Composed
Due to Terminus being a boss rush, I will break everything down differently to other portions of this page. Each boss will have its own time listed in-order, alongside any other notes I feel the need to mention.

Queen Bee: 0:29
Its speed makes it hard to hit bricks, but it's manageable enough

Brain of Cthulhu: 0:12
Its Creepers are weak to the flarenado, so a very quick win

King Slime: 0:15
Easily baited into flarenadoes

Eye of Cthulhu: 0:22
Flarenadoes keep the Servants away, not much else to note

Skeletron Prime: 0:10
Always feels out of place due to how quickly it dies

Golem: 0:30
Bit hard to place flarenadoes optimally here, so a bit slow

Guardians: 0:45
Same strategy as its early Post-Moon Lord fight

Eater of Worlds: 0:27
Consumed by the flarenado basically the second its damage resistance wore off

Astrum Aureus: 2:09
Same problems as mentioned in its respective subheading; highly mobile and lots of health

Destroyer: 0:22
Same as Eater of Worlds

Twins: 0:18
Baited them both into a flarenado and took most of their health away instantly

Dragonfolly: 0:29
Much, much quicker than its original fight

Wall of Flesh: 1:10
Revenge for the trouble it caused Pre-Hardmode. Not very weak to flarenadoes due to its constant movement, however

Hive Mind: 0:31
Phase 1, and its minions, are weak to flarenado

Skeletron: 0:27
Flarenado dealt with the limbs very easily, circled it for the rest of the fight to keep it still

Storm Weaver: 0:54
Fairly long fight, might have been due to its pattern changes making it distance itself from the player more often

Aquatic Scourge: 0:19
Another very quick fight due to its weakness to the flarenado

Desert Scourge: 0:25
Weak to flarenado, but resisted longer than its hydrated counterpart

Lunatic Cultist: 0:06
Teleported into a flarenado and died instantly. Big oof

Crabulon: 0:54
Like Golem, a bit awkward getting a good flarenado spawn against it, but simple enough

Plantera: 0:14
Phase 1 sat in a flarenado, Phase 2 too slow on the escape

Ceaseless Void: 0:27
Spent a lot of time on the death animation. Dark Energy weak to flarenadoes

Perforators: 0:17
Another worm boss weak to flarenadoes

Cryogen: 0:29
Ironically the ice crystal isn't as weak to fire as some of the other bosses have been

Brimstone Elemental: 1:19
Surprisingly slow, perhaps in-part to its brimrose phases

Signus: 0:25
Surprisingly fast, perhaps in-part to its lack of brimrose phases

Ravager: 0:36
Multi-segment boss, so naturally quite weak to the flarenadoes

Duke Fishron: 0:49
Highly-mobile and one of the first bosses that's actively dangerous

Moon Lord: 0:15
Cutting roughly 80 minutes off the fight here, another case of sweet revenge. None against the Empress, though, as she isn't in the boss rush yet

Astrum Deus: 0:53
Lots of time spent with damage resistance, otherwise a worm boss so as before it's weak to flarenadoes

Polterghast: 0:58
Not much to say, here, aside from finally being able to kill Polter without accidentally killing the clone

Plaguebringer Goliath: 0:42
Another simple boss without much to say

Calamitas: 1:46
Its invulnerable segments dragged out the fight somewhat

Anahita & Leviathan: 1:07
Anahita with a brick and the flarenado spawned. However, they're both bulky enough to tank a hefty amount of damage compared to other Terminus bosses

Old Duke: 2:15
Beginning of the part of Terminus where bosses take a while to kill. Highly mobile, so hard to damage consistently

Slime God: 0:32
The exception to the prior comment. Weak to flarenadoes

Providence: 2:54
An expectedly lengthy Terminus fight, and probably one of, if not, the most dangerous

Supreme Calamitas: 4:50
Beat you like an hour ago, same things apply here as my gear is the same

Yharon: 1:20
Surprisingly quick because I caught him in a flarenado while he was stopping to roar; in-turn shredding most of his health

Devourer: 2:00
A worm boss admittedly not very weak to flarenadoes, but the chip damage adds up quickly against it

Time: 35:22
[Final Notes]
And with those two aspects of the Post-Game dealt with the run is now officially over.

Honestly, quite a fun run, as it highlights more than arguably any other how differently rogue is balanced compared to the vanilla classes... and perhaps might justify the statement that 'rogue is OP' considering I beat the end-game bosses in less than 10 minutes each with a starter item...

You might also be wondering 'how many Throwing Bricks' did this run take? Well, the answer was revealed quite some time ago all the way back in the Pre-Hardmode part: a modest 5,712
Yeah, the number on the TF2-themed Throwing Brick description wasn't an arbitrary number that let me call the bricks 'Epic'; it was genuinely the amount of bricks consumed.

Of course, not reclaiming some thrown bricks or bricks shattering or not will obviously affect this number, so I will say roughly 6,000 is a good round estimate to the number needed for this run.

Speaking of this run I'm sorry in advance for when the Dragon Scales get nerfed ;v;

That aside, I hope you all enjoyed reading through by Brick-oriented ramblings, and I hope to see you next time for whatever my next run is...
...perhaps one that links back to my challenge run origins...?

Either way, see you then 'v'
70 kommentarer
Unknown 6. juni kl. 11.07 
you forgor the bereft vassal from infernum mode
Okami Tomato  [skaper] 9. des. 2023 kl. 13.17 
At some point in the future I might add Astralgeldon Slime, Noxus and 'Totally Not Xeroc' to the challenge run roster, but uncertain since they're addon mods

But we'll see

(Tho for this run they're all totally possible just lengthy fights I imagine)
the bee movie 9. des. 2023 kl. 12.51 
Well done.

Now do the Godless Spawn, Noxus.

And then... The Nameless Deity .
Okami Tomato  [skaper] 17. okt. 2023 kl. 1.51 
Looking back at this I like how I went 'Yeah I'm gonna do a run based on a previous one' intending to finally write up bees only or a new rendition of Weaponless with all the changes but instead disappeared for a year only to return with the third worst Calamity run I can find to ever be documented

Gamercat09 6. juni 2023 kl. 11.07 
a true legend
Fishlord 3. mai 2023 kl. 18.29 
Make it a bit harder, make dreadnautilus and the sand shark a boss, or maybe it would have more of an impact, especially with the adult eidolon wyrm rework infernum is bringing in
Fishlord 3. mai 2023 kl. 18.27 
I wonder what these runs would be like on infernum mode
Okami Tomato  [skaper] 14. mars 2023 kl. 11.58 
Honestly didn't even notice that

Anyways, thanks 'v'
Devi 13. mars 2023 kl. 20.40 
I hate that AnarchyChess has spread outside of reddit. I should not be seeing "Brick to PIPI" jokes on STEAM.

Anyways this was a very interesting read, I'm curious to see what you come up with next!
TheAshiestAsh 8. feb. 2023 kl. 13.39 
this mad man