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Biotech Cloning
Mod, 1.4
11.428 MB
2022 年 10 月 29 日 下午 6:29
2022 年 11 月 23 日 下午 4:57
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Biotech Cloning

在 Dark 的 1 个合集中
Dark's Mods
7 件物品
Allows you to use Biotech's growth vats to grow clones.
Ever wished you could make more Hussars, Highmates, or any other xenotype? With this mod you can!

Requires Biotech DLC.

How to Use
  1. Research the new Cloning research project.
  2. Build a Clone Extractor (in the Biotech architect tab and costs 4 Advanced Components, among other things)
  3. Optionally build Gene Processors and Gene Banks nearby if you wish to add xenogenes to the new clone.
  4. Place a colonist into the Clone Extractor
  5. Choose the xenogenes to be added to the clone or inherited from the donor, if any.
  6. Place the resulting clone embryo into either a growth vat or implant into a living mother

How it works
The Clone Extractor building works like a combination of the Biotech Gene Extractor and Gene Assembler. Instead of outputting a genepack, it outputs a human embryo ready to be gestated into a full pawn.
When a donor pawn enters the Clone Extractor, you are given a dialog similar to the Biotech "Create Xenogerm" dialog, for creating the new clone's xenotype. You can choose to copy the xenotype from the donor directly or to add xengenes from your library, just like you would when creating a xenogerm. This follows the same basic balance rules as vanilla Biotech with genetic complexity and metabolic efficiency. If the donor pawn has archite genes, you will also need to have archite capsules available to clone their xenotype.
If you wish to clone the donor xenotype, you must clone the entire xenotype. You cannot pick and choose from the donor's xenogenes. This means that cloning xenotypes with a high genetic complexity is expensive.
The human embryo produced by the Clone Extractor contains all of the data necessary to clone the donor pawn. When the embryo is gestated and birthed (Either in a growth vat or in a pregnant mother), the baby has the clone data applied to it. This is also the point where the optional mutations system applies any mutated genes.
After the clone is born, raising them to adulthood is the same as raising a normal child in Biotech (For now, see the Potential Future Plans section).

What gets cloned
  • Gender
  • Germline genes
  • (Optionally) Xenotype
  • Body type
  • Head type
  • Fur type
  • (Optionally) Hair/beard style
  • Skin color

Includes an optional mutations system where clones have a random chance to gain genes on birth.
Mod settings allow you to customize overall mutation chance as well as which genes are eligible for mutation and how likely each gene is.
Defaults are mostly negative mutations but any gene can be added to the list, including modded genes in theory.

There is also a setting to force any gene to be applied to all clones. This includes the Sterile gene by default.

Includes a new starting scenario based on the classic Rich Explorer from vanilla with a twist. You start with the tech and building materials necessary to begin cloning yourself right away. Make sure to pick a pawn with enough construction skill to actually build the machine, though.

  • Should be safe to add to existing saves.
    You might get some errors or warnings in the log, but as far as I can tell it should work anyway.
    Don't remove from an ongoing save though.

  • Oops All Gene Banks - Patched to link the Clone Extractor to the buildings it adds
  • Questionable Ethics Enhanced - should be compatible, if mostly redundant. Untested.
  • Same Sex IVF - Compatible

  • Humanoid Alien Races Is not compatible!
    HAR itself is not officially compatible with Biotech yet, which this mod is fully based on. Until HAR officially supports Biotech, do not use this mod to clone pawns from HAR mods.
    It might be safe to run this mod at the same time as HAR as long as you don't try to clone any HAR pawns, but I cannot guarantee this.
    Once HAR officially updates with support for Biotech, I will start working on compatibility. Until then, the code for HAR is changing too much too quickly.

  • Potential conflicts with mods that modify pawn generation when babies are born.
    The birth process in Biotech's code is complicated, there are a lot of places where it could break if two mods both touch it.
    Please let me know if you find any such mods.

  • CE? Probably.

  • Please let me know if you find any other mods with incompatibilities, I will do my best to see if they can be patched.

Known issues
  • Clones of races from Humanoid Alien Races will be broken, with missing textures and more. Should be safe to run HAR at the same time as long as you don't try cloning an alien pawn, but this is entirely untested.
  • Xenotypes are not correctly being cloned. The RimWorld unstable beta is making significant changes to how custom xenotypes work, I will revisit this issue when that update is public, it should make fixing it easier.
  • The xenotype icon shown in the Clone Creation Dialog will not be correct in some circumstances.
  • Cloning mech serum is currently broken There is a temporary fix in the mod currently. It may be slightly buggy, waiting for changes to custom xenotypes that are currently in the unstable RimWorld branch to fix this.

If anyone wants to translate the mod, you have my blessing. Let me know if you do, and I'll add a link to your translation here.
Be warned though that this mod is still being worked on, so some strings might change and new strings will be added in updates.

Potential Future plans
  • Mod settings preset saving and loading.
  • A way to clone "personalities" AKA traits, skills, and maybe social relations.
  • More fleshed out mutation system (Ways to mitigate it, positive mutations, etc.)
  • Clone mood maluses.
  • Ideology memes/precepts related to cloning ethics?
  • Penalties for cloning clones.
  • A way to age up clones at an even faster rate.
  • Patch the Recluse trait to not mind being around clones of oneself.
  • Cloning from corpses affected by how well-preserved the body is.

Source on GitHub: https://github.com/JTJutajoh/RimWorld.Cloning
热门讨论 查看全部(5)
7 月 10 日 上午 7:46
置顶: Make Bug Reports/Suggestions here
2023 年 1 月 13 日 下午 12:45
Infinite Men in Black glitch? I was goofing around and killed all my colonists after doing some cloning stuff, when a bunch of Men in Black came in spawning infinitely until it crashed my game.
2023 年 9 月 22 日 下午 1:41
a pawn with adult stage has no adult body size
537 条留言
鲁迪乌斯·格雷拉特 9 月 1 日 下午 10:20 
I cloned male genes, but the resulting child is female?
Sumatris 8 月 30 日 下午 9:37 
I ended up here on my search for a designer babies mod, like something that lets you design a xenotype and then outputs an embryo instead of a xenogerm. This mod seemed like the closest thing there is on the workshop, but then I read it's abandoned and non-functional -.- .
London J. 8 月 13 日 下午 7:41 
The mod is not working, failure to spawn peds.
ivanmrzv91 8 月 11 日 上午 5:24 
Dead mod?
ElPapaDeTu 8 月 3 日 上午 6:42 
We needs you!
Velxra 7 月 20 日 上午 5:33 
Please update for 1.5 plz and ty
Xenon0529 6 月 21 日 上午 1:33 
1.5 PLZ...
ivanmrzv91 6 月 18 日 下午 12:05 
So, no chance of update?
I mean, unofficial attempt failed, so...
thibaultu 5 月 23 日 下午 12:46 
Hello, just to let you know there's a game breaking bug - possibly an incompatibility with camera+? If you zoom out to a certain level with a colonist in the gene extractor the game crashes :(
TracerFoxTEK 5 月 16 日 下午 1:09 
For those of you who simply can't be bothered to wait for an official update, there's a forked version, but if there's any bugs, don't come complaining here.