Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

25 ratings
By Hunter Yap
Access to this terminal is strictly prohibited and punishable by vaporization, only a personnel with a Level 5 clearance or above may access through.

Contact Doctor H. Avien if you are showing symptoms of mimicrification.

Remember to use the guide as a stepping stone.

The Trinity
Nonillion eons ago, before the fabrication of macrocosm emerges three primordial celestial beings from beyond the veil, The Trinity.

Each intrusted with a role to observe and fulfill for as long as the universe remains.

Their names were:

The One Who Laughs Slowly

The Son of Red Dawn

The Symphony and Rhythm of the Transactional World

Their existence were the subject and debate for many epochs, but there exist several individuals to have come into contact with said celestial beings directly, willingly or not.
The Foundation

The Interstellar Federal Alliance (or the I.F.A) is the central government and administrative body that oversees the cosmos, founded by Arthur Hones Rigortas, Fong Huo Lun and June Sixth.

Tasked with the protection and safegurd of the cosmos, they govern close to 45,753 planets and is one of the 5 members of the Authoritative and Confederacy of the Multiverse.

The Confederate of Riftwalker Foundation was established as a multigalactical conglomerate foundation on planet Rifttale. Founded by Holland Nikishima, the Foundation aims to assist in fields such as medical and technological advancements through out the cosmos. With the help of the Foundation, humanity's progression in advancing the galaxy has increased by up to tenfold.
The Discovery
In DATA EXPUNGED , an unexplained phenomenon was discovered far-flung within the depths of the Crescent Gaze, a giant mangled eye. Attempts at photographing and audio recording the entity results in completely warped and distorted outcomes. It was reported that the entity made a sound similar to a sinister laughter, before DATA EXPUNGED
The encounter lasted for ten minutes and twenty six seconds.

It was observed closely afterwards by multiple stations across the cosmos that planets with sentient life, flora and fauna, a habitual atmosphere or any form of natural resource were likewise beginning to crumble and wither away for unknown reasons.

It was soon uncovered with the aid of DATA EXPUNGED that the universe itself, is an entity (presumed to have connection to the aforementioned eyeball). The incident and subsequent discovery was labelled as The Vivus.

[One of the many failed attempts at
photographing the entity.]
The Phenomenons
Shortly after the discovery of Vivus, strange phenomenons started to occur rapidly across the galaxy. Skulls covered in blue orb manifested seemingly out of nowhere at a rapid pace, constantly making ghastly noises and screams. It is extremely hostile and attacks anything that moves by slicing them. It was discovered soon enough that they were lost souls wandering aimlessly in space, dubbed the Efforts made attempting to communicate lead to ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ DATA EXPUNGED‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

Individuals that were present in Soleada, Campo De Flores on planet Unidad witnessed what resembles to be a mirror crack appearing out of thin air in the sky somewhere around midnight. Minutes later, a giant otherworldly creature manifested from said crack and ravaged the city. A chaotic battle ensued afterwards for 23 hours. Although the invader was successfully wiped, the city suffered massive casualties and the city was destroyed overnight.

Survivors claimed the invader bears the appearance similar to an eldritch monster, a black and skinny figure with a crooked neck roughly estimated to be over 1250 feet or 381 meters. The creature was able to spawn tinier variants of itself to spread around and cause more damage. Others also claimed the spawnlings were able to create black portals on surfaces for unknown means, although there weren't any evidence to back such claims.

Medias all across the cosmos flocked to the city to make reports and interviews of the attack, with the name HAPPY CORPSE being chosen and given to the creature, much to the public's criticism and dismay.

[An image taken by one of the survivors, note the damaged lens.]

[Aerial view of HAPPY CORPSE taken by
a journalist, a rescue helicopter
is seen on the left.]

[Aftermath taken by a soldier, note the damaged lens.]
The Initiation

After the founding of the Riftwalker Foundation comes the Riftwalker Initiation, an elite intergalactical counterterrorism unit that falls under the direct supervision of I.F.A. The unit was formed by the Foundation to combat intergalactical and cosmic threats in a more effective way by assembling a team of elite operatives from nations all over the cosmos. The organization is led by individuals holding the title of Sigil.

Notable members include: The Huntress Riftwalker is one of the earliest members of the Initiation. Much of her background is unknown, as she operates on her own and does not take direct orders from the Initiation or Foundation. Despite all this, she is one of the most valuable member of the unit due to her extreme skills and capabilities. She wields the all rounded Heavy Pulse-Rifle, and is known to double tap everything. The Firecracker Riftwalker is the explosive and incendiary expert sharpshooter, armed with her Gyrojet Rocket Pistol. Despite being one of the elite members of the unit, she is largely considered to be a stray as there is an abnormal lack of data record on her and her sudden appearance on Serenity Station reinforces it. She shares a sister-like relationship with the Huntress. The Knight Riftwalker carries the mighty Peacekeeper Sword, a weapon capable of eviscerating foes with ease. A strong willed member, he's proven his worth and skill after successfully defending Havoc Station from waves of Dark Reinforcements alone for 37 hours. His charisma and tendency to crack jokes under pressure allowed him to boost the team's morale even during the darkest time. The Surveillance Deathwalker is one of the very few blessed and imbued with powers during birth, as he is capable of regenerating and reviving after injuries or deaths. Wielding a classic .357 with extreme precision, he works directly for the Foundation and is one of the highest ranking members of the group, as well as commanding the deadly F.D.I DEATH UNIT. He was given the Surveillance Camo suit, capable of hijacking any nearby surveillance device for use to further aid him in combat, The Darkwalker is one of the extremely few known people to have direct encounter with the Trinity, but said encounter has cursed him to forever be in darkness. One of the core members, he carries the signature Plinger Precision Rifle and is one of the main head medics on the team. Despite his grim encounter with the Trinity, said encounter granted him the uncanny ability to tap within the bounds of The Organs. The Elite Clonewalker is capable of spawning a clone of herself to aid in combat, both wielding the Stinger Rifle. Formerly part of the 606 Medical Battalion and considered by many to be one of the top new recruits, she made a reputation for herself for being effective in the fields and for playing a tower defense game during a planet destroying satellite bombardment. Her clone also has healing capability. The Sapper Riftwalker is a member working for the Foundation, Initiation and the F.D.I Death Unit. Everything about them remains an mystery, including their identity, face, background or even gender as their voice is heavily altered by the helmet. A combat engineer armed with the Enforcer Rifle, they command over Sappers that are capable of sapping enemies from afar and repair electrical items.

The Aftermath
After the event, the Riftwalkers officially stepped in to assist with further investigation on the attack. With more and more abrupt attacks on different parts of the cosmos, the Interstellar Federal Alliance and the Riftwalkers scattered across the spaceway to help fend off against the unwanted visitors, creating station outposts and evacuation camps along the way. Several planets were hit with an unknown vegetative spore-like infection, decimating and turning them into a Rotten Forest.

536-Inexorabyl was the first ever planet to succumb to the infection, and was labelled Condemned due to this.

As time went on, a new infection or sort began spreading, labelled as "Mimicrification". The host's living tissue would develop necrosis, turning into a dark blue state. After enough time has passed or the eventual death of the host, emerges a Mimic

The spreading method for mimicrification includes:

Via airborne or fluid transmission.
Close and unprotected contact or direct injuries sustained from an infected individual/Mimic.

Cures for mimicrification includes:

[1] dose of Tassanossin Shot (150mg)
[5] cups of Almond Milk (1100 milliliter)
[1] fatal wound to the brain or heart region (Death)

As time goes on, more and more intergalactical threats would emerge, the list includes:
Mutation of mimics, capable of burrowing beneath the fabric of reality for a surprise attack.
Mutation of mimics, spent most of their life submerged in water. Capable of moving stealthy and quietly.
The reanimation of the dead, stained with blood despite being invisible. Insatiable hunger for blood and brains. Capable of moving and clipping past entities.
Vegetable monstrosity found deep within the heart of the Rotten Forest. Extreme health and highly aggressive against any living entity.
Excreted void fragments from space, hostile creatures with towering height, attacks via claw.
Husk-like entity with high toxious property. Extremely tough and can detach venomous spiderlings from its body and throw them for further infection. Encountered within the Rotten Forest.
Territorial arachnid that resides in dark corners of abandoned moons. Highly lethal, agile and carnivorous.
Fast moving entity capable of burrowing beneath the fabric of reality, similar to Burrower Mimic but are twice as more dangerous and possesses nigh invulnerability.

Harvest Parasite
Small parasitic creature with an undermouth filled with unknown substance-fluid. Further testing required, use SUBJECT REDACTED

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The Outlaws
With the emergence of many otherworldly threats within the universe, The Dark Reinforcements capitalized on the ongoing chaos and declared intergalactical war against the I.F.A and every other authoritative order within the cosmos. The Dark Reinforcement is a nihilistic militant terrorist organization, sought to unite the universe under the order of chaos. Its members are easily identified via their headwear; a bulletproof helmet with a singular lens vision. The Division is a subdivision of the Dark Reinforcements, serving as the street level equivalent. Although not as well equipped as the former, they are equally dangerous and volatile. Triggerhappy Assault Bomber serves as the destruction battalion. Members comprised of cyborgs or individuals with cybernetic enhancements, armed with nigh-infinite amounts of explosives. They were responsible for the desecration and absolute destruction of planet Namida and Salcie, turning said planets into a barren wasteland. Quantum Guards are a mysterious faction. It is unknown whether they have any association as we have almost zero background data or information on them. The Machinist
are extremely smart individuals capable of constructing aggressive machineries from scrap. They've launched multiple cyberattacks against the C.F.T.C and F.D.I as part of their plan to crash the economy, and stormed the protective barriers of many stations and planets. Killer Beekeepers are heavily speculated to be the financers and weapon suppliers of the organization. They are enigmatic figures capable of controlling mechanical bees via unknown means. Sightings of them were reported on many planets, although their goals remained unknown.

The Organs
Within the Nexus Chain hides the deepest, darkest gateway of the universe, The Organs. An endless pocket dimension of unknown, incomprehensible and indecipherable origins. It was believed to be a mysterious malevolent wickedness so heinous that it means immediately invited death.

Time does not seem to exist in this dimension. People, techs and items originating from different eras were reportedly seen together. An amalgamation of space time in itself.

It thrived in phobia. It takes many forms and whispers devastating lies to those unfortunate enough to wander into it. Empowering false hope, satisfying its appetite. Freedom is possible, but near-impossibly sliver.
The Heart of Elara was one of the many residing within the tormented gateway. It favors using a destroyed pillar as a beacon and image for false hope and mockery.

Within the misplaced void lurks multiple old and mysterious burner phones. Those fortunate enough to wander into it will be met by the guise of Burner Phone-A-Friend. Its origin is unknown, with no possible conclusion to be made due to it only residing within The Organs. Their entire existence and purpose seems to be that of assisting anyone unfortunate enough to end up in the void.

Their void form can be killed despite seeming invulnerable, but it seem to have a limitless copy of itself. It will always return and happily assist anyone trapped in the hellish dimension.

undocumented directory‎‎

the following data mustn't be ███████. it is only available for a single ██████. failure to comply will result in execution of your family and loved ones infront of you.

fatal err

[X] 2735 PROBLEM(S)


hopefully they don't expunge this before the database server refreshes

the riftwalker foundation has been corrupt and rotten since the day it was founded

it was never about protecting the world, it has always been about the influence and spread of power

the absolute control and grasp over every inch of the universe favors more than the preservation of it

the ifa, wanjeon habeo, cftc, regeneration administration, ramittrifatio, fdi and ying guang were all corrupted to the core, they were all part of the programme

after the discovery of funus, they ordered wanjeon to construct inhumane, grotesque and
unspeakable abominations to hunt and kill the last few surviving members of the riftwalker initation

we must seek help

the lead survivors of planet noctarno
jawbreaker and violet fizz

the vigilante from planet madness
lost in nightmares

and the weapon master from planet savior

a war is coming

76561198143634162 27 Jun @ 8:06pm 
very epicc
Hunter Yap  [author] 26 Jun @ 10:44pm

Hunter Yap  [author] 17 May @ 7:08pm 
I love you Nikita thank u
76561198143634162 17 May @ 5:17am 
very fleshed out lore

you should get stephen speilberg or kevein feige to direct a movie universe of this
Hunter Yap  [author] 16 Feb @ 10:05pm 
terminal update

the terminal has been updated with additional information.

contact dr halverson if there are mistakes or errors
Hunter Yap  [author] 2 Feb @ 6:47pm 
lubosanto 2 Feb @ 8:00am 
very cool story
TonyPeppermint 29 Oct, 2023 @ 11:01am 
Nice work.
Hunter Yap  [author] 10 Sep, 2023 @ 9:32am 
theunhollowedhero 10 Sep, 2023 @ 9:00am 
cool story and lore