プラネット ズー

プラネット ズー

The Fright Fare
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2022年10月24日 7時34分
2022年10月24日 8時00分
2 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

The Fright Fare

If you are looking for fun and entertainment - this place is not the right one. The Fright Fare was a project that just failed in all ways possible. After the fare's opening in 1974, the founders, the Maddox Brothers didn't quite get the response from the people, that they were hoping for. Barely anyone came to visit the park, the ones who did ended up getting hurt on the rides due to some mysterious accidents that nobody was able to explain. Trying to recover from this catastrophe of a start into the entertainment business, The brothers tried to upgrade the park by adding the exotic Siamangs and even an Orangutan to the show. Needless to say, that completely backfired. The monkeys escaped their cages, many people got hurt, the Fare was abandoned and the primates made it their new home.

Now, 48 years later, people still claim to hear the Siamangs call coming from the grounds of Fright Fare.
Would you like to buy a ticket to see their show? (insert evil laughter here)