A Plague Tale: Requiem

A Plague Tale: Requiem

87 ratings
In-depth A Plague Tale: Requiem Ending Explanation
By ★ FmNey ★
A plague tale is not a fairy tale, it brings real life concepts into a video game, not many story games have gone this deep. The story might confuse some players, but the experience from this game is also a life experience that humans have to go through one day.
Explanations here are based on a philosophical point of view. In order to comprehend this guide, you must be willing to ponder on what is written, if it's right for you then acknowledge, if it's too much nonsense just simply let go.

For better or worse, anyone who is not in a tranquil state of mind, having strong emotions or mental disorders should read with care!
Huge thanks to the devs team for putting their hearts and souls into creating this marvellous game.🙏

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Game's story concept
It is recommended to play this soundtrack in the background while reading.🎵
Amicia tried to save Hugo desperately, was lost and felt hopeless in her own mind. She had 2 options, which was to follow her own belief or to follow the sun. Hugo had made this mistake many times. The rats destroyed the island, where Hugo thought he would find the Macula cure, then he realized that the phoenix in his dream was just an illusion after experiencing a devastating reality in front of his eyes.

If Amicia refused to believe in what Hugo said, she would create false hope in her mind, make the same mistake and get stuck in the loop of phoenix statues pointing endlessly for eternity. But if she surrendered herself to the Sun and headed for the pure ray of hope, she would find salvation.

We are usually misled by what other people say about our lives. For example this is right and that is wrong, this is good and that is bad... Everything is not absolute, it's ever-changing, what is right for one might not be right for others. Find and listen to your own inner voice which will guide you, and only you toward liberation without causing harm to yourself and others.

Then Amicia had to face her fear, the fear of losing loved ones. Life is not about how many enemies or deemed "bad guys" you defeat, but how you conquer your fear and distorted belief.
Hugo gave in his worldly body to the plague but definitely not his spirit, he had become one with the voice inside Amicia's head, and now it was guiding her toward realizing the Truth.

Around Amicia were many skull-shaped mountains, from which came innumerable rats. She was given 4 types of ammo: Ignifer, Extinguis, Odoris and Tar. She had to fight relentlessly, lure the rats away or surrender to Death itself. In a common sense, most people would choose to fight death and cling to life rather than happily let go. Here comes another reality: no one can cheat Death, Death is a cure but also a poison, either one has to die in peace or live in agony.
After a while, Hugo showed his sister the path with reasons, Amicia then accepted the Truth, extinguished the only light source and decided to let the almighty rats take over.

Sometimes in life all one needs to do is to stop fighting back and let go of one's ego or the illusion of controlling everything. Nobody is perfect, the more you fight, the harsher you're torturing your mental and spiritual Self, that's the root of any mental disorder like depression, anxiety... You must know your limits and capabilities against life's reality.

Having surrendered to the rats, they showed utmost respect toward Amicia and Lucas and made a way for them to move forward. In front of them was the body of her unconscious brother entangled with the Macula plague.
Amicia had to face the toughest decision of her life that was to finish Hugo. Heavy-heartedly, Amicia slowly raised her sling but with a determined mindset, she shot her dearest brother in the head...

Darkness is the absence of light, black rats were powerful but the only thing they were afraid of was light. Same thing in life, you don't fight desperation with desperation, violence with violence, hatred with hatred... Only the pure intention toward divine love for other living things, enlightenment and courage to let go of misery can dispel darkness.

Amicia and Hugo were united and both had found Peace. Although what Amicia killed was Hugo's body, she could not kill the love and good will of him for his sister. Therefore Hugo's soul was then united with Amicia and forever stayed within her Heart.

The sign of true love cannot be explained in words like "I love you" or by any means, it is when someone does everything but expect nothing in return for the ones who they care about.
Throughout the course of the two Plague Tale games, players get a priceless chance to experience just that. Not a single moment Hugo was not loved no matter how tough the situation was. Amicia, Lucas, Sophia... did everything just to see Hugo happy. Some had even sacrificed themselves to give him hope during his traumatic times, that was the only cure for the Macula plague, albeit out of this world.

In the end, Hugo's vision came true, all he had to do was to give up searching outwardly. It was the art of true love for people whom he cares that gave him courage and led him toward heaven, where every disease can be cured.

Where do people go after they're dead? Into the void, the nothingness. Where does the Heart get the energy to pump? From nothing, it pumps continuously from the day you were born till death.
Death is not the end, it's the beginning of a new Life form, just like depicted as a Phoenix. Never feel sorrow for the deceased, be happy for them, they're now resting in peace within their beloved ones' hearts, watch over them and give them life energy. Therefore you'd better not feel lonely and grief or it will eat your heart like those rats and destroy what your loved ones have died for, instead, keep moving on with your life and keep them in your mind.

May the conscious voice and the heart of your loved ones guide you throughout this earthly Life.

In-game dialogues (chronological order)
It is recommended to play this soundtrack in the background while reading.🎵
Hugo: Is this... dying?
I don't want... to die...
It's going away.
It's the water.
You saved me. Thank you.
Can I come back here? With someone?

Beatrice: You're thinking too much... sometimes it's better just to trust your feelings...
Lucas: I'm trying, but I... I get stuck in the logic of it.
Beatrice: Subtances obey natural laws. The Macula does too. You don't need logic, Lucas... you just need to be human.
Lucas: Maybe... I'm just not very good at being human.
Beatrice: You are, this is why you have doubts.

Amicia: I don't know what's happening to me, Lucas. I feel my mind going.
Lucas: Yes, because this world hurts, and it keeps hurting, and you want to hurt it back... But it's a fight you cannot win, Amicia... You are not them. You are a De Rune.

Hugo: No! I want it to stop for real!
Amicia: I'm sorry...
Hugo: I want it to stop, Amicia...
Beatrice: It will! In Marseille, they'll help you!
Hugo: It's not true!
You keep saying that but you're lying! Lying!
Beatice: Hugo... I...
Amicia: Please, calm down... You have the right to be sad and angry... But I won't let you down, you know it...
Beatrice: We'll find a way... We will...

Amicia: Hey... Don't look at that.
Hugo: Why not? It won't make them go away. It won't undo it.
Amicia: Hugo, your were having a seizure.
Hugo: I don't want to go to Marseille. More people will die! You know it!
Amicia: Mother wants you to...
Hugo: No. The island. It's where I must go. It's where I will be fixed, Amicia! We can find it! Please!
Nobody listens! I told Mother I felt unwell but the Magister shushed me. He said it was part of the test... Mother and the Magister, they think they know... but they don't. And people die... because of me...
Amicia: Hey hey hey... I know! I will do what's good for you. I will.

Countess: You. Your heads are bent. Your humility honours you.
You will walk His flame through His darkest hours.
You will walk in his steps, know the cold that bites the flesh, the drowning in the absense of light. The uncertainty.
You will see the Child die through the eyes of His Mother.
You will be the victim and the witness.

Hugo: This place was supposed to help! But it's still the same! It's even worse!
Sophia: Hugo. Look at me. Hugo, look at me!
Amicia: Sophia...
Sophia: Why are you crying?
Hugo: Because you're going to leave! Because of me!
Sophia: Calm down! Now you listen to me... I've never seen anything like you two. And, for some stupid reasons, I like you. And I like you at the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ worst of your life, right? I'm fine with that. Even the strangest things happen for a reason. Sailors stories are full of it. That said... YOU need to seriously calm down and listen to what adults tell you! Deal?
And YOU, are not a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ army! HE looks up to you! And when your death-wish becomes his... this is what happens! And this will have consequences.

Hugo: It's unfair! When I die...
Amicia: You won't die.
Hugo: I will also kill them all!
Amicia: No... Hugo... He wasn't meant to die! When they took him from his protector, he lost hope, so he gave in to the Macula and condemned them all!
Hugo: And he was right!
Amicia: No... But if one word from her had reached him, he would have known he wasn't alone! He would have lived! And spared millions!
Do you understand? You WON'T die! I'm here for you. And I will give you the life you deserve... A life without fight... Do you want that? Let's just find ourselves a home.

Amicia: Yes... I'm sorry you had to see that... The Macula lured you in...
Sohpia: The Macula really has a way with children.
Hugo: They put chains on him...
Amicia: Yes... but you'll live. That's what's most important.
Hugo: That's not what's most important! I'm scared to think people are that bad... I'm scared of what they will make me do.
Amicia: You're right... Listen... There will always be people who do terrible things... that's how the world is. But you have to trust in your own goodness. And goodness of others. People who care. Who want you do be happy. Friends...
Sophia: Like me!
Amicia: Friends make you want to be good, right?
If you doubt it, I understand... but you can trust me. You can trust us.
Hugo: I trust you.

Beatrice: Love can kill, Emilie. By the time you realise that, it will be too late.
Countess: For now, it will be quick.
Beatrice: I'm so proud of you.
Amicia: No... NO!

Amicia: I want... rest...
Lucas: You can rest when you're safe!
Amicia: We will never be, Lucas... Never... There can be no peace for us... Look at him... Look...
Lucas: I'll lead the way. Don't think. Just follow me. I'll be your path. The both of you. I'll carry you if I must. But I'm taking you out of here.

Hugo: It will kill the sun.
Amicia: What?
Lucas: The Sun Killer... The Light Devourer! It's the Nebula the old texts talk about! It's real...
Hugo: I'm home.
Amicia: No, no, this isn't home... Hugo, Look at me! You hear me Hugo? We can find that bastard Count and kill him!
Lucas: NO! ENOUGH! He's drowning, Amicia! Focus! You need to push back. Talk to him, keep him afloat. He needs YOU!

Sophia: Wait, and your mother?
Hugo: She won't come back...
Amicia: We must go. Now.
Sophia: I see... I'll take it from here...
Hugo: She's never coming back.
Amicia: I know...
Hugo: I... I wanted... to tell her... A lot of things...
Amicia: Me too... But she knew. Everything, already... You were her greatest gift. She loved you the way you are. The way she made you...
We will live. And we will heal. The scars... We keep them. So that we don't forget. So that we can accept. Until they don't hurt anymore.

Amicia: It's ruined... It'll never sail again.
Arnaud: Boats come and go... but it's the sea that keeps Sophia going. You know what I mean... Focus on what matters to you... because when it's gone...
Amicia: ... Thank you.

Amicia: Lucas... I must say... It's an honor to have you by my side.
You're the most reliable... steady... nice thing in the world.
Lucas: I don't know... But... you're my family.
Sophia: You're sharing all this because you think you won't make it?
You all still have a lot to live. So you'll make it. This is a damn order.

Sophia: Sorry
Amicia: Don't be.
You've done more than enough.
Lucas and I, we've... been through this before. Sort of.
Sophia: Not all legends need sailors, huh?
That's sad.
Go. And come back with him.
Amicia: I'll see you under the sun.
Ending dialogues (chronological order)
It is recommended to play this soundtrack in the background while reading.🎵
Amicia: Am I losing my mind?... Hugo?! Are you doing this?!
"All natural laws stop here"...
Did you... put them here, Hugo?
Hugo: No... you did.
Amicia: Hugo! Thank the Lord! Where are you?
Hugo: I'm here, I'm close.
Amicia: I can't see you!
Hugo: Because you're still looking back.
Amicia: Those birds are the only thing here! They're showing the way, aren't they?
Hugo: We tried that way, Amicia, and it was a lie...
Amicia: Not entirely... There... There was truth in it!
Hugo: It was a lie and it brought death.
Amicia: People brought it! Hugo... I need a way to get you out of here!
Hugo: You need new ways. Things have changed, but you're still thinking as if they haven't.
Amicia: I'm... I'm trying!
Hugo: Why are you still following those birds?
Amicia: I'm lost, Hugo! I don't know what to do!
Hugo: This place belongs to the past. Leave it. Find your own way.
Amicia: What's... happening to me?... I feel...
Hugo: I know you're lost and scared... But I'm with you...
Amicia: I'll do whatever it takes... I want... to see you.

Amicia: What is that?... Hugo! Where am I?!
What the hell?! Get back! You're still just ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ rats... I'll burn you all!
You want me to run away?! I'll get him back! You hear me?!
Hugo: I've seen you fight so many times...
Amicia: Don't worry! I'll get them!
Hugo: You still won't back down, will you?
Amicia: It's us or them! I have no choice!
Hugo: You have a choice... But it scares you.
They're not the enemy. Be at peace with yourself. Please...
Amicia: I... I know... It's so hard, Hugo!
Hugo: You can do it... Let go. For once surrender. Put out this flame and join me.
Amicia: There! I get it! This is pointless... I surrender! I'm tired of all this!... Too tired to fight... Please, I need to see you...
Hugo: I'm proud of you.
Amicia: Where... Where are you?
Hugo: I'm here.
Amicia: Hugo!... Come!... Come! I thought I'd never see you again...
Hugo: Me too...
Amicia: I was so scared...
Hugo: But you've done it...

Hugo: I loved this place... and these people...
Amicia: You have to stop this...
Hugo: I can't.
Amicia: Just focus! You did it before!
Hugo: Have you already forgotten?!
Amicia: It's a lie! It's the Macula playing tricks!
Hugo: I AM the Macula now! I am!
Amicia: What?... No...
Hugo: You knew it could happen. It's too late.
Amicia: No, no, no!
Hugo: I let the Macula take all of me. Now this is what happens.
Amicia: I... I know...
Hugo: We must do something, we must stop people from dying!
Amicia: Maybe if we leave... it will stop... Hugo can it stop?
Hugo: I'm eating them, Amicia. Not just them but all the others, and even more as the rats spread.
Amicia: So this is the end?
Hugo: Not completely... We have one chance. The last one...
Amicia: Tell me, I'll do anything...
Hugo: I think you know already...
Amicia: I...
Hugo: You must stop me... to stop the Macula.
Amicia: Hugo... You can't... ask me that.
Hugo: You're the only one who can stop me from becoming a monster.
Amicia: You're not a monster...
Hugo: I will be... if I kill all I love... all these nice things you showed me...
Amicia: I understand... but...
Hugo: Please Amicia...
Amicia: I... I'll try...

Amicia: Hugo... WHERE ARE YOU?!
Hugo: I'm sorry. But you're ready now. To save everything.
Amicia: Ready?! How can I be ready for this?!
Hugo: I know... But I can't stop myself now. Only you can stop me.
Amicia: Hugo...
Hugo: I love you. I've been happy with you. Goodbye, Amicia.
Amicia: I love you!... I love you so much...
Expected questions
Why didn't they kill Hugo at the start?
- Morally and spiritually, it would be meaningless, human beings are not born just to be dead, it has to have reasons, the De Rune family and those who were dear to Hugo had to go through suffering, pains then realized love and compassion were the purpose of their lives would make everyone's death much more meaningful, especially Hugo's.

If Hugo could control the rats, why did they hunt him?
- The plague is in fact the subtle forces within, let's say, emotions. Sometimes we could control our emotions, but other times, emotions control us, same thing for the rats. That is why whenever Hugo was emotionally affected, the rats burst out.
Right from the start, the Macula tried to lure Hugo to the "Island" to find the "cure" for his problem, in other words, they tried to get him to "Heaven" to "free" him from suffering (Heaven is a great word that our ancestors used to imply Death, it has positive meanings and doesn't strongly affect people's negative emotions compared to hearing Death alone, also it does not need to be religious). This is why Hugo preferred feathers to flowers, so that he could fly to Heaven. That is also why the rats disagreed whenever Amicia wanted to keep Hugo alive and miserable. But when she surrendered her effort, they showed deepest respect.

Is there no other way to save Hugo from the Macula?
- Death is never the only option, the other way to suppress the Macula was to live happily as a family on the road like they did a few months ago. But to play a game without any context to it, doing chores, without suffering, without realization, would it be this great of a game?
People say "Rest in Peace" but they don't know there's another option, that is to "Live in Peace", aren't our lives go the same direction?

What could the after-after-credit hint possibly mean?
- Potential concept of the "next game" if there would be one:
The plague Macula represents darkness, the evil within. Only true love like what Amicia did for Hugo can enlighten and liberate the carrier from suffering.
To think about it, nowadays do humans have that kind of Amicia's love for her brother? Absolutely not, people are becoming more selfish, arrogant, spreading obnoxious lies and causing harm to each other... Not only do they destroy themselves, but they also kill millions of people, animals... as well as the Earth, exactly what those rats did.
Doesn't it show that the "Macula plague" exists within each of us? This time another child will bear that Reality of today's world into the third Tale as we say goodbye to Amicia & Hugo.

(If you have any question that still troubles you about this ending, let it be known in the comment sections)
ussmarines 20 Mar @ 8:47pm 
i was listening to the main theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycxP8CKepJ8 when I was reading this,

I Cry, but not in a bad way :)

Thank you :)
☽ | Amicia | ☾ 9 Oct, 2023 @ 4:55am 
Just...thank you. This Ending really broke my Heart, but not in a bad way. :aptrfeather:
Salt_Extractor 20 May, 2023 @ 11:22am 
A beatiful read.
I think Amicia made me understand that fighting a lost battle can be immensly important, to give others hope even if there is none, and stand by your principles, no matter the scars, pain or broken bones.
"...people are becoming more selfish, arrogant, spreading obnoxious lies and causing harm to each other... Not only do they destroy themselves, but they also kill millions of people, animals... as well as the Earth, exactly what those rats did."
As someone who puts in extra effort to be left alone by others, I kinda feel sad I won't ever experiacne those few good things that are left.
But I guess that does let me "live in peace".
Yomer 11 May, 2023 @ 7:31pm 
This game is certainly one of the best love stories I've ever read/watched/experienced. The paradoxical "pure" love relationship of the siblings yet the pair unleashes unfathomable amount of anguish, pain and suffering on the people around them was quite interesting and thought provoking. From purely a utilitarian viewpoint just outright killing Hugo as soon as possible would be the correct moral choice. But then we wouldn't have such an epic tale :)
Parry Hotter 4 Mar, 2023 @ 1:47am 
I refuse to accept Requiem's ending. Yes it was emotional and thought provoking, as it was meant to be, but it was not deserved. The entire game takes place in a span of only a few days. Even with hints of (what needs to be done) given to us by the story's dialogue the ending comes rather abruptly after having dealt with trauma only the night before.

The pacing was all over the place. I felt that the devs mashed two games together as if they were going to make a third, decided it was to much and ended it right then and there. That's just my opinion.

I feel that Asobo is going to miss out on potential sequels (or even prequels) where the dynamic of both brother and sister could have been developed even further and with great affect.
Enchanted 11 Jan, 2023 @ 2:55pm 
And I absolutely love the dialogue you included with the choice of soundtrack :p4g_love::p4g_singing:
Enchanted 11 Jan, 2023 @ 2:51pm 
Great explanations but I like to think that Hugo was using his last bit of free will to control the rats allowing Amicia and Lucas to pass, either way the ending absolutely destroyed me. Thanks for the post game depression Asosbo studio :SadSally:
★ FmNey ★  [author] 16 Dec, 2022 @ 12:50am 
Thank you for your feedback, I may edit some parts to avoid causing even more confusion.
Mountainlifter 15 Dec, 2022 @ 10:53pm 
"In the end, Hugo's vision came true, he got what he dreamt about, all he had to do was to give up searching outwardly. It was the art of sacrifice......."

He first gave in to anger and hatred and let the Macula take over when he thought that his sister had been killed. That's what caused the explosion that destroyed Marseilles. He calls letting the macula take over his mistake. When no solution was left but his own death to stop the continuing effects of the mistake, he accepted it. He accepted his death gracefully. He accepted that none of his dreams would come true - not the pheonix cure, not the hope of living in the mountains. Only Vaudin's "dream" came true. There's no inner journey towards heaven, no giving up of searching outwardly; he was just a young boy and not a philosopher or "seeker". Acceptance of one's situation is key here, not the fulfilment of dreams in a different way. It's a tragic ending.
Mountainlifter 15 Dec, 2022 @ 10:53pm 
Here are alternate interpretations of some parts. Or you can think of them as questions I am asking:

"Having surrendered to Death, the rats showed utmost respect toward Amicia and Lucas and made a way for them to move forward. In front of them was the body of her unconscious brother entangled with the Macula plague."

Alternatively, this could be interpreted as Amicia deciding to just stop fighting and in the process, stop being a threat to the rats. The rats, seeing no threat, leave them alone and give them way. She didn't surrender to death but just stopped fighting, come what may. She literally says, "I am too tired to fight" and not say, "I am ready to die". She is a protector and has been protecting through fighting and struggle. What she has to do next would be to not protect - to kill the person she's been fighting to protect. So, first all fighting must cease.