War for the West

War for the West

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Veni, Vidi, Vici
By Fallen King
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The War for the West is a grimdark 485,000 word interactive medieval fantasy novel by Lucas Zaper. Rule the land as you see fit, using alliances, intrigue or warfare to establish your House as a dominant force in the realm's politics.
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♔♕ Royal Background ♚♛
The purpose of this guide its mock one of the most hated characthers of the series, while doing a bit of roleplaying as well. It's based on a run did, where PC/MC crushes Noeydas pride and any hope for him getting a heroic legacy. By becoming the lord of Sielccia, destroying House Sielcner claim over the Western Throne and enforcing our claim as the true and legitimate heir of King Vytheo Sielc.
I remember playing and feeling, holy sh!t i'm doing a bit like Caesar when I murder that fool on his own camp and then throw a speech that makes his followers bend the knee and avoid blooshed. While this is also a epic way of dealing with our nasty rival, I personally preffer the one where we fights with Sielcner forces at the battlefield, since it enables us to reach a scenario where these same fierce loyal followers will choose PC/MC over Noyedas, delivering his body to us.

Now, let's take a look at the background i choose for my PC (Player Character) while doing this conqueror run:

"You are a man called Hans of House Habsburg, the current lord of Teutoburg.
You descend from an old and noble lineage that always had power in the West.
Your ancestors fought against the Meinstrel at first but were forced to bend the knee eventually, maintaining the majority of their lands due to the prestige of your house.
Your late father, Lord Sigismund, was known for his military prowess and ruthlessness.
Your mother, Lady Stella, died during childbirth.
The color of your house is red, and its heraldry shows the famous dragon. Your motto is "Fire in Our Veins."

Source of the Image: https://coamaker.com
♗♗ The Holy Prophecy ♝♝
"I saw a sword drowning in the waters of a river that runs red and I saw the ruined strings play a lullaby for the sleepy lion…and above all stood the dragon, my lord. A red glow around it, almost too bright to look upon, outshining the stars in the night sky."
Seyell the Soothsayer, The Holy Prophet, 1362

Source of the Image - Crusader Kings II

The red banner shall rule over the blue one, that will mark the rise of the red dragon... some heretics may say its a cursed omen, "That when the dragon drank from the river, the river would run dry.", but these are all lies fabricated by the ones who fear the truth and lack in the faith...

Source of the Image - Crusader Kings II

"The old dragon would quench its thirst by consuming an entire river.
And from the last droplets of its water, a child would be born.
The stars would fall from the sky, and the servants would rise from the waters.
And the pale tree without fruits who rooted itself in deception would turn on the savior.
And blood would be spilled by those who share it.
And only when the true king sat on the rightful throne,
Then the War for the West would have a swift end.
And the War for the World would start."
Meybuk, Royal Scholar of the Western Kingdom, 1362"
♙♙ Noyedas Sielcner - Rival, Pawn, Fool ♟♟
Now, let's state a basic fact: Lord Noyedas is a PRICK! lol and for that, this arrogant fool must suffer! And have his image tarnished as well. Humilation its the most devastating blow we can inflict upon such pretentious "king".
The most validating evidence of his stupidity its when you allow him to have the fallen star... lmao
So let's proceed with our brutal crushing of Lord Noyedas pride and legacy in this guide...

To start, when we meet him for the first time in the parley at the province border, it's good to reveal to him about our sielc blood, he reacts with a arrogant remark, if I have to bet, the poor brat its sick of envy just with the possibility of what we say to him maybe being true, would explain why he strips us from most of our aurens and troops when we agrees to side with him, just think about that... maybe he probably suspects, but my take on that, its that he is affraid of having a alliance with a lord/lady who are a equal in matters of wealthy and strength.
After we are done messing with the kiddo feelings, pick the option "you are mulching mad", just for the sake of making him more angry xD

During the parley dialogue, he will reveal that he is indeed the one who ordered wrathful father murder... yeah, the spy on the dungeons isn't lying, he endured enough beating most probably because of the war monk training, but still break under enough "persuasion" and interrogation xD, probably the young lad didn't have the more stronger of the wills...
(btw, Wrathful father its the Best father xD , come on, dude its a neat version of Tywin Lannister)
And for that nasty crime against our family, let's say, to hell with the parley white flag, we must preserve our family honor...

So let's use Draconic Claw/Fellsword (the sword forged from the meteorite) to kill him, the bastard will get badly wounded and flee from us, but will survive thanks to the war monk talents, but a neat detail, its how the wound doesn't fully heals, and leaves him with a disgusting scar on his arrogant face ^^

♘♘ At the Battlefield ♞♞

Then we either endure the upcoming siege or face the enemy in the open field, you are free to choose which strategy you like more, but for a "Caesar in Gaul" moment do a speech before the battle, promissing to your man one auren for each rivermen killed.
When the battle comes to a close, if you have the numbers and right tactics to win, and survived the carnage of the battlefield (Sir Brendel charge...), the little brat the enemy calls lord, will make a run for his life.
Pick the option that makes possible for him flee the battlefield, the coward will ride towards Riverine Castle like a dog with his tail between the legs : )

♖♖ Siege & Conquest ♜♜

Now let's choose the option to invade Sielccia and annex the province by the right of conquest... No need to ask the weak Lion for permission (The King of Ludland), he is too busy trying to supress the revolt funded by his eastern merchants...
So it's time to teach these rivermen how a proper siege is made!
But DON'T BURN THE CASTLE, its yours and also a important legacy of your family...

Yeah, i know how ironic sounds, the Red Dragon talking about showing restraint and not burning that prick alive lol, but that will repaid in a cool way I belive, since Riverine its what remains of King Vytheo Sielc rule and lineage, its a symbol that everybody in the West knows. Burning it most probably will cause turmoil among the rivermen in the sequel, while moving our court to the intact castle most probably will ensure some additional stability to the kingdom and Sielccia province, and also fits a lot well with our old and proud background.
But I admit, burning Riverine to the ground its also a neat and badass choice, since it makes me remember of GoT Balerion and Aegon teaching a similar lesson to a arrogant prick as well lmao
But at least for me, I think such choice fits more with a Ruthless PC/MC of Northern descent.

"It takes you almost a year, but the remnants of the Sielccian troops protecting the castle finally break from thirst and hunger. They abandon their arms and open the gates, pleading for their lives.
They even present you with the body of Lord Noyedas. It seems they killed their liege, for he had no intention of letting them leave."

The most wise option here its enforce a siege over the castle, eventually his own followers will kill that loser for us, then they will deliver his body as a way of pleading mercy to the PC, this way we can make them bend the knee.

Further reason of why I think Noeydas it's a fool:
Like, he could have offer a Parley to you at the long siege
Cry for mercy for him and to his servants/castle garrison be spared
But he didn't, he choose to mad stay defying us to the end and everybody should do the same, thats was his last order in that scenario, and different from his ancestor Vytheo, he doesn't have the same skills of charisma (social), inteligence (knowledge) or martial doctrines (combat) to inspire his followers, without the Warmonk "training" to his elite force, he would be even less of a player than he is, in other words: the Warmonk does a better job of inspiring his forces than their own liege, and interesting detail here, the Warmonk after the main battle is lost for Noeydas, leaves him, he doesn't withdraw to Riverine Castle with Noeydas few remaining and tired forces, he probably realized Noyedas isn't the hero of the prophecy, and for that he isn't willing to follow the fool on his coming fall.
I can picture the folk of Sielccia spreading word of such tale around, with our bards help ofc
Just imagine if the fool offered such a parley and asked for mercy for his followers
He would have been remembered with a more good light by some people
And imagine if that scenario, of him being more humble and cunning happened, and we didn't spare him, then maybe we could have been seen as more of a conqueror like Meinstrel, than of a liberator/savior for the Sielccia people.
A "Caesar in Gaul" moment...
Later there's the option of broke or fulfill your promise of rewarding your soldiers for their efforts (it's the one you can make during the battle speech, promissing them one auren for every rivermen they kill).

"The soldiers who fought the Rivermen hold you to your promise of paying them an auren for each slain enemy. Accounts vary—and there has been plenty of arguing—but in the end, the majority agree that the money should be split equally among all the surviving participants.
This amounts to about four thousand aurens, as that is the number of confirmed kills, give or take.

[_] - I pay the soldiers in full.
[X] - I will offer small titles of land in Sielccia instead."

"You see the situation as an opportunity to place people loyal to House Habsburg inside the recently conquered province, and the majority of your soldiers accept this decision. They will have a place to raise their families, and they will take up arms again if needed to protect their new homes.

This, of course, serves your purposes well."

About that specific choice, i think it will impact on our rule over Sielccia in the sequel. I always take this option, due it being a good way of rewarding veteran soldiers loyal to us, and making the land more loyal to our cause as well. My guess is they would become something like manor lords/gentry i think, the lowest status in medieval society, but better than a common peasant if i'm not wrong.
And for having loyal and veteran folk inside of our new conquered province, it makes me think of Caesar in Gaul when i did that with my MC, because part of his goal in doing this have been making the recent conquered land become more roman and less of a foreign territory.

A important and key choice now, its reveal for the public about our Sielc Blood, picking the choice of sponsor bards to chant and play tales about us being the rightful heir of King Vytheo, also helps a lot.
Since this way, they get to see us as the true beacon of hope for their old and proud western kingdom arise back. Because they won't see you as a invader, but as someone who take back what have been rightfull yours all allong.
And for what I can guess and heard about the sequel, we will have the option to move our Royal Capital and Court to Riverine Castle in Sielccia, making our claim over their fealty even more stronger.
I think theres a diference about we putting him down and his own people doing it
Probably in the next game nobody would be able to blame us for slaughtering their "king" or anything like that, like that narrative of our protagonist being like the Meinstrel invander.
I say this because folk like Sir Brendel was a lot fanatical with their oath to Lord Noyedas, and takes a good amount of social stat to convince them of not attacking you after killing their lord at his camp, but if the own Sielccia folk do this, we can true say that they choose us over Noyedas.

Result: Complete victory over Noyedas, I believe we true broke the man and his aspirations by acting this way, tarnishing his image and legacy, marking him as a loser and a fool in the western history.

Doing this we also delivered justice towards our father and the most devastating punishment for The Mad King who hears a Crimson Crown from the stars, while also becoming the rightful and long waited king of the west. Sielccia didn't have been conquered by you, but liberated!

General Thoughts about the Series so far
First of all, I'm a big fan of Lucas Zaper, War for the West writer. And I decided to write this "guide" as a tribute to his amazing work, and also as a form of roleplaying about mine favorite path in this game series, "The Conqueror" one. When the sequel "Wake of the Wyrm" comes out we will have the challenge of keeping our kingdom together and also surviving the upcoming star storm, the temple threat, ambitious northern warlords, mad cultists, the Wyrm... and much more for what i have seen in the demo xD
And for what i heard about the yet to be developed third game, that still doesn't have a know name, appears we will have a more stable and solid rule/kingdom, after dealing with the second game challenges, and also more focus in that specific feat of conquering new lands for our banner. I get the impression at the end of the series, in one of the paths, we will have estabilished a new empire (Ludlandar in the East, the Northern kingdoms, Dagoria, etc).
A very neat feature that should I point here, its how our map changes during the gameplay, like for example, if we choose to conquer the province of Sielccia, I'm most sure this feature is here to stay, and a welcome one, since it adds a lot of depth to the game. Btw, in Highlands Deep Waters, the map also changes a bit i think, it shows how the author its dedicated and enjoy details when creating his stories, thats one of the reasons his writing its amazing.

We are the start of more than conquests, we are at the start of a amazing franchise! The true Conqueror its Lucas Zaper, unifying words into a beautiful kingdom of choices. Due that I'am always looking foward for his next work xD

The Hype march for
"The Wake of the Wyrm"
shall goes on!

Fallen King  [author] 14 Oct, 2023 @ 1:34pm 
:easternromanempire: :aod_salute: :westernromanempire:
Erzebet Bathory 14 Oct, 2023 @ 12:46pm 
You have now inspired me to give this a go on the Conquerer route, though I'm going (mostly) blind. Oddly, I was already planing to go full Targaryen.
The Gooberest Goob 5 Sep, 2023 @ 8:25pm 
Ave, hail Caesar!