New Tales from the Borderlands

New Tales from the Borderlands

46 rating
100% Achievements + Gameplay Walkthroughs (WIP)
Oleh Raxrr
Work in progress, will soon be updated with all episodes + Achievement guide.
Batalkan favorit
Achievements - UNMISSABLE (14/26)
Who Needs Keys?
Perform a Super Science Slap.

Totally Intentional
Fail an action for the first time.

Each Sold Separately
Obtain a Vaultlander figure.

We're In
Complete a hack.

From Zeroes...
Complete Episode 1.

Don't Get Cocky
Win a Vaultlanders battle.

Shard Snatchers
Complete Episode 2.

You Rich Now!
Get the money from sink or swin.

Our Lucky Winner
Complete Episode 3.

You Poor Now!
Spend the money from sink or swin.

The Shardmenstration
Complete Episode 4.

Those Were the Days...
Win the retro battle.

...To Heroes
Complete Episode 5.

Hey, Thanks!
Watch the credits after finishing the game.
Achievements - Missable (12/26)
Mas, Por Favor
Wish for more tacos.
*You have multiple shots at this throughout the game, so don't worry, but your first is just after the Tediore Invasion.

Your Not ♥♥♥♥♥
Obtain a cosmetic item

Okay, Vain Much?
Obtain every cometic.
*I was still missing a few at the end, even though pretty sure I collect all of the loot. I went back and started Ep.3 Chp 6, and looted the entire room after the head rolls off, before purchasing the skins from the machine. Then Quit to main menu, and then hit continue (Repeat as needed)

And Still Champion...
Win every Vaultlanders battle.
*Win all battles against BADASS SUPERFAN (Ep 2 - In the Sewers/ Ep 3 - In Fran's fridge in the back room + Plus in one of the chambers in the morgue/Ep 4 - In Fran's shop inside the car boot + Near where Lou13 is exchanging 'data'/ Ep 5 - In Susan's Office)

Tale in the Toilet
Reach a Tale Over for the first time.
*Die for the first time.

You Got the Goods, Kid
Nail a perfect, ♥♥♥♥ dance.
*Nail all the interns ♥♥♥♥ dance moves (Ep 4)

Super Trusting Friend!
Perform every background check.
*(Ep 1) Scan everyone at the Taco stand x4 (Paco/Danielle/Radon/Lou13) & (Ep 5) Scan everyone in Susan's office x3 (Fran/Lou13/Brock)

Murderous Mascot Mayhem
Win a Vaultlanders battle using the Claptrap figure.
*Fight can be done from main menu once he is collected.

Bring Back the Butt!
Summon the ♥♥♥♥ Intern.
*(Ep 5) While battling the sponsor ♥♥♥, just choose assist and... Free labour!

New Business
Finish the game with a good skateboard rating.
*Pops when you achieve a skateboard rating of 80% or above.

Not Dolls. Action Figures!
Not Dolls. Action Figures!
Collect every Vaultlander figure.

**Will be a video soon

1. Salvador (Given - Connect SHIFT account)
2. FL4K (Given)

1. Phuong (STORY)
2. Claptrap (Ep 1) - Just After you find Juniper (Ratch) but before you fix the radio, in a pile of trash near where Lou13 took a ♥♥♥♥
3. Amara (Ep 1) - In Fran's Froyo shop, under a pile of trash near the jukebox.
4. Zane (Ep 2) - Won from battle against Badass Superfan (The Sewers).
5.Vasquez (Ep 3) - Won from battle against Badass Superfan (Fran's fridge)
6. Roland (Ep 3) - Won from battle against Badass Superfan (The Morgue)
7. Maya (Ep 4) - In Anu's fake office scene, on top of the main desk.
8. Brick (Ep 4) - Won from battle against Badass Superfan (In the Car trunk in Fran's Shop scene)
9. Mordecai (Ep 4) - In the Cash register of Fran's frogurt shop scene
10. Moze (Ep 4) - Won from battle against Badass Superfan (Near where Lou13 is exchanging 'data')
11. Handsome Jack (Ep 5) - Won from battle against Badass Superfan (In Susan's office)
12. Krieg (Ep 5) - Upon finding Anu in the secret Med. bay, you must chose to "Tackle the Psycho"
13. Lilith (Ep 5) - Unlocked after finishing the game.

14. Ellie - Ending: Finish with >=50% Sis 'N' Bro & >=50% Frogurt 'N Tacos and should pop.
15. Fiona - Ending: Finish with >=80% Skateboards and at least >=50% Brain 'N' Brawn and should pop
16. Zero - Ending: Finish with >=80% Skateboards and at least >=50% Brain 'N' Brawn and should pop
^^^It appears these last 3 relate to the end-game scores under the skateboard rating (Brain 'N' Brawn/Sis 'N' Bro/Frogurt 'N Tacos). Should get a Voltlander for each individually being above 50%

Axton - It appears you have to like/comment on their twitter post -


You Played This Before?
You Played This Before?
View every ending.

1. "Accept the Shard" -> Answer questions 1 wrong, and 2 correct -> Reach for Anu = This should give you the ending where everybody lives.

2. "Accept the Shard" -> Answer all questions correctly -> Reach for Shard = Should give you the ending where Octavio is CEO of Fran's shop and Anu is Dead.

3. "Reject the Shard" -> (Second playthrough?) -> Should give you the one where Octavio dies

Episode 1 - Gameplay
Episode 2 - Gameplay
Episode 3 - Gameplay
Episode 4 - Gameplay
Episode 5 - Gameplay
15 Komentar
Flowerrdad 7 Jan @ 12:25am 
Yeah ion has the best link for "You Played This Before", I got the "Ending #5" in my first playthrough, where Louie was the only one to die. But i also had Stapleface die and wish there was a way to save her.
ion 12 Sep 2023 @ 7:43am 
You Played This Before? achievement is really frustrating! Luckily I found a detailed step-by-step guide how to get all 5 endings, so I'm sharing it here for everyone who is struggling getting them:
Rashala 27 Okt 2022 @ 8:00pm 
Who the Heck is Crabworm?
Lord Of War 26 Okt 2022 @ 10:51am 
heh, spoiler code went wrong :D
Lord Of War 26 Okt 2022 @ 10:50am 
SkullFire58, when you have time, could you please check in discussion my topics about Endings and describe in my missing 5th? :)
SkullFire58 25 Okt 2022 @ 1:19pm 
I was able to get three of the endings by just doing the shard choice a few times experimenting, so try that as many times as you can first to reduce how much you'd need to replay the entire episode. It sucks but hopefully you can get a couple knocked out first.
Lord Of War 25 Okt 2022 @ 11:08am 
Oof, so I will have to replay Entire Episode 5 for different endings... -_-
SkullFire58 24 Okt 2022 @ 4:57am 
Also want to add, it seems like the shard choice doesn't have anything to do with the endings directly, they just give you more opportunities to raise or lower certain relationships.
SkullFire58 24 Okt 2022 @ 4:56am 
I GOT IT. There are five endings, three involve relationships, the other two also depend on your Skateboard score. I did all these by only replaying Episode 5, don't know if that'll work for other people.

For the first three, one character needs to have both their relationships with the other two far lower than the third relationship, you need to make choices that "single out" one character. For example, if your want the Anu death ending, make choices that strengthen Octavio and Fran's relationship and ignore/hurt Anu.

The other two endings require mostly even distributions between all three relationships, but your Skateboard score determines the ending. If you get a good score (I got 75%), you get the perfect ending, if you get a mediocre score (I got 58% for this one) you get the mediocre ending. I actually let the game play itself through Episode 5 and just let it pick all the Y/Triangle/W options, it seems to make every relationship pretty neutral.
SkullFire58 23 Okt 2022 @ 10:43pm 
I think the endings do relate to how your relationships are at the end, my first playthrough I got them to all live, then I tried the Accept Shard path and Fran died, tried Accept Shard again and Anu died. Couldn't get another ending though, so I replayed Episode 5 and picked options that were bad to Octavio and bonded Anu and Fran, did the Reject Shard option and Octavio died. Unfortunately, still no achievement, so either there are more than four endings or it glitched for me, or all endings need to take up each save slot or something I don't know.