

Making sure COTL is running smoothly
由 IannaCamps 制作
This guide is for COTL players who are still having difficulty running the game due to:
- bugs
- glitches
- soft-locks

Here are some pointers that I've learned so far to help get COTL running smoothly, since bugs/glitches are still prevalent among COTL players (these pointers might not apply to all COTL players, you might have to try more then one route):

- Make sure COTL is fully updated
- For Steam, make sure your computer meets the minimum/maximum requirements to run COTL
- Sometimes bugs/glitches happen because the computer/laptop itself needs to be updated. If your laptop/computer needs a update, make sure to update it or check if it needs an update.
- You might not have enough storage on your computer/laptop
Your specs on your computer/laptop might not be enough to run COTL
- Uninstall and reinstall the game
- Make a new COTL save file