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Trading Options
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Mod, 1.4, 1.5
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17 ott 2022, ore 11:51
16 mar, ore 19:24
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Trading Options

Customize your trading experience!

With this mod you can easily change:

• How frequently caravans, orbital traders or visitors will arrive at the colony.

• Change restock frequency of settlements.

• Change the departure time of caravans, visitors and orbital traders.

• Adjust the amount of silver in stock for any trader category.

• Modify the amount of other items in stock for any trader category.

• Make the amount of items and silver that traders have in stock scale with the wealth of your colony.

• Allow slaver traders to appear regardless of your colony population.

You can safely add Trading Options to an existing save-game. You can modify any of the settings at any point during the game. The changes will apply immediately, but only new traders will be affected.

Mod compatibility

Trading Options is compatible with storytellers from all mods. Trading Options is compatible with all mods that change the stock of a trader; the changes stack. Trading Options may be incompatible with any mod that changes trader frequency.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I add this mod to an existing game?

A: Yes.


Q: Can I modify any of the settings at any point during the game?

A: Yes. The changes will apply immediately, but only new traders will be affected.


Q: How can I get the same amount of orbital traders as by More Trade Ships?

A: Set the "Orbital traders per period" slider to 1, and the "Period between orbital traders" slider to 4.


Q: How can I get the wealth same scaling as Supply and Demand?

A: Set the "Wealth scaling" slider to "Loaded" for all trader categories.


Q: Is this mod compatible with Vanilla Trading Expanded?

A: Yes, both mods are fully compatible. Vanilla Trading Expanded can make stock prizes fluctuate, while Trading Options can change the amount of available stock. Both features can be together without any issues.


joseasoler: Programming

Sir Van: Art



Kiame Vivacity and Cookie Wookie: Original idea for scaling stock according to wealth following a logarithmic function. See [KV] Supply and Demand.
Discussioni più popolari Visualizza tutte (1)
13 giu, ore 5:53
IN EVIDENZA: Bug reports
210 commenti
krzarb 27 giu, ore 16:44 
Thanks for all the time you’ve put into making this mod and others. Quick question, is this mod ok to remove from a current save should problems be encountered down the track?
joseasoler  [autore] 27 giu, ore 12:12 
I have decided to stop developing my RimWorld mods. They will stay up and should be stable for a while.

In case anyone is interested on continuing this mod, it is licensed under the MIT license. Please keep the credit section, extended accordingly with your own contributions. The project source code can be found in my GitHub profile.
shimizu01 25 mag, ore 11:34 
The minimum number of caravans is 4, is it possible to reduce it and completely cancel the arrival of caravans and visitors?
It would suit me a lot for my game which I wish to play in total autarky
Gitsum 23 mag, ore 20:17 
Would you be willing to add a mod option to disable or limit Books, Novels, Schematics, ect? I believe with end game colonies with improved stock this will limit game freezes with trader generations.

Maybe even give the option to disable specific traders like how Slave ships do with population counts?
joseasoler  [autore] 29 apr, ore 22:17 
@Snowcraft It is not possible to limit caravans to specific seasons with this mod, but ou can use the "Days between caravans" setting to avoid that issue.
Snowcraft 29 apr, ore 21:12 
Is it possible to set caravan arrivals on a per season basis? Say, one per season at a minimum, or is it still possible for the game to send you all twenty before the first half of the year is even up?
joseasoler  [autore] 29 apr, ore 8:58 
@LordvonNichts This mod does not have options for that.
LordvonNichts 29 apr, ore 8:19 
Hey, just wanny say I really like this mod, but is there a option to change the frequency of rare or high quality items? Or to make the frequency of masterwork/legendary items scale with wealth?
Phoenix 27 apr, ore 17:51 
@joseasoler Thank you for your response. I appreciate your update.
joseasoler  [autore] 27 apr, ore 13:18 
@Sigourney Trading Options settings have no effect on Hospitality.