Universe Sandbox

Universe Sandbox

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See 2 Believe IV
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태그: Simulations
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58.760 MB
2022년 10월 16일 오후 9시 20분
1개의 변경 사항 ( 보기 )

다운로드 위해 구독하기
See 2 Believe IV

WARNING: Strobe Effect Lighting as this wobbles quickly. If you are photosensitive or have epilepsy, please avoid this one, or don't unpause while close up.

I have just added a pulsar to the system of the Star emitting it's radiation. This system can't possibly be stable lol but it sure is colorful. If you don't wanna see the jets, turn on enhanced in "View" at the bottom of your screen.

I am so curious of all the different ways we could alter this system to "see what happens" safely, harming no one or no thing. :D