Alive Cursor
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Автор: Threeyes
Basic software usage tutorial.
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TaskBar Icon
There is a 'Alive Cursor' icon on the taskbar. When its arrow is upward, it means that the program is enabled, and when it is downward, it means that the program is disabled.

If the icon cannot be found, click the "up arrow" button on the taskbar to find the icon in the expanded window.

The icon also has the following functions:
  • Left-click the icon to open the Browser Window.
  • Right-click the icon to open the menu.
Open or close the app
You can open the 'Alive Cursor' in the following ways:
  • Select the application on Steam library homepage and click the "LAUNCH" button.
  • In setting window, activate "Run At Start Up" (if some anti -virus software pop up warnings, click "Allow"), then the program will automatically open at the next system start.

You can turn off the 'Alive Cursor' in the following ways:
  • Right-click the icon on the taskbar and click the "Exit" button.
  • Turn off the computer and wait for the application to exit normally.
Browser Window
Left click the icon on the taskbar to open the Browser Window as shown below. Press and hold the Tab key to temporarily hide the window and check out the final effect of the cursor; Press Esc to close the window.
This window has four modules, namely:
Menu Bar
The Menu Bar is at the top of the main window.
On the left side, click the 'Downloaded' tab to view and use downloaded workshop items (Offline access is supported), and click the 'Workshop' tab to view and download online workshop items (You need to stay logged in the correct Steam account). On the right side, click the 'Gear' button to open the Setting Window, click the "□" button to full screen the whole window, and click the "-" button to close the window.
Filter Window
The Filter Window is on the lower left side of the main window.
In the 'Search' input box, you can enter any keyword to search for specific items. In the 'Tag' group, you can filter items by selecting different preset tags. Note that some tags can be selected multiple times, and only items matching all tag fields will be displayed (Except for ‘Age rating’).
Item Window
The Item Window is on the lower middle side of the main window, you can view all filtered workshop items here, click the page number below to jump between different search pages.
If the 'Downloaded' tab is selected in the Menu Bar, then only downloaded items will be shown, click any item to use, and its details will be displayed in the 'Inspector Window'. If the 'Workshop' tab is selected in the Menu Bar, then only online workshop items will be shown, click any item can only view its information and cannot used them immediately.
The special status of each item will be displayed in the upper right corner. For example:
  • '+' icon represents that you have subscribed to the item.
  • '↓' icon represents that the item has been downloaded locally.
  • 'C#' icon represents that the item contains custom scripts.
Inspector Window
The Inspector Window is on the lower middle side of the main window, where you can view and manage the currently selected items.
Information module
This module displays the basic information of the item (such as preview, description, file size, etc.). Click the item title to jump to the corresponding Workshop page.

Management module
This module provides buttons for rating or subscribing. Click the 'Subscribe' button to subscribe/unsubscribe the selected item (Note: Steam Client will download the subscribed item in the background).

Configuration module
This module below let you visually modifying the item's configuration.

The configuration in the 'Item Config' column only affects the current item; The configuration of the 'Global Config' column affects all items. If the 'Item Config' column has the same type of configuration as the 'Global Config' column, only the configuration of the 'Item Config' column will take effect (such as EnvironmentControllerConfig). Click the 'Reset' button to restore the configuration parameters to the default values.
The following are some common configurations:
  • EnvironmentControllerConfig (environment configuration): modify the parameters that affect the environment, such as ambient light, sky box, reflection sphere, etc.
  • PostProcessingControllerConfig (post-processing configuration): modify the parameters of post-processing effects such as Bloom.
  • TransformControllerConfig (cursor transformation configuration): modify parameters such as cursor movement speed, rotation speed or default angle.
PS: The user's modified configuration file will be stored and backed up through Steam Cloud for sharing on different computers. If this function is not required, please cancel it in Steam Client setting.
Setting Window
Click the setting icon in the upper right corner of the Browser Window to open the Setting Window as shown below.

Cursor Appearance
  • Cursor size: Set the size of the cursor.
  • Hidden on Text Input: Hide the cursor when it moves onto the text box, which can avoid the text content being blocked by the cursor model.

Cursor State
  • StandBy: When the user does not have a 'specific input operation' (Such as moving or clicking the mouse, note that in order to facilitate users to browse the web in this state, the keyboard input or mouse wheel rolling are not counted as 'specific input operation') after given time, the cursor's state will be switched to 'StandBy', and the default behavior is narrow itself down until invisible.
  • Bored: When the user does not 'specific input operations' (As described above) after given time, the cursor's state will be switched from the previous valid state (such as 'Working' or 'StandBy' state) to 'Bored' state, and the default behavior is wander inside the 'valid screen interval', which is defined by: the width and height of the screen, and the 'Depth' settiing. If "Depth" is set to 0, then the interval will be a 2D plane.

General Setting
  • Active: Whether to enable 'Alive Cursor'. If disabled, the default system cursor will be actived instead.
  • Run At Start Up: Whether to start the program after the computer is turned on (if there is a warning of anti-virus software when this option is changed, click "Allow").
  • Multi Display: Whether to use the software across the display when the user has multiple monitors. If disabled, the program is only effective at the initial display, and the default system cursor is used in other displays.
  • Vertical Sync: Enable this option to limit the program frame rate to the refresh rate of the display, reduce the tearing of the screen and avoid occupying too much computer resources; disable this option can customize the refresh rate of the program.
  • Target Frame Rate: Set the frame rate of the program, which can only be adjusted when the 'Vertical Sync' option is diabled.
  • Localization: Set the program interface's language (Note: Workshop item's info or config files don't have localization for the time being).
  • Quality: Set the running quality of the program. The higher the quality, the better the effect (such as shadow, reflection, or LOD, etc.), and it will also occupy more system resources.
  • Process Priority: The priority of the program, and it is recommended to set it 'High', otherwise it will cause stuttering.
Cursor State
The cursor of the program will switch to a specific state according to different situations.

Details of all states are as follows:
  • Enter: the cursor makes its debut.
  • Exit: The cursor exits.
  • Show: The cursor needs to be show from any invisible state. After this state is completed, it will automatically jump to the Working state.
  • Hide: The cursor needs to be hidden, usually because the hidden state of the system cursor needs to be synchronized(For example, entering the game), or the icon of the current system cursor is not in the known library (Such as the magnifier icon for drawing applications). In this state, the default system cursor is actived instead to avoid affecting the normal work.
  • Working: the normal working state of the cursor. At this time, the cursor will replace the system cursor, providing the function of pointing and synchronizing the system cursor shape.
  • StandBy: The cursor will switch from Working to this state after a certain time of no input, and the cursor will be hidden by default. This state needs to be activated in the Setting Window.
  • Bored: The cursor will switch from Working or StandBy to this state after a certain time of no input, and then the cursor will perform wandering behavior by default. This state needs to be activated in the Setting Window.
PS: By writing the state logic code, mod maker can replace the default state behavior to achieve more interesting behavior.
Коментарів: 1
Gurrington 28 січ. 2023 о 18:23 
The Settings don't show up when click them