110 평점
Rust slang dictionary
Hudson633 님이 작성
A thorough guide to common slang and phrases heard in-game.
즐겨찾기 해제
  • Agro - Aggravate the Attack Helicopter
  • Airlock - An extra room with multiple doors to improve base security
  • AK - Assault Rifle
  • Arctic Hazzy - Blue hazmat suit
  • Auth / Authed - Authorised (such as on TCs and turrets)
  • Bagged - Set a deployed sleeping bag to be given to a friend
  • Bank - Deposit. "I need to bank my stuff."
  • Beaming / Lasering - Shooting across the map on full-auto with high accuracy
  • Bolty - Bolt Action Rifle
  • Boom - Explosive weaponry. "Do we have enough boom for a raid?"
  • BP / bps - Blueprints. Tech tree research to unlock craftable items
  • Brad - Bradley (tank Infantry Fighting Vehicle)
  • Bunker - Small loot room designed to be difficult to raid, often armored
  • Bunker - Temporarily editing your base so it can only be opened from the inside
  • Comp - Components
  • Core - The middle of a base, containing the Tool Cupboard/loot room
  • Cored - The destruction of the core of a base
  • Counter - Counter-raid. A third party showing up to a battle or raid
  • Crossy - Crossbow
  • Crude - Crude Oil
  • Custom - Custom SMG
  • DB - Double Barrel Shotgun
  • Depo / Depot - Deposit. "I need to depo my stuff."
  • Despawn - Deliberately leave an item on the ground
  • Doorcamper - A player that waits by someones door in ambush
  • Doubled - Double headshot. "He doubled me."
  • Excav - Excavator (monument)
  • Explo - Explosive Rifle Ammunition
  • F1 - F1 Grenade
  • F1 - Pressing F1 to open the console to run the "kill" command to respawn
  • Farm - Resources. "I'm out farming." "He had a lot of farm on him."
  • Farm - A building for growing plants
  • Force wipe - Game update on first Thursday of the month forcing servers to wipe
  • Foundy wipe - Ruin a base by destroying all (or most) of its foundations
  • Full Metal - Metal Facemask + Metal Chest Plate
  • Full wipe - A server wipe including blueprint knowledge being reset
  • Gear - Something you don't want to lose, often combat items. "I've got gear on me."
  • Geared - A player wearing or carrying higher level items. "He's geared."
  • GP - Gun Powder
  • Grief TC - An enclosed (inaccessible) Tool Cupboard (often in a triangle room)
  • Grub - Player going to a fight with nothing, in hopes of looting dead players.
  • Grub - Player using cheap weaponry in hopes of killing geared players.
  • Grubbed - Killed by a grub. "I got grubbed at the recycler."
  • Hard wipe - A server wipe including blueprint knowledge being reset
  • Hazzy / Rad - Hazmat Suit / Radiation Suit
  • Heli - Attack Helicopter
  • High qual - High Quality Metal
  • HML / LMG - HMLMG (machine-gun)
  • Honeycomb - A layer of rooms acting as a protective wall
  • HQ / HQM - High Quality Metal
  • HV - High Velocity Rocket
  • Incen / Incend - Incendiary Rocket
  • Insiding - A group member betraying their group
  • Insta-bag - Transfer a sleeping bag without an active cooldown timer to a friend
  • Inventory - 3 rows of loot storage
  • Jacky - Jackhammer
  • Juiced / Loaded - High loot value
  • Kit / Set - A full set of fighting equipment, including weapon, armour, ammo, meds
  • L9 - L96 sniper rifle
  • Large - Large Oil Rig
  • Lasering / Beaming - Shooting across the map on full-auto with high accuracy
  • LGF - Low Grade Fuel
  • LMG / HML - HMLMG (machine-gun)
  • Loaded / Juiced - High loot value
  • Loil - Large Oil Rig
  • Low Grade - Low Grade Fuel
  • M2 - M249 machine gun
  • Mats - Materials "I'll give you the mats to build a small base"
  • Meds - Medical / Healing items
  • Melt / Melted - Easy kills. "Full metal would melt a prim"
  • Mini - Minicopter
  • Molly - Molotov
  • Nakeds - Players without clothes. "Shoot that naked."
  • No BP Wipe - Server that doesn't wipe blueprint knowledge
  • No BPs - Server that doesn't require you to research most blueprints
  • Nomad - Dark hazmat Suit
  • Offlined - A raid conducted while the victims are offline
  • Onlined - A raid conducted when the defenders are online
  • P2 / P250 - Semi-Automatic Pistol
  • Pancake - Vertical honeycombing
  • Pipey - Waterpipe Shotgun
  • Prim - Primitive / using or wearing tier 1 items
  • Prim-locked - Stuck using primitive (Tier 1) weapons
  • Procgen - Procedurally generated map
  • Pump slugs - Pump shotgun loaded with slug rounds
  • Pumpy - Pump Shotgun
  • Rads - Radiation, encountered at some landmarks
  • Rat - A player that camps in dark corners
  • Ratted - Killed by a rat. "I just got ratted at large oil rig"
  • Revvy / Revo - Revolver
  • Rib - (RHIB) A type of boat
  • Roam - Roaming the map, often to fight other players
  • Roofcamper - A player that shoots others from a window (or the roof) of their base.
  • Row - (Inventory row) Six items or stacks
  • SAR - Semi-Auto Rifle
  • SAP - Semi-Automatic Pistol
  • Scrappy - Scrap Transport Helicopter
  • Seal - Block the breach of a raided base
  • Smoil - Small Oil Rig (landmark)
  • Soft wipe - A server wipe that doesn't reset blueprint knowledge
  • Solo lock - Key Lock
  • TC - Tool Cupboard
  • Tea - Often refers to resource gathering teas
  • Tommy - Thompson sub machine gun
  • Upkeep - Stocking a tool cupboard with resources so the base doesn't decay
  • Wipe - A server restarting, including all buildings and items being removed
  • Zerg - Large group that moves together
  • A box - 48 item slots ("we've got a full Large Wood Box of 48 assault rifles")
  • A row - 6 item slots ("my top inventory row is full at 6,000 wood")
  • Eco raiding - Using tools or melee weapons to break into bases
  • Gear Fear - A distracting fear of losing your gun, or a reluctance to risk losing guns
  • Going deep - Getting through open doors of an opponent's base
  • Hazzy baiting - Appearing naked before putting on a Hazmat Suit
  • Loot Goblin - Teammate who would rather loot than save your life
  • Merge raid - Multiple groups joining together to attack a common enemy
  • Pixel Gap - Using a small gap between building spots to access hidden boxes
  • Snowballing - Using less primitive weaponry to gain better weaponry
  • Soft-siding - Breaking through the soft side of walls
  • Top Down - Raiding a base downwards from the roof
Wall tower

These twig scaffolds which are used to scale over walls go by many names:
  • Build In
  • Build Over
  • Build Up
  • Grub Tower
  • Jump Over
  • Jump Tower
  • Twig Tower
  • Wall Jump Tower
See also
The Rust archive dictionary article links to expanded definitions.
댓글 60
EV1LEYE666 2024년 5월 20일 오전 6시 55분 
...aren't 95% of these self-explainitary? naked = naked people...
Grugaler 2024년 5월 20일 오전 2시 01분 
W guide
Rusty Vikingr 2024년 5월 14일 오전 12시 32분 
One nice thing is if you want to read all the comments in one go, just read the one beneath mine
Rustic 2024년 3월 24일 오후 4시 41분 
Actually, The Bradley is not a tank. It is an Infantry Fighting Vehicle. In real life it is known as the M2A3 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle, It is used to support ground troops with its fast firing 25mm cannon and its side mounted guided missiles. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I am happy I could educate you on this matter.
Zapper 2024년 3월 24일 오후 4시 40분 
Actually, The Bradley is not a tank. It is an Infantry Fighting Vehicle. In real life it is known as the M2A3 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle, It is used to support ground troops with its fast firing 25mm cannon and its side mounted guided missiles. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I am happy I could educate you on this matter.
anthony orton 2023년 8월 25일 오후 2시 16분 
Actually, The Bradley is not a tank. It is an Infantry Fighting Vehicle. In real life it is known as the M2A3 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle, It is used to support ground troops with its fast firing 25mm cannon and its side mounted guided missiles. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I am happy I could educate you on this matter.
RR.goldenguytm 2023년 8월 18일 오전 7시 01분 
Actually, The Bradley is not a tank. It is an Infantry Fighting Vehicle. In real life it is known as the M2A3 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle, It is used to support ground troops with its fast firing 25mm cannon and its side mounted guided missiles. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I am happy I could educate you on this matter.
Wallbert 2023년 7월 11일 오전 7시 06분 
this is gay
PurpleNurple 2023년 4월 29일 오후 9시 59분 
Chad Thundeclock 2023년 4월 29일 오후 5시 06분 
Actually, The Bradley is not a tank. It is an Infantry Fighting Vehicle. In real life it is known as the M2A3 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle, It is used to support ground troops with its fast firing 25mm cannon and its side mounted guided missiles. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I am happy I could educate you on this matter.