Оценок: 75
How to create your own Character!
От Saltcracker
A guide on how to create your own character and modifying your save file
Also contains some info on item prices and inflation
Try it out, it's modding for noobs!
Share your own creation :)
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So this is a small guide to creating your own character/difficulty by playing around the savestate
(you could call this modding for noobs)
- save file found at: AppData\Roaming\Brotato\
- just do the good old windows + r and type %appdata%

Автор сообщения: 💣
{path to your steam library as set in steam settings -> downloads -> steam library folders}/steamapps/compatdata/1942280/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/Roaming/Brotato/{steam user id? dunno, just choose the one with the numbers}/save.json

- eh.

It also contains some general things like inflation % etc.
its not complete by any means feel free to add more, like structures etc. just leave a comment I'll add yours in with a quote
If anyone has it might aswell add the math for hp regen
Tell me the save location for your system!

{} <- means we are in the save of the character
the save is in plain .json so feel free to learn a bit about it and do things yourself
use word wrap or you'll lose your sanity
To see where you start with the character editing look at the red arrow thanks

Here's a quick guide if you just want to test a custom character:

if it's saying {"has_run_state":false} you need to start a run and play 1 round to get a save game before going into the main menu and closing the game saves cannot be changed while the game is open

Using visual studio code for this Notepad++ works too, or any other editor that isn't basic Notepad to be honest, even vim!

Last updated for patch 0.5.11c
Explaining the weapon_class_bonus
Here is a breakdown of the Wildlings effect
Wildling: +25% Life Steal with Primitive weapons { "weapon_class_bonus": [[1, "lifesteal", 25]] } x, y, z x = weapon class y = Bonus z = Amount (- removes bonus)
Weapon classes:
0 = Gun
1 = Primitive
2 = Heavy
3 = Elemental
4 = Unarmed
5 = Precise
6 = Blunt
7 = Support
8 = Medical
9 = Etherial
10 = Tool
11 = Explosive
12 = Blade

Bonus options (let me know if you find more):
- "lifesteal"
- "damage"
- "attack_speed_mod"
- "max_range"

Example of multiple effects:
{ "weapon_class_bonus": [[1, "lifesteal", 100],[0, "max_range", 100],[12, "damage", 14]] }
Other modification options
Now here's for the other way of modifing your Character Ranger: All Ranged Damage modifications are increased by 33% { "gain_stat_ranged_damage":33 } You can't equip melee weapons { "no_melee_weapons":1 } All Max HP modifications are reduces by 25% { "gain_stat_hp_regeneration":-25 } I don't think you need it but there is this: { "starting_item":["weapon_pistol_1"] } you will likely put it in weapons right away if you make a character, or let the player buy it thats it here's a list you can increase and decrease the values to change the modifications, they are in % and are in the save by default so no need to add them just pick and choose leave at 0 for no change - "gain_stat_max_hp" - "gain_stat_hp_regeneration" - "gain_stat_lifesteal" - "gain_stat_percent_damage" - "gain_stat_melee_damage" - "gain_stat_ranged_damage" - "gain_stat_elemental_damage" - "gain_stat_attack_speed" - "gain_stat_crit_chance" - "gain_stat_engineering" - "gain_stat_range" - "gain_stat_armor" - "gain_stat_dodge" - "gain_stat_speed" - "gain_stat_luck" - "gain_stat_harvesting" - "gain_bounce_damage" - "gain_explosion_damage" - "gain_pct_gold_start_wave" - "gain_piercing_damage" more things you can tweak most are in % (:0/1 0=false, 1=true): - "enemy_speed" - "enemy_strength" - "harvesting_growth" | 5% growth by default, crown ads +10% for example - "map_size" | -33 for old as example - "number_of_enemies" - "bounce_damage" | % - "bounce" - "burn_chance" | example: "burn_chance":{"chance":0,"damage":0,"duration":0,"spread":0,"type":0} - "burning_cooldown_reduction" - "burning_spread" - "no_melee_weapons":0/1 - "no_ranged_weapons":0/1 - "one_shot_trees":0/1 - "group_structures":0/1 - "can_attack_while_moving":0/1 - "cant_stop_moving":0/1 - "pickup_range" - "instant_gold_attracting" - "xp_gain" - "gold_drops":x | 50 = farmer 100 = normal - "min_weapon_tier" - "convert_stats_end_of_wave" | looks like devil you might be able to add this to any char see below - "max_weapon_tier" - "chance_double_gold" - "dmg_when_pickup_gold_from_luck":[x,y] | x = chance, y = damage in luck% - "dmg_when_death_from_luck":[x,y] - "dodge_cap":60 - "double_boss":0/1 - "double_hp_regen":0/1 - "enemy_gold_drops":0/1 - "lose_hp_per_second" - "inflation" - "consumable_heal" - "explosion_damage" - "explosion_size" - "stat_links" // see knight below - "explode_on_death":[] - "explode_on_hit":[] // Bull's effect is below, you need to take him as base if you wanna use it - "free_rerolls" - "structures" | see below its not that easy - "pacifist" | not sure what this does? maybe just for unlock "additional_weapon_effects" - :[["stat_percent_damage",-6]] |-6% for every weapon you have (Multitasker) other stat names - "stat_max_hp" - "stat_hp_regeneration" - "stat_lifesteal" - "stat_percent_damage" - "stat_melee_damage" - "stat_ranged_damage" - "stat_elemental_damage" - "stat_attack_speed" - "stat_crit_chance" - "stat_engineering" - "stat_range" - "stat_armor" - "stat_dodge" - "stat_speed" - "stat_luck" - "stat_harvesting"
Shop, Items and Weapons
Example of multiple weapons (x is the level):
{ "weapons":["weapon_knife_x","weapon_ghost_axe_x"] }

dont set weapons directly, they function but screwdrivers for example won't spawn mines, set the item in the shop instead and buy it

same for items they dont like being just added, buy them or add the effects yourself without the item

so here is how you go shopping hard:
{ "shop_items":[["item_claw_tree",1],["weapon_pistol_1",1],["item_peaceful_bee",1],["weapon_medical_gun_1",1]] } x, y, z x = item name, a list ist right up in the save file y = weapon level, normal items don't have it. z = wave, based on this the cost is calculated (see below for the price calculation)

you can add more than this and buy everything you need at the start, say you wanna be a couch potato:
- set material to have money for the couch(es)
{ "gold":430 }
{ "shop_items":[["item_estys_couch",1],["item_estys_couch",1],["item_estys_couch",1],["item_estys_couch",1],["item_estys_couch",1],["weapon_pistol_1",1],["item_peaceful_bee",1],["item_claw_tree",1]] }

this would leave the shop as is but give you 4 couches to buy, just go back to the main-menu and in again after buying to have it slide up

You can also increse your weapon count your pc seemingly the only limitation

plenty of other things you can set just need some reading comprehension
Tricks and Tipps
- base prices:
- inflation increases by 0.02 or 2% for every difficulty after 2
- price increase is Baseprice + Baseprice * (Wave * (0.11 + inflation)) thats 11% base inflation
- That means 19% inflation on diffictuly 5, keep in mind the inflation doesn't stack, it's static based on base price!
- for enemies stuff you might check out this guide
- the item drop rate is increased by item_drop_chance * (1 + luck%) (i think can't quite confirm)
- Say we have 42% luck then Baby Alien has a - Item Drop Rate - 0.01 * (1 + 0.42) = 0.43% chance to drop an item

I wont go so far as to look into what sprite you could set, if you want find out yourself, build some items find the sprite you like and look at the name in the save file
Other Character special effects
- Bull (Seems like you need to take him as base if you want this effect to work, that means you play 1 round and then change him as you like) "explode_on_hit":[{"base_smoke_amount":20,"chance":1,"effect_id":"item_exploding","effect_sign":3,"explosion_scene":"res://projectiles/explosion.tscn","key":"explode_on_hit","scale":1,"sound_db_mod":-15,"stats":{"accuracy":1,"alternate_attack_type":false,"attack_type":0,"cooldown":60,"crit_chance":0.03,"crit_damage":1.5,"damage":30,"deal_dmg_on_return":false,"effect_scale":1,"is_healing":false,"knockback":0,"lifesteal":0,"max_range":150,"min_range":0,"recoil":25,"recoil_duration":0.1,"scaling_stats":[["stat_melee_damage",3],["stat_ranged_damage",3],["stat_elemental_damage",3]] - devil health conversion "convert_stats_end_of_wave":[{"effect_id":"convert_stat","effect_key":"convert_stats_end_of_wave","effect_sign":3,"key":"materials","pct_converted":50,"text_key":"effect_convert_stat_end_of_wave","to_stat":"stat_max_hp","to_value":1,"value":"13"}] - knight stat link "stat_links":[["stat_melee_damage",2,"stat_armor",1]] a, x, b, y you gain x of a for every y of b - generalists multi stat link go figure "stat_links":[["stat_melee_damage",2,"stat_ranged_damage",1],["stat_ranged_damage",1,"stat_melee_damage",2]]
I might add more later but for now its just a turret
here's one clean slate difficulty 5 save of a completely emptied character wave 1 you can create your own character and share it in the comments look at the brackets for the start and end {} in the save file you will find it to be the last ones
My Creation
here is my rendition of a character it is the Bull character with a twist:
Starts with Rip and Tear, Piggy Bank, Only scales with Elemental Damage for the Bull effect!
Kills have a 75% chance to Deal 15% Luck as damage to random enemy
20 HP
Luck: +130 Gain 30% more
HP Regeneration: 10
HP Regen Gain: +50%
Elemental Gain +10%
Max HP Gain: +10%
30% bigger explosion radius
50% more enemies
30% dodge cap
-30 ranged damage
No engineering!
Use the code format tag to share!
Video Guide

{"active_set_effects":[],"active_sets":{"1":1},"additional_weapon_effects":[],"appearances_displayed":[{"depth":250,"display_priority":0,"position":8,"sprite":"res://items/characters/well_rounded/well_rounded_mouth.png"},{"depth":500,"display_priority":0,"position":6,"sprite":"res://items/characters/well_rounded/well_rounded_eyes.png"}],"bonus_gold":0,"chal_hoarder_completed":false,"chal_hoarder_value":3000,"challenges_completed_this_run":[],"current_background":"bg_forest","current_character":"character_well_rounded","current_level":0,"current_wave":0,"current_xp":0,"current_zone":0,"difficulty_unlocked":-1,"effects":{"additional_weapon_effects":[],"alien_eyes":[],"boss_strength":0,"bounce":2,"bounce_damage":0,"burn_chance":{"chance":0,"damage":0,"duration":0,"spread":0,"type":0},"burning_cooldown_reduction":0,"burning_spread":0,"can_attack_while_moving":1,"cant_stop_moving":0,"chance_double_gold":0,"consumable_heal":0,"convert_stats_end_of_wave":[],"diff_gold_drops":-8,"dmg_when_death_from_luck":[0,0],"dmg_when_pickup_gold_from_luck":[0,0],"dodge_cap":30,"double_boss":1,"double_hp_regen":0,"enemy_gold_drops":0,"enemy_speed":0,"enemy_strength":40,"explode_on_death":[],"explode_on_hit":[],"explosion_damage":0,"explosion_size":0,"free_rerolls":0,"gain_bounce_damage":0,"gain_explosion_damage":0,"gain_pct_gold_start_wave":0,"gain_piercing_damage":0,"gain_stat_armor":0,"gain_stat_attack_speed":0,"gain_stat_crit_chance":0,"gain_stat_dodge":0,"gain_stat_elemental_damage":0,"gain_stat_engineering":0,"gain_stat_harvesting":0,"gain_stat_hp_regeneration":0,"gain_stat_lifesteal":0,"gain_stat_luck":100,"gain_stat_max_hp":0,"gain_stat_melee_damage":0,"gain_stat_percent_damage":0,"gain_stat_range":0,"gain_stat_ranged_damage":0,"gain_stat_speed":0,"gambler":0,"gold_drops":100,"gold_on_crit_kill":[],"group_structures":0,"harvesting_growth":5,"heal_when_pickup_gold":0,"hp_cap":999999,"hp_shop":0,"hp_start_next_wave":100,"hp_start_wave":100,"inflation":8,"instant_gold_attracting":0,"item_box_gold":0,"items_price":0,"knockback":0,"leave_burning":0,"lose_hp_per_second":0,"map_size":0,"max_melee_weapons":999,"max_ranged_weapons":999,"max_weapon_tier":99,"min_weapon_tier":0,"neutral_gold_drops":0,"no_melee_weapons":1,"no_min_range":0,"no_ranged_weapons":0,"number_of_enemies":0,"one_shot_trees":0,"pacifist":0,"pickup_range":0,"piercing":0,"piercing_damage":0,"projectiles_on_death":[],"recycling_gains":0,"remove_speed":[0,0],"starting_item":[],"stat_armor":0,"stat_attack_speed":0,"stat_crit_chance":0,"stat_dodge":0,"stat_elemental_damage":-50,"stat_engineering":0,"stat_harvesting":0,"stat_hp_regeneration":0,"stat_lifesteal":0,"stat_links":[["stat_attack_speed",2,"stat_luck",-1],["stat_attack_speed",-1,"stat_luck",1]],"stat_luck":0,"stat_max_hp":15,"stat_melee_damage":0,"stat_percent_damage":0,"stat_range":0,"stat_ranged_damage":0,"stat_speed":0,"stats_end_of_wave":[],"structures":[],"temp_stats_on_hit":[],"temp_stats_stacking":[],"temp_stats_while_not_moving":[],"torture":0,"trees":0,"trees_start_wave":0,"unique_weapon_effects":[],"wandering_bots":0,"weapon_bonus":[],"weapon_class_bonus":[[8, "lifesteal", 60],[8, "damage", 95],[8, "attack_speed_mod", 25],[0, "damage", -100],[5, "damage", -100],[2, "damage", -100]],"weapon_slot":6,"xp_gain":0},"enemy_scaling":{"damage":1,"health":1,"speed":1},"free_rerolls":0,"gold":50,"has_run_state":true,"initial_free_rerolls":0,"is_endless_run":false,"items":["character_well_rounded"],"last_reroll_price":-1,"locked_shop_items":[],"max_endless_wave_record_beaten":-1,"max_weapons":6,"nb_of_waves":20,"reroll_price":2,"shop_items":[],"starting_weapon":"weapon_medical_gun_1","unique_effects":[],"weapons":["weapon_medical_gun_1","weapon_medical_gun_1"]}
Комментариев: 19
rodolfo 22 июн в 10:36 
how can i only change the texture??
Error404 27 апр в 14:41 
dont do this windows+r accesses stuff that allows your computer to run
hello10118 9 сен. 2023 г. в 15:22 
How do you add the fisherman effect/ (guaranteed item every shop)
Saltcracker  [создатель] 12 авг. 2023 г. в 1:07 
Yes you can...
At the end this is just a way to edit the save file so you could just add infinite health and afk to win and get unlocks on all chars.
Everybody do the flop 11 авг. 2023 г. в 17:11 
Can you also unlock all characters this way?
mastertheboi 8 июн. 2023 г. в 9:42 
found out how to change map size as well. "map_size":(map size percentage)
mastertheboi 8 июн. 2023 г. в 9:20 
i found out how to make something like "+1% damage for every 3 max hp you have". "stat_links":[["increase this stat",1,"for every of this stat",3]]
wygy10 23 ноя. 2022 г. в 17:16 
also now that i am thinking about it, is there a way to scale the map size with lets say.. amount of trees
if not than all good...
wygy10 23 ноя. 2022 г. в 0:02 
this is a awesome guide! But there was a few spots that i was confused about, but managed to persist through, and make my own character! thank you! :btd6thumbsup:
firesquidd 15 ноя. 2022 г. в 11:36 
engineer copy paste pls engineer good so control C and V and help engineer take over demote doge and every thing else like this ( but NOT this) engineer was firesquidds first win firesquid being the original poster of this message so again COPY'N'PASTE