Amberial Dreams

Amberial Dreams

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Amberial Dreams Advanced Tricks
By Shallot God
Having trouble with the Spire of Trails? Is gravity being a problem yet again? Bored and looking for something to read? Well this guide has all the answers!
Welcome to the official guide advanced tips and tricks guide of Amberial Dreams! In here, we're going to go over a few tricks to help you better understand some of the mechanics of the game or maybe even find a way to steal the best time on that level you've been grinding for several hours.

This is one of two guides - the other goes over tips and tricks about level making. You can check that out here!
Momentum Slamming
As I’m sure you already know, movement in this game is simple. You press left and you move left. You press right and with the miracle of modern science, move right. Though, you can’t jump, which seems more like a personal problem. I’m sure you’ll get over it. BUT you do have physics and momentum to compensate for that. With such, you’ll have to use your environment to get around, which at times uses a lot of momentum. Sometimes, however, that may not seem the case, as some places are just out of reach and those places are exactly where you need to go.

Take this scenario for instance. All you have to do is drop down, gravity will do the rest and land you into safety, right? Well now that you’re back at the start, you’ll quickly realize gravity is the worst innovation since Bleu cheese. So instead, you’ll need to do what I unofficially call a momentum slam. This is where instead of landing on an angled platform like you normally would, you instead get as much speed as you can towards said platform and slam into it as hard as you can.

And after some mild trauma from hitting the surface so hard, you’ll be able to clear the gap and make it to safety!

There will be plenty of instances where this is needed, but this is still a rather basic technique. Let’s get into something more cool and good, like…
Gravity Scraping
You ever stop and realize that your nose is always in your peripheral vision?

Anyway, let’s talk about gravity scraping. This very rough sounding unofficial term is how you can get more hang time off of a gravity orb. You see, this is a circle. And last I checked, I don’t know what a circle is because I can’t see anything. But if you look really closely, you’ll notice it’s curvature, which means it’s hitbox isn’t a square, meaning the closer to the edge you hit it, the later the gravity swap is applied, and the more clearing power you get.

In this scenario, you’ll see you have to clear this curving wall using only the gravity orb. If you paid attention to what I said earlier, thanks. But hitting this orb directly will not give you the momentum and hang time you need to clear any of this.

However, the further out you hit it, the more momentum you’ll keep when gravity is switched back.

As you can see, by hitting the edges, the residual momentum you had when hitting it was much greater, therefore giving you a lot more hang time to clear it. Keep in mind that every single variation of the Avatar has the exact same sized circular hitbox, and in order to pull this off correctly, the edge of your hitbox must scrape the edge of the orb’s hitbox. Executing this is easier said than done, though, due to the fact that this is a rather precise task to do. But that’s fine, it’s not like there’s anything more precise than this. Right?
Corner Boosting
Now, let’s talk about the springs of Amberial. It’s no secret that these momentum based launchers are very… fickle.

But that doesn't change that they very fun to use once you get used to them! Here, we have but a simple spring jump to get through some spikes. Plenty of room to go through, enough space for you to get enough momentum to get the launching power you need. All you have to do is hit the bottom, ride along it to the top, time your release accordingly and accurately, and just like that you have made it-

…oh. Well that wasn't supposed to happen.

But why? Wasn’t there more than enough room to make it through? Well, yes, there was - if you did a normal launch. What happened here is the result of a corner boost. And if you’ve dealt with this piece enough, there’s a good chance you’ve had this happen to you with absolutely no explanation or reason.

Corner boosting on springs is by far the most precise, tricky, and even a bit janky thing to do with any piece in Amberial. What this involves is hitting the exact corner of the spring at just the right time and place. The image above shows a spring with it's insanely small area to hit in order for this to happen. You can end up pulling this off by hitting the bottom and riding up to the exact corner, but it’s not nearly as effective as using your momentum to hit as close to - or as directly on - the corner itself.

But do notice, what’s within the highlighted area isn’t only the corner, it also shows the side of the spring. That is intentional, as you can achieve a corner boost by hitting the side and managing to get on and stay on the spring. Specifically, the only time you’d need to hit the direct side is when the spring is horizontal. What you’ll need to do is get as much momentum as you can to run into the side. Doing so will push the spring in the direction you ran into it, and within an extremely small window of time, you’ll need to readjust yourself to stay on the corner unless you enjoy falling into the void or just don’t like heights. This trick is by far the hardest thing you can successfully pull off in the game.

Doing a boost is easier to do on an angled spring rather than a flat horizontal or vertical spring. Momentum is the absolute key in order to make these work. And even then, the height you get by doing so isn’t always exact. Sometimes you get launched a slight amount higher than you would by doing the spring normally. Other times you’ve been launched into the the thorns five levels over.

That's all I got. Go play the game.
Poopy (py) 21 Sep, 2023 @ 1:45pm 
this did helped me a litte bit