Metro 2033 Redux

Metro 2033 Redux

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4X FPS BOOST and 2X IMAGE Quality..!🤨
By The_GarlicBread
Use SSAA to Enable FPS BOOST by 4X Native along With the BEST IMAGE QUALITY..!
Works BEST With NVIDIA RTX Cards. 🤐🥹

OTHER CARD USERS 🥸 can Try Custom Resolution of 2xNative Resolution. Meaning .. If you have 1080P Screen.. add a Custom Resolution of 2x(1920X1080) = 3840x2160 in the Graphical Control Panel and Follow from Step 2 in the Guide.😮

Step 1. and Step 2. are for Image Quality.

Step 3. is for FPS Boost.

Choose whatever you like or Both.
Using DLDSR.
Step 1. Enable DLDSR in NVCP as Shown in the Pic.

Step 2. Open The Game and Set the Game Resolution to Maximum Available and Game Settings to Maximum except Motion Blur .. cause Who likes it .. eh..? And Set SSAA to OFF.

Step 3.Open %LOCALAPPDATA%\4A Games\Metro 2033\<user-id>\user.cfg using Notepad and Find The Line

r_supersample 1 and Change it to "r_supersample X " where X is 0.2 to 0.9

MOST IMPORTANT --> Value of X differs from System to System. Also.. Lower the Value.. Higher the FPS.

Also.. NEVER CHANGE IN-GAME SSAA Option After Editing User.cfg File.

For Example--> I have a RTX 3060 and a 4K Display and I get around 40 to 46 FPS at 4K Ultra which is really a mess.... cause GPU is always at 99% giving High Latency and FPS Spikes.😱

So.. Enabling DLDSR @ 2.25X gives me an extra resolution of 3240P ( 6K ) along with DEEP LEARNING Tech of NVIDIA and thus Giving an Output Image of 8K Quality..!!!!'😮

Problem is ... FPS drastically gets reduced to around 20 @ 6K from around 40 @ 4K.🤔🥸

SO.. Here comes the inbuilt SSAA of Metro Redux Games. BUT AGAIN.. In-game SSAA is limited to 0.5x... Thus Enabling 0.5x SSAA along with 3240P makes internal Rendering @ (0.5 x Pixel Count of 3240P ) = Around 2200P ... Which gives a MUCH CRISP AND CLEAR IMAGE DUE TO NVIDIA's DEEP LEARNING DSR.🤩

BUT AGAIN.. My FPS was still around 40 with 3240P and 0.5 SSAA.🤨🤐

So.. Finally.. I tried editing the User.cfg using Notepad.. and Set the Value of r_supersample to 0.3.. Giving me a stable 60 FPS.. and GPU Usages around 92% to 95% and an IMAGE QUALITY Looking MUCH BETTER THAN NATIVE 4K.🥹🏇🤪😁🤯🥴
How it Works..?
The Game uses inbuilt SSAA Anti-Aliasing tech..🤤.
SSAA instead of working Frame by Frame... works on a Pixel by Pixel Count.

So.. If your Resolution is Set to 1080P and you Set SSAA to 2X means your Internal Rendering will be done at ( 1080P Pixel Count X 2 ) = ( 2,073,600 x 2 pixels ) = Around 1500P.🥹.
Thus SSAA at 4X will give ( 1080P Pixels X 4 ) = 2160P Output.

However.. If you Already Got a 1440P or a 4K Screen and Your GPU isn't capable of Maintaining Stable FPS.. in-game SSAA also provides an option of 0.5X.. allowing pixel rendering to decrease internally and thus allowing a FPS Boost.🥴

But If you want more.. You can Always edit user.cfg file and set " r_supersample " between 0.2 to 0.9 as per your preference.🤩🤠🤯

THAT's IT.. GOT ANY QUESTION.. Just Comment.

The Game really hits hard thinking about today's Reality and Global Affairs. Please try to be a Human Being as much as possible.✌️.
The_GarlicBread  [author] 12 Jan @ 11:59pm 
Read my For Example Part.

Anyway, It's true that native is better BUT THAT DEPENDS.

The best image quality is --> DLDSR+DLSS@Quality/Balanced. This combination is far better than Native.

In this game, as DLSS isn't available, and my GPU at that time couldn't reach Stable 60 FPS @ 4K Ultra or above, I used SSAA Downsampling.

Even so, Using DLDSR @ 0.5 SSAA is much equivalent to 4K native with a much needed FPS boost compared to Native.

ALSO, YOU CAN NOW USE FRAME GENERATION using LS in this game. Do try that.
ZenTunE 12 Jan @ 8:54pm 
I don't get it, why not just run native res and turn SSAA off completely? Or if you need some AA, try SMAA though ReShade. If I understand this correctly, with this all you're doing is rendering the game at a lower than native resolution in a higher res window and then downsampling that back to fit the display. I fail to see how this could improve visual quality.

Like running a game at 4K but 50% render resolution, just do display it on a 1080p monitor anyway. 0 difference from just running the game in 1080p 100% render res to begin with.

All that deep learning does is just downsample the image back to fit the screen, it's not creating any detail. Any fps boost you get is from running a lower resolution, and because of what I just said, nothing is there to help it look as good or better than native.🤨
The_GarlicBread  [author] 6 Jan @ 5:42am 
You should get 60 FPS @ 4K with SSAA @ 0.5.

Something's wrong with your PC. Can be anything , hard to tell.

Tell you what, Remove GPU from PCIE slot and properly insert it.

Remove Driver through DDU and Clean install Driver 537.58.


It will surely fix this.
ZockenderNotSan 6 Jan @ 3:50am 
GForce RTX 4060TI
I9 12900KF
VSync is off.
I changed the correct file as in your manual.

I am at 30 FPS, at times it goes up to 40 but never above.
The_GarlicBread  [author] 4 Jan @ 11:56pm 
Is Vsync off?

Please post system specs and game settings.

Reducing Supersample SSAA must increase FPS as it reduces rendering resolution.

Are you changing the correct file and correct line?
ZockenderNotSan 4 Jan @ 10:07am 
Editing the config doesn't help boosting my fps. I am dumping around with 30 FPS.... tried everything from 0.2 to 0.9. Any idea? Otherwise thanks, great guide!!
The_GarlicBread  [author] 10 Jul, 2023 @ 12:31am 
Screen Tearing will always happen if you are below or above your Screen refresh rate.
Only way to remove it is by using VSYNC or VRR or Scanline sync of Rivatuner which is a bit complicated.
So, Just use NVIDIA Control Panel and set VSYNC to FAST if you GPU can handle above 144 FPS or use in-game VSYNC.
XeSpace52 9 Jul, 2023 @ 9:28am 
144, but I see some screen tearing and I thought if that would help
The_GarlicBread  [author] 9 Jul, 2023 @ 12:23am 
Wow, you wanna go above 144 FPS !
How much is your Monitor Refresh Rate ? If it's 144Hz, there no point in going above it.
XeSpace52 8 Jul, 2023 @ 2:45pm 
Very cool! Went from locked 60 to locked 144, is there a way to unlock it maybe?