Conrad Stevenson's Paranormal P.I.

Conrad Stevenson's Paranormal P.I.

52 ratings
Collecting All Evidence for Evergreen Lane
By Spooky_Beetle
Can't seem to collect those last bits of audio evidence? Struggling to take that elusive ghost photo? Can't find an archive note? Consider giving this guide a read then. In it, general and in-depth tips will be given on to how to complete these tasks so you can fully investigate all the ghosts of Evergreen Lane. Lore for each ghost will be spoiled so read everything at your own desecration.
Introduction to Evergreen Lane

Next to Black Ridge Woods, an old farmhouse sits along Evergreen Lane. Over the years, the farmhouse has lost its original farm property and has been renovated numerous times to take on a more modern appearance. The Wentz family has moved into this quaint farmhouse only to find strange occurrences happening within their first year of living there. Tammy Wentz, the mother and wife, reaches out to you, Conrad Stevenson, to prove or debunk these occurrences as paranormal.
Planning Your Investigations
As funny as it is to charge into your first case with the intention to rile up ghosts, fully investigating this house requires a bit of planning. Read through Tammy's email carefully, and take note where strange occurrences are happening. Each ghost haunts a certain section of the house and once you figure out where each ghost haunts, you'll be able to collect all the evidence (including the archive note) in that particular area.

In Tammy's email, the following locations are mentioned to have paranormal activity...

  • Upstairs living area
  • Garage
  • Children's room (Upstairs)
  • Kitchen

For your first few investigations, you'll notice paranormal activity occurring in these listed areas if you select the notes from Tammy's email associated with it prior to starting the investigation. Don't rush around the house, frantically looking for evidence. Most of the time, you must patiently wait in a particular room for a few minutes for the ghost to make sounds or manifest before you. After finding at least one piece of audio evidence, the ghost's name will appear in their audio archives. From there, make a mental map where each ghost can be found before beginning more in depth investigations.
General Tips for Collecting All Evidence
Select the Right Notes Prior to an Investigation
If you're struggling to collect a piece of audio evidence or snap a photo, chances are you don't have all the right notes selected. From my experience, the game progress locks you from fully collecting audio if not all the notes are selected. Having more notes also makes the ghost more active to the player during an investigation. These notes come from Tammy's email and archive notes you find throughout your investigations.

Find All the Archive Notes
Three out of the four ghosts found in Evergreen Lane have a archive note associated them. If you fail to collect these archive notes, you will not be able to fully investigate the ghost it's associated with. One or more archive note(s) randomly spawns within the house during a random investigation after completing your first investigation. They can be found on the floor within rooms or in closets as small sheets of paper or picture. If you've run around the house, but fail to spot a archive note, leave the investigation and start a new one. Odds are that no archive note has spawned within the house for that investigation. Pay close attention where you see and hear certain ghosts. Each archive notes will be found in the room(s) the ghost it's associated with haunts.

Understand How Ghosts Behave
Take a moment to read about the different types of ghost you'll becoming across on your investigation. This will help you collect EMF, temperatures, EVPs, and photos at the right time. It will also prevent you from wasting your time asking EVP questions to a ghost that's incapable of responding back to you.

Be Patient
Don't be constantly running around the entire house looking for a piece of evidence. Try to focus on a single ghost per investigation and wait in the rooms they specifically haunt to trigger audio and/or manifestations. I've had to wait a room for a few minutes to collect the final audio for most of the ghost here. Sometimes it might also be more effective to wait in a room you've previously seen a ghost manifest to take its picture if you missed it the first time and are struggling to find it a second time.

Listen for Wind Chimes and Creepy Background Noises
The pamphlet on Conrad's desk mentions that hearing these sounds implies a ghost is near. From my experience, it also helps locate rooms that the ghosts are haunting. If you're walking around and hear these noises, pause to see if a ghost makes a noise or manifests before you for a minute. If not, search the rooms nearby for any activity. If the room is dead silent, leave and find the room where these odd sounds can be heard in the background. The silence is an indicator that the ghost is not within that room.
The Ghost in the Kitchen *Spoilers*

Ghost's Name: The Ghost in the Kitchen

Type of Ghost: Poltergeist

Living Name: Unknown

Known Family: Unknown

Lived in Property: Unknown

Archive Note: N/A

Investigation Notes:
  • Many families many memories
  • remodeling provokes activity
  • kitchen items thrown
  • mess vanished

Locations of Haunts:
  • Kitchen - Picture and Audio
  • Basement - Audio
  • Master Bathroom - Audio
  • Basement - Audio

Interpreted Audio Evidence:
  • Track 1 - Sound of glass shattering
  • Track 2 - Sound of glass lid being moved followed by plastic container being thrown
  • Track 3 - Sound of metal pot lid being moved followed by metal pot being thrown
  • Track 4 - Sound of plastic cup being thrown
  • Track 5 - Sound of wooden floorboards creaking
  • Track 6 - Sound of metal silverware being thrown


Photos: 2

Photo #1
When the poltergeist throws a bunch of glass plates from the china cabinet onto the floor.

Photo #2
When the poltergeist throws a plastic blue cup from the dinning table onto the floor.

Achievement: Ghost in the Kitchen
  • Collect 6/6 audio evidence
  • Collect 2/2 photos

Not much can be said about the Ghost in the Kitchen due to a lack of known history associated with poltergeists. Based on the in-game lore, I assumed that the poltergeist is a manifestation of negative emotions from the Wentz family or potentially the anger from William Carter's ghost, the Shadowy Screamer, considering these two ghost shares the same rooms. The poltergeist's destructive description from Tammy's email and the items thrown during the investigation suggests an angry energy to me.
Shadowy Screamer *Spoilers*

Ghost Name: Shadowy Screamer

Ghost Type: 2nd Type of Intelligent (Shadow Person)

Living Name: William Carter

Known Family:
  • Alice Carter (Wife)
  • Thomas Carter (Son)
  • Elizabeth Carter (Daughter)

Lived in Property: Built the farmhouse in 1902 and sold it to the Sheets Family in 1932 for $4,300.

Archive Note:

The Shadowy Screamer's archive note is a deed of the land from October 18, 1902. This note was found on the basement floor during my investigation, but check the floor of the master bathroom and the closet within it as well. A police report from July 18, 1912 is unlocked within the computer archives as well as the deed itself upon finding it.

Investigation Notes
  • many families many memories
  • built in 1902
  • carter had a temper
  • remodeling provokes activity
  • shadow moving around
  • shadow disembodied voice

Locations of Haunts:
  • Basement (manifestation and audio)
  • Master Bathroom (manifestation and audio)
  • Kitchen (manifestation and audio)
  • Laundry Room (Audio)
  • Living Room (Audio)

Interpreted Audio Evidence:
  • Track 1 - "Save me..."
  • Track 2 - "Why..."
  • Track 3 - "Girl..."
  • Track 4 - "Hey..."
  • Track 5 - "HELP ME!"

EVP Evidence: N/A

Snap a photo of the Shadowy Screamer once he manifests before you. I recommend waiting by the closet in the master bathroom facing the door adjacent to the basement door for a photo. You can also snap pictures of him if you wait in the kitchen and the basement for a few minutes.

Achievement: Shadowy Screamer
Collect 5/5 audio evidence
Collect 1/1 photo evidence

William Carter, or the Shadowy Screamer, is the oldest ghost in the house considering he the original owner who built it. In life, he most likely had anger issues due to a police report from July 18, 1912 describing a situation where Officer Lane witnessed William assaulted a doctor named Milo Willis with a glass bottle for failing to heal his children from their illness. We learn from another archive note from the Skipping Child (Elizabeth Carter) that this illness was acute pulmonary tuberculous. Sadly, as a hard working farmer and an implied alcoholic (from the same police report), William never felt he was there enough for his beloved children and didn't do the most he could to save them from their illness. On top of that, medicine for tuberculous wasn't as advance as it is now and he most likely was forced to watch his children die from a slow, painful death.
Now in death, he roams the house as a Shadow Person. He whispers in the player's ears, even goes as far as to screaming, "HELP ME," to the player if they get too close to him while he's manifested. He even has been seen playing with the lights and occasionally closing or opening doors. However, he doesn't respond to EVP questions and only just seems aware of the player's presence. Perhaps, one day, there will be a way for the player to let William know that his children are no longer suffering and that he did the best any father could in that situation.
Skipping Child *Spoilers*

Ghost Name: Skipping Child

Ghost Type: Residual

Living Name: Elizabeth Carter

Known Family:
William Carter (Father)
Alice Carter (Mother)
Thomas Carter (Older Brother)

Lived in Property: Elizabeth presumably lived in the house from when it was built in 1902 to around the time of her death in 1912. Her family sold the property in 1932 to the Sheets Family for $4,300.

Archive Note:

The Skipping Child's archive note is a picture of Elizabeth Carter that Conrad notes she "seemed so happy." I found her note on the floor of the teenager's bedroom during my investigation, but check the other rooms and closets upstairs for this photo as well. Elizabeth's death certificate from August 8, 1912 is unlocked on the computer along with her picture once you find it.

Investigation Notes
many families many memories
  • liz seemed so happy
  • such a sad fate
  • remodeling provokes activity
  • footsteps upstairs
  • ghost of young child

Locations of Haunts:
  • Upstairs kitchen (audio and manifestations)
  • Upstairs living room (audio and manifestations)
  • Children's bedroom (audio)
  • teenager's bedroom (audio)
  • Upstairs hallway (audio and manifestations)

Interpreted Audio Evidence
  • Track 1 - Sound of girl's happy laughter
  • Track 2 - "Indecipherable... when I'm in the third grade..."
  • Track 3 - Sound of labored breathing
  • Track 4 - Sound of girl coughing


Snap a photo of the Skipping Child once she manifests before you. The sound of her skipping is a good indicator of when she has manifested. I recommend waiting at the end of the upstairs hallway or in living room facing towards the bookshelf for a photo opportunity. You can also catch a quick glimpse of her skipping if you wait at the doorway of the children's and teenager's bedroom.

Elizabeth Carter was a loved, happy child based on her photo. I am going to presume sometime in the third grade, she and her older brother, Thomas, developed acute pulmonary tuberculosis. Despite her parents' best attempts to save them, they both ended up passing away on August 9, 1912 at New Eidolon Hospital due to the lack of treatment available at the time.
Now in death, she relives a happier memory where she merrily skips around the house. Her positive energy rubs off on Tammy's younger children as they view her as a fellow playmate and Tammy herself views her as their imaginary friend. During your investigation, you'll see her translucent form skip down the hallway or through the living room, oblivious to your presence. She won't answer EVP questions or mess with the lights or doors. Simply, live in the past, when the farmhouse was her happy home. Hopefully, one day, there will be a way to reunite her with her family in the afterlife.
G.I. Ghost *Spoilers*

Ghost Name: G.I. Ghost

Ghost Type: First Type of Intelligent

Living Name: Robert Connor (confirmed in-game!)

Known Family:
  • Paul Connor (Father)
  • Louise Connor (Mother)

Lived in Property: The Connor family purchased the house from the Sheets Family in 1955 for $23,120. I will assumed Connor moved in with them after they purchased it and died in the garage on September 9, 1961. His family sold the house to the Bennett Family in 1983 for $135,000.

Archive Note:

The G.I. Ghost's archive note is a newspaper clipping from November 15, 1961 describing Connor's suicide. I found the clipping in the pile of dead leaves in the garage, but it should spawn in one of the rooms within the garage. A police report from September 9, 1961 is unlocked in your computer archive along with the clipping once you find it.

Location of Haunts: Garage

Interpreted Audio Evidence:
Track 1 - Sound of man crying
Track 2 - choking sound
Track 3 - "Why me..."
Track 4 - "Hide..."

  • Question #1: Is there anyone here who would like to speak with me?
    Reply (Track 5): "Sir..."
  • Question #2: Is there anything you would like to tell me?
    Reply (Track 6) "I hurt..."
  • Question #3: Do you know why I'm here?
    Reply (Track 7): "Talk..."
  • Question #4: How many people are here other than me?
    Reply (Track 8): "Just me..."
  • Question #5: Is this your home?
    Reply (Track 9); "Family..."
  • Question #6: Do you like the current family living here?
    Reply (Track 10): "My family..."
  • Question #7: Why are you here?
    Reply (Track 11): Should have died there..."
  • Question #8: Can you tell me your name?
    Reply (Track 12): "Private Connor..."

EVP Tip: From my experience, you will have to ask the EVP questions multiple times before the ghost answers them. The ghost will only answer a few EVP questions per investigation so you'll have to re-investigate them a few times to collect all the EVP responses listed above. Keep in mind that the ghost will only give an answer for question #8 once you collected responses for questions 1 -7.

Snap a photo of the G.I. Ghost once he appears before you. His footsteps are a good indicator of when he has manifested. I recommend waiting in section of the garage with the pile of dead leaves for him to manifest, specifically in the corner next to the door leading to the next room since he also manifests there as well.

Achievement: G.I. Ghost
Collect 8/12 audio evidence
Collect 1/1 photos

Robert Connor struggled most of his life trying to live a "normal" life. The newspaper clippings state he served in the military with his mother, Louise, claiming he "witnessed horrible things" and was "in the thick of horrendous, bloody fighting." Most of his friends died during the unnamed war, and he came back home with PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) and major depression. He would awake abruptly at night from night terrors, have trouble maintaining jobs (police report), and developed alcoholism in a desperate attempt to cope with his inner demons (police report). He loved his parents more than anything, but the stress became unbearable and Robert hung himself in the garage on September 9, 1961.
Now he lingers in the same garage he once spent time with his father in as an intelligent ghost, and arguably the most intelligent of the four ghosts in Evergreen Lane. He makes it very clear through his audio cues and EVP responses that he still suffers from his internal pain and now occasionally relives the horrific day he hung himself. Despite his astonishing ability to communicate with the living and play with the lights, he seldom reveals himself to others. Perhaps, one day, there will be a way to finally revive him from his suffering and reunite him with his parents.
Elder Kirkus 14 Dec, 2024 @ 9:28am 
I've got two ghosts left in this map. One is the skipping girl (need a photo) one is the poltergeist (need EVP/Photo).

I read this guide and genuinely believed she was always upstairs because well, she was.

But she's followed me to the downstairs kitchen, is doing her little "When I'm in the dark I'm Free" line and coughing in my earholes. Wtf?
[GoW] leech 9 Jan, 2024 @ 4:21am 
Can i make a german translation of this Guide?
Dazhukan 9 Oct, 2023 @ 9:05pm 
Is there any way to get temp evidence for poltergeists in general? I think I did it in early access but I may be misremembering. I can't seem to get it now that it has been fully released. Similarly, I only got EMF 5 from the relic although I thought I also got EMF 5 from the poltergeist throwing items. I may be confusing it all from back when I played phasmophobia though
Maghorn 3 Apr, 2023 @ 12:44am 
With the Poltergeist, I've also heard glass breaking upstairs and in the child's bedroom. Seems like it can be heard anywhere in the house.
Glorb 22 Feb, 2023 @ 10:34am 
Is there anything that can be done to increase the likelihood of a ghost manifesting? I've been trying for hours and hours to get the photo of the GI Ghost / Connor and he simply will just not comply.
MuscleBroStolas 20 Feb, 2023 @ 9:21pm 
This guide is not current.

Also, the 8th EVP from Private Conner I received before some of the others, so that is also wrong.
itekweni 5 Feb, 2023 @ 9:48am 
I have got everything from EVP Private Connor, photo's of all ghosts but still cannot seem to get level to close off
EtherealAvian 11 Jan, 2023 @ 7:09pm 
@Vic=HKC= Thank you very much. This helped a lot.
♥♪Dawnmarie♪♥ 8 Jan, 2023 @ 6:10am 
This is awesome! Thank you!!!:steamthumbsup:
Vic=HKC= 8 Jan, 2023 @ 3:02am 
@EtherealAvian TV being switched on in the living room - the third event was added in November 2022.