Stormworks: Build and Rescue

Stormworks: Build and Rescue

193 人が評価
SSN-1 Nuclear-Powered Ballistic Missile Submarine by MrCreebert
5.451 MB
2022年10月10日 12時34分
2022年10月15日 5時47分
15 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

SSN-1 Nuclear-Powered Ballistic Missile Submarine by MrCreebert


Using "High Physics" is not necessary but recommended!
Do not use infinite electric with this vehicle

The SSN-1 Is a nuclear powered submarine, carrying 16 GPS guided ballistic missiles and 2 Torpedos and a top speed of 60 knots!

*images may be outdated in the future
How to get inside:
  • Locate the hatch on the left or right side of the submarines conning tower.
  • Open the hatch and climb inside
  • Open the bottoms hatch and climb down the ladder. This will lead you to the main control room

Operating the Nuclear Reactor:
  • Head to the back off the submarine through the ballistic missile bay and enter the main nuclear control room using the code 465892
  • Once youre inside the control room and see all the buttons infront of you, flip the switch called "Automatic Control Rod" and lower all 4 Nuclear Fuel Arrays
  • It doesnt matter in which order you turn on the following switches & buttons:
  • Enable Boiler Input & Output Pumps
  • Enable Turbine Steam Flow Valve
  • Enable Turbine Output Valve
  • Enable Turbine Clutch & Switch Gear
  • Enable Condenser Input Valve & Pump
  • Enable Condenser Output Valve & Pump
  • Enable Cooling Unit
  • Enable Condenser Cooling Pump A & B
  • Enable Boiler Hot Steam Valve A & B
  • Wait for the Boiler Pressure to get above 0 before you drive the submarine or use any manouvering thrusters

  • Empty reactor chamber until water level has reached 0
  • Unlock reactor hatch on either left & right side

    Remote Control Station:
    For limited control of the reactor from the main control room you can use the remote control station
  • On main reactor console, press "Allow Conn"
  • Head to control room and enter the code 465892 on the remote control console
  • Enable "Conn Override Request" on remote control console

Diving & Manouvering Thrusters:
  • To dive, simply enable "Automatic Neutral Bouyancy" and for the ballast tanks to fill up
  • Disable Automatic Neutral Bouyancy and press the button called "Manouvering Thrusters"
  • The Thruster controls are split up into the 2 seats, left seat control turn, right seat controls depth
  • Get inside the right seat and enable and press s to descend (fill ballast tank a little more to increase descent speed/range
  • Once you reach your desired depth, enable depth hold
  • Using the Electric Motor boost might cause the submarine to ascend

Using the Ballistic Missiles:
  • Enter the target coordinates on the right side keypad in the main control room
  • Open the missile hatches (wont open underwater to avoid flooding)
  • Make sure youre less than 7.2 km away from the target
  • Flip the "Master Arm" switch and fire single or double missile rounds

How to use with compatible recon UAV drone:
  • Spawn in the drone in the hangar of your choosing
  • Get a friend to fly the drone while youre in the submarine
  • Enable "Connect to Drone Network" on the submarine
  • It should now have found the drones radio signal and transmit a video signal

    How do i use the UAV drone?
  • Simply disconnect the drones power and fuel connection to the drone station and press "enable drone"
  • Taxi to the runway, set your target altitude (if you want to use autopilot) and enable takeoff mode
  • Alt Hold might be a bit wonky, so be ready to intervene

Please do not reupload or modify any of my vehicles!
If something doesnt work with the Submarine/UAV please tell me!
97 件のコメント
cas.vdb77 7月20日 10時37分 
i keep dying in the control romm?
LOcOtObO2-0 7月8日 2時36分 
Hey hey, I'm trying out your sub a bit, and for some reason the reactor won't properly start, even when i do exactly what you said. It says the turbine isn't spinning at all, could this be the problem? And if so, is there anything i can do to fix it?
Sparmink 5月27日 10時11分 
whats the missile range?
cheesiestpotato 4月27日 5時47分 
oh no i implo-
MrCreebert  [作成者] 4月11日 7時33分 
VoDKa, yeah i havent checked it out since the space dlc so the new fluid dynamics may have broken it
Reaper 4月3日 15時41分 
so the missles in it exploded and it still ran till i hit the sea floor so the best sub out there
MrCreebert  [作成者] 3月24日 12時22分 
racially motivated mann they unfortunately will have to sleep on the floor in this submarine :steambored:
Bro where is my crew gonna sleep, the chairs? we need a crew quarters
noob get rekt 3月16日 7時46分 
Nearly got boiler up to temp, however reactor is extremely close to melting down
noob get rekt 3月16日 7時42分 
Yeah, how come boiler dosent get up to temp?