Stormworks: Build and Rescue

Stormworks: Build and Rescue

193 évaluations
SSN-1 Nuclear-Powered Ballistic Missile Submarine by MrCreebert
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10 oct. 2022 à 12h34
15 oct. 2022 à 5h47
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SSN-1 Nuclear-Powered Ballistic Missile Submarine by MrCreebert


Using "High Physics" is not necessary but recommended!
Do not use infinite electric with this vehicle

The SSN-1 Is a nuclear powered submarine, carrying 16 GPS guided ballistic missiles and 2 Torpedos and a top speed of 60 knots!

*images may be outdated in the future
How to get inside:
  • Locate the hatch on the left or right side of the submarines conning tower.
  • Open the hatch and climb inside
  • Open the bottoms hatch and climb down the ladder. This will lead you to the main control room

Operating the Nuclear Reactor:
  • Head to the back off the submarine through the ballistic missile bay and enter the main nuclear control room using the code 465892
  • Once youre inside the control room and see all the buttons infront of you, flip the switch called "Automatic Control Rod" and lower all 4 Nuclear Fuel Arrays
  • It doesnt matter in which order you turn on the following switches & buttons:
  • Enable Boiler Input & Output Pumps
  • Enable Turbine Steam Flow Valve
  • Enable Turbine Output Valve
  • Enable Turbine Clutch & Switch Gear
  • Enable Condenser Input Valve & Pump
  • Enable Condenser Output Valve & Pump
  • Enable Cooling Unit
  • Enable Condenser Cooling Pump A & B
  • Enable Boiler Hot Steam Valve A & B
  • Wait for the Boiler Pressure to get above 0 before you drive the submarine or use any manouvering thrusters

  • Empty reactor chamber until water level has reached 0
  • Unlock reactor hatch on either left & right side

    Remote Control Station:
    For limited control of the reactor from the main control room you can use the remote control station
  • On main reactor console, press "Allow Conn"
  • Head to control room and enter the code 465892 on the remote control console
  • Enable "Conn Override Request" on remote control console

Diving & Manouvering Thrusters:
  • To dive, simply enable "Automatic Neutral Bouyancy" and for the ballast tanks to fill up
  • Disable Automatic Neutral Bouyancy and press the button called "Manouvering Thrusters"
  • The Thruster controls are split up into the 2 seats, left seat control turn, right seat controls depth
  • Get inside the right seat and enable and press s to descend (fill ballast tank a little more to increase descent speed/range
  • Once you reach your desired depth, enable depth hold
  • Using the Electric Motor boost might cause the submarine to ascend

Using the Ballistic Missiles:
  • Enter the target coordinates on the right side keypad in the main control room
  • Open the missile hatches (wont open underwater to avoid flooding)
  • Make sure youre less than 7.2 km away from the target
  • Flip the "Master Arm" switch and fire single or double missile rounds

How to use with compatible recon UAV drone:
  • Spawn in the drone in the hangar of your choosing
  • Get a friend to fly the drone while youre in the submarine
  • Enable "Connect to Drone Network" on the submarine
  • It should now have found the drones radio signal and transmit a video signal

    How do i use the UAV drone?
  • Simply disconnect the drones power and fuel connection to the drone station and press "enable drone"
  • Taxi to the runway, set your target altitude (if you want to use autopilot) and enable takeoff mode
  • Alt Hold might be a bit wonky, so be ready to intervene

Please do not reupload or modify any of my vehicles!
If something doesnt work with the Submarine/UAV please tell me!
97 commentaires
cas.vdb77 20 juil. à 10h37 
i keep dying in the control romm?
LOcOtObO2-0 8 juil. à 2h36 
Hey hey, I'm trying out your sub a bit, and for some reason the reactor won't properly start, even when i do exactly what you said. It says the turbine isn't spinning at all, could this be the problem? And if so, is there anything i can do to fix it?
Sparmink 27 mai à 10h11 
whats the missile range?
cheesiestpotato 27 avr. à 5h47 
oh no i implo-
MrCreebert  [créateur] 11 avr. à 7h33 
VoDKa, yeah i havent checked it out since the space dlc so the new fluid dynamics may have broken it
Reaper 3 avr. à 15h41 
so the missles in it exploded and it still ran till i hit the sea floor so the best sub out there
MrCreebert  [créateur] 24 mars à 12h22 
racially motivated mann they unfortunately will have to sleep on the floor in this submarine :steambored:
Bro where is my crew gonna sleep, the chairs? we need a crew quarters
noob get rekt 16 mars à 7h46 
Nearly got boiler up to temp, however reactor is extremely close to melting down
noob get rekt 16 mars à 7h42 
Yeah, how come boiler dosent get up to temp?