Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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The History of TF2 Contracts and How to complete MerasmaMissions during Scream Fortress Halloween Event on Team Fortress 2
By Sharkster_00
This guide is to help newer players who played TF2 or Team Fortress 2 learn the history of TF2's contracts and how to complete the MerasmaMissions during scream fortress each year on TF2 to get Halloween Hats for free. This Guide took 2 weeks to make it look right and nice so I really appreciated if you use this guide to help you with Scream Fortress and for helping people who didn't know this history of contracts.
What are Contracts? Part 1
Contracts are main and bonus objectives you can do in TF2 during online matches of Casual and it was first added in 2015 with the Gun Mettle Update. There were part of the Contracts drawers where players would complete daily contracts or weekly contracts and would reward players with Halloween Cosmetics and Warpaints that were only from the Gun Mettle and Tough break Contracts and players had to open the "coded" contract in order to do them and they were specific to do like some were map specific while others were class or gameplay specific. However this system was replaced by the Contracker from Jungle Inferno Update. What is interesting is the Gun Mettle update award players a coin that would track there Progress from the update and a Stamp for the Tough Break update. The Gun Mettle Update also introduced Campaign weapon drops which were the first "warpaints" before the Jungle Inferno Update and added the Trade ups for Stat clock for your weapons.

The Stamp used to track tough break contracts that were completed by the player before 2017.

The Coin used to track Gun Mettle contracts that were completed by the player before 2017.

An Example of the "Warpaints" before Jungle Inferno weapons you could get from completing the contracts on the contract drawer.

What are Contracts? Part 2
After the Gun Mettle update contracts ended in 2015 in October and the Tough break contracts ended in 2016 of April. The Jungle Inferno Update came out in 2017 and added new contracts.
These contracts you can still do and complete in TF2 since 2017.

Jungle Inferno Update Promo Images.

The Pyroland contracts gave you new weapons for pyro to play with and mess with when completing the objectives for them each one can be completed only on Casual Servers.

Image of 3 of the new Pyro Weapons from Jungle Inferno.

Image of what the Pyroland contracts look like.

The Jungle Inferno Campaign ticket costs $3 dollars in the ingame Mannco Store which unlocks the Mercenary Park contracts with new jungle inferno items and warpaints to unlock from Casual and when completing bonus and main objectives your Contractor will turn Bronze, Silver, or Gold for other players to see depending on how many objectives you completed and when completing them you will get blood money that can be used to get warpaint cases and warpaints.

Image of the Yeti Park Ticket to unlock contracts.

One of the Rewards for the Yeti Park contract called the Yeti Park Hat.

The Warpaint cases and warpaint rewards you can get with blood money.

Image of what the Mercenary Park Contracts look like.

However you don't have to complete all contracts for Pyroland since all the items can be dropped during playtime and can be earned by trading. But for the Mercenary Park's contracts only the hats cannot be bought and only traded just like the warpaint cases and warpaint's from the contracts and the Keyless Warpaint cases are Untradable and you can't buy the hats or Keyless warpaint cases on the market only the warpaint's and warpaint cases.
MerasmaMissions and how to do them?
Merasmamissions were added in 2015’s scream fortress and every scream fortress since 2015 has had these contracts each for every old and new scream fortress map so now I will explain how you Mercanaries can do these contracts.

The first objective is earned by getting souls from killing enemies, getting assists, getting soul Gargoyle's which spawn around the map and it will alert you if there is one but if someone takes it. It will be gone till the next one spawns, and capturing points. After you complete your primary objective you will earned your prize reward which is always a Pumpkin Package which gives you a random Halloween hat that can be unique or haunted however you will only get the reward if the primary is done luckily the contracts can go up faster from bonus objectives.

Image of what the Halloween Contracts look like.(Note: this was from 2017 but you get the idea of what they looked like)

Image of the Halloween Package when completing contracts.

Image of the Robo set for soldier and Engie Fly set that can be unboxed from Halloween Packages for example.

Now some Merasmamissions will have bonus objectives on the Halloween maps which are killing players with pumpkin bombs. A pumpkin bomb is a random explosive that is around in some scream fortress maps and when shot at will explode and will kill someone depending if they were close or not. But not every scream fortress map will have this bonus objective and to get it complete you either have to kill 6 to 8 players with pumpkin bombs and this bonus objective can be hard to do but I recommend having a friend on the enemy team to get this done easier but it is possible to do it solo just much harder to do.

Image of what a Pumpkin bombs looks like on a Halloween Map.

The last bonus objective is picking up Crumpkins. Crumpkins are crit pumpkins that when picked up the player or enemy has crit's only for 3.2 seconds and this one can be easy to do since an enemy always will drop one randomly. If you or a teammate dies they will also drop one randomly. The contract that can be done the fastest with this objective is GhostFort since when Meramus disguises they will always drop a giant Crumpkin but this is only on the GhostFort map so any other scream fortress map you will have to find them. GoOd LuCk!

Image of a Crumpkin that can be dropped from players.
Scream Fortress Maps with Certain Bonus Objectives! Part 1
Now not every Merasmamissions will have the same Bonus Objectives some will have different ones for specific maps and here's every map with specific bonus objectives:

The only different bonus objective for Harvest is getting kills on scared enemies. Now you might be thinking what are scared enemies? Well Mercenary on the map Harvest there is a chance a ghost will pop up in Blu's and Red's spawn area and the control point and you will tell if someone or yourself got scared when a player or yourself is doing the normal losing animation when you lose a round but with the word "Yikes" on someone's head and if you kill them or get an assist on someone that's scared it will count for this objective and can be one of the easy's ones since it requires only 10 and the ghost spawning is always randomly constant on the map.

The "Yikes" logo that can appear when a player gets scared by the Ghost on Harvest.

Images from the loading screen of Harvest which shows what a scared player looks like and The Ghost that can appear randomly.

Pit of death

The 2 different bonus objectives are collecting 30 haunted souls and depositing them in the underworld the haunted souls are a purple object with an skull that drops from enemy players and when collected it has the same effects like cursed cove and Monster Bash where if you collect enough haunted souls it can make you the team leader this can be done in 2 ways: The first is collecting enough souls to deposit by killing enemies or they can be dropped by teammates if killed by enemy players which can be very risky. The 2nd way is if you are heavy and are in the underworld you can go up the stairs and shoot any blu's or red's that come out of the portal however this is for if you are having trouble getting souls from kills or teammates and I do not endorse players doing this way for trolling purposes and the other objective is delivering 10 haunted souls in the Underworld which just like Cursed Cove and Monster Bash a portal will open every 50 seconds and disappear and when you go through there will be a opened gate next to stairs where you have to deposit the souls.. So the first bonus objective can be tricky but the second bonus can be done easily so good luck Travelers to the Underworld.

This is what the Underworld looks like where you can deposit the souls at the opened gate.

Image of what the Pit of Death Souls look like.

The Portal that appears every 50 seconds on Pit of Death.


The only different bonus objective is killing the boss only on this map called the ToastMaster he is a spy robot with a top hat and mustache(Reskin of Skeleton King) and spawns randomly when the point is capture or during a certain time in the round this can be done easily since even if it doesn't say you defeated it but damage it till it drops a spell book while being alive it will count however if you died before its defeated and drops a spell book it will not count.
What the Toastmaster Looks like ingame on Sinthetic.

Hassle Castle
The only different bonus objective is winning 6 rounds of Hassle Castle which can be done easily since there are 2 rounds each match on Hassle Castle.

Monster Bash
The different bonus objective on the map Monster Bash is depositing fallen body parts which is a bucket full of organs and limbs and will drop if you kill an enemy, collect it from a dead teammate, or kill the team leader. And just like Cursed Cove if you have the most buckets being carried you will be marked as the team leader on both red and blu teams so watch out and be careful. For this objective you must deliver the buckets in the middle which have a dead body covered in a blanket and just like Cursed Cove is an enemy is on the point you can't deposit the buckets and you have to wait 50 seconds for the shield to be down in order to deposit the buckets. This one can be hard to do since it requires 15 buckets to be deposit so Maggots get those Buckets Men!

Image of what the buckets look like.

The middle area where you can deposit the buckets and there is a shield that appears every 50 seconds and disappears.


The difference for Laughter's Bonus Objective is getting kills from TNT Balloons which there are only 4 on the control point and 2 on Blu's and Red's topside so this objective won't be easy since it requires 6 enemies to be killed now it is possible to get it done if the enemy team didn't shoot the 4 middle balloons at the control point and if no one shot at the balloons on Red's and Blu's topside or with help from a friend you could get it done but for playing solo all you need is luck.

Cursed Cove

On the map Cursed Cove one of the bonus objectives is by collecting souls which are a skull like objects that can be picked up after killing a enemy on Cursed Cove however it can drop from teammates only if an enemy kills them which is very hard to pick up so I recommend picking up souls from players you kill and you have to deposit them at the middle of the Sunken Ship which you can go if the Ghost Ship appears which it appears and disappears every 50 seconds and keep in mind if you are in the middle and an enemy if with you you must kill them in order to deposit the souls for the contract.. But there is a twist if you have the most souls carrying on your team you are marked on your team and the enemy team so they both can see when you are going till you die or someone else has the most souls carrying at the moment so this bonus objective can be hard and tricky to complete on this map since it requires 15 souls deposited.

Th Ghost Ship that can appear every 50 seconds on Cursed Cove.

The Souls that can be dropped from enemy players and teammates.

The Team Leader shows a highlighted red or blue depending what team you are on and if you are team leader it will show a star next to your health. (In other maps it will not show a star but a different icon for who is the leader and has the most souls or buckets)

The Sunken Ship that you can deposit the souls from if you go towards the ghost ships that appears every 50 seconds and disappears.

Scream Fortress Maps with Certain Bonus Objectives! Part 2
Mann Manor

The 2 different Bonus objective is defending or capturing a point 6 times which is pretty easy but the other one can be pretty hard to do. On the Mann Manor Map the Headless Horseman will spawn and when he spawns a message will pop up saying you are "it' if you don't melee an enemy in time the Headless Horseman will chase you till he chops your head off. Now you might be thinking why I am mentioning the Headless Horseman well for the bonus objective you must tag 6 enemy players if you are it and this can be hard to do solo but its still possible but if you have a friend on the enemy team this can be easily done.

Image of what the Headless Horseman Looks like.

The 2 different Objectives on Helltower are killing 12 enemies in hell and Reaching the Bombinomicon. If the payload is pushed to the point no matter what team you are on instead of the round ending like on Hightower you will spawn in hell and have to kill all the red or blu's depending on your team. The killing 12 enemies can be tricky to do since if you die once you turn into a ghost that can only spectate and there are spells that spawn you will have to use for it to work. Killing them with normal weapons works also but it much better to do it with spells if your lucky. The next objecitve is very tricky at the end of Hell there is a Gate that is closed and when someone approaches it the gate will open and the Fancy Spell Book will be there. Moving towards it twice will count for the objective. The reason I can say this is tricky is it depends if you didn't die or if you team has killed all the red or blu's and you survived. There was a bug that made the ghost players complete it back in 2018 however it was patched.

What Hell looks like.

The Spellbook that you have to move to it twice for the Bombinomicom objecitve.


Now the different bonus objective can be hard to do on this map since its an Arena map where if you die once you are a ghost but the twist is you can still heal players when close to them. This one can be tricky since it requires you to be surviving at 500 health and this can be done with Heavy but requires a lot of ghost players to be near you to reach that health and be the only one left.(Edit: as of 2023 you don't have to be the only one left I did remember last year getting it to count when me and 2 of my teammates were alive so its possible to get it without being the last one standing)

Any dead players will be a ghost that can heal players in this map.

Carnival of Carnage

The difference of the bonus objectives for Carnival of Carnage is they can only be done from carnival games. Confused? Well when a team captures a point with the white intel(Which can only be picked up when scared by the ghost) the round ends with a random choice of 4 minigames which are elimination, soccer, collecting the most ducks, and race to the top. The first objective is reviving 30 people which can be easily down if you are in your bumper car and go through a teammate who died and turned into a ghost and this can be easy if its on Elimination,Soccer, or Collecting the Most Ducks and enemy players can bump teammate ghosts so make sure to try to revive them as soon as you can. The second one can be tricky but not hard and that is eliminating 10 enemies and this can be done in Elimination, Soccer, and Collecting the Most Ducks in 2 ways: The 1st way is using the boost by pressing right click on the mouse button if you boost into someone that isn't using boost it will knock them off the area and turn them into a ghost till they get revived by a teammate. The 2nd way is by using spells in the Soccer and Collecting the Most Ducks minigames which are Uber Heal that makes you have Uber for a couple seconds and will knock someone off instantly if someone bumps into you, Boxing Rocket which fires a boxing glove if an enemy is close to the you and if it hits, and the Bombinomicon Head which your head will be covered by a giant bomb and if you hit someone it will exploded and knock them off but if not then it will knock you instead.

The Elimination Minigame Area

The Soccer Minigame Area

The Duck Collecting Minigame Area


The only different bonus objective is depositing Weed Killer in the map. When you killed players on that are red or blu there will drop Weed Killer and when enough are picked up it will make you the team leader where anyone can see you even the enemy. This can be done easily since it requires 10 to be deposit now there are 2 different weed killers you can picked up, First the small one drop if a player is killed on the map and second if you killed the team leader it will drop a big weed killer. After you get the Weed Killers there will be a giant pumpkin that opens its mouth every 50 seconds and in the middle is where you can deposit the weed killers but remember any enemies that are in the middle with you will not score for your team and becareful cause if you stay inside the pumpkin you will get killed by green liquid(Probably stomach acid).

What the small Weed Killer Looks like.

What the big Weed Killer Looks like.

The Middle Area to deposit the Weed Killer inside the pumpkin.

The Giant Pumpkin that will open every 50 seconds.

Scream Fortress Maps with Certain Bonus Objectives! Part 3
The 2 different Bonus Objectives are Escaping skull island 3 times on Ghost Fort and stunning Meramus with a bomb 12 times. The first one is easy since when Meramus is defeated a portal will appear and take you to Skull Island keep in mine for this to count you must not die in skull island to escape you must go up the stairs and go in if it shows a skull topper or Bombinomicon it can be done easier if you are scout since he runs fast. The second one can be tricky because during Meramus boss fight a random player will have a bomb on there head if the player doesn't go towards Meramus with the bomb the player blows up and survives depending how high you were up. However Meramus does appear rapidly on the map so it makes it easier to have the bomb.

What Meramus Looks like on GhostFort.

What the Bomb Looks likes.


The 2 different Bonus Objectives on Eyeduct are killing 6 enemies on Loot Island and Escape Purgatory 12 times. The first one can be tricky during the round Monoculus will spawn and when he is killed a portal will spawn and when entering the portal it will take you to loot island and if you won the round it will take you to an open area where you can kill the losing team. The second one is pretty easy to do since you have to go inside the portals Monoculus uses and when you are at loot island go up the stairs and moving into the Bombinomicon will get this objective done and going through the white doors if you go in the portal when monoculus is alive still.

What the Portals to Loot Island look like.

What Monoculus looks like.

What Loot Island looks like.


The 2 different objectives are winning a round 2 times and kill a giant 6 times. The first one is pretty easy while the other one is hard to do. To get the kill on the giants you either have to be a giant yourself or kill it while not being big which is possible to do. (Assists on the giants will not count)

What player giants look like on Crasher.


The 2 different objectives are killing the Hollow Headless Horseman and reaching the Bombinomicon in Bonesaw. The first one is easy since during the payload race the Hollow Headless Horseman will spawn and it has the same system as the Headless Horseman where if you damage it enough you will get this done first. The second is very tricky during the match if red or blu's mann grave is destroyed you will be teleported to the underworld and have to race to the Bombinomicon which is MVM money on Bonesaw. However it won't be easy since there are saws and buttons if pressed will squish your teammates and enemies. The way to get this done easily is going with scout and hope you make it to the end or a teammate and just like Helltower just move into the Bombinocon which again is MVM Money twice and you are good. However if you died on the underworld you will become a ghost and will not be able to collect the Bombinomicon.

What the Bombinomicon looks like on Bonesaw if you reach the end alive.

What the Hollow Headless Horseman looks like.

This is just like the other Halloween player destruction maps. However there are 2 different objectives which are collecting 30 blood vials and delivering 5 blood vials in a single life. The first one is easy since just like the other halloween player destruction maps you can collect blood vials from enemy or enemy leaders, teammates who have died, teammates who killbind,or teammate leaders. The second one is tough to do since it requires you to deliver 5 blood vials to Dracula's coffin in a single life which means you must have 5 blood vials and not die at all. If you have 5 but die or you have 5 but die while delivering the blood vials it will not count. I recommend trying to kill any of the enemy team leaders, try to kill 5 people without dying and be cautious, or follow your teammate leader and make sure if he dies to grab the blood vials and run quickly. If you have a friend on the enemy team that can work and be easier than trying solo.

What the blood vials look like:

What the Coffin to deliver the blood vials looks like when entering the portals every 50 seconds:

Portal 1 location to deliver blood vials to dracula:

Portal 2 location to deliver blood vials to dracula:

Scream Fortress maps with Certain Bonus Objectives! Part 4
Zombie Invasion maps:





The zombie invasions maps is where The red team must try to survive without being killed by the blu infected zombie players. If all red are killed the zombies win and if all but 1 ore more red team survive then red team wins. There are different types of zombies and have different abilities that each use depending on the class you were playing as so here is what each one does:

The zombie scout has 75% faster movement speed and 25% extra jump height with Triple jump and has 50 less max health (75 total max health).

Zombie Soldier- The zombie soldier can leap into the air in the direction the player is looking which the landing on the player head is similar to the Mantreads weapon and has 25 extra max health (225 total max health).

Zombie Demoman- The zombie demoman has a explosive charge acting like the shields he can use which deals alot of damage and has 25 extra max health (200 total max health).

Zombie Sniper- The zombie sniper can spit on enemies or on the ground which can deal damage and will create a acid puddle upon death kinda like the spitter from the game Left for Dead 2 and has 25 extra max health (150 total max health).

Zombie Medic- The zombie medic can heals and uberCharged himself and his zombie teammates and has 25 extra max health (175 total max health).

Zombie spy- The zombie spy can mark red team survivors location if he is nearby them to alert other zombies to where the red team survivors at at. He can be automatically cloaked but attacking or marking red team can make him be uncloaked and spotted for 3 seconds and also has 10 extra max health (135 total max health).

Zombie Pyro- The zombie pyro has a damage penalty of 30% and is immune to flamethrowers and weapons like Jarate, Mad milk, and Gas passer. Any time he hits a red team survivors they will be on fire for 3 seconds and when killed will explode into the gas passer cloud making anyone nearby get on fire. He also has 25 extra max health(200 total max health).

Zombie Engineer- The zombie engineer can throw a sapper bomb disabling any buildings nearby and does alot of damage to sentries and dispensers and has 25 extra max health(150 total max health).

And Zombie Heavy-The zombie heavy is immune to knockbacks and critical hits and has a 35% damage resistance and 50% resistance to sentry guns. He can destroy and buildings in a single hit and has increased knockback damage. He has a 10% slower move speed and has 300 Extra health(600 total max health).

The bonus objectives are all the same for each zombie invasion map so the first bonus objective is killing 12 humans as a zombie. This can be easily done if you died from a zombie or spawn in from a zombie and each zombie has different abilities so you should get this one done.

There was a bug where zombie players could get ubered and attack other survivors if the survivor player was using the tide turner or any of Demoman’s shields and hold the charged button down but that has since been patched.

There was also an bug where if you were demoman zombie and use the tide turner or shields and killbind into a red team survivor it would kill them instantly which that has been patched.

The other bonus objective is to survive as a human This one is tough since it means 3 ways that this could be completed. The first way is by sticking with your team long enough to where you haven't been killed by any of the zombies, the 2nd way is by going spy and using clock and dagger watch in bushes like in Atoll and The 3rd way is by rocket jumping as soldier or demoman using the sticky and rocket jumper but keep it mind this is only if you know how to use it and know where all the medpacks are.

There was an exploit where you could stay on top of Atoll as survivor as demoman and soldier with the sticky jumper and rocket jumper however the exploit has been patched.

There was an exploit where dead ringer for spy on red team would cause the round to end without all red team being eliminated this has been patched.
Scream Fortress maps with Certain Bonus Objectives! Part 5

The Bonus objectives for Slime are to kill a salamanns 20 times and to kill 3 people with Salamann egg sacs. The first one is easy since when the control point is captured there are 10 salamons that spawn each time and all you need to do is damage it till it dies. The second one is tough since there are 9 salamann egg sacs on the map. There are 2 around blue and red's spawn, 2 near the point, 1, behind a wall on the red and blue side near the point , and 2 in the water behind the point. Unlike the pumpkin bombs these are a little tricky to do since you have to shoot it if the person is right next to it. If they aren't next to it then they will get the puke particles from the salamanns. Trying to solo it can be difficult so I recommend doing the second one with a friend on the enemy team.

What the Salmanns look like:

What the Salmanns egg sac looks like:


Perks is an arena map kinda like the map Graveyard that is mentioned on here. However the difference is there are 3 rounds and first team to 3 wins. The twist is though each round have 3 different perks for there team to choose from. Here are the Perks:

The bonus objectives are survive a round with 500 damage taken 3 times and win 2 rounds. The first one requires Heavy to be played and unlike the Graveyard one where you need teammates to heal you. You need 1 or more medics and certain perks to be picked to get it done The second one is easy to do since all you got to do it win 3 rounds for your team.


The bonus objective is to escape the asylum 6 times on the map. During the match the payload will be stopped by a portal meaning that it can't be pushed by the enemy players until its gone. When that happens there will be other portals opening for 30 seconds which transport you to a maze/labyrinth section that changes each time the portal open again and you just have to find the exit which gives you crits and ubercharged for 10-15 seconds. In the maze/labyrinth you can only use you melee weapon and have a speed boost but keep in mind enemy players can still get you while in the maze/labyrinth.

What the portal openings look like:

What the portal on the payload looks like:

What the asylum maze/labyrinth looks like:

Sand Castle

The Bonus objective on this map is to escape the underworld 6 times. This map is a halloween version of the map degroo keep and when the 2 points for red are captured when the gate opens the the portal will open till the gate closes every 60 seconds. When you go inside the portal you will have to not die and do some parkour keep in mind enemy players can still melee or use spells in the portal since just like degroo keep you can only use melee weapons and bows.

What the portal looks like:

What the underworld looks like:


I really hope this Guide has helped you know the history of contracts and how to complete all objectives in each Scream Fortress map. Any Updates adding more bonus objectives I will update this guide on how to do them. I also want to thank the TF2 wiki since some Images for the maps and objectives I couldn’t get without it.
Until Next Time Teleport Bread and Enjoy ScReAm FoRTrEss!!!
Sharkster_00  [author] 28 Aug @ 6:26am 
I forgot to mention that you can get buckets for monster mash for killing the team leader or picking them up from dead teammates. Which I have now fixed.
Sharkster_00  [author] 10 Jun @ 7:57am 
I also forgot to mention on the Meramamissions sections that finding soul gargoyles also counts for primary contracts which has been added in.
Sharkster_00  [author] 10 Jun @ 7:50am 
I have edited the Zombie Invasion map sections apparently forgot to add the Zombie spy image and there was a spelling mistake for "been" which has been fixed.
Sharkster_00  [author] 21 Oct, 2023 @ 6:21pm 
Alright all of the new maps are in I hope you enjoy the new scream fortress update and Eat Brains. "Wait what was that oh crud". "wE HoPE YoU eAt BrEAd aND BrAIns dUriNG SCREAM FORTRESS".
Sharkster_00  [author] 20 Oct, 2023 @ 5:22am 
I have finished Corruption section the only map from 2023 bonus objectives I have to add is Sandcastle so I will add that next soon.
Sharkster_00  [author] 16 Oct, 2023 @ 2:43am 
I have separated the Zombie Invasion map section since I couldn't put Sandcastle on there. So I have since moved Slime and Perks to Part 5 which is where Sandcastle will be. Part 4 is where it talks about how to do the zombie invasion bonus objective maps.
Sharkster_00  [author] 15 Oct, 2023 @ 10:29pm 
Alright I finished the zombie invasion maps took a while since there was a patch that change the stats of the zombies and such but it did fixed the exploits like I mentioned so I will work on Corruption and Sandcastle next. I also noticed I forgot to mention the engineer zombie,pyro zombie, and medic zombie which has now been fixed.
Sharkster_00  [author] 15 Oct, 2023 @ 9:54pm 
Apparently I must've deleted the screenshot showing what the eggsacs on slime looks like. Which has now been fixed.
Sharkster_00  [author] 14 Oct, 2023 @ 4:07pm 
I have added on how to do the bonus objectives for Perks However I have no clue if I got all the perks listed so if I missed any I will try to add the ones I missed.
Sharkster_00  [author] 12 Oct, 2023 @ 12:34am 
I have finished the info for Slime and I fixed a mistake since I realized the Salamanns name was wrong so I fixed it.