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Current Fastest ECM Rushing Strategies (5-maps and more)
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Do you want a high infamy level? Is playing DSOD loud too hard? Does stealth take too long? Fear not! ECM rushing is here to save the day!
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General information about the guide
This guide is an updated version of the old 4-maps guide, which got deleted. This guide will focus on the new 5-maps rotation, which is faster. Here are the things you will learn from this guide:
  • The basics of ECM rushing
  • What mods you should be using
  • Required DLCs
  • How to Second wind and Saw
  • The new and improved 5-maps rotation
  • Detailed explanation for every Heist and every role
  • Few advanced tips for players who are looking to get serious about rushing and faster times.

Here's a video of the 5-maps rotation:

For the faster rotation showcased in a recent video, scroll down to 'Faster rotations'.

An introduction to ECM rushing
What is ECM rushing?
ECM rushing is the act of chaining together ECMs on certain stealth heists to complete them and get your reward FAST. However some heists can't be rushed because they are either too long or have certain objectives jammed by ECMs.

How to chain ECMs properly to get the most out of them
If you have never ECM rushed before that's fine! This section is dedicated to teaching you the basics of ECM rushing.

4 players, with fully upgraded ECMs can have a non-stop ECM chain going for 4 minutes. When ECM rushing, you will be chaining your ECMs in what's known as "lobby order". Lobby order is the order in which players will join and it goes like this

It is important to keep in mind that, when someone has to ECM, they will use BOTH of theirs before the next person. Here's an image to explain it better:
This is a very common mistake I see happening in public ECM rush lobbies, so please follow the lobby order and don't do 1 ECM at a time to avoid confusion (unless you are doing a Pocket ECM cycles inbetween ECMs, which is a specific situation that we'll explain later).

Here's a video of what's explained here if you prefer watching that

Skills needed for basic ECM Rushing:

To get the most out of your ECMs you will need these 2 skills:

The skills shown here are:
  • ECM overdrive basic to increase the ECM duration by 5s. You won't need to ace this skill because in ECM rushing you wont be wasting them on doors.
  • ECM specialist ACED, with:
    · basic giving you 2 ECMs instead of just 1
    · aced giving you an additional 5s more time on each ECM (total: 30s), as well as delaying pagers for the entire duration, which is very important.

With just these 2 skills, each heister can have 2 ECMs that last for 30 seconds each and block pagers; whereas without these skills each player has one 20 second ECM that does not stop pagers from going off.

This section will contain what mods are recommended for ECM rushing in general.

The most basic mod is some kind of ECM timer[], which shows you a timer at the top left of your screen that indicates how much time the ECM has left, to replace it at the perfect time. If you don't have a timer ECM rushing becomes much less fun (especially if you are new) as you constantly have to focus on the in game timer to know when an ECM is running out. And you can't just ECM when the other one starts blinking because this happens when they have 8s left, and that will cause a huge time waste. You might already have a timer from a HUD mod like VanillaHUD plus or PocoHUD[] and if that's the case, great!

This next mod only really applies to you if you play Second Wind and it removes the ringing from when you blow yourself up No ear bleeding™[]

Here's a video about the ECM timer mod and why you SHOULD use it, especially as a beginner:

Outdated mods
These mods aren't needed anymore, but we will list them here in case the devs break something and they are needed again.
  • A common mod that everyone often used was PECM bug fix[], basically this mod fixed a not-so-rare bug that happens when a PECM is activated (by a client) and then the PECM has the sound and everything but it actually does not jam ANYTHING. This mod fixed that (read the mod's description for further information), and only the host needed this mod.

If you have Legacy Edition:

If you already have Legacy Edition (which you should), then the only DLC you will need is the Black Cat heist, and this is only required if you host, so not needed for any of the other 3 colors:

If you don't have Legacy Edition:

If you want to play Yakuza for the speed boost, you are going to need this to unlock the deck:

This if you are going to be playing Second Wind:

And finally also this if you plan to host:

If you don't have any DLC and don't plan to buy any:

You cannot host OR play the Second Wind role, however you can still join other peoples lobbies' and take on the Saw role.

General equipment
This section contains all general equipment (Perk Deck, Weapon, Melee...) you need to ECM rush, which is common to both SW and saw roles.

Perk decks:

You'll be using 2 perk decks for ECM rushing:
  1. Hacker for the PCMs. Realistically, Copycat-Hacker is always superior, as it fully removes the weight penalty when carrying heavy bags. The Pocket ECMs have the same effect as when using regular Hacker:


    If you don't have Copycat unlocked, you could also use Hacker:
    Although keep in mind that, compared to Copycat-Hacker, this is a downgrade.

  2. Yakuza for the 20% speed boost.

    Copycat-Yakuza is only used for Hostile Takeover, and only the Blue player (in charge of 1F blackmail and then moving the NEO-2) will be using it.


Your armor will always be 2 piece suit for maximum speed


As for your melee you can choose for yourself but Ice Pick, Weapon butt, and Katana are the best:
  • Ice pick can 1 hit kill normal security guards (not murkies), swings fast, and recovers fast as well.
  • Weapon butt is faster however it will take 2 hits to kill a normal guard and has less range.
  • Katana has a faster cooldown then Ice Pick and also has more range however has less concealment and a slower unequip delay.


If you are using hacker, use PECMs:

If you are using Yakuza, use molotovs:

The new Tombstone rounds for shotguns

Not too long ago they added the Tombstone ammo for shotguns, this ammo inflicts the poison (damage over time + stun) effect and is actually very useful for rushing.

It can basically 1 shot 480 HP guards (Shadow raid and Black Cat) in exchange for basically unnoticable stats.

So, if you have them, use them; if not, get them.

How to Second Wind (SW)
What is Second Wind?
Second Wind (SW) is a Tier 1 skill in the Silent Killer tree in Ghost. When taken basic it's not very useful for ECM rushing, however when ACED this skill will apply a 30% speed bonus to you and all of your teammates whenever your armor breaks. This skill has no cooldown, meaning you can activate it whenever you want by just shooting at your feet with HE rounds (weapons will be explained later in this section) or just breaking your armor in any other way.

It's worth mentioning that if your armor is already broken and you take damage the Second Wind skill will still proc and if you're getting suppressed while your armor is broken (basically being shot at by a guard without taking damage but the bullet is close enough that it restarts armor regen timer) SW (Second Wind) will still activate.

Also SW players should preferabely be GREEN and BLUE to give saw players more freedom with their skills (mentioned in saw section)

How do we use SW to our advantage?

To use SW properly, you must ensure that it is refreshed before the 5s duration runs out, to ensure 100% uptime. 2 people in the lobby will have the Second Wind role, and generally they take care of the uptime solo, at different stages of the heist: heist-specific SW rules will be explained later.

Weapons for Second Wind

Your primary weapon slot will be taken up by the glorious Akimbo HE Judges that you will use to proc SW. The weapon mods are:
  • HE rounds (to damage yourself)
  • The Silent Killer Suppressor (to reduce the health damage taken from shots)
  • Team boost for that juicy +3% exp
  • Gadget is optional
  • The lower receiver is also optional

Secondary can be whatever you want (Argos, Locomotive, Judge). For Big Bank in particular, if you're Blue, you will be expected to bring a single HE Judge and the Stockholm Syndrome (BASIC) skill, to safely apply Second Wind as soon as the heist begins.

Level 41 Skills for SW players (after UKJ)


Transporter to throw bags further


JOAT Basic to place ECMs faster


ECM skils, simple movement skills, parkour aced to reload while sprinting and obviously SW aced

It is important to know that this ECM setup is for the host as they do preplanning, the clients (blue, red, orange) should always go with the Nimble route shown here

Level 76 Skills for SW players (after first Black Cat)


Added Shotgun CQB Aced (optional) and Close By basic for reload speed and the ability to shoot while moving (so you don't need to stop when you SW)


Technician stays the same


Ghost also stays the same


I show 2 ways to build up to Frenzy aced, the first is faster (skilling speed wise) but with the second path you can incorporate melee more effectively into your gameplay. Note that the first is better for advanced rotations including Mountain Master, where you want to melee guards (without killing them) to dominate them.

Building for frenzy Aced so build is yakuza-friendly.

Don't ever use Berserker because you will take more damage from HE judges

Advanced SW (Silent Second wind)

At the start of some heists, one SW heister will throw a molotov at their feet to give the rest of the team a speed boost. Obviously you have to be using Yakuza and not Hacker (because with Hacker you get PECMs). But why is this preferable over a SW player shooting their feet? Because the molotov likely won't alert any enemies and will NOT cause aggro, unlike HE rounds. In heists where this doesn't matter much (HT, BB... we just start with the loud option).

It is preferable that this person is not KC or Security room role for DS. Normally on DS you would do 2 players doing guards + windows but you can instead have 1 person doing this role and the other SSW'ing.

As for the other heists, for Shadow Raid anyone can do SSW (Silent Second wind) but usually Role 4 (Upstairs) does it, with Role 1 (warehouse) taking care of ECM1. The person doing it should lower their hp to around half to give the team maximum speed boost and not be delayed on their role.

For EDay 1 I would recommend that the Tag role does this truck, simply because the other players have to get information and tag player has to tag based off that info, so basically you are giving your teammates more time to check containers.

As for the second day whoever is not doing SSW should do first ECM, as it is most efficient.

Moving on to BCat for this heist whoever does ssw should only take 1-2 ticks to not be late to their role and I would advise against the intelbug player doing it. For the FCat variant, the host takes care of SSW while hacking the PC.

When to SW
This subsection will have the details for when to start SW'ing on each heist (with HE judges).

For Diamond store do the first SW as soon as the alarm is disabled, then do 1 SW shot after you grab each bag thrown by baggers.

For Shadow Raid start SW'ing as soon as SW from SSW boost is about to expire, this timing should be close to entering the warehouse.

For Election day Day 1 far right does SW whenever SSW boost is about to expire. On Election day Day 2 SW is often not done at all past SSW (check recent videos for more optimizations, but be careful not to die while doing SW, as the warehouse is full of guards).

For Black Cat, SW once for host when the shutters to Xun Kang open, after this SW once as soon as lasers are disabled in vault and SW for the entirety of vault section.

For Big Bank, SW is done by PC player (post TL) until finger objective is done and then Vault and Bus SW is split across 2 players. For BB7, SW for the vault part will be done by the host solo, allowing blue to zerk for more Yakuza speed.

Here is a video explaining some more mechanics, keep in mind it is not optimized for ECM rushing so don't use the skills showcased in the video.

And that's it for Second Wind!
How to Saw
What is the Saw Role?
As mentioned in SW there are 2 saw and 2 SW players. This section is for the SAW players: ideally Red and Yellow. These players get the advantage of not needing to ECM on most short heists, which allows them to start their skills by prioritizing Frenzy (for more Yakuza speed and Saw damage), instead of ECM skills.

Certain roles during the rush must be performed by a person having the saw. There are as follows:
  • Camera role on Diamond Store.
  • Role 3 (upstairs saw) on Shadow Raid.
  • Both players doing 'Server' role (Lserver-Rserver) on Big Bank, as well as opening Cages in the vault (the Deposit Boxes are only opened for old strategies going for all loot on Big Bank).

While rushing, holding the trigger to open doors and stuff is generally better than tapping. But if you find yourself running out of ammo when opening multiple doors and cages (which only require 3 taps each), then start by tapping.

Getting skills inbetween heists
As client you have the advantage of getting skills between heists, as you have a few seconds to get skills while the host is buying. You will start with Frenzy and all the utility skills after your first heist, and then get your ECMs before Black Cat.

Saw Hitbox

The highlighted part is where a saw can be used.

Diamond Store Camera Room Door

Shadow Raid Cage

Big Bank Server Room

Big Bank Cage & Deposit Box

Video for saw

You can watch Marcmb's video on how to saw

Weapons for Saw and loadouts

The saw can be used in the primary slot or in the secondary slot (with portable saw basic). Various primary and secondary guns can be paired with a saw (Judge, Locomotive, Raven, Gecko etc).

Weapon mods for saw
OVE9000 Saw
Team Boost
Silent Motor
Sharp Blade

Additionally you should have a similarly modded secondary saw for some heists, as it's auto-equipped upon maskup.

- Election day, day 2 to saw open the entrance fence instead of cutting it open with interaction.

- Big bank for the server.

This section is extremely outdated: head to our Discord to ask about skills, rather than following this here! In case of doubt, you can check the video at the top of the guide to see how skills are done (the pinned comment on the video includes the POVs for all 4 players).

Level 41


Portable Saw aced to increase saw efficency by 40%


JOAT basic to place ECM's faster


ECM skills and simple movement skills

As mentioned in the Second Wind section this skillset is for clients, host should always get Sixth Sense Aced (shown in next ss) to do preplanning.

Level 76


We Take Transporter ace along with Bulletstorm ace to open the deposit boxes


Ace JOAT to be able to carry 1 ammo bag to use it for bulletstorm


Ghost remains the same


We get Berserker to increase saw damage, Frenzy to keep our health low and increase beserker's effect without needing a Molotov.

After this try to build up to inspire basic until BB2 so you can speedboost your teammates during/before bus.

How to use Bulletstorm

When using bulletstorm make sure to count the number of bags you have found.

There are 3-5 loot bags per wall of deposits so if you find 5 bags then simply don't saw anymore since you are guaranteed to find nothing but small loot which is useless.

The reason a lot of deposits are left behind and not opened is because they are guaranteed to not have ANY loot in them. This will further be explained in advanced section HOWEVER if you are new simply open EVERY deposit box and focus on learning other things.

How do you bulletstorm in a real rush?

Firstly one of the saw players will place their ammo bag while the vault is opening. The 2 saw players will take ammo from the bag and run once the vault is open to their role. The roles for the vault split are-
  • Up/Left
  • Down/Right
Once you open all the cages in your side of split, run to the cage with the deposit boxes (note: There is a chance this will not spawn on your side of split and might have to run to your fellow saw player.)

The 1 minute bulletstorm trick
There are 3 guns in this game that have an alternate fire mode: the little friend, the ketchnov and the kang arms model 54. Why are these important? Well because their Underbarrel fire mode actually counts as a SEPERATE GUN so if you empty your saw (nearly, always leave 1 tick), your rifles normal fire mode and grenade launcher mode you will take 300% out of 400% worth of ammo instead of the normal 200%.

But why is this useful? Well because if 1 saw player brings little friend, empties saw and primary weapon (both fire modes) then takes ammo they will actually take a lot more then normal so the OTHER saw player can take ammo and finish the ammo bag resulting in a 1 minute bulletstorm for the 2nd saw player.

With this they have A LOT more time to saw their cages, deposits and it can help new saw players if they are struggling.

And that's it!
How to Host
This section will be dedicated to learning how to buy contracts ASAP and starting heists, many people overlook this but it is actually very important.

We have to establish a few rules before we get to contract buying.

  1. Host is never allowed to get any skills outside of skill breaks.
  2. Buying contracts before doing skills is generally faster.
  3. Relevant for clients as well: during skill breaks, if clients leave the "in skills" section at any time, the host will assume they are ready, and start the heist. Outside of skill breaks, the host will insta-start anyway, even if someone is "in skills".

Now lets get onto contract buying.

To make clicking the 'Contract Broker' easier, you should expand the sidebar so the button for the contract broker is much bigger. This makes it easier to move your mouse to it, and makes it less likely that you will missclick some other buttons. Here's an example of how it looks:

When buying heists from the contract broker, scrolling down until you find your next heist would take way too long. Clicking on the search bar to type the name of the next heist is also not needed. The most optimal way to buy heists when you reach the lobby after finishing the previous heist is as follows:
  1. In lobby, press enter to go into Crimenet, you should already be moving your mouse towards contract broker, click it.
  2. Type a couple of characters (specific list for each heist is below) so that the broker will filter and only show you the heist you want. For example, for Diamond Store, you would type type «d s», «re», or « st», which your game will automatically type into the search bar.
  3. Use your mouse to click on the contract.
  4. Now to confirm the contract press Enter, Arrow key up, Enter again and the contract is purchased (Death sentence dif. should already be selected, use the Lobby Settings mod). All together it should look like this:

This technique applies to all heists but they have different words you need to type to see them in the filter or whatever. Note that spacing is important, won't work otherwise.The full list is as follows:
  • Diamond Store: «d s» or «re» or « st»
  • Shadow Raid: «w » (there is a space after the w)
  • Election Day: «da»
  • Black Cat: «ac»
  • Big Bank: «g b»

Preplan gaming

This is also your job, although for Black Cat and Big Bank you will need one client to vote for escape / entry (which is usually done by Blue).

I would recommend using the preplanned mod for this, as it is most effective.
(I don't think I can put a github link here so just go to this video and find the "preplanned" mod in the description).

Just assign keybinds you want in the "mod keybinds" options menu.

Once you assign go in heists and do the standard preplanning and then press the save preplanning key, now next time you load into that heist just press the load key and it will load. (everyone has to be finished with "JOINING" for this mod to work)

And that is all.
I have decided to dedicate an entire section to this part of the guide since weapons are kinda important-ish.

Here I will be showing you (and trying to explain) weapons that are good for rushing specifically.


Here are a few weapons as secondaries. These are generally what you will be using unless you have a secondary saw or are doing Stockholm Second wind on Big bank.

Universal secondaries
These are the secondaries you will be using in general, the Heist specific sub section has heist alternatives to make said heists slightly faster.

Heist specific

For diamond store, if you are a saw player doing anything other then cams you will likely be taking a pistol. A high mag capacity and fast weapon switches are important for bagging to save the maximum amount of time.

Here are a couple of options:

Any pistol like this (high mag capacity, fast weapon switches) will work.

For SW players, it doesn't really matter what you pick since you will be mostly using your HE judges, so just pick up the loco.

For Election day Day 2 SW players can run universal weapons, but Saw players will need a primary that has fast animations (crate opening stuff) this will be explained in the primary section.


Primaries will follow the same idea as secondaries, except for the fact that SW players will always have HE akimbo judges in their primary slot. And for saw certain heists have primary saw recommended.

Universal primaries

Don't use LMG's or Snipers, not only do they have long equip animations but they are literally pointless compared to AR's and Shotguns.

Heist specific

For day 2 of election day you should have akimbo pistols equipped as they have the shortest equip animations (speed=good)

(most akimbo pistols will work).

For big bank, as saw players you will likely have Little friend or ketchnov to take 300% ammo instead of 200%. If you decide to not use these weaposn though you can go with any of the universal ones.

And that is pretty much it for this section.
Movement & Guard killing
MOVEMENT is very important while rushing, you have to be fast but consistent, not bumping into walls or anything of the sort, bumping into even 1 wall loses a considerable amount of time since you come to a full stop and have to accelerate again.

My recommendation is to start using the A and D keys more if you aren't already, as it can REALLY HELP, also if you are struggling with a certain section of the heist CONSISTENTLY and you think you need to go slower in that section consider ADS'ing for a bit so it slows you down slightly, obviously this loses time but it's better then coming to a full stop.

1 example of this can be on shadow raid while securing bags, it might be hard to jump secure while having sw boost and yakuza speed boosts so I would HIGHLY recommend ADS'ing to slow yourself down.

Other then that if you are still struggling with movement after doing everything here said you will get better overtime, and get much more consistent, pay attention to your mistakes and fix them.

There's another, more advanced, strategy that I like to call counter strafing if you have played a game like CS or VALORANT then this term may be familiar.

Basically when you let go of any movement key in payday you sort of slide for a bit because of inertia, however if you let go of a movement key then tap the opposite movement key there will be no inertia and you will instantly stop.

What is this useful for? Well if you are securing on Diamond store or Black cat then instead of crouching to grab another bag you can simply counter strafe, this saves you a bit of time each bag grab as you never end up crouching.

As I mentioned earlier, this is a more advanced strategy so you don't have to implement it if you are just starting out.

Also there is another thing, guards.

They cause big problems while rushing if not killed, dealing damage to heisters and even killing them at times.

Also they can break glass on DS for example and sound the alarm or just down your KC player (which is why the role guards + windows exists).

So while rushing if you come across a guard try to kill them but of course, don't lose too much time/stop your movement entirely, just run and gun them (tombstone rounds on shotguns will help)
Faster rotations
Beyond Classic 5-maps, there are newer and faster 0-100 infamy rotations with different and sometimes harder heists. In this section of the guide, the newer heists will be explained in detail with all of their optimizations. The easy ones are Hostile Takeover, Big Bank 7, and Election Day with money & gold (which are different and new, but also very easy), and Mountain Master is arguably harder, so not recommended for beginners.

Here are some examples of such rotations, with PoVs for the other colors included in the pinned comment:

Unlike the normal version of Classic 5-maps, these rotations hop straight into Diamond store at level 0, so let's get into that.
General information about the heist

In this rotation, UKJ is replaced by DS0 (Diamond Store 0). It has this name because everyone is at Level 0 during the rush (no skills at all, so default unupgraded ECMs).

The roles and ECM order:
  • KC + Bagger.
  • Cams + Bagger.
  • Molotovs + Securer.
  • Store + Securer.
ECMs are done in Lobby Order, starting with a PCM by the KC player, and keeping in mind that each player will only have 1 ECM which lasts only 20s and won't block pagers.

KC + Bagger
This role is usually done by Yellow, although Red can do it too if you want to swap.
For this heist, this role will be the only one using Hacker for PCMs (everyone else is Yakuza).

Mask up as usual, and check the upstairs keypad spawn through the window.

Walk into the store through the right-most window, and use your PCM as soon as the first alert appears (likely when the glass is broken).

Check the downstairs keypad spawn, and look for the manager to get the keycard. Kill any guards in your way while spamming F for some free dominations, but focus on fast keycard.

Upon reaching the 2nd floor you will have checked 3 out of 4 keypad spawns, so you will know where it is. Proceed with your role if you've seen it, or type "c" if the keypad is inside the security room. As yellow, don't kill any guards upstairs, because it's not worth answering their pager. If they are dangerous, Green or Blue will kill them for you.

Start bagging on your side, and don't bother with pagers unless more than 2 guards were killed (the SW players will usually type "3pg" if more than 2 pagers need to be answered).

Cams + Bagger
This role is usually done by Red, although Yellow can do it too if you want to swap.

While masking up you go to the left side of the store, then you throw 2 molotovs directly below you to achieve ~95% Yakuza speed; as shown here:
(Make sure to break the window before zerking so you don't end up dying to molo)

If there are any guards on the left side, you dominate / kill them.

While you are zerking, the keycard player will sometimes type "c" -- indicating the KC panel is inside the security room. In this situation, you saw open the security door, and go to the stairs side for bagging.

Start bagging on your side, and don't bother with pagers unless more than 2 guards were killed (the SW players will usually type "3pg" if more than 2 pagers need to be answered).

Molotovs + Securer
This role is usually done by Blue.
Go into the store through the right window, and dom / shoot any guards on the right side of the store and upstairs.

Then, throw 2 molotovs in the corner and zerk down to around ~5-10% HP, and run to any pager to answer it.

Go grab a bag (alarm should be off by now), and ECM after grabbing said bag. Depending on pager distance, you will sometimes ECM before grabbing this bag, or request another PCM from the Hacker player to line up your timing better.

After you grab your single bag, proceed to securing. Since this Diamond Store is done at Level 0 with no skills, securers will do 2 throws on the way to the van, rather than a single throw. To do this efficiently:
  1. First we carry the bags to this tree (see screenshot below) and leave them there.
  2. After all bags are there, we can start grabbing them from there, and securing into the van.

Store + Securer
This role is usually done by Green.
Enter the store through the main door, and kill / dom guards. Prioritize the middle and back areas, as other sections will be covered by other roles.

After finishing the guards, go to the corner where Blue will have thrown 2 molotovs, and zerk there. Around this time, the PCM will be ending so you will have to ECM.

After zerking to ~5-10% HP, run to any pager to answer it. If 3 or more pagers went off, make sure to type it in the chat (e.g., "3 pg"), so that saw players can help with those extra pagers, as they will usually not check otherwise.

After you grab your single bag, proceed to securing. Since this Diamond Store is done at Level 0 with no skills, securers will do 2 throws on the way to the van, rather than a single throw. To do this efficiently:
  1. First we carry the bags to this tree (see screenshot below) and leave them there.
  2. After all bags are there, we can start grabbing them from there, and securing into the van.

            — - — - — 14 BAGS VARIATION — - — - —
Sometimes you want to complete Diamond Store with minimum loot: because then it's faster, and you don't always need the XP from all 18 bags (depending on which rotation you're following, so always ask the HOST if you're unsure). The way to do this is very simple:
  • Each securer, as usual, grabs one jewelry and walks out of the store, to start securing as described above.
  • The baggers begin bagging as usual, throwing the bags towards the securers as described above. But each bagger has to count in his head how many bags he has bagged so far: when he has bagged 6 in total, he walks out of the store with the 6th bag on his back, takes it to the van, and starts securing.
  • With this simple method, the securers have taken 1 bag each, and each securer has taken 6, for a total of 1 + 1 + 6 + 6 = 14.

Hostile Takeover
The roles and ECM order:
  • Lab (always host).
  • Floor 1 blackmail + NEO (always blue).
  • Floor 2 blackmail (red or yellow).
  • Library (yellow or red).
ECMs are done in Lobby Order: two Green ECMs, two Blue ECMs, and then the heist will be done already.

Lab (always Host)
This role is always done by Green.
Mask up and ECM immediately. Go down the left on the first staircase in front of you, and kill the guard down there: he will drop a keycard to open the lab door.

Break all 8 microscopes with a Flamethrower, and ideally use a mod such as XP Notifier to be notified whenever the final one is broken, since it's impossible to know if you're playing without mods.

When you finish this, open the other lab door, and go towards the library to help there. Enter the library and go to the right side: start searching bookshelves until both sets of books are found. As the host you want to bag 3 in total, throwing them towards the door leading to the stairway, or taking it on your back for the 3rd one.

Similarly to how the Shadow Raid armor is moved, work together with the Library player to move your 4 bags in total. Use the golf cart if you are far ahead compared to the blackmail roles, or skip the golf cart if the blackmail roles are ahead of you (you can get this information because their progress is called in the chat whenever they find the PC or phone).

Floor 1 blackmail + NEO (always Blue)
This role is always done by Blue, and you need a Copycat-Yakuza profile for it.
Mask up and swap to your Akimbo HE Judges immediately. As soon as the host places the 1st ECM, start doing SW (you can spam it a bit to lower your health if you don't have Frenzy yet). You will be doing solo SW for this heist, because the host doesn't have any SW weapons.

Enter the main building (to your right) and head to the 1st floor. Hack all computers until you find the one with the email, and check the nameplates of the 2 offices in that room while doing this: if you align your camera properly, you can read them while hacking computers. You're looking for a nameplate that says the following (look for either the name, or the title -- whichever is easiest for you to read), which means the phone is inside that room:
Gabriel Santiago
Chief of Security
When you make progress on the blackmail objective, share this information with the other blackmail role, so they can stop looking:
  • when you find the PC, type "g" or "got" in the chat.
  • when you find the phone, type "v" in the chat (short for "voicemail").

When you're done hacking all computers and checking both nameplates (or before this, if the other player finds these pieces of blackmail), go downstairs to the NEO room. Tie the civilian in front of the display case, and have her open the NEO display case. Bag it, and take it to the van. Help secure the 4 books coming from the library, and escape.

Floor 2 blackmail (Red / Yellow)
This role is usually done by Red, although Yellow can do it too if you want to swap.
Enter the main building (to your right) and head to the 2nd floor: start always with the side opposite of Alice Rainey's office, so that you can finish your path on the CEO Office. Hack all computers in that first room (looking for the one with the email), and also check the nameplates of the 2 offices in that room while doing this. You're looking for a nameplate that says the following (look for either the name, or the title -- whichever is easiest for you to read), which means the phone is inside that room:
Gabriel Santiago
Chief of Security
When you make progress on the blackmail objective, share this information with the other blackmail role, so they can stop looking:
  • when you find the PC, type "g" or "got" in the chat.
  • when you find the phone, type "v" in the chat (short for "voicemail").

When you're done hacking all computers and checking both nameplates in this first room (or before this, if the other player finds these pieces of blackmail), go to the opposite side of the 2nd floor (where the CEO Office is): continue hacking computers if needed, or look for the phone in the office right next to Alice's. When you're done with both phone and email, enter Alice Rainey's office, open the drawer on her desk, and grab the recording in there.

After this, you will want to drop down to help secure the 4 books coming from the library. Depending on how far the loot has been moved, you will want to drop down on the library side, or the van side. For this, you will need to learn these two jumps:

Library (Yellow / Red)
This role is usually done by Yellow, although Red can do it too if you want to swap.
You want to go directly to the whiteboard, because the blonde guy with the Tag to enter the library is located right in front of it. To get there, run straight for a bit and then go down on the far staircase, which leads directly to the whiteboard. Kill the scientist, grab his RFID Tag, and enter the Library: start searching bookshelves until both sets of books are found (start in front of you and move towards the left).

Once both sets of books are found (interaction icons will disappear from the remaining bookshelves), grab one of the books and run out of the library (you won't have to re-enter the library, because the host will throw some bags out for you). First of all, with the first bag still on your back, go up the staircase and make a decision when you reach the top:
  • If you are far ahead compared to the blackmail roles (PC and phone not found yet), throw the bags into the golf cart.
  • If the blackmail roles are nearly done (PC found very early; or both PC and phone alraedy done), skip the golf cart, and throw the bags along the path that you would follow for normal bag moving, ignoring the golf cart.
After making this decision for the first bag, go back down the stairs and continue moving bags: the host will have thrown 2 more bags out of the library, so in total you have 4 bags that you need to move together with the host.

At some point during this bag moving, the 2 blackmail roles will join you (the exact moment is unpredictable, depending on RNG).
Finish securing the 4 bags, and escape!

FCat (Fast Cat) refers to the Black cat heist's faster variation, where we pick up the phone card before the bug objective in order to skip it and its dialogue entirely.

ECM order
Blue starts with ECM1, then Host ECM2+3, and afterwards lobby order if beginner lobby. If the lobby is experienced, Red will do one free ECM while walking out of the vault with their first money, with Yellow doing a free ECM when walking out of the vault with the final money before 12/12. This covers the entire securing process, for the fastest inks.

SSW + PC + Casino
This role is usually done by Green.
Silent Second Wind (SSW) will be done while interacting with the PC on the Crew Deck, which reveals which cabin has the business card to call Xun Kang. SSW is done with a single Molotov if you're Frenzyless, or with Fire Arbiter if you have Frenzy.

While you're doing SSW, the Intel player will perform the saw check, so you must call which spa room has the safe, to guide the Painting role directly there. See timestamped example:

After typing both the spa side and the cabin number for the business card, you will go straight to the casino, and go up the stairs on the right side to stand on the casino trigger: this will automatically complete the "Find Xun Kang" objective, as soon as the spa safe is opened (see screenshot below).
While standing on this trigger, you will also check for the tea in the meeting room: if it's not there, and the painting player has not called it, that means the far tea spawned in the crew deck, so you must call "far tea".

This role is usually done by Blue.
Start the heist with ECM1. Make sure you take the short keys path, through the bow of the ship.

As soon as you reach the spa, stand on the spa trigger until intel is reached and the spa objective updates, then run to the keys and go to the room where the painting is being lowered.
Important guard priority, depending on which spa side is called by the SSW player:
  • if the room is L, your priority is killing the 40 HP guards around Li Deng, as the Painting role will go straight into the room, without helping at all.
  • if the room is R, the Painting role will kill those 40 HP guards while running through the spa (for the shortest path to his painting), so your priority is killing guards at the center of the spa, to protect him.

Open the safe, get the money, and type the code. While exiting the spa, swap to HE judges and get ready to SW for the Casino player (who is about to grab the hand when the shutters open).

Grab the tea from the crew deck, if "far tea" is called in chat. Head to the the LEFT corridor, and start checking cabins looking for the coke. Two cabins can be skipped: number 10 (which is always empty), and the room which was called earlier in the chat, which has Xun Kang's titan safe and his business card.

You will need to SW again when the lasers are turned off, and for the vault looting part.

This role is usually done by Red.
Take the same path as the Keys player. The SSW player will call which spa room has the safe:
  • if it's L, you go there directly.
  • if it's R, you break the glass to take the shortest path there, killing the 40 HP guards next to Li Deng along the way (otherwise you'll be killed). The 480 HP guards are irrelevant, due to their low damage.

After arriving to the painting room you:
• Lower the painting.
• Check for tea in L-painting room -- if there is tea, you secure it and type it in the chat.
While exiting the spa (towards the cabins, not the path we entered from), drop a molotov and zerk to ~95% . You can zerk to 99% if you trust your SW player completely, although realistically there's not much to gain from this and it adds some risk.

After zerking you go to the RIGHT side of cabins, looking for the coke. If the cabin called earlier by the SSW player was 1 to 8, that one can be skipped, as it only contains Xun Kang's titan safe and his business card.

Intel + Business card
This role is usually done by Yellow.
Equip a Secondary Saw so that it will be auto-equipped at the start of the heist.
When you walk under the first door (on your way towards Intel), you must hit your saw on either side of the door (see clip), which will alert the Spa Civilian upstairs if she is there. In this way, the Host can check which Spa Civilian spawned and share that information with the other players, who are doing spa.

Saw check broke since the latest update, see this clip.

Continue towards Intel. In the meantime, the host will type in the chat a room number (1 to 16): you must go to that room, and grab the Phone Card immediately.

Open 3 more rooms next to where you are (less if you're slow), and then go to the Casino to open the KC door. While you're here, you can clear a bit of the casino, and get ready for wires in a bit.

Optional: If the coke hasn't been found yet, you can easily go back to the cabins (the side where you haven't opened any doors yourself yet) and open a few more. Just don't waste too much time (especially if you're new to this), or you'll be late for wires.

At any point before the vault looting, you should zerk to either 95% or 99%. This can be done after opening the casino KC door, or after finding coke, or while waiting next to the wires during the 15s PC hack.

            — - — - — VAULT ROLES AND BAGGERSWAP — - — - —
For the first bag (which all players take through the wall):
- the 2 Saw players will be on the right side of the vault
- the 2 SW players will be on the left side of the vault

The securers take 2 separate, symmetrical paths, to avoid ghost-bagging. This means when the roles are called, the Baggers must specify whether they are "DownRight" or "UpLeft" but also "normal" or "odd". And each securer must specify whether they are "Securer normal" or "Securer odd".
The usual roles are:
· Green: Bagger (DownRight, normal).
· Blue: Securer, normal.
· Red: Securer, odd.
· Yellow: Bagger (UpLeft, odd).

This strategy is done to secure 12 / 12 money bags as soon as possible: this means fastest ink possible, so faster runs.

When the code and hand are used to open the vault, everyone grabs 1 bag through the wall as explained above. The baggers throw for the securers as usual, except that when they bag their 5th money, they take it straight to the sea (through the short path, not the long one), leaving 4 money bags inside the vault.

At this point, the securers will be running out of thrown bags, so they will go back to the vault: the securer who arrives there first will start placing ink.

Shortly after that, the entire crew will arrive to the vault, and the crew must bag the 4 remaining bags without any ghost-bagging.
• whoever was bagging left-up grabs the bag that is Top Left
• whoever was bagging down-right grabs the bag on the Bottom Right
• the saw securer will place ink and grab the Bottom Left bag
• the SW securer will grab the Top Right bag

Ideally the baggers will have taken the bags so that only one will be left in each section. See screenshot below:
Election Day (with BONUS LOOT)
A recent update added XP rewards for Money and Gold, so new rotations take advantage of this.
  • When a rotation includes ED loot, it is implied that you need always 2 money, which will be taken while the 6th machine hack finishes (read below).
    - Most of the time, you can get 3 moneys without any time loss, sometimes even 4.
    - If a specific rotation needs more money (3, or 4) it will be specified for each rotation: check the full list of rotations, or ask someone who knows for each specific rotation.
  • Regarding the gold, usually you will need all 7: it's important for each player to know WHICH GOLDS out of the 7 they are expected to take (read below), in order to ensure there is no ghost-bagging, and the looting can be done as fast as possible.

            — - — - — MONEY — - — - —
Saw players
After the 6th machine is found (someone types "6" in the chat), the two saw players will go to one side each, and open the cages on their side to find money. Open all 4 first, and then check inside starting from the 4th one.

SW players
At the same time, each SW player will follow one Saw player, and start checking for money inside the cages, starting from the 1st cage.

Note for all 4 players
If you find 2 moneys inside a cage, and the partner on your side doesn't have money, you can throw one out for them, and grab the second one for yourself. While you do this, you can also type "2" in the chat, to make sure your partner notices. This is much faster than forcing them to continue checking cages until they reach your current one, and it also lets them know immediately if there aren't any more.

            — - — - — GOLD — - — - —
Instant gold:
As soon as the 6th machine hack finishes, the gold already spawns inside the truck after a brief ~0.5s delay, so you can grab the first 3 golds before the truck even opens:

For the 4 gold inside the truck:
The following image shows the distribution, and the text below explains it, in case it's not fully clear.

  • GREEN: jump inside the truck as soon as it opens. From the 2 golds on top of the box, you want the one that's in front (closest to you), although if you can't aim it precisely you can just grab either of those 2.
  • RED: after securing your 1st gold, go inside the truck. From the 2 golds on top of the box, take the one that's behind (farthest from the entrance). If the host jumped in very quickly, only one will be left for you.
  • BLUE: after securing your 1st gold, go inside the truck. From the 2 golds on the floor, you want the one that's closest to you (the 2 golds are placed perpendicular to each other, so this is quite easy to aim).
  • YELLOW: after securing your 1st gold, go inside the truck. From the 2 golds on the floor, you want the one that's farthest from you (the 2 golds are placed perpendicular to each other, so this is quite easy to aim).

For an explanation of the basics of Election Day (DAY1 and DAY2) scroll down to the 'Classic 5-maps' section, where the basics of ED are explained in detail.

General information about the heist

BB7 (Big Bank 7) refers to the Big Bank rush but, instead of getting all bags, we only get 7. In this way, we get a much faster completion time while also getting most of the EXP and nearly eliminating all effect of vault RNG.

This rush is not much different so this section will be quite concise and I will only explain the differences.

The first part of the rush is the same except for:
• the entire crew is Yakuza except for the Host
• saw players split the server rooms to eliminate RNG
• different ECM order (see below)
• grabbing only 7 money bags from the vault (details below)

            — - — - — ECM ORDER — - — - —
  1. Green PCM, Green ECM, Green PCM, Green ECM.
  2. Blue ECM x2
  3. Yellow ECM x2
  4. Green PCM, Red ECM, Green PCM, Red ECM.

Furthermore, the final Red ECM must be placed on this glass in the LeftButton Room.

To summarize:
  • the order for the ECMs is very close to Lobby Order, simply swapping Red and Yellow (for RFD purposes).
  • Red must always let the Host PCM before using any ECM.
  • the final Red ECM must be placed on a specific glass.

            — - — - — IMPORTANT OPTIMIZATIONS — - — - —
Don't kill any civilians, or the camera guard. You should only tie the manager, and keep him alive because you only need 1 hostage to delay the assault. This will ensure the alarm goes off as soon as possible when the final ECM is broken, which is important for the fastest bus possible.

While waiting for the timelock, the Blue player should repeatedly shoot their primary Flamethrower (this used to be HE weapons but their alert range got nerfed recently), refreshing the Stockholm Syndrome intimidation every 15 to 30s. They will stop this when the timelock has ~40-45s left, ensuring that civilians will start getting up and calling the cops around the time that the bus is ready. Also, after doing PC + SW, Blue should zerk for faster money moving and stop doing SW entirely (the Host will take care of this for the entire end).

For the post-timelock roles:
  • Yellow always does vault (RFD).
  • Host always does Left-Button (shortest path).
  • Red always does Right-Button.
  • Blue always does Manager PC + SW.

Minor optimizations for the final part of the heist:
  • Host and Yellow do the vault opening interactions.
  • Red is waiting next to the glass for his final ECM placement.
  • Blue checks package spawns when they walk from the manager's office towards the vault (4 spots).

            — - — - — LOOTING DETAILS — - — - —
7 bags only, but in a very specific way.
As usual, the 2 saw players still split Left-Up / Down-Right, and open doors accordingly.
Unlike the usual strats, the Blue player will simply go to whichever gate is closest to the vault door (sometimes left, other times right: it's RNG depending on vault spawn and layout).
The Green player will be next to the last ECM which was placed on glass, to break it as soon as the Vault XP is awarded (see clip).

Client bag moving
Each client (Blue, Red, Yellow) will take only 2 bags from the vault, and then:
  1. move those 2 to the corner
  2. then move those 2 through the bus
  3. then move those 2 to the van.

Basically, pretend you're playing solo, and move only your 2 bags. It's important to not go back for a 3rd bag at any point, because someone will already be going for that one, so you would end up wasting time.

Host bag moving
As for the host, right after calling the bus, he will go to the vault and grab 1 bag only.
Out of the two Saw players, whoever has opened the gates closest to the vault door (which is RNG depending on vault spawn and layout) must ensure that there's an open gate with either 1 Gold or 1 Money left for the host (Gold is fine because, unlike clients, the host can move Gold without time loss because he is playing Copycat-Hacker).

Small note for Blue and Host
Only related to Vault 4!
When the random vault spawn is Vault 4, that vault is too far for the host (so it makes no sense for the Host to walk all the way from bus room to vault, just to grab 1 bag). For this reason, whenever you get Vault 4, your role as Blue will be to take 3 bags:
  • for the first 2, you will throw them over the railing towards the staircase as usual, and the host will move those 2 by himself (first to the corner, then through the bus, then to the van).
  • for the final one (3rd), you will do the tarramas throw, sprint to the bags on the floor and grab the one furthest from bus (which leaves better bags for everyone else), and carry it straight to the van. Easy! But remember this only applies for Vault 4.

            — - — - — RARE BB9 VARIATION — - — - —
Some heist rotations need a little bit of extra XP to reach 100, and then those rotations use BB9 instead of BB7. Make sure you learn BB7, because BB9 is just a tiny modification to the amount of money bags taken at the end.

The heist strategy is exactly the same as BB7. However, upon entering the vault, there is a minor change: each client, right after entering the vault, will throw their first bagged money towards the vault door, and then proceed to loot 2 more and move those 2 as you would usually do for BB7. The host will call the bus as usual, and then move only those early 3 thrown bags, which will be easy to find right at the vault door. This results in a total of 9 bags (2 + 2 + 2 + 3).

SR12 (counting to 3)
This section is a Work-In-Progress. For a detailed but brief explanation of what to do as each role, check the pinned comment on this video, which has a list of things to do depending on your color:

SR12 refers to playing Shadow Raid, aiming for exactly minimum loot (12 bags), for the highest XP efficiency. Obviously 4 of those bags will be the armor (huge XP reward), so the key is optimizing the other 8 bags:
  • The painting, which always spawns, is always taken (role 4 has to check three spawns upstairs, while role 1 has to check one spawn in the warehouse).
  • The coke upstairs (for role 3) always spawns, so it's also always taken.
  • The weapons downstairs (on the shelf, for role 2) always spawn, so they are always taken.

These would be the basics for the "counting to 5" strategy. Everything not mentioned here would be counted in the chat, for a total of 5 bonus bags, 3 guaranteed bags, and 4 armor.

However, the "counting to 3" alternative involves less typing (so it's less confusing), and more importantly it saves a lot of time that would be wasted opening crates, in situations where some moneys would only be counted late.
For this reason, the following improvement is also included:
  • The 2 guaranteed moneys, which spawn somewhere around the warehouse (outside of crates), are always taken and therefore not counted. Role 1 (warehouse) has to check 2 spawns, role 2 (offices) has to check 2 spawns, and the four upstairs spawns are checked by role 3 (cages and cams), and shared between 3 and 4 (left side upstairs).

With this, the number of bags that must be counted in the chat is only 3. The same rules for the 'guaranteed bags' explained above still apply.

Mountain Master
The roles and ECM order:
    Downstairs roles:
  • SSW + early left side levers (host only).
  • Molotovs + late left side levers.
  • Dominate corridor guards + early right side levers.
  • Far right side levers.

    And then upstairs roles:
  • 2 left side, through the cut window (1 SW + 1 saw)
  • 2 right side, through the main doors (1 SW + 1 saw).

ECMs are done in Lobby Order, with downtime towards the end when the gold stash has to be opened.
With average pace, ECMs will go as follows: Green x2 → Blue x2 → Red ECM1 → downtime + Green PCM → Red ECM2 → Yellow x2.
However, if your lobby is slow, the downtime + Green PCM might be moved further down, although this only happens in learning runs. Also, depending on timing, and Keycard spawn, the host might use 2 PCMs in a row while running towards the stash to open it.

General things: Important for ALL PLAYERS.
  1. For the first part of the rush (downstairs), count the lever boxes when you find them (so the team will know when you have 3/3 boxes). Also, when you open a lever box and count it in the chat, stay on it until the light turns green and you can pull the lever: the team will find the other boxes very quickly, so you can just wait there without going away.
  2. Don't kill any guards during the first part of the rush! Guards that are alive or dominated will despawn as you go upstairs, but not dead guards (which could fail the run later, if a pager goes off downstairs during the mandatory downtime). Make sure to dominate guards as you enter (see roles). If you a guard is angry and preventing you from doing objectives, ask the host for help, since he can dom alerted guards by using the Weapon Butt melee and a Frenzyless build.
  3. For the mandatory downtime when the gold stash is opened, everyone spread out to be able to reach all pagers. Pagers going off is random, so be prepared to reach a pager anywhere within 12s. See roles for details.

            — - — - — DOWNSTAIRS ROLES — - — - —
Green (Host)
On this heist, the host must always do this role.
Start by doing SSW on the two molotovs thrown by the Red player. One tick on the first molotov, then more on the second one to get farther into the building. At around 0:11 ingame time, stop doing SSW and enter the office: if there is a lever box in that section, the team will have left it there for you to open.

After pulling your lever, or if there was no box for you, go to the downstairs elevator to press the button as soon as the 3rd lever is finished. If there are any alerted guards in dangerous areas (or if the team asks for your help), prioritize going there, hitting them with your non-lethal melee, and dominating.

After the elevator is called, go to the downstairs power room: the Red saw player will open it, and then you two will split the two interactions for the small timesave.

When you reach the 4 ziplines, yours is on the far right: the Yellow player will set it up for you, so that you can take it immediately for a small timesave.

Once you reach upstairs and exit through the vents, you have to kill the upstairs guard so that the Yellow player can ignore him and run straight towards the lamp (preferably shotgun kill, to avoid random gunfire on death). After this, stand next to the wall so that Sixth Sense will mark the 4 enemies around the poker table (in the adjacent room).

Enter the office room and dominate the guard at the door. Check the two upstairs box spawns, and decide based on how many boxes have spawned:
  • If there are two boxes, take one of them and lockpick it and stay on it until you can pull the lever.
  • If there's only one box, leave it for the host, and take the left staircase to the lower level, to continue looking for boxes on the left side.

After pulling your lever, or if the team finds all 3 lever boxes without you, go to the garage to start opening the vans. There is one guard in the garage, so make sure to dominate him as soon as you can. When you open the van with the crowbar, type "h" so the Yellow player can grab the crowbar.

When you reach the 4 ziplines to go upstairs, yours is on the close left.

Once you reach upstairs, prepare to throw a molotov and apply SSW, to speed up the Yellow player who will be sprinting towards the lamp. After this, get ready for the upstairs roles.

As Red, you are expected to look for lever boxes on the right side of the building. Enter through the office like everyone else, and turn right on the long corridor. Keep your eyes open for the guard walking on that corridor, and dominate him (stop in front of him if necessary so you can dominate him).
Upstairs on the right side there is 1 box spawn: if it's there, your team will leave it there for you. If it's not there, continue downstairs on the right side to look for boxes there.

After pulling your lever, or if the team finds all 3 lever boxes without you, go to the downstairs elevator to press the button as soon as the 3rd lever is finished.

After the elevator is called, go to the downstairs power room: use your saw to open it, and then you and the host will split the two interactions for the small timesave.

When you reach the 4 ziplines, yours is on the far left.

Once you reach upstairs, you can zerk using the molotov thrown by Blue, then go towards the host and use your 5/7 to kill the 4 triads in the adjacent room (the host will have marked them for you, using Sixth Sense). Your first shot can kill 2 unalerted triads, then aim for headshots to kill in 1 hit (three bullets in total are enough if you do it well). Make sure you don't shoot the gong, or any glass.

As yellow, you are expected to look for lever boxes on the right side of the building, but you're also expected to cover the left side if most lever boxes have spawned on the left side. Enter through the office like everyone else, and make a decision based on how many lever boxes have spawned on the upstairs left area:
  • If there are 2 boxes, take the left staircase to the lower level, to continue looking for boxes on the left side.
  • If there's either 1 or 0 boxes, leave them. Turn right on the long corridor, and sprint at full speed (ignoring the guard who walks on that corridor -- the blue player will take care of him). Keep in mind that upstairs on the right side there's only 1 box spawn, but you never take it. Just take the right side staircase to the lower level, to look for boxes on the right side.
After pulling your lever, or if the team finds all 3 lever boxes without you, go to the garage to start opening the vans. There is one guard in the garage, so make sure to dominate him as soon as you can. When you open the van with the crowbar, take it, and go back upstairs where the Crowbar is used to open the elevator. Most of the time (unless your team is not coordinating well), you will have time to throw a molotov and zerk before the elevator crowbar interaction becomes available - just make sure you don't burn any guards while doing so.

After opening the elevator, you'll reach the 4 ziplines to go upstairs. Set up the far right zipline for the host, so that he can take it for the small time save. Then set up and use the close right zipline. Once you reach upstairs and exit through the vents, you have to rush to the lamp as fast as you can, and then get ready for the upstairs roles.
Mountain Master (upstairs roles)
            — - — - — UPSTAIRS ROLES — - — - —
Yellow: Left side Saw
This role is always done by Yellow, since you have the Crowbar.
Cut the window as soon as the interaction is available, and walk through. Walk straight towards the open double doors, which will be your entry point. There will be a regular 40 HP guard either in front of you, or to your left, so kill him to ensure he doesn't shoot the windows.

There are 3 bookshelf spawns on your side. Start by checking the far two, and while you're there, you need to check the laptop spawn (small table next to the piano), and the KC2 spawn (square table inbetween the sofas). Share this information with the team if PC / KC is there, and then look towards Blue to see if he's moving the 3rd bookshelf on your side (if it has the server).

If the server is on your side, take it to the laptop (Red will share information about laptop spawns on his side during this time). If the server isn't on your side, you can wait next to the laptop, to split the two laptop interactions when Red brings the server, for the tiny timesave. Shortly after this, the ECM downtime will take place to open the gold stash, so make sure the team is spread out: depending on server/laptop RNG, you will either be next to the laptop until the 20s hack finishes, or at the kitchen to open the drop-off immediately, right after the downtime.

Answer any nearby pagers that might go off, and then either go back to the hack in progress, or help move gold. After the server is delivered, use ECM Feedback on your next placed ECM, pull the fire alarm in the car room, and get ready to enter the meeting room: kill the 2 triads inside, grab the tea, and run to the escape.

Blue: Left side SW
This role is always done by Blue.
Walk through the window hole as soon as it's cut. Open the first door on your right, and do the following things in order:
  1. Check the KC1 spawn, on top of the counter.
  2. Look at the bookshelf closest to you (first one on the left side), and move it if it glows yellow.
  3. Go to the car room, and throw a molo to start SSW.
  4. If the gold stash is there, move the mirror in front of it (inbetween SSW ticks).
  5. Type "1" or "KC1" if the keycard you checked was there (this can be done earlier during bookshelf interaction if applicable, or simply after the 1st SSW tick).
  6. Continue SSW until the ECM downtime happens (you want to speed up the Host, who will be running for the keycard during this time, and the saws moving the server).

After the downtime, start doing loud HE SW and keep up uptime as usual. Answer any nearby pagers that might go off, and then help move gold. After the server is delivered, pull the fire alarm in the car room, and get ready to enter the meeting room: you can shoot or ignore the triad on the right side, and run towards the staircase. Go up to the first corner (which is the trigger to spawn the boss at the roof), and then go back down and run to the escape.

Red: Right side Saw
This role is always done by Red.
As soon as Yellow starts the window-cutting interaction, place your next ECM so that the downtime will line up in the best way possible. Right after the ECM is placed, throw a molotov to the Host, who will start doing SSW.

Very shortly after this, the doors will open. You want to kill guards along your way to ensure they don't shoot, but be careful with your 5/7 because you don't want to break any windows. Turn to the right immediately, go straight into the office, and look at the two bookshelves to see if either one has the yellow outline.

  • If the server is on your side, take it to the laptop (at this point, Yellow will have mentioned the PC if it spawned next to the piano -- if he hasn't said anything, then it's either office laptop, or bedroom laptop).
  • If the server isn't on your side, you have to check the laptop spawns (office / bedroom) and share this information with the team. You can also go into the bedroom and pre-move the gold stash there in case it's needed, and optionally you can also check the bedroom KC and share this information with the host.

Regardless of whether you have the server or the laptop, you can split the two laptop interactions with Yellow, for the tiny timesave. Shortly after this, the ECM downtime will take place to open the gold stash, so make sure the team is spread out: depending on server/laptop RNG, you will either be next to the laptop until the 20s hack finishes, or at the kitchen to open the drop-off immediately, right after the downtime.

Answer any nearby pagers that might go off, and then either go back to the hack in progress, or help move gold. After the server is delivered, go outside on the big balcony, and get ready to snipe the boss (Yufu Wang) from the balcony, using your 5/7. For details on how this works exactly, check Dyrax's VOD here:

Here are some photos to help you with your sniping:

There are a total of 3 spawns, and I have added 2 images, first one is around the area where you are sniping from, the second, where the boss (master, whatever) spawns. Obviously, in game you will have to look for the "!" but here I am using beardlib editor to demonstrate easily.

Adding these images was Theo's idea so credits to him!

Green: Right side SW
This role is always done by Green.
Shortly before the doors open, Red will throw a molotov for you to apply SSW. Refresh it repeatedly until Blue takes over: when this happens, run towards the Keycard:
  • if KC1 or KC2 was called, you know where it is.
  • if neither was called, check the kitchen first for KC3, then the bedroom for KC4.
Take the keycard and quickly run to the gold stash. After the downtime, start doing loud HE SW and keep up uptime as usual. Answer any nearby pagers that might go off, and focus on moving the gold (with some help from your team) and then escape!

Classic 5-maps rotation
This old rotation is unused nowadays, because the heists were slower. However, some of the basics such as the roles for Election Day, Diamond Store, Shadow Raid... still apply. Skip to those sections if you're looking for that information!

The heist order

The rotation consists of 5 heists that are played twice to reach level 100 efficiently. To maximize speed it is important that all players in your lobby are familiar with the roles for all heists which are explained.

1. Ukranian Job
2. Post UKJ skills (Lvl 41) + Diamond Store
3. Shadow Raid (SR)
4. Election Day (ED)
5. Black Cat (BCat)
6. Post Black Cat skills (Lvl 76) + Big Bank (BB)
7. 2nd Diamond Store
8. 2nd Shadow Raid
9. 2nd Election Day
10. 2nd Black Cat
11. 2nd Big Bank

This section will contain all the basic information you need to rush 5-maps.
Ukranian job & calling roles
For beginners, this is heist where you prepare, ask questions, assign roles... or just rest inbetween rotations. Not much needs to be optimized, but there are still a few things to avoid pointless restarts.

  1. For one you always enter through the right side, never the left because it's just worse (stationary guards beyond 4 pagers).
  2. Don't rush in, you will fail the heist.

Role calling

After the heist is cleared (guards dead, civs gone, drills placed) you will need to call roles. Remember that UKJ is not timed so take your time and make sure no one is confused about their roles. You can view what these roles are in the relevant heists "roles" section.

Usually you will call roles for all heist in order: first you call for Diamond Store, then Shadow Raid, Election Day D1 then D2, Black Cat, and finally Big Bank.

To call roles, generally 1 person says the heist name (for example: Diamond Store), and then everyone lists their roles. After everyone lists their roles for Diamond Store, the same person will write the next heist (Shadow Raid), and you call Shadow Raid roles. Continue like this until you called roles for Big Bank. As mentioned above the role names are in the specific heist sections.

Here's an example:

Host types: "Diamond Store"

Player 2 types: "Security + bag sec side"
Player 3 types: "Windows + guards + secure"
Player 4 types: "Windows + guards + bag stair side"
Host types: "Kc + secure"

Host types: "Shadow raid"

Host types: "4"
Player 2 types: "1"
Player 3 types: "2"
Player 4 types: "3"

Some more role examples for the other heists:

> Election Day D1

P1: Tag
P2: Far left
P3: Far right
P4: Mid + PC

> Election Day D2

P1: L Up + Out
P2: R Mid
P3: L L
P4: R R

> Black Cat

P1: Intel + bug
P2: Keys
P3: L paint
P4: R paint

> Big Bank

P1: Up
P2: Down corner side
P3: Server
P4: Down stair side
(mid heist, after TL is started and both kc's found)
P1: Vault
P2: R button
P3: PC
P4: L button

You will notice that only Shadow Raid roles are called with numbers, this is just how it has always been and so that no one gets confused I decided to write it this way.

And that is it, for the example.
Diamond Store
General information about the heist

  • Very fast heist, you can complete it start to finish with a full crew in less than a minute and it gives around 1.2M XP.
  • This heist's rush is simple but can be optimized a lot. Each heister has 2 roles: pre-KC for the first few seconds of the heist, and post-KC roles after the alarm is deactivated (each has their own section below).
  • The glass casings that protect the loot are alarmed, and the alarm will have to be deactivated (the normal windows in the store aren’t).
  • Diamond store does not need any preplanning or assets.
  • DO NOT Second Wind with HE judges before the alarm is deactivated, as you might break glass and aggro guards to you which will be bad (Silent Second Wind, SSW, is done with molotovs by a specific role, as you can read below).

The rush and roles

When everyone masks up, host should ECM ASAP to avoid any unnecessary trouble. ECMs are done in lobby order, although you will always be done before Blue needs to ECM.

Pre-KC roles (before alarm deactivation) are as follows:

KC - the person deactivating alarm

This person will have to get the manager's KC (she can be in one of 3 spots) and deactivate the alarm. The console for the alarm will be in 1 of 4 spots.

Manager spawns:

Console spawns:

The security room door will be opened by one of your teammates doing the Sec Room role and S will be typed in chat if the console is inside the security room.

There is a simple route that allows you to check every console and manager spawn which I will demonstrate with a small video here. The 3rd spawn (upstairs) can be checked while masking up, through the windows.


This role is usually done by the host: just kill all the guards (or dominate) so they don't hit you or the glass (their aim is terrible). After this, head to the back row (the farthest one inside the store) and get ready to grab a bag there. While bagging it, you can type a number in chat (for example: "2") corresponding to the amount of bags that remain there: this is useful information for the baggers, so they don't need to even check back there, when 0 bags remain.

Security room (saw)

Unlike the other roles for this one you must have saw.

This role is very easy and does not need a video so I will explain with screenshots

Just run in, with the path on the screenshot, use Silent Saw, dom or kill guard and type S if the security console is there.

SSW role (must be a SW player)

One of the SW players (usually Blue) can do SSW and boost the KC player so alarm gets deactivated faster. After masking up, throw a molotov on the side of the store as shown below, and start applying Second Wind.

Right after this, you can break the windows to throw bags through while the alarm is still on. (only the display cases are alarmed! not the windows)

Here are some screenshots so you understand which windows I am talking about.

The ones marked in red are the ones you need to destroy, just be careful not to hit the display cases.

You have to make sure the KC player has SW for their entire journey of getting KC and deactivating alarm, but you also have to be ready for when alarm is deactivated so you can get a bag and start securing ASAP.

Post KC roles

Post KC roles are quite simple so I will state them and explain after.

In any given Diamond store run there are 2 baggers and 2 securers.

The first bagger will bag Stair side

And the second will bag Security side

In this image, the display cases marked in pink should be searched by the person who is bagging Security side and the person who is doing Stair side needs to search the cases and bag the jewelry marked in yellow. The reason you split like this is because you don't wanna waste time by searching the cases another has already searched.

Here is how the baggers throw their bags.

That's it for the people bagging, now lets get to securing.

When the display case alarm is disabled, the securers each grab one bag and run it to the van (securing the bags) and then run back to the pile of bags the baggers have thrown out. Grab them and run them to the van do not just throw the bag further as that will lose time because of bag interaction cool down.

If you are playing second wind and securing then you should Second wind after you pick up a bag (without blowing the bags away) and within 5s secure said bag and grab another now just repeat that cycle.

Here's a video about ECM rushing diamond store:
Shadow Raid
Nowadays this heist is done with only 12 bags (SR12, read above at the top of the guide) but the general areas, loot spawns, and roles still apply.

General information about the heist

Shadow Raid gives around 1.4 million EXP with a fast completion time of about 1m30s. For full XP, you must secure the 4 pieces of samurai armor (from the vault) and escape in stealth. These tasks are crucial and CANNOT be skipped.

As usual make sure someone does SSW at the start of the heist (usually Blue), and don't start loud SW until you enter warehouse as to not alert the Keycard civ too early or he could run away.

The courtyard is NOT looted as there are a few money spawns in all of the containers and you can get more than enough bags just from the warehouse. On this heist you should just bag every bag you see (except for artifacts) and secure them.

You need 1 thing from preplanning in this heist and that is the: Warehouse doors garbage loot drop off point

You can also get some spycams to spot guards and kill them easier.

Shadow Raid is pretty simple, but simple isn't easy so I will get straight into the roles.


Throw bags towards the aforementioned loot drop-off point. If you finish your role, don't start checking others: just start securing bags. Here's a screenshot for where to throw your bags before securing:

Here are the 4 roles on Shadow raid.

Role 1 - Main warehouse room
The goal of this player is to loot the main warehouse room here are some screenshots to explain the role.

Role 1 is very flexible, in terms of how much loot they bag, they can skip entire crates if they know their team has enough bags.

The pathing each role takes is shown on this screenshot and you can clearly see where role 1 is going (we will be focusing on this role now)

Here is what role 1 does, the numbers are the order in which these actions are done.

After you open the first crate you look at the money spawn and if it is there you go and grab it.

IF in #5 money is spawned you want to go for it first and THEN open the crates.
other then that check the painting crate and open the normal one (just pretend they are numbered as #5)

Here is a video demonstration:

Role 2 - Downstairs offices

This player loots the downstairs offices.

Here's an SS for #6 (How to check coke through the wall)

Here's a video demonstration:
That is all for role 2

Role 3 - Upstairs (Main, Needs saw, No crowbar)

This player goes upstairs along with role 4 and loots while helping role 4.

This shows where both roles go at the start, now for specifically role 3.

Throw all your loot through the security room window

While you are in the security room, check for the Server that spawns in the server rack and the money spawn. Clearing out the security room (of loot) is your role

Role 3 might need to help Role 4 in opening the vault, if you plan on doing R3 then read the R4 section.

Video demonstration:
That is all

Role 4 - Upstairs with crowbar + vault

This player has to open vault solo (95% of the time) and open all the crates upstairs with the crowbar.

Before you go upstairs, there's a civ with a gold that you have to kill for his kc (guaranteed drop)

DO NOT pick up his KC yet, you first have to get the security camera guy's KC, use it on vault, grab the civs and use it on vault as well (solo)

Before this you have to loot upstairs, here are the screenshots.

Obviously, you only need to check this painting spawn if it didn't spawn in the other 2.

Now soloing the vault

You already have a KC, so get to the vault and put it in.

To get to the vault you should use 1 of 2 windows.

If you still have not checked the painting in the hallway, then you can go there, check and jump from a window there.

However if you have already checked this spawn or have found the painting already then you should jump from this window and run to the vault.

Now get the golden hat civ's KC (the civ you killed at the start) and open the vault.

The rest is easy, just bag the armor and throw it towards the drop off point, only 1 person bags the armor.

Now for the low 5% chance

There is a chance the civ spawns in a bad spot

If he is here then you need to call the Role 3 player to help you with vault.

you grab Golden civilians keycard and role 3 will grab security room guards.

After this just finish upstairs with your partner (R3) and type "v' in chat and put kc in vault.

And its a solo role from there on.

Here is a video demonstration, I run out of HP near the end which is why there is no SW but Role 4 shouldn't have to do so much SW anyway, the other SW player should basically be carrying. Alternatively you can zerk less to not run out of HP.

And that's it for shadow raid.

If you are still confused about some things I would highly recommend watching the video.

and this one if you are looking to go even faster with precisely 12 bags that will be used for faster rotations.
SW distribution in shadow raid
In most lobbies this SW distribution won't be needed however many people use it in higher tier lobbies.

The idea is instead of both SW players doing SW at once they split up, 1 player does sw before vault and 1 after vault is open.

Most of the time sw players are roles 1 and 4 so role 1 would do pre-vault sw and role 4 would do post vault SW.

As I said this is not mandatory but if your team is struggling with keeping SW uptime then you should give this a try for sure.

You can also sort of see this in the first Shadow raid of this video:

Kyro is "carrying" SW mainly and marc is at low hp however marc starts sw'ing more after the vault is open.
Election day - Day 1
General information about the heist

Election day day 1 is very fast and you can complete it in around a half a minute.

The reason Election day is even in this rotation is because of the huge 20% stealth EXP boost you get for the next heist. (black cat) The first day is pretty simple and all you have to do is mark the correct truck.

The roles and deciding which truck is correct will be shown in this section, however this section is only for day 1.

Preplanning is not needed for Election day.

The idea of this day is for 1 person to tag the correct truck and the others to get the colors of the open containers, and if need be 1 person will get information from the PC.

Since this heist is very short coordinating ECM's is not really important. If host is tagging then someone else should be ECMing first just to shave off a few seconds.

Always make sure to kill guards when running towards your roles' containers, this is done to prevent other players from getting downed when running to the escape zone.


Role 1 - Tagger + SSW (preferably SW player)

At the start of the heist the Tag player does SSW (silent second wind) with molotovs, giving the team SW and some extra time to find colors, while zerking down themselves to a low hp value (for yakuza boost)

Here is a video demonstrating SSW.

This role gets to the trucks ASAP after SSW and tags the correct one with the information given to them by the other players.

The idea is that each letter R G B Y indicates a color of a container. Any of these letters your teammates write is the color of trucks you do not tag. Most of the time you will have 3 colors meaning that you tag the color that's not written.

Along with this information you have the trucks companies, 4 of them.

Since there are 6 trucks there will be 2 companies that have 2 trucks always. With just this information we can eliminate 4 trucks because the correct truck's company must be exclusive meaning only 1 truck can have it. And then out of the 2 remaining trucks we can simply just remove the one that has the wrong color (all found wrong colors will be written in chat) and boom you have the correct truck.

Here's a screenshot of the companies.

From this image Hefty and Avalon are eliminated because they both have 2 trucks.

And now from this image with the containers we know the color of the truck is yellow SO we tag yellow omni.

There is a 5% chance that one of the containers will contain election posters. If this happens and you see it make sure to tell the tagger to tag THAT color instead of eliminating it. As the tagger if you see all 4 colors in chat hold off from tagging and make sure your teammates double check which color you should ACTUALLY tag and do it according to that information. However this is very very rare so if you see an open container just consider it as random junk.

There's another 10% chance that you will need the PC because the correct color truck will have 2 trucks with exclusive companies. In this case just say PC in chat and the person doing mid + PC will tell you the company to tag.

That is it for tagging

Here is the fastest route to get to trucks (pretty simple).

(As established the blue lines mean looking at things, in this case containers)

While taking this path check the containers marked by the blue lines. If they are open remember their color and DON'T tag the trucks that have that color.

After you tag just run back to spawn the same way you came and escape.

UNLESS this container here doesn't spawn.

In this situation you can jump up these platforms and just run over and have a shortcut to the escape.

Role 2 - far left

Here is what you do (very simple)

Check these 5 containers, any open one you find write the color of in chat with R G B or Y.

After that run back to escape

Role 3 - Far right (SW player)

Role 3 must be a sw player.

Here is a video demonstrating this role + I will have some screenshots detailing which containers you look for.

You don't actually SW as soon as you spawn, instead you start SW'ing after you jump over the gate to avoid early cop agro.

You have to also make sure you are on this ledge before jumping onto the boxes or you will not make it and lose a substantial amount of time:

Here are the containers you check.

Role 4 - Mid + PC

This role might need to check pc for tagger.

Using the PC is very easy, the 3 companies it shows are all always the wrong ones with no exceptions leaving you with 1 correct company.

Using the A.K rule if the PC does not show Avalon first then the correct company is Avalon.

If it does not show Kranich on second hack then the correct is Kranich.

If not your gonna need to full hack PC (3 times) if it shows Avalon and Kranich.

However most of the time your tagger will give you 2 companies so if you see one on the pc it means the correct one is the other.

Here are some screenshots:

Make sure to check all of the crates and only run back to escape once the tagger tags a truck.

That is it for Election day day 1 here are some videos you might want to watch.

Election day - Day 2
General information about the day

This day is gonna have quite a lot of writing in it so buckle up.

This day does not need any preplanning.

Your goal is to hack 6 machines to trigger the escape, you will NOT need to open the cages as there is always 6 machines outside of cages around building. So what I'm trying to say is DO NOT OPEN CAGES.

Also if you finish your role you should go help others if they have not finished theirs.

After you hack the 6th crate you get ready to do something we call the "loud escape"

Basically you kill every guard and civilian on the map, place an ECM on a trucks window and when your last device reaches 10.5 seconds you break this window and you all run to the escape

With this strategy you get the loud escape EXP which is nearly double the normal stealth escape AND you get to keep the huge 20% stealth boost so it is a win win situation. Here is a video to explain it better.

The host should do this window ECM trick because of ping issues and desync stuff. But the host won't have an ECM by this time so will someone else have to place it? Not really, at the start of the heist someone else can place first ECM instead of host so that host can control the Window ECM and hence do the trick properly.

Other then that it's just finding crowbars, opening crates and hacking machines which will all be explained here.


General tip for saw players:
Saw players can use their saws (if they have secondary saws) to saw open the gate they are going through to save like 1 second.

This however is not a must as it saves only ~1 second.

Role 1 - Left side

This role is also commonly known as l l and basically it means you are doing the left side of the building. In case you are wondering why there are 2 L's it is because the first one indicates which side you enter from and the second which side you are doing.

Anyways lets get to it since there is a lot to talk about.

Your first priority is finding a crowbar there are many spawns on the left side and I will list a few with screenshots. This pathing will be for getting a crowbar and there will be a separate one for your crates

Stick yourself into the corner and look at the crowbar spawn through wall and you will get a prompt if the crowbar is there.

If you check these spots and you still do not have a crowbar you can go in the upper floor room behind you and check this spawn (near when civs and cams spawn sometimes)

If you still somehow don't have a crowbar you can check mid or right side crowbars which are in their sections.

Now come the crates, there's not a lot of them on the left side so left is a pretty easy role.

Here is the pathing and the location of the crates (this path is considering you found a crowbar outside or in the first room).

(reusing this screenshot lol)

After you're done with this room head into the next one

And that is it for left side. Once your done with your side go ahead and help others.

Role 2 - Right side

This role Is also known as r r.

Same story as left side find a crowbar and open crates, you have a window jump on this side too so lets get to it.

Here is where the crowbars are.

And that is it for crowbars, now onto the crates.

Jump through the same window (if you see a crate outside you don't need to hack it)

And that is it for role 2.

Role 3 - R middle

Role 3 and 4 are a bit different because they do not have their own crowbar spawns.

Instead they share with L and R so if you choose the R mid role for example that means you enter through the right window and check right sides crowbars. The same thing goes for role 4 so I am not gonna say it again there.

Anyways here are the crates.

That is all for this role

Role 4 - L up + outside

This role is slightly different because you have to cover 2 areas instead of 1 but its nothing hard.

And that is it

With this we have finished election day in its entirety and now you can move onto black cat with your 20% stealth exp boost.

Heres the video:
Black cat
General information about the heist

Black cat is a very complicated rush that many do not understand well. This is because it is a relatively new heist meaning some people have never got to play. However the XP/m and stealth boost you get with this is huge. You can finish a black cat in around 3 minutes to 3 minutes 30, and it gives you 2.6 Million EXP and a huge 15% stealth boost for the next heist (Big bank in this case).

In this guide we are going to be mentioning the slow-er rush (compared to the other rush type which you can see in the video) because it gives more exp which we need to hit level 100 at the end.

You will need Sixth Sense ACED for preplanning in this heist tho, so make sure at least 1 person has it. From preplanning you need these things: Crew deck entry, Camera access in cabin area bathroom, Unlocked doors and Keycard.

You have to secure the teaset, the money in the safe, the 2 coke 2 assault rifle stash (explained later) and all the bags of money in the vault.

Anyways lets get to the roles now.


Role 0 - Cabins and stuff

This is a role that everyone has by default and everyone has to do it. What this means is you do not have to call this role and I will explain this role just like the others with screenshots, text and everything.

Black cat has a lot of down time, the zoom call means waiting around a lot and other then that there is a lot of contractor dialog. So simply, during this time you have to search the cabins and open the closets inside the rooms for 2 things.

First and foremost is the Titan safe in Xun Kangs room.

Once you find the safe and Number card DO NOT grab it instantly as you will lose EXP.
Instead wait for the bug objective to trigger THEN grab it.

This is the objective I am talking about:

Basically as soon as you see this pop up just grab the card.

While you are waiting you can check other Cabins for the coke stash (just remember where Number card is)

You can secure the coke straight away as there is no extra exp for waiting.
Once you find this stash you can type "coke" in chat and your team will stop searching the cabins if yall have found the number and coke.

Obviously, coke and the phone number can not be in the same cabin and also the cabins which they spawn in is 100% random.

Role 1 - Intel + bug (saw)

At the start of the heist this person runs to the objective marker, There can be 2 intel spawns and you'll get 1 per run with an objective marker. Open the briefcase and grab the keycard.

After this run to this room in the casino and saw open the door or pick it open if you do not have one.

Now go inside and wait for the bug objective to trigger, after that plant the bug and go open the Control room with the keycard you grabbed. After this do role 0.

(it can also be on the other side of the casino room, next to bug room)

Role 2,3 - R/L paintings - cam access

This role consists of 2 people. You both run into the spa area however you go to different sides, let me explain.

Here you can see 2 separate lines each indicating a player going different ways leading into the spa area, 1 going left and the other right. There are 2 "massage rooms" in the spa area however, we call them L painting and R painting.

You might be wondering why L paint is the Right line on first ss and the Right paint is the left line. This is because the first screenshot (with 2 lines) was taken from a weird angle and the names like L paint and R paint are correct so... you will understand once you get in the game, trust.

ANYWAYS onto what you do. You either chose L paint or R paint according to this run to the correct room. Once you shoot the door handle and enter your room there will either be a woman inside or not.

IF the woman is here then simply leave the room and run to the camera access in the bathroom next to the cabins (right side when exiting spa area same way you cam from)

Go in this bathroom and follow the instructions on the screenshot

HOWEVER if there is no woman then simply run to the painting and lower it because that means the safe is behind it. (you can make it easier for your keys player to locate the safe by typing the room side the safe is located in with either L or R).

After this just go and do role 0.

One last thing there is a chance that in the Left painting room a tea set spawns if it does just grab it and throw it through the window.

Role 4 - Keys

This person is in charge of going to the spa room and killing Li deng, getting his keys and opening his safe.

(careful here, lots of guards, don't die)

Here's a video showcasing the path:

Once you grab the keys simply run to the painting room your teammate is lowering the painting in and open the safe behind it with the keys you grabbed from deng.
(make sure you are not to the right side of the safe or objective wont proc as you have to see the notepad)
In the safe there will always be 1 bag of money and a code. Write the code in chat and secure the money bag by throwing it through the window. After this do role 0.

You may think this it but you are mistaken, this heist is far from over :)

Black cat - Part 2
I hit the character limit on the initial Black cat section (lol) and so ill just put the continuation here.

Roles called mid-heist

Once the zoom meeting ends and locke calls up Kang (assuming you have found the phone number) the shutters separating him from the outside will open

Once the shutters open THE HOST (green) runs in and kills Kang, grabs his prosthetic arm and leaves, and stays at the lasers.

One person should ALREADY be at the PC in the control room (opened by role 1) waiting for the hack to become available.

Another person should be waiting at the wires to cut them as soon as the hack finishes preferably not red as their ECM might overlap with cutting the wire.

The wire can also be on the other side.

Both of these roles should be determined by your team and it should really sort itself out.

After the wire is cut everyone runs to the vault, the host enters BOTH the code and the handprint because host has no delay when it comes to these things.

After this you do a 2:2 split, 2 players bagging (not through walls) and 2 players securing screenshot here:

After the last bag is thrown the baggers help with securing if its not done already.

And finally, after every bag is secured the boat can be lowered (go same side as you threw bags)

For the first screenshot the escape zone is on the right, for the 2nd its on the left next to the first boats esc zone, and for the last on the far right.

That is it for Black cat!

There is 1 tea set that spawns on this heist every time and you have to secure it.

The first location is the Left spa room, the person looking through this room has to check and secure it if it spawned there, type "tea d" or something to say that you found the tea set.
(Images here are not mine, the guide where it is from will be linked at the end of this section)

If you somehow can't see it in this image its the green thing with cups.

The second spawn is checked by the person who gets the hand (host most of the time) and it is located in the meeting room. If it is here just grab it and secure it by throwing it overboard.

The final spawn is only checked by the host if the tea set is not found in left painting room or meeting room and it is located near the spawn right here:

(Check right after you get the hand)

And that is all, here is the guide I got the screenshots from:
The Big bank - Pre Timelock
General information about the heist

The big bank, last heist in the rush and the one with the most EXP! this heist is quite long so there will be 2 sections, 1 for pre and 1 f or post timelock. This heist is completable in 6-7 minutes and gives us somewhere around 5 Million EXP.

In this rush you will need PECM's so switch over to hacker.

You only need a few things from preplanning: Escape method: bus escape, Time lock glitch routine and the silent alarm 30s delay.

The goal of this rush is to get EVERY bag in the vault including the ones in the deposits which is from 21-25.

This heist has pre and post tl roles along with SW and Saw specific roles so lets get to it.

I've already mentioned how to use PECM's in this heist so I wont mention anything here again.

Pre-timelock Roles

Role 1 - Server room (saw required)

This player rushes server room as soon as you mask up to hack the PC and get the beep.

Here are the server room locations, check them in the order the screenshots are posted.

Once you are there, saw the door and hack the PC until one of your teammates say "got" in chat.

Here's a video for this role:

Role 2 - Upstairs

Upstairs is slightly complicated since you have to try to find the correct PC in one beep if it is upstairs.

Here is a good position you can use to check a bunch of the PC's, determine if it is upstairs or not and get the general location of the PC if it is upstairs.

If you find the correct PC (message should pop up on the screen as well) type "got" in chat so role 1 stops hacking and your teammates know to stop looking.

Here's a video for this role:

Role 3 - Downstairs: Corner side

This person looks for the PC downstairs with another person.

Position yourself in a way that allows you to check the most PC's

The 2 of you should be able to hear the PC and hack it in 1 beep together, with TEAMWORK.

If you find the correct PC (message should pop up on the screen aswell) type "got" in chat so role 1 stops hacking and your teammates know to stop looking.

Here's a video for this role:

Role 4 - Downstairs: Stair side

This person positions on the opposite side of Role 3, near the stairs.

(both you and role 3 can also jump between 2 PC's so you can see both)

If you find the correct PC (message should pop up on the screen aswell) type "got" in chat so role 1 stops hacking and your teammates know to stop looking.

Here's a video for this role:


After the PC is found everyone has a new role, that is to get 2 keycards. 1 from the manager and 1 from a random spawn.

1 person should be at the Timelock gates ready to start it ASAP.

The manager KC known as M should be found first because there is a 66% chance its on the manager and a 33% chance its in his safe (in the room where you hack PC for vault code, behind painting) the reason it should be found first is because the manager might run outside and despawn if it takes you too long to find him!

The manager is the same model as any other heist like First world bank.

The Random KC spawns in MANY locations since I am too lazy to take screenshots of every single one I recommend watching this video from the 5:09 timestamp

Both of these keycards will be used on the timelock to disable the lasers once this is done its just a waiting game.

This is the point where you call the post timelock roles so here they are (what they do will be explained in detail in the next section)

1. Vault, this person runs to the vaults fingerprint scanner and scans ASAP.
2. R button, this person waits at the Right button to hit it as soon as fingerprint is scanned.
3. L button, same story as R button however on the left side.
4. PC, this person gets the code from the managers PC after both buttons are hit (SW highly reccomended).

And that is it for Pre timelock Big bank! now we move on to post timelock.
The Bag bink - Post Timelock
Alright lets get straight into the roles


Role 1 - Vault

This player runs to the 1 of 4 vault spawns and scans the fingerprint. The path they will take will vary based on where the vault spawns.

I wont draw lines however I will show every vault spawn

You will get an objective marker and now that you know every spawn you can use logic to figure out the fastest path.

After you use the fingerprint scanner just wait, you don't have to do anything else.

Role 2 - R button

This person paths to the right button which is right here:

And presses it as soon as the fingerprint is scanned.

After that just run to vault.

Role 3 - L button

This person does left button instead of right, everything else is the same though.

Role 4 - PC (SW highly recommended)

This role waits until the buttons are pressed and hacks the managers PC for code, all the while refreshing SW for the team to have that 30% speedboost.

You should stop SW after you hack the computer.


After vault opens

Once the vault starts opening you have a lot of time to sit around and do nothing.

Instead of doing nothing here is what you SHOULD do.

If you are playing saw decide with your teammate who will do top and bottom (if you have 2 floor vault) and who will do left and right cages (if you have 1 floor vault) you can decide like this for example.


In the meantime the SW players should decide who does Vault SW and who does Bus SW

Vault SW is everything up until you step foot on the bus and Bus SW is everything after.

Also the Saw players should waste their ammo so that they can get a good bulletstorm to open deposits faster.

As soon as you get into the vault area the Vault SW player starts to SW, the Saw players open the cages and start doing deposits (deposits with bulletstorm) and the bag moving simulator starts.

IF you get a 2 floor vault you can throw money bags from the bottom floor to the top to avoid moving too many bags however you can not do this with gold.

You do not need to split 2 baggers 2 securers or whatever like Black cat just throw the bags using the paths.

Here are the optimal bag throws for EACH vault as it is important if you want to save time.

If you get vault 1 just move the bags straight into the corner of the bus room

Vault 2 is similar to 1 just has a neat money throw.

Vault 3 is a little farther and a little harder.

And finally vault 4 is similar to vault 3.

And now after all that the bus

Once you have piled up every bag near the corner of bus room you let the alarm go off and call the bus with the phone.

The bus SW player should start Second wind as soon as the bus crashes through.

When the bus crashes through start moving the bags but NEVER put bags on the bus for 2 reasons
1. Bag interaction cooldown
2. Weird clipping issue
The last thing you want is one of your teammates getting permanently stuck in the bus and having to restart.

Instead you throw bags under the bus like you see on this screenshot:

(Don't bother throwing gold under bus, it isn't worth it)

After all bags are through just simply grab the bag closest to you and secure it, after all bags are secured escape.

(if you are bus SW careful to not blow away the bags)

And that is all for this heist as well as this rotation! Good luck and have fun infamy farming or whatever you want to do!

Here is the video for big bank, however this guide has some things the video does not!

PECM cycles
This section will explain to you how to do PECM cycles. PECM cycles are only needed for big bank in this rotation but its not the only heist its used in overall.

PECM cycles are very simillar to ECM ones, They both share the same order however the amount used at once is different.

One cycle consists of 1 PECM used by each player on the team in the same order: Green, Blue, Red, Brown. This gives you a total of 24 seconds of PECM time which is A LOT. Even if you have to do 2 PECM cycles NEVER DO 2 AT A TIME, there is a high probability that the PECM will bug and not work EVEN WITH the bug fix mod so just keep it to 1 at a time.

Oh yeah did I mention PECMs recharge every 100s? So you basically have infinite.

So how do we apply this to Big bank efficently?

Well as soon as you mask up on big bank the host should PECM as soon as they hear a camera beep. After this just do a normal PECM cycle continuing with blue, red and brown. Once the last players PECM is draining the host will start yet ANOTHER cycle and it will basically be the same thing. After the last players PECM drains once again the host will do a normal ECM and the cycle will go on as normal.

After the blue player places their first ECM the host should say "PECM time" or something like that in the chat, this means that instead of ECMing normally you have to do 1 PECM cycle, starting from host of course.

Once the last players PECM is at 1/4 of the health bar blue can start placing their second ECM.

The next PECM cycle is after Reds first OR second ECM, the host decides this so look out for the message in the chat.

And the final PECM cycle is at the end of the heist after both of brown's ECM's this one is not normally called and you might not even need to do it if you got a good vault.

And that is it! now you know how to PECM rush. Here is a video anyway:

Simple PECM rule
At the start of every heist (except for big bank) 1 (or more) person should PECM in order to avoid any accidental pagers going off or camera detections. This will save you some runs and its only 1 button so just do it.
Advanced tips for optimizing even further
This is the part of the guide where I explain more advanced stuff but it's still VERY IMPORTANT so please give it a read.

2. Getting better yakuza with judges

If you are using yakuza on shadow raid and you're playing second wind you can damage yourself with your HE judges at these doors to get more S P E E D.

You should leave yourself with around 60% HP.
However be careful not to spam all shots at entrance as you might down another player.

Here's a video to give you an idea:

3. A faster shadow raid
There is a much faster variation of the shadow raid rush which you can see here in this video. I did not include it as the normal shadow raid variant because it is kinda hard to pull off.

This is not required for a fast run, it's just if you are willing to go to such extreme lengths to make your runs shorter, you can. Alternatively you and your team can just ignore artifacts, secure 8 bags + armor and then escape.

4. Big bank package rule

For every 10 packages you get on big bank during rushes you can leave 1 bag of jewelry on diamond store (don't leave bags on purpose though). You are not really doing anything while waiting for timelock anyway!

Here is a video of the package spawns:

5. Big bank Pre-Timelock SW

1 of the 2 Second wind players can get a secondary HE judge, and use it to proc SW as soon as the mask up on big bank.

This SW player will need to have a different skill layout instead of the normal frenzy route, in fact, if they are fast enough between heists, they can get inspire basic (for speed boost) before 2nd big bank. But if this SW player is the host then they can't get inspire as their job is to start heists ASAP when it's not a skill break. Basically you just unace shotgun CQB and unace Transporter, then put those skillpoints into stockholm syndrome so your lvl 76 build will look something like this:

You get stockholm syndrome (mandatory skill) so that the manager doesn't run when he hears your loud HE judge, In fact he will get intimidated for at least 1 minute and will not move making it easier for you to find him.

This will save some time, it will help PC players get to the PC's faster AND it will help the Server room player start hacking faster.

Obviously you will be keeping your primary judges but the reason these are not used is because they are too slow, when you mask up you have your secondary out and switching to your primary takes time. With this strategy you will not have to switch weapons and you can SW with the secondary judge. However you will need 2 shots from it to break your armor once.

You will only need to do SW here 1-2 (maybe more if the server player is slow) times and then you can just stop because the rest of Pre-Timelock is just waiting.

6. Big bank niche bag throw

There is this money bag throw that you can do if you get vault 4.
You should only do this if it's your last bag that you need to throw, this is because you have to jump down to do it.

I cant insert the video because its a clip but here's the link:

It's not mandatory to do this of course but it can save a few seconds.

EXP margins
This section is dedicated to explain what parts of the rush you can miss (not skip) and still get level 100. If you're fine with being at level 99 at the end of rotation you can just skip this section.

Election day loud tricks

We all know the Election day "loud trick" to get loud escape XP and keep the 20% stealth boost for the next heist.

Timing this can sometimes either go wrong, causing you to lose the loud escape XP or the 20% stealth bonus, but how important is this to the rotation.

Well considering that everything else is done perfectly then you can always miss 1 Election day loud and still get to level 100. However no matter how perfectly you do everything else, you can not reach lvl 100 without at least one loud escape (loud escape means the loud XP AND the 20% bonus).

Shadow raid bags

You already know that you have to get 12-16 bags on shadow raid, but what if you get 12 bags on both Shadow raids? In a situation like this you will still get level 100, if everything else is done well.

Diamond store jewelry

If you were to get lets say 16/18 bags on both diamond stores and then proceed to miss one of the ED loud escapes, you would be in a pretty big risk of ending up at 99, so just secure all the bags.

Big bank packages

Big bank packages aren't necessary to get level 100, but they provide a good safety net so there's no reason not to get them.

Election day gold

Normally, if you were to complete the second day of Election day in stealth, you would get some additional bags of gold, during rushes we don't really spare the time to grab this gold as it is not needed for this rotation.

However, if you're lacking EXP in the rotation, you might want to consider stalling out the escape a bit (by an extra ECM maybe) to get this gold, each gold bag = 2000 base exp (quite a lot) so it can be a nice boost.
How to find players
For most ECM rushes a lobby requires 4 people to be efficient in gaining xp.

If you need to find players to play 5-maps with, you should turn to the payday community chats to find players. Many have a looking for players/game (LFP/LFG) channel to find players.

The best place to find various skill level lobbies like Learning lobbies, Experience lobbies, Tryhard lobbies etc. is Marcmb's CRIME NET. Just asking in the LFG channel to find any open 5-maps lobbies! you can join the steam group here-

This group now has a DISCORD SERVER so join that instead!

Thanks to the people who helped with guide.

Marcmb - Created videos inserted in this guide as well as the rotation & told me some stuff about roles.
ItWasBob - Made original 4-maps guide
MochA - Had some suggestions.
Helmut - Helped with the making of the guide
Kyro - Showed me how to do a few roles
Xenon - Helping with sections of guide
Twits - Helped with making the Mountain master section (coming soon!)
Exclusive - Helped with making the Mountain master section (coming soon!)

If you have any questions about the guide/ECM rushing in general feel free to message me (zmani) anytime and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Change Log
- Added images for sniping on MM (red player).
- Cleaned up some old sections of the guide.
- Moved PCM cycles to the BB25 section, as they are only relevant there.
- Added a warning on saw section that the skills are outdated (no Frenzy after first heist).
- Added SR12 (counting to 3) section.
- Moved Classic 5-maps down a bit, so that faster rotations are higher to the top (easier to find and read for beginners).
- Updated the new 6-maps sections with images and stuff.
- 3 Images added for DS0 (Red zerking, Blue bag securing pathing, Green bag securing pathing).
- 3 Images added for HT (Screenshots of reds jumps).
- Added a couple of images and a video to FCat section (Host PC zerking, Casino trigger, Blue keys path)
- Added when to SW in SW section.
- Moved some things around in SW section.
- Added video demonstrations for all roles on Shadow raid.
- Added EXP margins section.
- Fixed some images not showing up.
- Added a separate section, Weapons.
- Changed some stuff in shadow raid first section again.
- Added section for guard killing (added into the previous movement section).
- Added Tombstone ammo for shotguns in equipment.
- Added some videos and photos.
- Added a SSW demonstration for tagger on Election day Day 1.
- Updated Election day Day 1 far right role video.
- Added SSW role to Diamond store.
- Updated some more saw stuff and added a big bank deposit sawing tip to advanced section.
- Added videos for pre-timelock big bank roles.
- Updated the extremely outdated saw section!
- Added a "Movement" section to the guide.
- Added a "SW distribution in shadow raid" section.
- Added copecat in perk decks.
- Updated Election day day 2 roles.
- Updated-ish the advanced tips section.
- Changed bag requirements in Shadow Raid (16-->12)
- Hosting section added.
- First ECM added to EDay 1.
- Silent Second wind (in sw section) explained better for individual heists.
- Big Bank start-of-heist SW updated.
- Black cat tea set locations added.
- Added a bag throwing tip for big bank in advanced tips section.
- Rewrote some things.
- Added screenshots of vault pathing for shadow raid role 4.
- Slightly updated skills in SW and saw to show who takes Sixth sense and who takes Nimble aced.
- Changed Black cat vault split screenshot, added saw tip for Election day day 2, (Xenon) changed saw skills.
- Mentioned running from death in the advanced tips section.
- Added an example for calling roles in UKJ section.
- Added a screenshot to diamond store.
- Guide was released.
14 kommentarer
goldy 12. mars kl. 4.42 
Respect for keeping this going zmani
zmani  [skaper] 3. jan. kl. 14.51 
Sure! you can use the strategies however you want.
prot216 27. des. 2023 kl. 15.20 
Hi. I want to do this strategy with some little corrections(maybe yes maybe not), for speedrunning on speedrundotcom. Can i with my guys use your strategy freely with a mention of you in the video description of that speedrun?
zmani  [skaper] 1. nov. 2023 kl. 8.45 
Thank you for your input, however we do not care what you personally think.
goldy 3. sep. 2023 kl. 23.11 
rip ecm rushing pd3?
Penguin 🐧 14. jan. 2023 kl. 1.53 
pretty decent guide tbf but its a little complicated! :steamhappy:
ThisIsFun 5. jan. 2023 kl. 17.33 
Good guide, but saw part is outdated :steamhappy:
<3 27. des. 2022 kl. 8.32 
did anyone figure out the real current fastest infamy strategy involving double xp from christmas carol heists ? :D
76561199397261499 20. nov. 2022 kl. 10.24 
anyway crime spree is better
Igor_HellishGuy-c902 2. nov. 2022 kl. 10.10 
I fell off from this grinding route, seeing black cat heist in this is a nice mix up. Good job