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2000's Škoda Tram Pack
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2000's Škoda Tram Pack

V 2 kolekcích od uživatele Tigrovica
Tram mods | Skins, Vehicles, Buildings
143 položek
Tigrovica Created
42 položek
Hello there.
Glad you checkin' the "2000's Škoda Tram Pack" mod.
This mod is primarily for players in late game, who have passed year 1996 and want to modernise their tram network fleet (or build modern tram networks from ground up).
The mod adds 4 modern medium to large capacity articulated trams (2 on Soviet side, 2 on NATO side). Models were inspired by early works of Škoda Transportation.
These models Are:
Škoda 03T (Astra)
>Currency: Ruble
>Available: 1997 - 2005
>Capacity: 155
>Speed: 70 km/h
>Weight: 24t
>Power: 360 KW
This tram was used in Czech cities such are: Plzeň, Ostrava, Brno, Olomouc, Most-Litvínov. In many of these, this model came in as a first low floor accessible tram. In some cities (for example Plzeň / Pilsen, this model is already retired and isn't used anymore)

Škoda 05T (Vektra)
>Currency: Ruble
>Available: 2003 - 2005
>Capacity: 330
>Speed: 70 km/h
>Weight: 37t
>Power: 460 KW
This tram wasn't really used anywhere, it was just a prototype made by Škoda Transportation in 2003. It was their 1st attempt on high capacity vehicle, only 1 model was ever made and was used mainly for testing purposes. It was briefly used in Plzeň / Pilsen in the early 2000's, but the city transit company didn't ended up buying the vehicle, which was later send back to Škoda and was scrapped in 2009. Though later trams (such are Škoda 06T, 13T, 14T, 16T, 18T and 19T use similar styled body)

Škoda 06T (Elektra)
>Currency: Dollar
>Available: 2006 - 2007
>Capacity: 279
>Speed: 70 km/h
>Weight: 37t
>Power: 460 KW
Škoda 06T is an bi-directional light rail styled vehicle made for Cagliari light rail (Italy) between 2006 - 2007. This tram was made for narrow gauge (950mm)

Škoda 10T (Elektra)
>Currency: Dollar
>Available: 2001 - 2009
>Capacity: 157
>Speed: 70 km/h
>Weight: 24t
>Power: 360 KW
1st Škoda tram model made for international market. These trams were made for use in the US cities. Few models were made for Portland and Tacoma. These are also bi-directional trams. Later model was made with cooperation with United Streetcar. Similar (though not same) models can be also seen in cities such as Washington DC.

(The dollar trams use the country "Czechia" as well, since the trams were made in Czech Republic)

In an addition to these trams, players will be able to choose from 16 skins for the Eastern and 16 skins for the Western model (32 skins in total). Some of the skins are designed after a real city livery, some are fictional.

In case of any bugs, please feel free to report them to me.

jsem rád, že jste se přišli kouknout na tento vehicle pack mod.
Tento mod je tvořen primárně pro lidi v pozdní hře (hráče, co již přesáhli rok 1996) a lidi, co si chtějí modernizovat, či nově postavit tramvajovou síť.
Mod přidává 4 tramvaje (2 na Východní za rubl a 2 Západní za dolar). Modely byly inspirovány výrobky Škody Transportation na přelomu 90. let a 21. stol.
Modely, které tento mod přidává jsou:
Škoda 03T (Astra)
>Měna: Rubl
>Rok Výroby: 1997 - 2005
>Kapacita: 155
>Rychlost: 70km/h
>Váha: 24t
>Výkon: 360 KW
Tradiční tramvaj z počátků 21. století, používaná v Plzni, Ostravě, Brně, Olomouci a na trati Most-Litvínov. Pro mnoho z těchto měst se jednalo o první nízkopodlažní tramvajový vůz. Některá města (např. Plzeň) již však tyto vozy vyřadila z provozu.

Škoda 05T (Vektra)
>Měna: Rubl
>Rok Výroby: 2003 - 2005 (nechci tam mít jen "2003", tak to dorovnávám s 03T)
>Kapacita: 330
>Rychlost: 70km/h
>Váha: 37t
>Výkon: 460 KW
Jednalo se o pěti-článkový prototyp podobný vozu 03T vyrobený v roce 2003. Jednalo se pouze o prototyp, krátce provozovaný v Plzni, později vrácen a v roce 2009 sešrotován. Podobnou konstrukci dnes používají vozy 06T, 13T (Brno), 14T (Praha), 16T, 18T and 19T

Škoda 06T (Elektra)
>Měna: Dolar
>Rok Výroby: 2006 - 2007
>Kapacita: 279
>Rychlost: 70km/h
>Váha: 37t
>Výkon: 460 KW
Tramvaj vycházející z konstrukce 05T. Jedná se o obousměrnou tramvaj vyrobenou pro úzkorozchodnou trať v Italském městě Cagliari.

Škoda 10T (Elektra)
>Měna: Dolar
>Rok Výroby: 2001 - 2009
>Kapacita: 157
>Rychlost: 70km/h
>Váha: 24t
>Výkon: 360 KW
Tramvaj Škoda vyrobená pro provoz v USA. Model byl určen hlavně pro město Portland, ale pár vozů bylo vyrobeno i do města Tacoma. Jedná se se o obousměrnou tramvaj. Později vyroben i model za spolupráce s Americkým "United Streetcar". Podobné modely Škodě 10T můžeme např. vidět i ve městech jako je Washington DC.

(Tramvaje kupované za dolar mají též jako zem výroby napsané "Čechy", jelikož byly vytvářeny v Čechách)

Jako chuťovku na závěr má každá tramvaj několik skinů (16 skinů pro západní tramvaje a 16 skinů pro východní, 32 skinů celkem). Některé skiny byly tvořeny podle skutečných nátěrů, některé jsou fiktivní.

Pokud by jste objevili nějaké bugy, prosím nahlaste mi je a já se na to podívám.
Počet komentářů: 22
potski 26. kvě. v 12.00 
@Tigrovica: I'm getting an error from this mod, even in a game where I am not using it, that:

..invalid file name ...2870066470/03a.txt

There is no 03a.txt file in that folder, just an 03a subfolder with a script file in it, materials, previews etc. and the subfolder doesn't have an 03a.txt file.

I am running the beta test version, so it maybe that a new update has highlighted an issue with this mod. As soon as I unsubscribe (which I don't want to do) then I get no errors.
Lex713 23. kvě. v 20.57 
What if we kissed on the Minecraft tram
Chicco 10. pro. 2023 v 6.11 
@Tigrovica: You are absolutely right! Same problem with bigger vanilla-tram. Next step will be trying another station...
thx for investigating and responding!
Tigrovica  [autor] 6. pro. 2023 v 5.14 
Tigrovica  [autor] 6. pro. 2023 v 5.14 

This issue most likely isn't problem with the vehicle it self, as the control of how many people are able to be loaded / unloaded at the station is not in the modders hands.

My guess is that problem is somewhere in either building sector or it could be something completely different. There are many other factors that can play the role of how many people will go to certain job and how many people will board and off-board the transit vehicle, so it could be mistake in path-finding too. Or perhaps the industrial sector (or where ever the problem is) is set up incorrectly causing the problems this way. Again, there are many things in this game that can go wrong.

Anyways I have done few tests too and in my game, everything works just fine. So the problem is most likely not on the side of the vehicle. Though you can check this thing by testing a different rolling stock type (preferably from vanilla game) on the same route, weather or not it's going to behave the same.
Chicco 5. pro. 2023 v 12.36 
Hi Tigrovica! I like this mod very much! But unfortunately there seems to be something wrong with the number of passengers: when using percentage for unloading, not as many passengers as selected are leaving the tram, for instance if 50% selected, only a few of them get off the vehicle. And also i experienced, that not as many passengers leave the tram at a certain station as there are free working places in connected industries (with 100% unloading).

Maybe you can have a look and see where this is comming from!
Szymonek 15. bře. 2023 v 4.10 
Tigrovica  [autor] 9. bře. 2023 v 14.18 
I have few other projects on hold right now. It's not out of the question, but it is very unlikely to be done in near future.
Szymonek 9. bře. 2023 v 8.28 
please make RT6N1 :)
Tigrovica  [autor] 6. lis. 2022 v 2.55 
Well no, Eastern (03T + 05T) and Western (06T + 10T) version both have their own 16 skins (Which is pretty much limit of what can be in the one mod file if i'm correct).

But if you'd to download the file and just swap some of them i'd not mind. They should work with each other (well, most of them), so swapping them shouldn't be a problem. And if you'd want, you could release them publicly as a skin pack, again I'd not mind.