Simona's Requiem

Simona's Requiem

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"It wasn't a secret to everybody" Achievement Guide
By Pacal
This is the only semi-difficult achievement, so I thought I'd provide a quick reference. Be sure to grab all these before you fight the King!
Epitaph 1
As you progress through The Crypt, you will come to this staircase:

Attack the blocks to open the way:

Epitaph 2
This one is found in The Field, on the way to The Clocktower. Attack the blocks to descend:

The lower level with the epitaph will lead you into The Cave if you head right, so you may be able to enter this area from that direction, but I haven't tested it.
Epitaph 3
Located in The Town, you can get this one after obtaining the double jump:

Bounce off the combat dummy, then progress to the top of the left-most building. You can then go left to enter the area with epitaph 3:

Epitaph 4
On the main path in The Underworld you will descend and have the option to head left; head that way and collect epitaph 4:

Epitaph 5
Found in The Clocktower; the entrance is directly above the dash upgrade. You will need to jump on the large cog to reach the top left-hand corner of the room. I don't have a screenshot of this one, and I found out too late you can't go back after you fight the King.
Epitaph 6
Soon after entering The Ramparts you will find a large staircase with an invisible floor extending behind it: