Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire

Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire

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Builds to maximize dialogue checks & mods I recommend
Por Irenicus
I made this guide to show people some builds that will get you loads of dialogue options while also being mostly optimal and very flavorful. I also discuss mods and console commands that I think improve the game immeasurably.
This guide is for people who want a flavorful build that tries to maximize (within reason) the dialogue checks you get while playing through the game. Deadfire has an absurd amount of checks referencing everything from your class to your personality. This guide will focus on race, background, culture, and class.

This guide is not focused on power gaming. I do not believe you should obsess over power gaming as even with a sub-optimal pile of poo you will still be able to play on death march if you know what you are doing. That being said, the builds generally do have synergy as I played with these myself and did enjoy exploring and understanding the game to its very core. You should try to have FUN playing games such as this really soak up the RPG side of it. Guides that say you MUST PLAY AUMAUA BECAUSE ITS BEST IN SLOT I think are missing the entire point of an RPG. You aren't playing multiplayer, its not a competition. You will be just fine without that one point in athletics or some Might 😊. Every time I see someone ask "BEST WARHAMMER ARMY" "MOST OP BUILD EVAR" I lose faith in humanity. The best army or character for you is the one you enjoy. If you like the Space Marines, play them. Who cares if some optimized tournament list is 15% better than the fun stuff you actually want to play. But I digress.

I use a mod that unlocks all backgrounds for all cultures instead of how vanilla locks certain backgrounds to certain cultures. So don’t worry if your game won’t let you make the combinations I list. You have two options. 1. Switch your culture/background as necessary. 2. Download the very tiny simple mod. I will have a list of the mods I use at the section at the end.

Lastly, this should go without saying but if you don’t quite love a build 100% please make it your own! There is no right or wrong answer in an RPG. Mix and match and change whatever you want. These builds were made with maximizing flavor and dialogue checks, while also having some synergy. The most checked cultures are Rauatai and Deadfire Archipelago, so if you want gobs of checks regardless of other factors, pick them.

I will not be detailing each and every ability. I am trusting in your ability to pick things upon level up without holding your hand. It's isn't like its difficult and you can respec at any moment. So try stuff out! Basically, I am presuming you have basic understanding of the game. If not you can ask questions.

There is a list online listing the statistics on what checks there are so I will link that here for you to see yourself. That is my primary reference, along with a lot of experience.

Link: https://wiki.fireundubh.com/deadfire/dialogue-options

Any items mentioned can be found on the wiki. Go there for all the specific details you might need.
"Avatar of Magran"
Race: Fire Godlike, Female
Class: Priest of Magran/Evoker Wizard
Background: Mystic
Culture: Aedyr
Alignment: Neutral – Clever, Aggressive, Honest

Born a living avatar of Magran. Being a god spawn, as well as experiencing visions all her life has led her to feel a strong connection to her patron deity. The art of shaping flame is second nature to this one and she is a master pyromancer. While aggressive and hot tempered she is not evil. Cruelty for its own sake does not interest her, but still I wouldn’t piss her off. She is a dutiful servant of the gods and sees Eothas as a threat just as they do.

Flavor aside, this character is a blast to play. By stacking two fire-based caster classes and getting gear that buffs fire or evocation power levels you will singe and scorch your way gleefully through the game. There’s nothing like obliterating an entire mob with a single empowered fire spell. Even a low-level fire spell is very dangerous if you have the right gear. Fire godlike is purely for flavor. Nature Godlike will always be the best spellcaster race because of its passive that raises power level when under a body inspiration. As you can tell I have an unhealthy obsession with stacking power level bonuses 😊.

Some of the gear you would want for this character would be: Magran’s Favor Axe and Sun and Moon Flail-both boost fire power levels. The ring of Focused Flame (there are lots of good rings for spellcasters I wouldn't call this one necessary, just useful and flavorful). "Naga Flame hatchling" pet for flavor and "Otto starcat" pet for its fire keyword buff. Attributes on this character should be maxed Intelligence, Might, and Perception. She is going to have to be a glass cannon if you really want to be able to incinerate folks.

You could definitely play this character as a maniacal cruel devil. I did at first then decided to be a more neutral but hot-tempered character. Stoic until I wasn’t. But if cruelty if your thing by all means…

When I played this character, I used only godlikes for a really unique playthrough. Pallegina, Tekehu, Vatnir, and a female Death Godlike of my own creation.

Conversation checks: About 130.

[These are my best estimates not exact perfect calculations, reference the chart for yourself. My calculations do not include gender, personality, skills, or attributes. The actual number will be even higher! 😊]
"The Noble Savage."
Race: Coastal Aumaua OR Nature Godlike
Class: Fury Druid/Devoted Fighter
Background: Philosopher
Culture: Rauatai
Alignment: Good – Diplomatic, Benevolent, Stoic

This mountain of blue muscle grew up in rural Rauatai as the son of a storm speaker. He has learned to channel the sea’s storms through years of practice. He is also a capable fighter devoted to mastering one weapon and is extremely dangerous to his foes. Despite all of that he is a kind individual and a thinking man. He does not enjoy inflicting violence and does his best to mediate disputes. Growing up in a rural area and in traditions frequently scorned by his countrymen, he is reserved and almost bookish, only his friends know what he really thinks.

Alright so this character is all about electricity and lightning storms. There is one weapon and one set of armor that is best in slot period. "Deltro's cage" armor buffs your power levels and also "Lord Darryn’s voulge" soulbound pollaxe for the same reason. Since you will never take these off once you get them, I picked devoted as the second class. This is because you can just master the pollaxe and you will also need the “Armored Grace” fighter feat to make the heavy armor not suck.


Pet that reduces armor penalty highly recommended.

This is one of my favorite builds. You are a giant brute beast in melee who also has lots of damage based aoe. Once again high might, intelligence, and perception is a must. Glass cannon to an extent but less so than our Fire godlike lass. You could perhaps dump intelligence and just focus on small area but high damage. This would allow you to tank it up. Up to you 😊.

Aumaua from Rauatai is purely for flavor and conversation check reasons. Once again Nature godlike is better and also fits the flavor of this build well. I recommend playing Rauatai culture with Coastal Aumaua because you get extra unique checks for being both together. Same with Island Aumaua and Deadfire Archipelago.

Conversation checks: About 130.
"The Missionary"
Race: Island Aumaua, Male
Class: Priest of Eothas/Kind Wayfarer Paladin
Background: Clergy OR Explorer
Culture: Deadfire Archipelago
Alignment: Good – Honest, Benevolent, Passionate

This one was raised outside of usual Huana traditions. Instead of venerating Ondra he grew up as a follower of Eothas. After being educated in the faith as a youth he left the Deadfire at a young age to spread the good word of Eothas, as well as to help those in need. His constant traveling made him a physical specimen and he possesses much physical prowess. Somewhere along his road he became a Kind Wayfarer paladin to defend the innocent in not just word but deed. He is a very passionate and moral individual.

This character is all about flavor. Nothing particularly broken or powerful here. Just a beef cake who is a good healer/tank combo. Build him how you like. I picked this one because it feels very relevant to be a priest of Eothas struggling with the events of the game and having to work with the gods who constantly say horrible things about your deity. In addition to that being an Island Aumaua from Deadfire will net you an outrageous amount of special conversation checks!

Conversation checks: About 325. [!!!]
"The Drunken Master"
Race: Boreal Dwarf, Male
Class: Nalpazca Monk/Streetfighter Rogue
Background: Slave
Culture: Ixamtl Plains
Alignment: Good/Neutral – Clever, Aggressive, Passionate, Shady, Benevolent

Born into the Nalpazca monks this one started experimenting with hallucinogenic and recreational drugs from a very young age. His mind expanded so much perhaps his brain fell out. Not concerned with much of the material world, this one happily lives as a vagrant and a bum. He was captured by slavers while on a vision quest in the wilderness. He was a slave for years and the experience permanently scarred him. Upon his escape he took up drinking heavily and used substances of any kind with reckless abandon as a coping mechanism and to suppress his PTSD. Beneath his rough past and bum exterior lies a good heart. His alcohol use gets him into brawls and frequently leads to passionate and boisterous behavior.

This character is probably my favorite concept ever. A character where you constantly have to hunt down Svef, booze, and any other substance you can get your hands on, just so you can stay functional.

I recommend picking the “everything bad” start to Deadfire as it makes sense. If you are never sober, you’re going to stumble through life making a disaster of everything, as this one illustrates.
I think shady and benevolent makes sense because drug addicts are notorious liars but also are usually just troubled people who are good deep down but struggling in a losing battle with substances. It’s a good excuse to play a good-natured character that lies every chance he gets. Pathologically even.

You can build him as a fist fighter or a two-weapon fighter. I recommend the latter for reasons below.

There are a few items I consider necessary for him. Drunkard’s Regret Ring, Soul void amulet, Blackblade’s Hood, Pukestabber, Contender’s Armor. I love these items for him because they’re items you would basically never use for any other character but they’re actually good for him.

The Ring is flavorful but also prevents hangovers which is really nice.

The amulet makes him high in the morning after rest. Wake n bake. Flavorful and synergistic.

Pukestabber Dagger is absolutely necessary in my opinion. It’s a dagger that is buffed when you’re drunk and sucks when you’re hungover. It basically ties him all together 😊. Pair it with any other weapon or shield, preferably another dagger or stiletto.

Blackblade’s Hood buffs attack speed of daggers but is also a ragged looking hood some bum would definitely wear. Perfect.

Lastly, we have the Contender’s Armor. It is a basically two wooden boards held together by a rope and worn like football pads. I would never use this before as it looks wrong on most characters. Not here though. Its perfect for a bum. I highly recommend using any armor that looks like something a puke-stained drunk dwarf would wear.

I recommend having Serafen, Tekehu, and Mirke in your party. This is all about fun and all of those party members really enjoy debauchery. Even Eder fits pretty well. Aloth and the like belong nowhere near this party.

Conversation checks: About 70. Despite lower number of checks compared to most of the other builds I have listed, I find roleplaying a damaged soul addicted to drugs really fun, unique, and interesting.
"Mad Scientist."
Race: Orlan, Female
Class: Cipher/Priest of Wael OR Trickster Rogue OR Illusionist Wizard
Background: Scientist
Culture: Old Valia
Alignment: Neutral/Evil – Clever, Passionate, Shady

This one has been known for her great curiosity since childhood. Always craving more knowledge for better or worse, her obsession has led her to dabble in things most would consider abhorrent. A true mad scientist she approves of any and all animacy and necromancy, regardless of the methods.

This character is really fun because I love the idea of a crazy alchemist Orlan mixing beakers in a lab somewhere. You can take the character many directions depending on preference. To me illusion magic and being a cipher are integral to the character. Perhaps she is a faithful of Wael. Perhaps she is a troublemaking rogue stealing other people’s work to augment her own. Or perhaps she is more of an academic.

I like this character because she could easily be made cruel or diplomatic depending on your preferences. Another interesting aspect to this character is she is evil but pro-science and animancy. She likes that Eothas is breaking the old order.

On my playthrough I used the console to add Bleak walker paladin to her in addition for a triple class. It fit perfectly in my image for her as a little lunatic who will do anything in pursuit of knowledge.

Conversation checks: About 120.
Race: Nature Godlike
Class: Ancient Druid/Corpse Eater Barbarian OR Stalker Ranger
Background: Hunter
Culture: The Living Lands
Alignment: Neutral – Aggressive, Stoic, Honest

When this one was young, they ran away from home into the wilderness, answering Galawain’s call. They grew up in the wild among animals, away from kith society. Hunting, tracking, and survival are second nature to this one. The embodiment of Galawain’s virtues, this one is more beast than man. Due to largely not living amongst people they lack social graces and tend to brood in silence rather than speak. When they do speak though there is no deception, just straight talk. Lies are a tool of the soft men in cities. Nature does not lie, cannot lie. In keeping with his outdoorsman ideals, no part of the animal is wasted. Upon slaying a foe he consumes their flesh for nourishment and power. In this one’s mind you gain power by eating the flesh of a warrior.

I love this character. He is the ultimate wild man. What a druid really should be. Quiet but if roused he will obliterate you quickly. I like corpse eater barbarian for flavor, but stalker ranger is also great for flavor. Being chosen of Galawain it just feels wrong NOT to have a boar companion following you around.

The Spine of Thicket Green is the only item I would call necessary. It is a Unique Quarterstaff that buffs Plant and Beast power levels by 3, which is perfect for this character because those are your primary spell types. Its an item that never gets used that really shines with this character so it’s a good excuse to try it out.

If you use the mod to unlock classes, you can pick Harvester of Gaun Priest (Xoti’s subclass). It compliments this character perfectly because it has nature-based spells you will definitely like and gives you priest powers to boot.

Conversation checks: About 100.
Race: Mountain Dwarf, Male
Class: Ghost Heart Ranger/Cipher
Background: Raider
Culture: The Living Lands
Alignment: Stone cold evil – Shady, Cruel, Aggressive

He was born in a Dwarven mountain kingdom in the Living Lands. His cipher powers manifested at a young age and it earned him hatred and suspicion from his fellow dwarves. Due to this he became a resentful and isolated. He spent most of his time in the wilds of the mountain range hunting and taking advantage of unprepared interlopers. His ghost wolf companion is a manifestation of his extreme loneliness and savagery, brought about by his cipher powers. At times a Mercenary and others a brigand, this man is always looking out for me myself and I.

I love this character because he is a very Tolkien or Dungeons and Dragons style dwarf but turned on its head. I love the mountain culture of the aforementioned dwarves, so I wanted to bring that feel to Pillars. I think it goes without saying this guy fits Royal Deadfire or Principi only. He would not respect the Huana and the Valians are soft sops. But perhaps you could change his background to hunter or merchant and make him a more neutral or good character. A true son of Durin 😊.

Ghost heart was picked not only because its not a commonly picked class but also because it has substantially more dialogue checks than any other ranger class. I imagine this guy to love crossbows and firearms like a Warhammer dwarf so make sure you grab Mai Rua for her armor.

Conversation checks: About 100.
"The Face of Death."
Race: Death Godlike
Class: Priest of Berath/Conjuration Mage
Background: Scholar
Culture: The White that Wends
Alignment: True Neutral – Diplomatic, Rational, Stoic

Upon birth her parents abandoned her due to her grotesque appearance. A stranger saved the baby from certain death and gave her to the priests of Berath. She grew up in a cold environment and was not physically inclined. She also possessed a hideous appearance. Because of these things she stayed inside and became a very learned individual, studying every topic she could and learning at the feet of the Priesthood of Berath. Upon adulthood she set out to see the world firsthand, feeling as if she needed to learn from life instead of just books.

This character is unique because they are true neutral. Entropy, necromancy, animancy, decay, corrosion, death. These things do not bother her as they are a natural part of the cycle of life. To many she seems devoid of human emotion, but in an impartial way, not a psychopathic way.

This one is all in on corrosion and decay spells as far as damage goes. Maybe some poison. You could easily pick druid or perhaps a neutral minded paladin order as the second class and it would fit the character great, but I like Conjuration Wizard because you get access to some gnarly corrosion spells that fit perfectly with this character! Also she is bookish and petite not a brute, further lending itself to wizardry.

Conversation checks: About 125.
Race: Moon Godlike
Class: Chanter/Steel Garrote OR Sharpshooter Ranger
Background: Aristocrat OR Artist (If only both!)
Culture: Aedyr
Alignment: Evil – Diplomatic, Cruel, Rational, Honest

Born to a prominent noble family and being a god spawn will do wonders to make someone arrogant. Being entitled and haughty is nothing new to this one. Much like Tekehu he is special and very much knows it. He is fairly unique for an evil character though. He is not psychopathic or aggressive. He will turn his nose up at a peasant or anyone less powerful than him but when he needs to, he can perform the necessary courtesy he has learned through his time at court. He prefers to avoid fights, choosing negotiation over bloodshed when possible.

I think you could make him deceptive or honest and it would make sense. I prefer honest because he is an arrogant prick who would openly tell a peasant he is scum, because he truly believes it.

His subclass really depends if you want to play him as a ranged or melee character, but ultimately ranged and melee work in either class. My flavor explanation for the Steel Garrote would be that he is from a noble family and so served in a warrior order dedicated to upholding law and those in power. The sharpshooter ranger makes sense because in days of yore nobles hunted for fun. He would have grown up hunting all the time.

There are mods to unlock Gunhawk and even add new animal companions. Highly recommended because its very fitting for him to have a hawk companion being some pompous noble. I also think a form of wizard could make sense as second class as he could afford any education he wanted.
If you are playing him ranged, then pickup Mai Rua just to take her armor that is super good for ranged characters.

Conversation checks: About 125.
"All Business."
Race: Ocean Human, Female
Class: Goldpact Knight/Assassin Rogue
Background: Mercenary
Culture: Old Valia
Alignment: Neutral/Evil – Cruel, Rational

This one grew up in the Merchant republics as a poor street urchin (think Arya Stark in Braavos). She sought an escape and leveraged her incredible looks, roguish charm, and talent for thievery to gain the employ of the rich and powerful. She joined the Goldpact Knights and saw the world, crushing whoever the highest bidder paid her to crush. She gained the skills of an assassin from freelance work she hid from her fellow paladins. She isn’t psychopathic or sadistic necessarily, just willing to do whatever is required to get the fat payday she craves.

This character not only oozes sellsword flavor but she is quite powerful. Rogues in Deadfire are incredible at single target DPS. Combining that with the more defensive oriented paladin makes for a really well-rounded striker who can hold the line better than the average rogue.

Conversation Checks: About 60.
"Malicious Murderous Malcontent.”
Race: Pale Elf
Class: Priest of Skaen/Assassin OR Bleak Walker
Background: Dissident
Culture: The White that Wends
Alignment: Evil – Cruel, Shady, Passionate

Hatred for stability and authority permeates this one’s life. Any and every authority figure or supposed master must be brought low. Brought into the worship of Skaen by fellow rebels and malcontents, this one took part in many a terror attack and assassination. Forced to leave his homeland due to being hunted by the authorities, this one took his rebellious nature abroad, stabbing in the back any fool naïve enough to turn it on her.

This character is very flavorful and allows you to play a sneakier evil character who doesn’t start every fight he can. It also makes some sense of some of the more irrational decisions you can make. You worship Skaen for god’s sake of course nothing you do makes sense.

Skaen does not approve of aggression so Bleak Walker seems like it clashes but it really doesn’t. Just don’t start fights like a brute be more cruel, deceptive, and sneaky than outright violent. Whatever you do, do not be aggressive or benevolent. If you fall out of favor with your deity in Deadfire you cannot undo the penalty, even with console commands. So behave.

[Credit for her portrait goes to the "Cute Ywdin" mod. Linked at the bottom. I used it just because shes perdy.]

Conversation checks: About 60.
About mods:

A point about mods: I highly encourage you to get mods as they are essential to almost every game in my opinion. Rid yourself of the systems you dislike and give yourself more of what you like. I can’t play Skyrim for five minutes without mods without falling asleep. With many mods installed, I will happily neglect life for weeks in favor of Skyrim.

Deadfire is great vanilla nowhere near as trash as Skyrim but I still recommend you give modding a shot. I will have a section at the end for modded users/people who are willing to use the console. I don’t think you should outright cheat the entire game but if you can cheat just a tiny bit while preserving the overall challenge, I see nothing wrong with it. It is an individual choice and some people can’t handle console commands and will just give themselves everything. I use them to enhance my experience.

DO NOT USE MODS OR COMMANDS ON YOUR FIRST PLAYTHROUGH. Enjoy the game initially as the developers intended it’s a wonderful experience.

A few examples of the mods I use: Unlock all hidden AI only sub-classes. Like Tekehu’s Watershaping and Maia’s Gunhawk (and more). You will not get any special dialogue checks for obvious reasons, but they do allow new ways to play which is always fun. Other mods include new legendary items (balanced ones). Things that will buff power levels that didn’t get much love in the main game like poison, punishment, and restoration. In addition to extra love for fire and ice and whatnot. Its all from one mod.

I highly recommend you go to the Deadfire Nexus and peruse the mods. I use quite a few. I will list them here and provide a brief description. There are some mods on there I would use but due to conflicts or complications I do not. Check them out for yourself and make sure you pay attention and keep track of what you’re doing, or you will break your game. Get all mods in place BEFORE starting new characters, just to be safe.


"Deadfire Polyamory." - This mod lets you romance as many companions as you want simultaneously. A great way to experience the romances without having to do a playthrough for each.- https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/340

"Unlock Pets." - This mod gives every party member a pet slot. Now you can have a zoo following you and benefit from all those pet bonuses you might have never used! - https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/400

"Mutliclass level cap unlocked." - Absolutely vital mod that lets you get access to all the abilities with a multiclass unlike vanilla. You still get your abilities slower as usual, but combined with the level cap mod you can finally have a multiclass character with everything you want. Single class is boring! :D - https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/175

"Level cap 33" - Another vital mod. In vanilla you will hit max level WAAAAAY before finishing much of the game. This will keep it interesting as progression is so important. - https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/266

"TT2 Unique Items Enchanced" - Adds a number of items that benefit some things that didn't see much love in vanilla without being overpowered. Also adds a disgustingly good fire wand and fire robe for my fire godlike character ;) - https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/415

"Backgrounds unlocked." - Simple mod that allows you to combine any background with any culture. - https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/65

"Backstab longer distance." - Another tiny mod that allows you to utilize backstab better with a ranged character. - https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/38

"Get on my level." - Mods that does away with the annoying mechanic that permanently would keep certain characters below your level. - https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/496

"Backer items and cosmetic pets." - Mod that gives you access to the backer only/pre-order stuff. - "https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/499

"Hidden classes unlocked." - Fantastic mod that lets you play the sub-classes that are in the game but normally locked to various NPCs. - https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/179

"The Funnening - Skill items." - Mod that adds in some interesting items that are not overpowered. I think he has a whole series of other mods check out his profile. - https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/348

"FG Soulbound Upgrade" - Mod that makes sure soulbound weapons always end up at legendary instead of sometimes not like in vanilla. - https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/273

"Trinkets (finally)." - Mod that adds some trinkets that are not overpowered. Vanilla has basically no trinkets so its nice to see that slot used. - https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/49

"Character creation more colors." - Gets rid of the dumb color restrictions in place in the vanilla character creator. - https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/136

"Cute Ydwin." - Turns Ydwin from weirdo to a beautiful woman. Must have lol. - https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/632

There are many more good mods. Check out the nexus.
Console Commands / Closing Comments
About Console Commands:

A little nice tidbit I had to figure out through lots of experimentation…you can have as many classes on one character as you want by using the console. This will allow you to condense many characters into a few if that’s what you prefer. Want to see the Ranger, cipher, paladin, and wizard dialogue choices with one character? Just make them all that. You can even assign subclasses.

I don’t recommend this for power gaming but for roleplaying. Because of that I recommend adding a class or two depending on flavor. Don’t add something to someone just because its very powerful, but because it gives the game more roleplaying depth. You can go up to four classes safely. I do not recommend more than that or you will really stretch the UI and game to its limits :D. Plus you don’t want a god character that is B O R I N G.

The console also lets you not have to do things like use the fighter on my “Noble Savage” character. Fighter is only used because the devoted skill and the Armored Grace skill…because without armored grace heavy armor is crap. So you could just give yourself armored grace with the console and play the classes you actually want to play.

Some examples:
Example 1: My Eothas Priest/Paladin character. I added monk to him because he is clergy and I wanted to see the monk dialogue options. It fits his character. What I wouldn’t do is give him rogue or wizard even if I want those powerful abilities because it doesn’t fit him at all. Its up to you but I recommend maintaining boundaries and flavor or all your characters will bleed into one overpowered mess. Distinction and specialization are important.

Example 2: I added Bleak Walker AND priest of Wael to my Cipher/Trickster Orlan because she’s a psychotic animancer type with no shred of ethics, and I really wanted to see the Bleakwalker and Wael dialogue. It was all illusion magic, so it fit her mind-bending style really well.

Example 3: I made the “Wildspeaker” character a Druid/Ranger/Barbarian because it was just too perfect, and I NEEDED that boar companion because it just made too much sense. I didn’t even care about the ranger abilities.

Doing all this console commanding can seem complicated and time consuming to someone who hasn’t done it but its second nature to me. I can tell you exactly what you need to do, just ask questions. Using the console you can also add items, pets, change stats, add abilities, and more. It disables achievements, but the day I stopped caring about achievements in games I began to enjoy them more.
Achievements are just illusory dopamine hits, and nobody cares about them.
I hope these characters get your mind churning with ideas and you use my builds or create your own. Deadfire is an incredibly deep and gameplay-diverse RPG that deserves to be explored.

Thank you for reading my guide. I hope you got something out of it. If it did please let me know! Also I am happy to answer any questions anyone may have.
3 comentarios
Irenicus  [autor] 27 ENE 2023 a las 21:31 
Wow, thanks a lot for the feedback. Its nice to know somebody got something out of this! :)
P-23:4 25 ENE 2023 a las 10:02 
Thanks for this. I just started playing since buying the entire game for peanuts.
slaufiso 22 ENE 2023 a las 22:23 
Stellar, loved it. Just finished a playthrough and have been looking for a new way to experience the game. Thanks!