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Ultimate UBERMOSH Guide - Protips for All Games
Por CobaltNinja
UBERMOSH is one of my favorite games to play and I believe it's earned its place among the indie greats. This guide is written for all games in the series and contains tips and tricks to help you push your high score to the stars!
Welcome to UBERMOSH, the ultimate twin-stick shooter. This guide is written to give various general tips to the player so they can get the best score possible and also have the most fun possible. I'll be going over the games in the series in order of release and talking about each of them as I feel is needed.

Here's my veterancy badge in case you doubt me:

Let's get started!

The original game. Fantastic for its time, but looking back, it's definitely aged poorly.

New Features:
Everything you'd expect; cutting bullets with a sword, shooting guns, heavy metal, and lots of blood.

Removed Features:

This section of the guide is going to contain tips for every game in the series, so pay attention to this one. Be warned that they aren't in any specific order.

Tips for All Games:
  • Yellow blood splatters are guaranteed to contain the red gun, which Warlocks start with. Spider-like enemies wielding these should spawn about 10 seconds in.
  • Picking up higher tiered guns prevents you from swapping out to a lower tier gun. If you have the red gun, you won't need to worry about walking over weaker weapons and dropping it.
  • Don't stop moving! Your sword can't deflect all the bullets, and sometimes you will need to strafe around them.
  • Learn to keep a rhythm when shooting your gun or attacking with your sword. Autofire isn't a thing (unless you're using Gunner) so time your button mashing accordingly to get the most bang for buck.
  • Always play on the hardest difficulty! This is the best way to maximize your score, and besides, you're not really getting the full UBERMOSH experience if you aren't.
  • Shooting your gun is usually better than swinging your sword. Only cut bullets if you don't have time to move out of the way or if there are a lot of them.
  • Everything has a small circle underneath it, effectively highlighting it. The player has a unique color, and most enemies have a red circle. Dangerous or high-priority targets will have a different color that sticks out like a sore thumb to help you identify them easier.
  • You don't have time to think. Just keep playing and don't sweat it if you run out of respawns. You'll get the hang of it eventually.
  • You're invincible for about a second after losing a respawn. If you're near the end of an event and still have respawns to spare, feel free to intentionally run into bullets and play more aggressively to squeeze a few more kills out of a run!

Tips for UBERMOSH:
  • Walls will stop you from moving if you're walking into them, even diagonally. Try to stay away from them.
  • You can venture out the border into the extraction zone a little bit, but don't step too far.
  • Warlock technically has the highest score potential but I find that no class mods are more consistent. Gunner and Kensai are awful, although Kensai is the easiest way to survive all 90 seconds.

The second game. Still suffers from the weirdness of early installments, but comes with extra violence!

New Features:
Brainclaps. Orange gun. Catalyst class mod.

Removed Features:

  • Brainclaps are rage-fueled psionic bursts that send projectiles flying outward, clearing enemies and bullets alike. This doesn't really do much in this installment, but will become more important in later games.
  • Brainclaps do not delete bullets you have deflected.
  • Brainclaps aren't guaranteed to delete everything on the screen!
  • Catalyst is your best shot for score here. You'd be surprised at how much of a difference 5 less kills makes.
  • The orange gun is dropped by cyan-colored spiders that leave a cyan bloodstain when killed. It's higher tier than the red gun and shoots way more bullets. These enemies spawn 40 seconds in.
  • Not much else to say about this one. There's some lore development I think but I'm just here for the game.

This is the second phase of UBERMOSH games, where it ramps up significantly. This installment makes the game feel a lot more fun to play.

New Features:
Zoomed out camera. Psyker class mod. Wayyyy more enemies. Swarms. Cool hat.

Removed Features:
Walls. Extraction borders. Face on the top left.

  • I will NOT miss walls. Their removal makes the gameplay much more freeform and fluid, so now you only have to focus on aiming and dodging.
  • Swarms are erratically moving clusters of squares that chase you down. Killing them does not give you any score, so they won't contribute to brainclaps, but are still very dangerous! Brainclaps will clear them quite easily, but don't hesitate to shoot them if need be.
  • Psyker is the best class mod for score here. You might get a rocky start but the constant brainclaps will help with bullet spam and kill lots of things.
  • You have infinite space to walk around in, so use that to your advantage. I personally prefer to stay in the same area and see the bloodstains accumulate.
  • WARNING: If you get a lot, and I do mean a lot of kills, the game will start to lag! It won't crash, but it is a bit silly.

Now you have TWO explosions constantly emanating from your character! How cool is that?

New Features:
Manastrike. Wraith class mod. Shielded enemies. Cool mask.

Removed Features:
Cool hat :(

  • Set manastrike to circular. It has the same effectiveness as the other ones, but covers 360 degrees instead of 90.
  • If you insist on using front or back manastrike, you can spin around to spin the manastrike as well. Clunky but kind of effective.
  • The manastrike occurs every several seconds (I don't have an exact count yet) and a green circle around your cursor will begin to turn opaque when the manastrike is about to hit. I wouldn't focus on this and treat it as a passive brainclap.
  • "Stronger Manastrike" on the Wraith class mod means that it lasts for a few more frames. This makes little to no difference in my experiences.
  • IGNORE AND AVOID SHIELDED ENEMIES. Shooting them does nothing and walking towards them is just asking to get hit. Wait for the shield to run out, then you can kill them.
  • Small guys with red guns and shields around 40 seconds in.

The third phase of the UBERMOSH series. Things are really kicking in now!

New Features:
Double strike. Shield. Melter. Cyan spider shields. Slightly less cool mask. Extra pair of arms.

Removed Features:
Cool mask :(

  • Double strike helps keep the rhythm and a constant damage output. Enjoy it, because I sure do!
  • The Shield triggers every 25 seconds and makes you invincible for a few more seconds after that. Good for those that are still learning to dodge and deflect.
  • The Melter triggers every 40 seconds and fires a beam directly in front of you for two seconds that kills enemies and ignores shields. Good for high scores.
  • You can afford to be super aggressive when the shield is active. Go ham!
  • When the melter triggers, spin like hell. It is NOT locked to one direction and can clear the screen if you remember when it triggers.
  • Kensai's "Melter Affinity" means that the melter triggers every 20 seconds instead of every 40 seconds.

The final form of the "classic" UBERMOSH games. Things get wild!

New Features:
Triple strike. Shredders. Santicide difficulty. Green slice gun. Cool halo. Third pair of arms.

Removed Features:
Score reset when changing difficulty. Less cool mask.

  • Single Strike + Shredder only does one swing at a time, but fires three shredders every so often. These go through enemies and ignore shields. I don't like this one.
  • Double Strike is exactly the same thing you had in Vol. 5. My personal favorite.
  • Single/Double/Triple Strike is not an obvious one. You start out with single strike, gain double strike after 30 seconds, and then gain triple strike after another 30 seconds. Highest score potential but I don't like its inconsistency.
  • After about 60 seconds have passed, the game will begin spawning purple enemies with the green slice gun. These guys are fast, shielded, and dangerous, but have the best gun in the series, which decimates everything in the general direction you shoot in. It's the ultimate power trip for your final 15 seconds!
  • The slice gun will be on top of neon green blood splatters.
  • Santicide difficulty spawns enemies immediately and way more of them. No more waiting around!
  • If you're not buying the full UBERMOSH collection, buy this one and OMEGA.

Buckle up! This one is way, WAY different than any of the other UBERMOSH games you've played previously.

New Features:
Several different saints to play. Colorblind mode. Reduced screenshake. Disable music (why?). Extraction zone (triangular). Autoguns. Even more enemies. Ascension system.

Removed features:
The original blade saint. Choice of class mods, shield/melter, manastrike, difficulty.

Saint Breakdown:
Note that all descriptions are assuming 100% ascension. They don't have their full toolkit until you score high enough. Description of what you gain at higher ascension follows breakdown.
  • Primary Fire: Shoot Gun
  • Secondary Fire: Swing Sword
  • Single/Double/Triple Strike
  • Shredders
  • Melter (40s)
  • Shield (25s)
  • Manastrike (Circular)
  • Moderate amount of kills to brainclap
  • 0% - Sword
  • 5% - Unlocks Brainclap
  • 10% - Improves Brainclap
  • 15% - Unlocks Manastrike
  • 20% - Improves Brainclap
  • 25% - Improves Manastrike
  • 30% - Unlocks Melter
  • 35% - Unlocks Shield
  • 40% - Unlocks Double Strike
  • 45% - Unlocks Shredders
  • 50% - Improves Brainclap
  • 55% - Improves Manastrike
  • 60% - Improves Shield
  • 65% - Improves Shredders
  • 70% - Unlocks Triple Strike
  • 75% - Maximum Melter Power
  • 80% - Maximum Brainclap Power
  • 85% - Maximum Manastrike Power
  • 90% - Maximum Shield Power
  • 95% - Maximum Shredders Power

  • Primary Fire: Shoot Gun
  • Secondary Fire: Onslaught
  • Single Strike
  • Autoguns (up to 4, triple green shot)
  • Very high amount of kills to brainclap
Wook's secondary fire shoots a purple beam that deletes bullets and enemies in a deceptively large area.
Autoguns will aim at the cursor.
Higher ascension causes Wook's autoguns to spawn in earlier.

  • Primary Fire: Shoot Gun
  • Secondary Fire: Tentacle Attack
  • Double Strike
  • Autofire (hold button)
  • Very low amount of kills to brainclap
T667's secondary fire has a chance to automatically trigger whenever you shoot your gun.
Higher ascension increases the chance that T667's tentacles will trigger whenever you shoot your gun.
It also increases the chance that the tentacles will target a specific enemy in a direction other than the one you're aiming in.
It also increases the amount of bullets fired when T667 brainclaps.

  • Primary Fire: Swing Swords
  • Secondary Fire: Swing Swords
  • Double Strike
  • Double/Triple Melter (7s)
  • Moderate amount of kills to brainclap
Triple Melter kicks in at 20 seconds remaining.
Higher ascension increases the rate at which Q's Melter beams trigger.
It also increases the rate at which Q triggers brainclaps.

  • Primary Fire: Change Autogun Orientation
  • Secondary Fire: Change Autogun Orientation
  • Triple Strike
  • Autofire (no user input required)
  • Autoguns (rapid spawn, up to 4, twin blue shots)
  • Low amount of kills to brainclap
Autoguns will either aim at an approximate 45 degree off-angle to the cursor or directly behind you, depending on their orientation.
Higher ascension increases the rate at which Kore triggers brainclaps.

  • Primary Fire: Shoot Gun
  • Secondary Fire: Swing Staff
  • Single Strike
  • Front Manastrike (2s)
  • Moderate amount of kills to brainclap
Higher ascension increases the rate at which Manastrike triggers.
It also increases the rate at which Reez triggers brainclaps.

  • All characters have 4 respawns.
  • Don't forget to spin the melters (and manastrike if you're playing as Reez)!
  • The triangular extraction zone is meant to keep the player in one area so you have to be smarter with your movement. It doesn't really work in this volume since most things die before they get close enough to fire anyways, but will become more relevant in OMEGA.
  • You can still walk out of the border a little bit without ending the fight.
  • This game doesn't lag as much, and you should definitely expect to get kill counts in the thousands.
  • Enable colorblind mode, even if you aren't colorblind yourself. It darkens all blood splatters except for ones with higher tier guns (yellow, cyan, green splatters).
Saint Clone Aia
  • Aia is the strongest character towards the end of the event but starts off incredibly weak, even more so at low ascension. Don't be afraid to play it safe early.
  • Otherwise, play as you would in the previous installments. No further comments.
Artificer Wook
  • Don't ever use primary fire with wook. Only ever use the purple beam. You have autoguns and the beam is stronger than even the slice gun.
  • Wook's power is fairly consistent but overall weak. I find him the hardest to get 100% and/or a highscore with.
  • Wook is very calm, so brainclaps will only trigger once or twice throughout the entire event. Remember to use the beam to clear bullets.
Wanderer T667
  • T667 is my favorite character to play and also pretty easy to pick up and do well with. I recommend playing them if you're still getting used to this game.
  • Only ever shoot your gun. Tentacle attack on its own is worthless and triggers when you shoot anyways.
  • Constant brainclaps and tentacle spam means you won't have to worry too much about enemies getting close enough to shoot, but be prepared to dodge anyways.
  • No need to break your finger spamming the mouse button. T667 will shoot automatically if you simply hold it down.
Blademaster Q
  • She's got some cool swords, which also happen to be her only means of attack. Your main way of getting kills will be deflecting bullets and the melter.
  • Clearing the screen is really easy with Q's melter, because it spawns multiple beams.
  • You are not invincible to bullets, even with sword spam! Don't get cocky or reckless, and keep a safe enough distance from the enemy.
Gunner Kore
  • Kore has serious firepower but is defenseless if shielded enemies get too close. Keep moving.
  • It's best to just have your autoguns shoot directly behind you. I find the wide front cone doesn't do much.
Psyker Reez
  • Reez is my second favorite character and also hurts my wrist. She's probably tied with Aia for power.
  • Spin the manastrike like the melter. It's easy to get that rhythm going since it happens every other second.
  • Although manastrike is your main form of attack, don't forget to shoot your gun! You'd be surprised at how much it helps.
  • Also don't forget to deflect bullets with your sick staff.
The final UBERMOSH game. This one is ridiculous. Expect kill counts in the high thousands.

New Features:
Saint tuning. Even more enemies. Cyan-shielded enemies that fire shredders.

Removed Features:
Ascension system.

Mod Breakdown:
UBERMOSH:OMEGA gives you a choice of two mods to apply to each Saint to modify their gameplay further. Here's a short list of what each of them does as well as my opinion; my personal favorite picks are in the attached screenshot of this section.
  • EXTRA RESPAWN - Gives you another respawn on top of the default 4. Don't use this one.
  • WARMUP SHIELD - Triggers a shield soon after a run starts. Not that useful but helpful for Aia.
  • AUTOGUN - Gives you an autogun similar to Kore's that spawns in soon after a run starts. Fires in the direction you are aiming. Doesn't do much but better than an extra respawn.
  • CELERITY - Doubles your movement speed. Unwieldy and gets me killed more often than not; don't recommend
  • BUCKLER - Spawns a barrier in front of you for the entire run that automatically deflects bullets. Definitely can save your life in a pinch (even with Q, surprisingly), so it's a great pick if you're still learning to play.
  • BONEBLADE - Replaces your melee weapon with a giant sword. Fun to use and can be effective for offense and defense on both applicable characters.
  • WARLOCK RIFLE - Gives you the red gun at the start of a run. Godsend on T7 and Kore, great with Aia and Reez, does NOTHING with Wook.
  • SHREDDER - Spawn shredder circles just like Aia's. Best in slot for every saint, no questions asked.
  • LATE SHIELD - Triggers a shield near the end of a run. Worthless.

  • Those cyan shredder guys are the most dangerous thing on the battlefield. They can't fire shredders after their shield runs out, but the shredders IGNORE SHIELDS AND MELEE. You MUST avoid them.
  • Even still, don't forget about regular bullets. Cut them if they're in the way.
  • All saints start with the same power they had at 100% ascension in Vol. 7.
  • The boneblade is not a bad pick for Aia at all. You get the red gun pretty early anyways.
  • Use Extra Respawn or Warmup Shield if you're still getting used to her, otherwise Autogun.
  • Wook will autofire his purple beam, making primary and secondary fire useless. For this reason, warlock rifle does nothing for him, so I'd suggest the Buckler, since it lasts for a full run and comes in handy when you get shot at while the beam's recovering.
  • Wook is still tough to get a good score with. He was the last saint I got OMEGA with.
  • T7 is already a nonstop flurry of bullets, so Autogun is a wasted slot on him IMO.
  • Otherwise, same strategy as in Vol. 7. Don't forget to watch out for cyan shredders.
  • Autogun is more useful on her than the other saints, since she can't use guns. Shredder is still superior in the top slot.
  • You can't deflect shredders with the swords. Move out of the way!
  • Nothing new for him, honestly. Shredder/Warlock Rifle meta.
  • You can substitute the rifle for Buckler if you find yourself getting hit a lot.
  • Boneblade works great with her, since she only has single strike and her melee range is slightly less than Aia's.
  • Spin the manastrike!
Closing Words
As far as I'm concerned this guide is complete, although it may need touching up in parts. If there is anything I have missed, don't hesitate to leave a comment. I'll credit your contribution in this section.

9 comentarios
Akri_Jimbo#FIXTF2 29 MAY a las 12:55 p. m. 
Amazing, thanksA LOT!
YotsubaFan 5 ABR a las 4:43 p. m. 
great work thxxxx :steamhappy:
nobody_at_all 18 FEB a las 12:33 a. m. 
great guide and tips, thank you
FroGod 22 MAY 2023 a las 3:53 a. m. 
thank you kind stranger
Dinosaurman 19 FEB 2023 a las 5:35 a. m. 
Cool kid !
Bannesy 25 ENE 2023 a las 7:13 a. m. 
Honestly really helpful, great guide!
Exostenza 9 ENE 2023 a las 10:15 a. m. 
Super solid guide!
Goth Gf 7 ENE 2023 a las 6:48 p. m. 
ProperTbin 24 OCT 2022 a las 7:39 p. m. 
nice lmao, I'll be sure to use this