Killing Floor 2

Killing Floor 2

Ocen: 54
Londoner Streets
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Maps and Mods: Maps, Gamemodes, Survival, Objective
Rozmiar pliku
1.086 GB
29 września 2022 o 16:42
6 kwietnia o 23:57
Listy zmian: 12 ( zobacz )

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Londoner Streets

Victorian Streets of London

This is an experimental update, if it presents errors it will be restored to the previous version.

Performance can be slightly influenced by added complexity such as edited materials, more particles, textures, and view distance.

Edited the spawn, depending on how the zeds behave the feature will be removed.

Varied weather as the wave changes.
-Night or Night with rain

Collectibles added.
Extreme Objective Mode.
Endless mode has a day and night cycle.

_Update 06/02/2023

+Rescaled some textures so they are not blurry.
+Added more particles and details.
+Added custom lens flares.
+The trader is now sequential adapted by wave.
+Fixed zed paths.
+The base materials were edited.
+Now the buildings far from the lake have windows with light.
+The colors of all the schedules and interiors were edited.
+The boss now always has rain.
+Increased the resolution of static shadows.
+I add a central sidewalk to change streets near the orphanage.


[KF-LondonerStreets KFMapSummary]

Known Bugs: For some reason zeds tend to spawn in far away areas even though they are restricted.
Komentarzy: 17
Arsimael Inshan 16 lipca 2023 o 6:56 
This map is good if you want to run. - Because thats what you do. You run more or less from Trader to trader,
Stand you ground events are far from the next trader and sometimes it's so far away, you will not make it. If you run from the last trader to the next "Stand your ground" you will lose some zeds in that process.
Due to the large map, Zeds tend to despawn or get stuck in doorways - especially the big ones.

I do not know if this is intended or not. This map makes you play like:

Ok, I will not make it to the Stand your ground without killing zeds in the process and maybe not 'winning' the stand your ground, And maybe you will not make it to the trader, so you eigher have to run for the trader, or run for the event.
Brings you into a Situation where you are eigher frustrated, or you need to rethink your ammo and armor management.

Anyways: The graphics looks nice and there are a lot of "Place Hold" carriages.
The MLG Cat 27 listopada 2022 o 14:16 
For maximum realism, only use knives and blade weaponry.
Swagger 5 listopada 2022 o 2:39 
Really great map/port from Alice 2, but can you make the color overhaul? Cause daylight is extreme yellow bright, afternoon light is unrealistic purple. And you can make it like in Blackforest map, Survival mod: first 3 waves are sunny, middle 4-7 waves are evening, then 8-9 are nightly and 10 and boss wave night with rain for great atmosphere. And if i were you i would make starting point in sea port than in orphanage, and then go further in city to the next trader in survival mod. In any case GRAND JOB!:Alberts::Fistofdosh:
Dead Ashûkûrz 2 listopada 2022 o 17:52 
Good map
Tonny  [autor] 15 października 2022 o 16:27 
@persona Hi, this map is released for the first time, it is a port of Alice: Madness Returns game.
Tonny  [autor] 15 października 2022 o 16:24 
@BuffPuffer Hi, glad you like the map.
Traders are looking to promote map exploration, ammo boxes are to counter lost trade.
BuffPuffer 5 października 2022 o 18:31 
Awesome map! The aesthetic reminds me a bit of Barmwich Town, but I think you did a better job with it. (No offense to Barmwich Town.)

Some feedback after my first play session:

- The traders are too far apart. I was 90-something meters away when a wave ended and could not make it to the dock trader in time. This was a common issue in KF1 map design that Tripwire made a conscious effort to resolve in KF2. It simply isn't very fun to have to micromanage your team's location during a wave.

- There's at least a couple doors near the starting spawn that are dead ends. I would prefer if these paths were blocked off with some sort of garbage or corpses - anything that would indicate the doors are non-functional.

- Ammo drops feel a bit too plentiful. I suppose this is necessary right now due to the distance between traders, but if that issue is resolved, then ammo should probably be scaled back a bit.

Anyway, great work! I'm keeping this map in my rotation :)
Schamyl006 4 października 2022 o 7:01 
Is this map really new and is released for the first time? Awesome that this 7 year old game is getting a new unique map.
Triafaye 3 października 2022 o 4:01 
It looks alot like the map from Alice: Madness returns. That IS the map from Alice!
Jmod 2 października 2022 o 0:03 
Damn good map. My only complaint is that the lighting during day time is kinda extreme on the weapons/player model. It makes things kinda hard on the eyes