Have a Nice Death

Have a Nice Death

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Handbook Guide: Minions
By Crevice A. S.
A guide that houses all of the minions in Death Inc, what they are classified as, and some tips on how to fight each class.
This guide will be a little different. Instead of giving dodging tips for each individual enemy, I will be grouping them into different classes, describing what they do, and giving tips for each of them.

The different enemy groups, or classes, are grunt, range, brute, flying, and special.
Enemies in the grunt class:
  • Ghost: Found in the Hall of Eternity and Addictions Department. Attacks by spewing out a short ranged flame.

  • Morticulturist: Found in the Hall of Eternity. Attacks by swinging it's scissors or burrowing into the ground and charging at Death.

  • Blobby: Found in Industrial Pollution and Physical Illness. Attacks by dashing.

  • Heart Breaker: Found in Physical Illness. Attacks by punching and upon death explodes.

  • Smoker: Found in the Addictions Department. Attack by leaping or headbutting.

  • Bombara: Found in Modern Warfare. Attacks by setting down timed explosives with a large blast radius.

  • Waldo Box: Found in the Toxic Food-Processing Department. Attacks by chomping at Death and grabbing him with Mayonnaise to pull him towards the Box.

  • Tempestilent: Found in Natural Disasters. Attacks by being blown by wind that is conveniently in Death's direction.

  • Rockster: Found in Natural Disasters. Attacks by slamming into the ground, releasing three projectiles that are affected by gravity, and headbutting.

    The most common enemies that will be encountered on Death's journey to treat his burnout. Most enemies in the grunt class are unassuming, but some have special abilities. Keeping a distance from the grunt enemies and using ranged attacks is the best way to defeat them, especially Bombaras. Though due to their low stun resistance, it can be better to rush into melee range and attack them or perform a charge attack to stun them.
Enemies in the range class:
  • Pyro Ghost: Found in the Hall of Eternity. Attacks by shooting a fireball at Death.

  • Splurty: Found in Industrial Pollution and Physical Illness. Attacks by shooting blobs of oil that are affected by gravity.

  • Boomah: Found in Industrial Pollution. Attacks by firing a nuclear blast that covers an horizontal area or shooting out a nuclear ball that explodes after a set amount of time or when it hits a surface that isn't a platform.

  • Caderact: Found in Modern Warfare. Attacks by firing a heat seeking missile that loses its tracking after a set amount of time.

  • Hara-Kola: Found in the Toxic Food-Processing Department. Attacks by swinging a straw or stabbing itself to launch bubbles of soda at the cost of hp. Upon death, it releases three bubbles of soda into the air that are affected by gravity.

  • Sweetart: Found in the Toxic Food-Processing Department. Attacks by slamming its fist into the ground or firing five lumps of candy into the air that will com down on Death's position.

  • Flambush: Found in Natural Disasters. Attacks by spitting out a stream of fire that stays on the ground but can travel up and down ledges and can summon Sparkies.

    Second place on the priority list, right under flying enemies. Ranged enemies are some of the less tanky foes that are encountered, but can easily disrupt combos if left unchecked. Sweetarts and Hara-Kolas are in this category because they have a ranged attack that has a lot of range. All ranged enemies should be targeted first unless flying enemies are present. They can usually be stunned with a few hits with the scythe, which is especially useful against Sweetarts since their candy mortar will be canceled entirely.
Enemies in the brute class:
  • Spooksmen: Found in the Hall of Eternity and the Addictions Department. Attacks by swinging its fists or spinning.

  • Petroll: Found in Industrial Pollution and Physical Illness. Attacks by stretching its arm out and can dash away from Death if he gets too close.

  • Nursurion: Found in Physical Illness and the Addictions Department. Attacks by teleporting behind Death and stabbing him with their syringes or swinging their syringes when Death is within melee range, though they prefer teleporting.

  • Imposter: Found in the Addictions Department. Attacks by swinging its hammer twice or punching in three directions.

  • Veteran: Found in Modern Warfare. Attacks by slamming it's barrel or using it as a shield which, when hit, will explode.

  • Roaster: Found in Modern Warfare. Attacks by performing an uppercut or spewing fire in a large area.

  • Hambleurgher: Found in the Toxic Food-Processing Department. Attacks by spitting out a tomato that comes back after traveling a certain distance and flying into the air and slam onto the ground. Hambleurghers can eat their allies to regenerate their health and increase their damage.

  • Magmaboy-X8: Found in Natural Disasters. Attacks by shooting a ranged fire bolt at Death and changes to a melee attack pattern when below a certain health threshold, likely 50%, where it performs a two punch combo and an aerial slam.

Brute class enemies are not too threatening with the exception of Nursurions, since they don't care where Death is to attack, Roasters, with their flame covering a large area, and Magmaboy-X8s for similar reasons to Nursurions. Where brute enemies are the biggest threat is in cramped hallways or corners since their high hp can keep them attacking for longer periods of time. High damaging attacks or charge attacks are the best way to defeat them, whether by stunning or outright getting rid of them.
Enemies in the flying class:
  • Crow: Found in the Hall of Eternity and Modern Warfare. Attacks by charging at Death.

  • Flying Book: Found in the Hall of Eternity. Attacks by shooting a paper airplane.

  • Plastirk: Found in Industrial Pollution. Attacks by flying towards Death in a downwards arc.

  • Seaglue: Found in Industrial Pollution. Attacks by firing three globs of oil that move diagonally downwards.

  • Bombaron: Found in Modern Warfare. Attacks by dropping bombs or firing machine guns.

  • Bubbaboom: Found in the Toxic Food-Processing Department. Attacks by dropping down from above Death and slows Death if he is too close when he slays it.

  • Sparky: Found in Natural Disasters. Attacks by charging towards Death. Can be summoned by Flambushes.

  • Stormy: Found in Natural Disasters. Attacks by firing four projectiles in an X pattern and summoning a bolt of lightning beneath them.

Top priority enemies, as they are more out of reach than ranged enemies and can easily fill the arena with projectiles. Though they have the lowest stun resistance and can be stunned with fewer hits than range class enemies. Usually they will move lower to the ground if Death is low enough, which helps with taking them out. Anything with homing capabilities or with vertical reach is optimal when facing these enemies.
Enemies in the special class:
  • Ulcermonner: Found in Physical Illness. Summons Blobbies and Splurties.

  • Floplexil: Found in Physical Illness and the Addictions Department. They have three variants, a white grunt class variant, a yellow range class variant, and a winged flying class variant. The white Floplexils attack by biting at Death. The yellow and winged Floplexils attack by spitting a poisonous cloud, with the yellow ones shooting horizontally and the winged ones shooting downward.

  • Sullied: Found in the Addictions Department and Modern Warfare. Temporarily shields all nearby enemies from damage, but cannot target itself.

  • Drowned: Found in Natural Disasters. Attacks by throwing bubbles of water towards Death and healing other minions for 100 hp.

Special class enemies are enemies that have unique characteristics that set them apart from the other classes, Ulcermonners summon enemies, Sullied shield enemies, and Floplexils have three variants, but are still considered the same type of enemy. Ulcermonners, Sullied and Drowned are top priority targets, no exceptions, since they can increase the amount of attacks it takes to clear an arena. Any attack works on the former two because they won't fight back. Floplexils can be taken care of with the same methods as other enemies of their respective class while Drowned can be dealt with using the same tips as ranged class enemies.
The End
We have reached the end of this guide, but I will update it as more updates drop, such as the Natural Disasters and Work Accidents updates when they do get released.
Crevice A. S.  [author] 1 Oct, 2022 @ 7:06am 
Update: Plastirk and Arbomortist have been added to the guide.
Crevice A. S.  [author] 29 Sep, 2022 @ 2:39pm 
Major update: Added minions for the Natural Disasters department. The other new enemies will be added once I get them to show up in my runs.