Cult of the Lamb

Cult of the Lamb

60 ratings
No hit boss guide: Unlimited Invincibility Exploit
By Ike
This guide outlines how to use the invincibility spell exploit to cheese any boss with no damage.
Leveling Followers
The Team Carry

The key follower type you need is the fervor collecting one called Vosegus pictured below. Find a follower that has this trait and grind them to a very high level. The key is that the higher the level of the follower the more mana you get per orb and there is no limit to the level so you can achieve unlimited mana while hitting a boss.

Tips to level up followers:

-Start early and hear their confession each day.
-Buy and ascend followers regularly which will grant follower loyalty, more so if you can level them up.
-Wait until night and wake up the chosen follower and force feed them the tier 3 mixed meal. That will give them a whole 2 levels each night.
-Marry them and give them smooches, take bribery and bribe them each day.
-Make sure to get resurrection to bring them back if they die of old age.

With all that it shouldn't take more than a week to get 20-30 levels. This is enough to have near unlimited casts with the glass cannon fleece.

Other things that have better stats than you
The bomb and melee demons also have damage that scale indefinitely so they will end up hitting harder than you can ever hope to and are nice to bring.

The Run
The Curse Lambs Crave

The only RNG in the run is finding the Divine Guardian curse. It's pretty reliable if you search for weapon rooms. You may need to cycle through once or twice but that means more tarot cards. Hounds is also a good curse for damage, but it doesn't generate fervor on hit so you might actually have to doge and hit minions.

Other Gear

Obviously tarot cards that give more melee and curse damage, more fervor, and lower fervor cost are all great but not necessary. They certainly will allow you to pull this off at a lower follower level. The weapon you get doesn't really matter. Faster weapons like swords and daggers work best but anything works since you have a 2 second window to attack. Just remember to bring the glass cannon fleece.

The Build Coming Together
How to use it

You get fervor on hit so you need to be hitting the boss to get back mana. The timing is generous so just keep casting Divine Guardian and you will be completely invulnerable. It looks a little something like the video below and works on every boss.

sakuracujoh.mp4 10 Dec, 2023 @ 8:33am 
how to not get better at rogue-like/lite games ^^
gmail perc 30 lover 5 Sep, 2023 @ 2:49pm 
if u use this you stinky >:(
Scarf-Ace 15 Jul, 2023 @ 4:52pm 
Just get the fleece of beserker and a godly weapon, should do the trick in 5 hits
ackleypamela 10 Feb, 2023 @ 4:01pm 
hound of fate was the only way I could've beat TOWW (the one who waits) on extra hard, just for that one final eye.
Shio 10 Feb, 2023 @ 4:54am 
Nice, my strat was
1: get hounds of fate
2: find hounds of fate in dungeon
3: get into bossroom and spam all charges into the boss, most likely u will kill them in under 10 seconds
neo.cybermario 8 Nov, 2022 @ 6:10am 
Thanks for sharing this
mawshrum 29 Oct, 2022 @ 4:55pm 
i mean this helpful n' all but im prob only gonna use any of this on the one who waits considering my only current save, and original save is hard mode and i only got squid boy and brain damage left (one who waits will have to be later[])
BluejayAU 5 Oct, 2022 @ 5:43pm 
bruh what if u actually dont wanna play on baby mode man, thanks for this guide :steamthumbsup:
It's Rowan 29 Sep, 2022 @ 3:44am 
As someone who's planning on getting all of the no damage achievements on a difficulty other than easy mode, I thank you for this 🙏
⸸ [removed by moderator] ⸸ 29 Sep, 2022 @ 12:38am 
The user below me has autism