Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

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The true and official story of Valkyrie
Por elephant
(this "guide" was created by NovelAI)
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Going to France
Somewhere on earth, a story of a military group, Rainbow 6, was beginning. This is a tale of the rise and fall of Team Rainbow. The triumphs, and the tribulations. Now that they have been formed, we will see where they go.

The team had finally arrived at their temporary base camp in France. They were all exhausted from the long flight across the ocean with no sleep whatsoever, but they still needed to get some rest before their next mission. Even though it wasn't a combat mission, it would be difficult for them to stay alert while driving or riding in a car for a long period of time.

"What do you think? We should take turns sleeping?" asked Tracer. She was currently sitting upright with her eyes closed.
Valkyrie nodded. "Yeah, I agree."
"I'm fine," said Jack. He had his eyes open and was lying down with one arm behind his head as he stared up at the ceiling. Valkyrie didn't know if he could even sleep like this, but she couldn't stop herself from staring. It really was like an alien life form that shouldn't exist.
Valkyrie's attention quickly turned back to the team leader when she heard Jack say something strange. "There are so many stars out here..."
He must be tired too, thought Valkyrie as she looked up into the sky. There was nothing there but blackness as far as the eye could see, except for those tiny specks of light scattered about.
"Yes, I've never seen such a big sky before," said Tracer, who was now looking up at the sky as well.
As they continued talking, Valkyrie noticed that a few seconds passed without anyone saying anything.
Meeting Rebecca and X
One they arrived at their destination, they were supposed to meet up with Rebecca Cooper, another member of the Rainbow Six squad, as well as a man named Xavier, whom everyone called X.

Xavier was a former special forces agent who had been dispatched by the US government to join the Rainbow Squad. His official title was 'Director' and he was in charge of operations, which meant he was responsible for everything from planning missions to commanding the team.

Rebecca Cooper was also a former special forces agent who served under Xavier and was the current squad leader. She was the only female member of the squad and had been assigned to the Rainbow Squad on the recommendation of Xavier.

Finally, there was the mysterious man known as X. No one knew much about him other than that he was another ex-special forces agent who'd been sent to join the Rainbow Squad.
Since Valkyrie could hear what the others were talking about, she decided to ask Jack. "Hey, Jack. What does Xavier look like?"
"Who knows?"
Valkyrie tilted her head in confusion.
Infiltrating Bartlett U.
Now that Team Rainbow had met X and Rebecca Cooper, they were ready for their first operation. There was a terrorist cell in Bartlett University, and Team Rainbow had been dispatched to solve it. Standing ready to breach, they waited for the signal.

A voice suddenly came over the radio. "All teams, proceed immediately to Bartlett University. You have two minutes."

Once again, they began moving toward their final objective. At the very least, the mission would be completed successfully, but there was always the possibility that it wouldn't end until someone died.
Tracer was the last person to leave the van. When she did, Valkyrie felt the tension drain away from her shoulders. It seemed like they'd gotten through the worst part of the mission.

The plan was to enter the university using the front entrance, then make their way to the central building. Once inside, they would search every corner of the school to find the terrorists.
They headed straight to the main entrance. Inside, Valkyrie could sense the atmosphere growing tense. The students and faculty were getting anxious, but they still maintained their composure. A few people glanced suspiciously at the six strangers dressed in full battle gear, but most of them just ignored them.

Everyone was standing around waiting for a command to move forward.
After a few moments, a voice came over the radio. "This is X. All teams, proceed to the central building. Do not engage the enemy. Our primary objective is to locate the terrorist cells and neutralize them. Any contact with the target should be avoided. Contact with the target will result in immediate termination of your contract. If you encounter resistance, use non-lethal force only. Upon capture, detain the suspect and bring them to me. Good luck."
With those words, everyone began walking to the central building.

Valkyrie followed suit. The others all had their guns drawn, but none of them had fired yet.
The moment Valkyrie stepped foot in the school, she sensed something wrong. There was a strange feeling coming from the air. It felt like someone was watching her, but she couldn't tell from where.
She stopped and looked around. Tracer noticed what Valkyrie was doing and stopped as well.
"Are you okay?"
Valkyrie shook her head. "It's like...someone's watching us. I can feel eyes on me. But I don't know where they're coming from."
Jack looked confused. "You mean...from inside the school?"
"No, I don't think so. I felt it a second ago, but now it's gone." Valkyrie had no idea what was going on.
Jack frowned. "Maybe it was just your imagination. Maybe you were imagining things."
"I wasn't imagining anything. It was real."
"Well, let's hurry up and get this done. The longer we wait, the more likely it is that the terrorists will escape." Jack started walking again, but Tracer remained where she was. Valkyrie wanted to follow after Jack, but she decided to stay put and see how this played out.
The three of them entered the central building. As soon as they did, Valkyrie's heart sank. She could hear the sounds of gunfire and explosions coming from somewhere nearby.
She didn't need to look to figure out what was happening. They were shooting at each other.
"Jack! Let's go!" shouted Valkyrie.
But Jack didn't budge. "We can't just leave them alone. We gotta help them."
Valkyrie sighed. "Why the hell not?!"
"Don't give me that ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥! That's exactly why we should leave them alone!"
"I can't...just abandon them." Jack looked genuinely torn between helping the wounded and escaping.
"You've got to choose one or the other!"
Jack shook his head. "I can't just kill them..."
Valkyrie's eyes widened in surprise. She hadn't expected Jack to say something like that.
"If I shoot one of them, I'll be breaking my promise to the director. And I promised not to kill anyone."
"That doesn't matter anymore! We have to save our own lives! Come on, Jack. We don't owe those bastards anything!"
"I know that, but..."
"Just do it! Shoot them both, and we'll keep running!"
"But...if I kill them, everyone will know that I'm on the wrong side. Then we won't be able to get any information from them. We might not even know who the terrorists are, because they're going to run away."
Valkyrie was speechless for a moment. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Then what good are you?"
"I'm a traitor, remember?"
"Stop being stupid! Do what you came here to do! Save your own ass!"
"I can't. But if you want to leave, I'll go with you." Jack was looking at her with sad eyes.
"What?! Are you crazy?!"
Jack was already turning to walk away. After he left, Valkyrie turned back to look at the scene. A group of men were fighting with a few other students. Some of the men were wearing red bandannas over their faces, but she couldn't tell if these were the terrorists or not.
There were also a number of faculty members present, and Valkyrie saw one of them slumped against the wall as she tried to retreat. She didn't seem to be badly injured, but she was definitely scared.
Valkyrie took a deep breath and started running toward the nearest hallway. She could hear gunshots from behind as she ran, but she didn't look back.
(story continued next week once I get more free words)