Space Haven

Space Haven

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How to schedule your crew members efficiently
Av Tony Stark
In order to have workers at every time of the day you need to schedule them wisely
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Basic information
Where do I start?
Schedules adjusting is located in the crew management menu. Here you can set schedules for each of your crew member.

You need workers at any given time in order to work efficiently. If you don't schedule your crew members they all sleep at the same time and if you want to do anything in that time it's not possible.

  1. Work
  2. Sleep
  3. Leisure Time (eating, socializing)

As I mentioned before you want a working person at any time.
But that's not the only thing you want to look out for.
If people socialize (talk, play acarde games, listen to music), it bothers those who sleep and affects their sleeping quality.
So that's a thing you don't want to happen.

Of course you can place the entertainment room at the other side of the ship but I'll tell you why you shouldn't do that.

Let's start
  1. Sleeping and free time not at the same time
  2. A working at every time
  3. Obviously more work that free time

So what I come up with is a very simple design.

So a crew member needs 5h of sleep. That's not the max but it's a working amount of hours that fill up their sleep bar.

Usually you put one free time before and two after sleeping time. It's just convenient because you don't interrupt their work. Now if you got the entertainment room way back in the last corner of your marvelous ship they spent their time walking instead of doing fun acivities.

Since the new update their mental health became a bigger part of the game so you want to make sure they also got (at least) one hour of free time between their working time.

Sum up
1x Free time
5x Sleep time
2x Free Time
7/8x Work time
1x Free time
7/8x Work time

Since you probably have more than just one crew member you can just shift this schedule.
Start one crew member's free time when another's ends.
You can do this 3 times. Now if you have more than 3 crew members you can just start from the beginning.

That's how you can schedule your crew members efficiently :)
3 kommentarer
Tony Stark  [skaper] 22. nov. 2022 kl. 5.56 
That sounds like something I will try. Nice plan! I hope the developers thought of something like improved performance through more free time
ettusparky 21. nov. 2022 kl. 19.48 
I've been upping their sleep to 6 hrs with 1 hour before and another two afterwards free time and another 2 hour break during the day

currently have 16 (10 recruits) crew on two shifts, with at least 2 hours where 14 of them are on breaks together building relations. this also allows for assigning the anti social a bit of free time.

thinking the production time lost to breaks gets made up for in improved performance and morale. running 4 logistics robots as well (2 in the green houses, two in cargo bays) helps
Altair1972 27. okt. 2022 kl. 13.45 
Except for the officers running the shields and weapons, everyone on the same ship should have at least a 2 hour window where they meet in a centralized lunch and rec room with a video arcade. They bond. I've even found this to be true of prisoners. Have them congregate and eventually they make friends (although you do get a fair share of black eyes so I don't recommend taking prisoners till you can create IV's and First Aid kits).