Age of Empires: Definitive Edition

Age of Empires: Definitive Edition

The Conquest of Nineveh (Hardest/Fastest Speed) AOE1:DE Low APM Edition
"In this episode of gamer dad I play through The Conquest of Nineveh, the final level in the Babylon Campaign of Age of Empires Definitive Edition.

Get your econ going, pump out ships and towers, get some priests. Your inferior ships will be attacked by triremes so you'll want to have some towers as well as priests on hand to help convert and even the odds. once you stabilize, invade the island to the west with a force of priests and whatever ground army you like. convert the towers. go in, build a tower in enemy base, which will draw all the peasants in. destroy them. the yellow computer will resign shortly. now establish mining here.

Now go to the northeast and pickup reinforcements on the island. you'll get some juggernauts, so use this to clear the northeastern shore of the assyrians. once you establish a beachhead, start building unit producing structures. have priests convert the towers. build push ballista towers, backed by horse archers (to kill enemy priests) and catapults and whatever you'd like. slow push to the enemy wonder, focus it down and win"