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Open World Combat V1
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Category: Single Scenarios
Vehicle: Any Vehicle, F-45A
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9.676 MB
16 сен. 2022 г. в 22:35
26 авг. 2023 г. в 12:09
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Open World Combat V1

A dynamic open-world map with airbases to capture, cities to liberate, and pop-up missions to complete! Go at your own pace.

by GimmickedJack
Комментариев: 51
GimmickedJack  [создатель] 4 ч. назад 
@DoraTheExploda No worries haha. I refuse to believe Maxen was actually serious with his tone, anyway. Both of the issues you brought up are game bugs, unfortunately. I've tried to find what causes the rearm issue to happen in this mission, but I've never been able to reliably repeat it.

I forced the mission to auto-quicksave right before a base switches from hostile to friendly control, which seems to prevent the quickload bug on my end if I don't manually hit 'quicksave.' If you do overwrite the auto-save with your own quicksave, though, there's a chance of the bug popping up. Do you manually hit quicksave or does the bug still happen after an auto-quicksave for you?
Dora The Exploda 7 ч. назад 
While I don't agree with Maxen's tone, the issues he brought up are a pain point for me on this mission. perhaps it's because i'm still new at the game and that it's actually reallistic to complete the whole mission without getting shot down once, but alas I'm far from it.

I do have the issue of reloading after dying prevents me from rearming at bases I conquered, essentially resets the bases.

And also, my wingmates seemingly get stuck after landing the first time for refuelling/rearming. Never take off again after that. Unsure if this is a game or mission bug.

I'm really enjoying the mission but these issues make it too frustrating. Any chance of these issues getting addressed?
DNS WHALESSSSSSSS 31 авг в 21:10 
Some of the most fun I have ever had playing VTOL VR
TheDreamer 19 авг в 8:16 
Bro fails the mission and complains to the map maker that he failed. Then also proceeds to blame game bugs on the mission maker.
Maxen 13 авг в 6:01 
20 iq dimwits responding as expected
Chapter Master Wolffe 11 авг в 14:37 
Maxen may need mental help guys lets give him a pass
GimmickedJack  [создатель] 22 июл в 12:00 
@Maxen Have you tried not dying?
OGRE 20 июл в 9:36 
polish sperg mad at plane game
Maxen 15 июл в 11:43 
How about you make a map that actually fucking works? The instant you die or load a save it removes all of the captured bases from your comms options and you can't refuel at them anymore. Are you fucking braindead? How can you overlook something like this? This is literally necessary to progress to the next bases. Moron fuck thinks I'm gonna fly for half an hour back to the carrier every time my ammo runs out. Garbage map.
Tobias7447 31 мая в 17:26 
So far, the best level/mission/scenario I have ever played in VTOL VR.
There is a lot of variety and a lot to do. Must have been very complex to create it.
I love it!