Hatoful Boyfriend

Hatoful Boyfriend

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Hiyoko Tosaka's Bird Watching Guide
By Princess Gemini
Hello everybirdie! This is an exclusive guide on avian research made for both humans and birds with the help of St. Pigeonation's Institute staff and students. It is a comprehensive look into a variety of bird species and their habits to better understand them (and a good way to determine if they're boyfriend material).

Although developed with scientific study and observation, this guide's main focus is on bird watching as a recreational or social activity. Additionally, birding may be a enjoyable pastime, but should be done respectfully. Everybirdie should have a bit of privacy, so try not to come off as a stalker and start ogling a cute birds plumage. Get to know them, befriend them, and who knows what may happen ;)
Rock Dove


Part of the columnidae family, rock doves/pigeons can be seen all around the works. Originally from Europe, parts of North Africa, and western Asia, this species has become abundant with almost 120 million rock doves found worldwide. Although having been domesticated for a period of time, the wild rock dove's habitat includes rock formations and cliffs (hence the name). Rock doves have a close relationship with humans and live close to them due to city structures mimicking cliff structures. They are omnivores but generally prefer fruits and grains.

Case Study:

Ryouta Kawara (華原 涼太) is a rock dove (and my childhood bff). Like most rock doves, his eyes are reddish and his feathers are dark bluish-grey, with a slight purple/green sheen on the neck. Even though most rock doves consume a variety of foods, Ryouta has a sensitive stomach compared to most, so Calm Corn is best rather than regular beans. However, he still is able to work hard and go to school all while caring for his sickly mother.


Rock doves are overall very resilient and have gone over massive changes as a result of centuries of domestication. They live a sedentary life in cities alongside humans (though very few humans nowadays). They can do a variety of tasks and live full, rich lives.

Mourning Dove


Also part of the columnidae family, mourning doves are also known as the rain dove or the turtle dove (make sure to get two and a chukar partridge in a pear tree during Christmas). It is one of the most widespread birds in North America, 20 million in the United States alone. The mourning dove's habitat includes open/semi-open environments like urban areas, grasslands and lightly wooded areas. They will often migrate to warmer regions unless they are already in southern regions, at which point they remain sedentary. Mourning doves also like to sunbathe, rain bathe, and dust bathe. Their diet mostly consists of seeds but they will often swallow fine gravel or sand to aide in digestion.

Case Study:

Nageki Fujishiro (藤代 嘆) is a mourning dove (and a little shy, but very nice). His eyes are a very light green and his feathers are light gray-brown, with a slight white/blue-green sheen on the neck and parts of the head. With mourning doves exclusive diet, Nageki prefers Country Millet rather than other beans. He is extremely intelligent and spends most of his time alone and reading in the library.


Mourning doves on the whole are teeming with life in the warm regions/seasons of North America. They are slender and fast flyers, whose calls sound like that of laments. Though they often seem sad, they can find comfort in friends and the families they build for life.

King Quail


Part of the phasianidae family, king quail's are also known as the smallest true quail. It is found in the wilds of Southern China, South/south-eat Asian and even all the way up to parts of Australia. The king quail's occupy the grounds of places with an abundance of vegetation such as swamps and grasslands but human impact has diminished these habitats (sorry quails). They do not really liked to be touched by humans but if persistent, they will become responsive to the care and attention provided (so there's still hope to win them over!). Their diet is diverse, consisting of small bugs (such as mealworms), seeds and grasses. They must eat high calcium foods to prevent eggs from binding.

Case Study:

Kazuaki Nanaki (七姫 一明) is a mild-mannered silver king quail who teaches mathematics (but is a known sleepy-head due to his narcolepsy). His eyes are a rich dark brown and his feathers are light silver-gray/cream color, in stark contrast to the average king quail which is a dark blue with an brilliant orange-reddish hue at the ends of the feathers. Professor Nanaki prefers Country Millet in comparison to other beans as it resembles seeds found in his natural habitat. He is a strong mathematician but a short distance flyer who likes to walk outside when not dozing off.


King quails have a variety of mutations and come in a vast array of colors. Although the cannot fly for very long, they are relatively fast runners. Sometimes a solitary creature, the king quail can love big and deeply.

Chukar Partridge


Also part of the phasianidae family, chukar partridge's are part of the group of red-legged partridges ans also consider gamebird (once hunting season starts, it may be game over). Native to Asia, the species has been found in other places and feral populations have established themselves in parts of North America and can be found in parts of the Middle East. The chukar partridge's habitat includes open hillsides with grass and away fro, high humidity, rainfall, and elevation. They are fast and long distance flyers, though they would rather walk or hop along rocky areas. Their diet is based on ground foraging and is predominantly vegetarian, which includes leaves and seeds.

Case Study:

Shuu Iwamine (岩峰 舟) is a chukar partridge that runs the infirmary at St. Pigeonation's (he's disliked throughout the school for his tough and scary demeanor). Chukar partridge's eyes are normally black with a thin red outline but Doctor Shuu's eyes are shockingly purple. His feathers are the same for that of his species: light brown back, grey breast, and buff belly, as well as wings with streaked with dark brown and white. Though chukar partridge's are foragers, Doctor Shuu has shown a keen interest in more expensive things like Racing Blend beans (but I am certain he would like Bitter Black beans). He is meticulous, tidy, and thorough when performing his research. Although very antisocial, he is very passionate about his laboratory work (could he become that passionate for somebirdie?).


The chukar partridge is a quick and fascinating bird. They are slender and fast flyers, whose calls sound like that of laments. Though commonly hunted, this devil bird gives a chase and put up a good fight.

Luzon Bleeding-Heart


Part of the columnidae family (once again), the luzon bleeding-heart can only be found on the Luzon island in the Philippines. It is primarily seen at high altitude forests, staying low to the ground. However, due to deforestation, this species habitat is being threatened (less nowadays because of the agreements made with the Dove Party). They are the kind to keep to themselves and will forage for food low to the ground like nuts and berries, with some insects and worms occasionally.

Case Study:

Anghel Higure (緋紅 アンヘル) [or Yoshio Akagi (赤木 良夫) but he hates that name] is a luzon bleeding-heart (and a bit...odd). Unlike most luzon's, his eyes are teal (rather than the normal black). His feathers are the same as the rest of his species: dark bluish-grey, with a white breast splashed with bright red in the middle (it creates the appearance of a bleeding heart, hence the name). Luzon's have a diverse foraging diet and Anghel is no exception, so Bitter Black Beans are preferred. And though he usually is by himself, he often comes crashing through windows to tell me, Apostle of trhe Blue Sky, about the Avatar of Destruction's coming and that he as the Crimson Angel of Judecca will aide me in the battle against evil (tbh I think he's played too many JRPG's but whatever).


Luzon bleeding-hearts are often solitary but reel others in with their shocking beauty and personality. They can be very protective, and will fight to the death to protect their land. Luzon's overall are a strange and mysterious creatures, but very lovely.

Fantail Pigeon


Though the fantail alongside other domesticated pigeons are descendant from the rock dove, fantail pigeons are considered the most popular and fancy breed of them. It is difficult to tell the specific origin of the breed, it is thought to have come from China, India, Pakistan, or Spain. Like most domesticate pigeons, the fantail is found in the city/suburb settings and forages whatever is available. They thrive in a vast amount of climates. Although used as ornamental pets in the past, they have also been used as droppers; birds that encourage racing pigeons to come back to eat.

Case Study #1:

Sakuya Le Bel Shirogane (銀 ル・ベル 朔夜) is one of the many fantail pigeons at St. Pigeonation (and one of the most snobby). His eyes are a very light blue (unlike the normal black) and his feathers are pure white. Normally the fantail is not as particular about its food, but Sakuya prefers the Racing Blend Beans due to his expensive taste. He can sometimes be arrogant and rude, but he is passionate about being a leader at school and a gifted musician.

Case Study #2:

Yuuya Sakazaki (坂咲 優夜) is another fantail and the brother of Sakuya (but is more of a birdies man). His eyes are a solid blue with pure white feathers as well. Yuuya is sophisticated in a different way than that of his brother, so he prefers Bitter Black Beans. He can be a bit forward at times with the ladies, but Yuuya has a good heart and a very keen eye for detail (could he be a spy?!).

Case Study #3:

Okosan (尾呼 散) is also a fantail pigeon, though not relate to the Sakazaki or Le Bel families. He has normal black eyes and white/cream feathers. Though on the track team, Okosan prefers Swollen Hemp Beans rather than the Racing Blend. He is know for being a nuisance when it comes to his obsession with pudding, but is always energetic and fun to be around. Okosan is a accomplished athlete and what he lacks in elegance he makes up for in pride/honor (and btw, he looks so cute in a maid cafe uniform!).


The fantails as St. Pigeonation may look very similar, their personalities are very different. They are graceful and beautiful with their almost lacy upright tail feathers, but have inner/outer strength to match. Although they can come across as stuck up, or a playboy, or an oddball, underneath their big personalities comes bigger hearts that form strong friendship.
St. Pigeonation's Institute is almost that of a global city; a microcosm through which we can observe a diverse selection of avian breeds, all so unique and interesting. They can be shy, stubborn, mysterious and maybe even dangerous, but they all have the makings of good teachers, students, birdies, and friends. I hope this detailed look helps to get a better glimpse of how great bird watching can be and helps you to make friends with everybirdie too. Maybe even a boyfriend?