Bang-On Balls: Chronicles

Bang-On Balls: Chronicles

48 ratings
PIRATE map all collectible locations
By ClassyPie and 1 collaborators
Guide that showcases all collectibles in the pirate map
---- Introduction ----
UPDATED: 2023-04-23: Added pet section

NOTE: Item menu and there classification might differ from the current game version.

Guide aims to give locations of every collectible of this map.

Missing any other collectibles checkout my other guides for the maps.
---- Weapons ----
Found on the starter island, if you continue down the path from the spawn point to the beach you will find it.

Ability: Can be used to dig up blue orbs.

Found inside a cave on island marked on the map.

Found in the rat area after blowing up the gate in the left path of the main entrance. You can buy the NPC for 500 blue orbs. Or activate the boss fight with a friend. After defeating the rat boss you need to go back to where the boss appeared and collect the item.

Found on the island where you have to get to the church and defeat the conquistador boss. In the rat area take a left turn to another gate where you can get over by climbing the right side building. Taking a left turn, passing the buffulo. You will see a building with 4 overtops that you can bounce on. Get on top of the building and get the item.

Found near the South-West side of the island where you need to go to the church and kill the conquistador boss. There will be a pirate ship and behind it will be an island with a cannon on it. Fire the cannon and go into the sewers to the right you will find an NPC who will sell you the item for 3000 blue orbs. You should also find a tattoo near it.

Found in the voodo island after defeating the Voodo boss.

Ability: Jump smash to summon skeleton balls to fight for you.
Found in the island with the light house. Defeat giant crab do get the item.

Found in the undead island after defeating undead pirate boss.

Found on the fort island, if you continue down the path to the main fort, you will see find the NPC on the left side of where the ship is firing. Will cost 2000 blue orbs to buy the item.

Ability: Throwable lemon nade.

Found on the fort island on the stairs that lead to the main fort.

Found in the fort island after defeating the fort island pirate boss.\

Found inside the volcano island. Entrance to the docks below the island are behind skull of the island. It will cost 2000 blue orbs to buy.

Found by collecting all mermaids

Special attack: Splash

Defeat the flying dutchbob that you freed from the most northern island.

---- Shields ----
Found on the island where you have to get to the church and defeat the conquistador boss. In the rat area take a left turn to another gate where you can get over by climbing the right side building. Going straight and passing the buffulo you will see a building with a trampoline near it. Jump on top of the building and you will find an NPC selling the item for 2000 blue orbs.

After Defeating the Conquistador (Lemon king) you need to go up on top of the building with an airlift in the middle of the room. There you should find this item.

Found underneath the lighthouse island. Reachable by boat.

On the island with 3 hot air balloons defeat the giant ball in the middle of the island to get the item.

Found inside the fort island. You will find the NPC that sells this item inside a house next to the bell tower. Costs 500 blue orbs.

Found in the volcano island crypt. To access it you have to go from the back of the island and continue through the underground docks to the crypt where you will find the item.

Found on the skull volcano island. Make your way to area where you have to jump on pillars to save mermaid. Make your way up the hill. Buy it from NPC for 1500 blue orbs.

---- Hats ----
Found on the starter island, if you continue down the path from the spawn point to the beach you will find it above a jelly fish than you use as jump pad to get it.

Found on "El supermercado pirata" Island after opening the gate. Costs 500 blue orbs to buy from NPC. You should also find another item near it.

Found on top of a wrecked pirate ship island. Island is South-West, near the starter island. On the ship should be some monkeys.

Found on the island where you have to get to the church and defeat the conquistador boss. To get it you have to take a right turn, next you will have to kill a big spanish ball where it will drop the hat.

Found on the island where you have to get to the church and defeat the conquistador boss. Take a right turn and blow up the gates with the cannon. Then you need to climb the red building. Next you will have to kill the big ball to get the item.

Found on the island where you have to get to the church and defeat the conquistador boss. In the rat area take a left turn to another gate where you can get over by climbing the right side building. Next get on top of the RIGHT building that has a lock visible on it. Below the lock is an NPC that will sell
it for 2000 blue orbs.

Found on the island where you have to get to the church and defeat the conquistador boss. In the rat area take a left turn to another gate where you can get over by climbing the right side building. Infront of you will be a giant buffulo, to get this item you need to free it. There are three locks. One is on the left building (near the mermaid) and the other two are on the right building. Freeing the buffulo will open its cage and releases the animal. Once it leaves the cage the item appears and you can collect it.

After Defeating the Conquistador (Lemon king) you need to go up on top of the building with an airlift in the middle of the room. Next to the Lemon shield will be an NPC that will sell you the item for 2000 blue orbs.

Found on the "Vulcano spa & resort" island. Make your way to the top, next to the mermaid cage. From there look down and you will see the bird NPC. To buy from him you need to jump in to the bushes covered area. From there you can reach it and buy it for 2500 blue orbs.

Special effects: Spawns a small parrot ball that follows you.

Found on the Voodo island after defeating a giant shaman ball on the shore.

Found in the Voodo island on a cliff. To get to the area where its located take the entrance to the beach that is located on the south west side of the island. Follow the small steps up the mountain and you will see the cliff with the item.

Found in the voodo island after defeating Voodo boss.

Found on the outskirts of the undead island. You will need to purchase an NPC for 500 blue orbs to let the skeleton parrot out. Defeat it and then the item will appear.

Special effects: A skeleton parrot pet follows you.

Found on the undead island. To reach it you need to drop the bridge down using the cannon used to destroy left lock of the drop gate.

Found on "Chez pie-rats" island. You will have to defeat the chef rat ball to get this item.

Found on the "Chez pie-rats" island. Reachable by boat, below the receptionist area. Costs 1000 blue orbs.

Found inside the fort island, you will have to defeat the giant ball with the shield to get it.

Found in the fort island. You will have to defeat giant ball that is over looking bell tower buildings entrance. After defeating it collect your item.

Found in fort island caves. You will need to use the cannon from the outside.

Found on the island between the fort island and the volcano. Will cost 2000 blue orbs to buy.

Received after defeating maps boss.

Defeat big ball with the hat in the voodo island that is in the way of going to the boss arena.

Found by collecting all mermaids.

Found in the light house island by defeating the ball guarding the tower.

Defeat the flying dutchbob that you freed from the most northern island.

---- Masks ----
  1. In the starter island following the trail, after passing the pond, you will find a path to the cliff. There you will find an NPC which will sells the item for 500 blue orbs.

  2. Found on "El supermercado pirata" Island after opening the gate. Costs 1000 blue orbs to buy from NPC. Nearby you should find another item.

  3. Found on the "Vulcano spa & resort" island. Make your way up the hill in the island you will find the NPC selling it for 750 blue orbs.

  4. Found on the "Vulcano spa & resort" island. Make your way up the hill in the island you will find the NPC selling it for 750 blue orbs.

  5. Found behind the volcano island next to beached ship. Jump using jump pads on the pillar to get it.

---- Suits ----
  1. Found in the volcano island. You get this item after defeating the islands boss.

    Special effects: While rolling spew fire balls.

  2. Found in the most northern island. Will cost 1750 blue orbs to buy from the NPC.

  3. Found outside the fort on the beach. You will have to buy an NPC for 500 blue orbs to unlock the gate and let the cow out. Defeat the cow ball and get the item.

  4. Found after taking a left turn at the main entrance, pass by the lemon fountain and take a sharp left turn and another left turn. There you should see the NPC selling the item for 5000 blue orbs.

---- Collectible sound items ----

1. First one is found on the starter island, taking a right turn in to the bushed from the spawn point.

2. Found on the marked islands beach.

3. Found in the Voodo island. To get to the area where its located take the entrance to the beach that is located on the south west side of the island. Follow the path up the mountain it will the on the roof of a the mountain pathway.

4. Found inside the undead boss islands building first big room.

5. Found on the island with 3 hot air balloons, close to the undead island.

6. Found in the fort island. Inside the inner fort walls after lowering the draw bridge.

7. Found on the volcano island. On the left side of the islands skull.

8. Found on roofs of the church island.

9. Found in the island with ship wrecks. Brake the trapped ball inside the cage to get the item.

---- Mermaids ----
1. From starter island after breaking the map, follow the trail up the mountain continue following the trail till you see a pond on the right side, above the pond you will find the mermaids cage.

2. Found inside the spider island cave after defeating the giant spider right before the gate that leads to the entrance of the cave.

3. Found on ship repair island. the island is West of "El supermercado pirata island".

4. Found on the islands docks where you have to get to the church and defeat the conquistador boss.

5. Found on the island where you have to get to the church and defeat the conquistador boss. In the rat area take a left turn to another gate where you can get over by climbing the right side building. Next get on top of LEFT building that has a lock visible on it. Near that lock you will find the mermaid.

6. Found on the "Vulcano spa & resort" island on the very top. You will have to defeat a fire bird ball to get to her.

7. Found in the Voodo island. After disembarking take the trampolines up top and you will find the mermaid.

8. Found in the voodo island inside the first floor of the structure with the voodo totem.

9. Found a top of the light house in the light house island.

10. Found in the undead island. You will need to use a cannon that was used to open left padlock to bridge down the draw bridge to reach it.

11. Found inside the undead pirate island boss arena.

12. Found on the island with 3 hot air balloons, close to the undead island.

13. Found in the fort island. Above the pool of water.

14. Found in the fort island. Inside the inner fort walls after lowering the draw bridge.

15. Found at the most northern islands top.

16. Found on the volcano island. Right side of the skull island. Use cannon to hit the target that rotates the mermaid cage then shoot again with the cannon to break open the cage.

17. Found on the volcano island. Left side of the skull island. Jump on the pillars and break free the cage.

18. Found on the island between the fort island and the volcano. You will have to use the cannon twice to free mermaid

---- Tattoos ----
  1. Found in fort island, next to the villages tattoo building, that is close to the gate facing the center of the map. In the picture its taken, but it will we there.

  2. Found in "El supermercado pirata" Island, upper levels next to tattoo station you will find two of them.

  3. Found in Conquistador island, you will have to blow up a grate in the wall, using an outside cannon, after that you will find it inside the room that grate was blocking, next to tattoo station.

  4. Found in hot air balloon island, on top of the building.

  5. Found in Voodoo island you will have to climb up the wrecked him, where one of the objectives to spawn the miniboss is. There you will find a tattoo next to the station.

---- Film reels ----
1. Found on top of "El supermercado pirata" Island. Near the big pirate parrot. Spin the hamster wheel to unlock it.

2. Behind the "El supermercado pirata" Island is a pirate ship circling around a spanish ship. Get on the pirate ship via by the waves it makes. Once your there, kill all pirates and destroy the Sail beams and get on the spanish ship. Behind it is a film reel. (You can sink the spanish one aswell).

3. Found on the ship repair island. Inside the ship that is being repaired to get the film reel rotate the cannon once to the left by smashing in to the left button next to the fire button. Then fire the cannon, it will drop and you can get the reel.

4. Found on the island where you have to get to the church and defeat the conquistador boss. Take a right turn at the main entrance of the island and blow up the gates with the cannon. Then you need to get on the yellow building in the centre.

5. Found on the "Vulcano spa & resort" island. Make your way to the very top, and jump smash the giant plunger top till the reel appears.

6. Found in the Voodo island inside a totem. Defeat balls around it and brake the totem to get the reel.

7. Found in the undead island. You will need to use a cannon that was used to open left padlock to bridge down the draw bridge to reach it.

8. Found on the island with 3 hot air balloons, close to the undead island. To reach it you will need to destroy ropes holding hot air balloons tied down to the docks. Then get on top of the house and use the net to jump on the first air balloon. Continue hopping on the hot air balloons till you reach the reel.

9. Found on the "Chez pie-rats" island. Above the dining area.

10. Found inside the forts bell tower. Smash the bell to get it.

11. Found and the most northern island. Make your way to the very top and destroy the altar after that smash the button that it was hiding. Then jump down the hole and smash the glass bottle. To let the ghost ship leave open the gates with the hamster wheel.

12. Can be found on the volcano island. You will have to jump on pillars to get the reel.

13. Found by defeating the map boss.

14. By defeating the ball guarding the lighthouse.\

15.Found in the spider cave near the entrance after defeating the spider boss.

---- Boats ----
1. Near the "El supermercado pirata" Island. Costs 1500 blue orbs.

2. Near the conquistador islands docks turn west and you will see a boat catalog, where in the middle will be an NPC which will sell the boat for 3000 blue orbs.

3. Near "Vulcano Spa and resort" island. Costs 3000 blue orbs.

4. Found next to the Voodo island main entrance. Costs 4000 blue orbs.

5. Found next to the undead pirate island. Costs 3000 blue orbs.

6. Found next to fort island. Will cost 4000 blue orbs.

7. Located near the volcano island. Will cost 5000 blue orbs.

8. Defeat the flying dutchbob that you freed from the most northern island.

---- Pets ----
Found on the undead island, close to the big undead bird fight.

Found on the rat islands beach.

---- Closing section ----
Hope it help on your adventures.
Gigan-X 24 Jul @ 9:08am 
Found everything, you've missed an outfit which is located on the pirate market island, the one with the big gate
Juviant 6 Jun @ 11:54am 
The pirate eye patch is in the vents in the studio before you go into the tv. If any one is having issues finding it.
ClassyPie  [author] 6 Apr @ 4:49am 
Can you be more specific which photo do you see them in
靈 炎 6 Apr @ 12:43am 
How do you get that blue coat I see some of the npcs wearing
Tee_Bee 31 Jan @ 2:21pm 
ok nvm, I just found mine, not at the starter island, but the first one you automatically go to with the cannon (the one with the pub on it)... idk if the location recently changed, or if it is different for people...?
Tee_Bee 31 Jan @ 2:18pm 
juicyradish are you talking about the pants that go with the #19 and #20 hats? If so, could you specify where you found it? It is the only item I am missing, and I just cannot find it...
Federick 31 Jan @ 2:43am 
I'm having issues finding the poleaxe (which i assume is #4 as mentioned earlier). I went to the place behind the bull, but it seems not to be there.
Żuczek 28 Jan @ 3:43am 
this is not really up to date because of the new inventory
leike 4 Jan @ 9:47am 
i found it and thank you bro
ClassyPie  [author] 4 Jan @ 8:36am 
Is it not #4 in weapons ?