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Who is the Strongest Character in Berserk?
Oleh Strugg1er.
A guide and educated opinion/argument as to who is the Strongest Character in Berserk.
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Who is the Strongest?
While many fans of Berserk observe this question on a regular basis, I believe that many of us have failed to recognize the potential of his abundant repertoire of battle arts.

The Character in question.
Unlike the vast majority of the community who believes that the strongest character in the Berserk Universe is amongst the God Hand, evidence from the manga would tentatively suggest that in reality the strongest is Puck .

To understand this possibly puzzling conclusion, we must explore and fully understand the skills that Puck possesses.
Powers of Puck
  1. Transformation
  2. Mastery of Elf Dimension Style
  3. Various other Elven specific skills

1. Transformation

It may only seem like a stylistic choice made by Miura to display Puck in 2 different styles, I believe that this is not the case, but rather a skill unique to Puck. He can change not only his body mass, but size, even altering how he physically appears to others. While normally seen as being slender with more humanoid limbs, as the story progressed we begin to observe the emergence of Chestnut Puck. This "form" makes Puck chubbier, shorter in stature, appear to have stockier appendages, and seemingly allows him to tap into his mastery of Elf Dimension Style, which we will discuss next, among other various powers.

2. Mastery of Elf Dimension Style

Elf Dimension Style is a sword style utilized by Puck throughout the series, even starting to teach his skills to Isidro during the Conviction Arc. Although not much is known about Elf Dimension Style, Puck has used this sword style in incredible capacity and effectiveness. He is shown in multiple instances taking out adult males, spirits, and golems who all pose a threat to even the protagonist Guts. Along with swords skills, the Elf Dimension Style also seems to open up various other skills to Puck in combination with his transformation ability, including but not limited to Lighting powers.

3. Elven Specific Skills

Because there are so many powers that are specific to elves that Puck has in his repertoire, that he repeatedly uses effectively, I have compiled a tentative list of said powers/skills.
  • [Puck] Flash
  • Healing powder
  • Flight
  • Invisibility *
  • Navigation Powers
  • Amazing Resilience
* Invisibility only seems to apply to those that cannot perceive Spiritual beings i.e., heavily religious individuals
Character that may potentially be stronger than Puck

Because very little is known about this mystical being, it is hard to argue beyond speculation, where Schnoz lands on the power spectrum of Berserk.

As per speculation , Schnoz may or may not be stronger than Puck.
Tribute to Miura
RIP Kentaro Miura
Your greatness will forever be recognized.

1 Komentar
Meep 12 Sep 2022 @ 10:04am 
puck is the strongest