Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

97 ratings
Assets: Building, Office
File Size
3.056 MB
8 Sep, 2022 @ 8:32am
1 Change Note ( view )

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In 1 collection by Checo Mx
62 items

Model Information
  • Triangles: 1,300
  • Vertices: 819
  • Textures: 1024 x 1024 (D - I – S - N)

You can search for this asset with the "Find It" mod with the name "Citibanamex" and you can move it with "Move It".

Grupo Financiero Banamex fue fundado en agosto de 2001 como resultado de la venta de Grupo Financiero Banamex-Accival (Fundado por Roberto Hernández Ramírez, Alfredo Harp Helú y Alejandro Betancourt Alpírez) a Grupo Financiero Citigroup, conservando el nombre de la institución financiera más grande del mundo. país.




Thanks to this month's patrons: Bastet69, Sean T, Casey Irwin, Kody Koelling, Alvaro Garrido, Dany Cuba, decafisevil, Blue Thunder.

Tags: USA, US, América, America, Mx, México, Mexico, Mexicano, Mexican, Tienda, Latino, Latinoamericano, Latinoamérica, citibanamex, banamex
Checo Mx  [author] 12 Apr, 2023 @ 12:21pm 
@Aferiac Muchas gracias 😃👍
Aferiac 12 Apr, 2023 @ 12:18pm 
Gracias por la respuesta tan rapida y claro, no hay problema! Excelentes assets :D
Checo Mx  [author] 12 Apr, 2023 @ 12:14pm 
@Aferiac tal vez y seria buena idea, pero no seria pronto ya que tengo assets por entregar.
Aferiac 12 Apr, 2023 @ 12:11pm 
Hola checo :D Algun chance de tener este asset en modo banco del DLC de Financial Districts?
J/S2046 8 Sep, 2022 @ 8:19pm 
ok, thks.
Checo Mx  [author] 8 Sep, 2022 @ 7:00pm 
@J/S2046 if you need help just send a private message
J/S2046 8 Sep, 2022 @ 4:58pm 
Thanks, CHECO, i will check it out. i want to give it another shot. sumthin to think about. thanks.
Checo Mx  [author] 8 Sep, 2022 @ 2:18pm 
@Watermelon! Muchas gracias! próxima semana otros assets mexicanos
Watermelon! 8 Sep, 2022 @ 2:14pm 
Fanático de este asset y del TELMEX. Gran trabajo Checo!
Checo Mx  [author] 8 Sep, 2022 @ 1:47pm 
@J/S2046 Hi, right now I have a lot of assets to share, that's why I've been sharing almost every day.

I have a youtube channel and I have tutorials on how to make assets, in the video I teach you in a very basic way so you don't have problems, I know people who use blender and photoshop for the first time and they manage to finish an asset, the problem is that the videos are in Spanish but you can activate the subtitles or do what I do on the screen.

The channel is called ChecoMx, in the description are the links.