Tales From Off-Peak City Vol. 1

Tales From Off-Peak City Vol. 1

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Get every achievement in one playthrough
By CheesyKirah
This is a lil guide on how to make a playthrough where you get every achievement.
I don't recommend this as the best way of playing, you should do this in a replay.
This is a lil guide on how to make a playthrough where you get every achievement.
I don't recommend this as the best way of playing, you should do this in a replay.
I used the achievement guide from 'Lil Gibby' as reference.
Arriving in the City
Welcome to the corner of July Avenue and Yam Street.
Here's a map to guide you:
you find mistakes in the map please tell me

Starting Steps
To start talk to Big Mo. He's the police guy. Listen through all of his dialogue to get The Big Mo Welcome
Continue to the stoop sale, and listen to The Cowboy's Concern. After that buy the camera.
Make a picture with the exposure fully up.
Make a picture fully zoomed in.
Share a photo to your desktop by opening it in your bag.

Looking around
You can get quite a few stuff in the beginning!
To start go down into the canal. On the right side on a table next to two chairs you will find A Tin Of Truth Peppers. You'll need it later.
Continue to the left part of the canal. By the fishermen you'll find A Tin of Worm Gummies.
Go up to street level again and next to the big blue building and the giant roullete wheel you will find A Tin Of Martini Olives.
You see the big head on the other side? That's Building 9. Go there and behind it you will find Toon Film.
Go back to the right side of the city and before the house/aquarium you will find A Tin Of Beluga Roe.
You should see an older woman next to a painting stand. Talk to hear and you will Learn About Clem's Retirement.
On the parallel side you will find the pawn shop. When you talk to Paulo, the Shopkeeper, you will Discover Caetano's Investor.
Downstairs you will find three people playing a board game. Talk to them and you will hear The Truth About Jeremy's Parents.
Next to the stairs you should also find the Oktogon Film.

There's more we could do in the beginning, but we should continue our saxophone mission too. Go to the building with the big pizza sign.
A New Job
Thief or photographer?
You should have made some nice photos by now. You can hang them up in the pizzeria. Hang up one and you will be a Proud Photographer.
Replace every single picture and you will be an Exhibitor.

Go up to the counter and talk to the people standing there. Caetano will say Sorry, Maxine.
Show them your recommendation letter and you will get the job! You should start with getting the sauce from the basement.
Bring it back and refill the jar.

Your first pizza
Your first order will be for Luke. While Luke is a nice pal, we are here to get every achievement. So make a pizza with nothing on it. Just roll the dough and click finish. You'll be an Pizza Minimalist.
After the pizza is done go out on the upper part of the city. You will see a blue haired person with a friend. Next to them you will find the Svericus Film.
Show them your pizza and you will hear Everything You'll Need To Know About Dangerous Dan.
Go further and you will find a house full of cats. In front of it you will find A Tin Of Blue Sardines.
But Luke's hungry, go into his apartment.
In his fridge you'll find A Tin Of Chocolate Chips.
Luke is a chatty dude, so don't give him your pizza yet. Just talk to him a bit. You will hear about Luke's Lament.
Now give him the pizza :3
After the pizza's effects you can take his bedroom keys to go up to the roof. Up their you will find Apotheosys Film.
Then slide down and you will find Maalm film.
Go back to the pawn shop and buy A Tin Of Flamingo Meat.

The Mystery Begins...
You will see an "ambulance", Caetano in it. You Run Caetano's Slice Now. Before he leaves you will Learn About Jan And Clarice.
Back in the pizza station you will find the upstairs key. Go up there and press the salami. Then put the moon in and press it. Press the other moon too. Go in the control room and press the button. You Restarted Caetano's Experiment.
In the control room you'll find A Tin Of Synthetic Grey Matter and Anti-Nautilus Film.

But let's continue and make some pizza for Jeremy! It's your pal from the pawn shop. Bring him the pizza.
When you're there you should also buy the nose.
Because the entrance is blocked you need to take the back door. Find the code upstairs and enter it downstairs. Go Out The Back Door...
Once you escaped you can go back and Paulo will continue to run the shop. Once talked to him again you'll have Discovered Who Paulo's Landloard is.

Deeper in
When you go back to the pizzeria you will see the band suggesting you give them the picture of the sax. DONT GIVE IT TO THEM. This is very important for later.
Go upstairs again and place the nose. It will open the door. Take the eyeball and the money behind the door and go back to biz.
It's time to make pizza for Murga.
By now you should have all ingredients. So make a pizza that has e v e r y t h i n g on it. This will make you an Pizza Maximalist.
Go deliver Murga's pizza. In the lobby of the building you will find two masked people. Talk to them and An Old Friend Returns.
When in Murga's "office", don't give her the pizza yet. Take the Aged Shoji Film and talk to her. You will hear about Murga's Mixologist Origins.
Now give the two their pizza.

While returning through the stairs, look at the skull in the Blue Moose and discover The Truth Under The Lab.
While spying on the people in the lobby you will Learn About Eric's Mother.

Go back to the pizza machine and make pizza for Gareon.
Discovering The Truth
Go to Gareon's building. Upstairs you will find Xoylen Film.
When you enter Gareon's studio you will be met with Mildred. Talk to her to Learn About Mildred's Auntie and open the door to Gareon.
Dont give Gareon the pizza yet, listen to him and you will Learn About Gareon's Next Client.
Give him the pizza. As a thanks he will give you exclusive Gareon LTD Film. With this film you can reveal who is a robot and who is human.
When you try to leave the studio the path will be blocked. Listen to the people there and you will Realize Woolsey's Dilemna.
Take "Mildred"'s jaw and place it upstairs to open the door. Press the button up there, and then the button downstairs to activate a photo.
Spooky moment later you are a painting. Listen to the people in front of you, before going backwards and back to the stoop sale.
Buy the eyeball and return to the pizzeria. Put the eyeball in the space lion and you will enter Caetano's backroom.

The Back-Rooms
Take the money and maybe explore a bit. After that take the new door down and open the door to the backstage. Congratulations, You Discovered The Norwood Tableaus.
You will see the old woman from before sitting in the pizzeria now. Listen to her. HRH's Techniques Revealed.
Go make pizza for Building 9 and deliver it. Building 9 Is Fed.
Go back to the pawn shop and buy the horn. Bring it to the fishermen from before and show it to them. Listen to them and you will have Heard The Story Of The Old Bull.
Go back to the pizzeria and listen to Big Mo and Maxine's conversation. You will discover Maxine's Destiny.
Go talk to the band and you'll discover The Band's Destiny.
Go back to the backroom and place the horn. Pull both horns and step into Cateano's sanctum.
You have Reached The Sanctum.
When you step out again you will discover Big Mo waiting for you. If you show him the picture of the saxophone you will finally have Learned Why The Sax Was Locked Away.
Tales From Off Peak City
Take the horn and place it in the sanctum. Take the wheel and go down into the basement.
Place the wheel and open the vault.
The Sax is Yours.
But you will discover you are trapped...

Escape Vol. 2
But don't worry. Little Barkley is here to help. Press the pizza and go down into The Depot.
You will find your friends from the beginning and enter the train.

Tales from Off Peak City.