Gunfire Reborn

Gunfire Reborn

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Challenge "Hero Run"
De ThunderBlue
Rules for Hero Run:
1 player is selected as the "Hero"
everyone else is just pawns.
Pawns and Hero MUST be different characters ( No Same Characters )
Nightmare or higher ( I believe we did it on reincarnate level 8 )
Recommended players: 4

Pawns CANNOT have scrolls ( unless they are to help with shops and craftsman "If the "Hero" has a scroll already the "Pawn" MUST sell the duplicate, If you cant sell just leave it on the ground )
Pawns CANNOT have uniq weapons ( Only weapons your allowed to have is swords to increase your speed )
Pawns MUST give ALL scrolls to "Hero" ( again unless its to help the Pawns to buy in shops and craftsman )
Pawns MUST keep the "Hero" alive at all times.
Pawns are not allowed to upgrade there weapons, the ONLY weapons they CAN upgrade is when the "Hero" drops a weapon for them to upgrade FOR THE HERO.
When a 3 Scroll chest is opened the "Pawn" can either chose one for the "Hero" or ask the "Hero" what they want of the 3 options, If a choice is there for shops or craftsman the "Pawn" can decide to keep it to help buy or make things easier later with the shops.

Goblets are just as usual "Pawns" can decide to pick them up or not ( depends on what the players talked about to make this easier or harder really )

Thanks to:
For reminding me of this chest.

Hero MUST keep "Pawns" alive at all times. ( You are a Hero DO YOUR HERO DUTY! )
Hero can request "Pawns" to upgrade weapons.
Hero CANNOT refuse scrolls ( even if it damages the current build your doing )
Hero can pick between "Flesh and Bones" or "Paranomality"

If the Hero dies the run is over.
If a Pawn dies the run is over.

Optional Rules:
1. "Pawns CANNOT use Goblets
2. "Pawns" CANNOT use ANY scrolls AT ALL!
3. "Hero" CANNOT pick between "Flesh and Bones" or "Paranomality"

End Goal:
Try to defeat the last boss.

Sub Goal:
Beat 1 billion damage. ( My High Score in damage )
( 1, 030, 966, 267 )

If you do make video recordings on youtube for this challenge i would LOVE to see them :)
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The Hero Run
4 commentaires
Mari, Whomst've 3 mai 2023 à 17h21 
bruh just use lei lou, abuse crit snipers with voltaic aegis and tell pawns to stay at the back.
like this is just what i do to help friends farm essence.
i heavily suggest removing the "choice" aspect entirely and just make them roll 1-3 with scrolls etc, so pawns can ruin your build via scrolls (like flesh para)
especially nowadays since interdependent fortunes is a thing
then it would really be an RNG hell
zavl 3 sept. 2022 à 1h12 
this is just a simp guide with extra steps lol
Wah 31 aout 2022 à 8h18 
How would the Hero and Pawns handle Goblets and Triple scroll chests?
Lucallia 31 aout 2022 à 4h48 
this is literally not a challenge unless your 'Hero' has never played the game before.