235 个评价
Mantodeans Continued
Mod, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
23.083 MB
2022 年 8 月 29 日 下午 2:16
9 月 5 日 上午 7:38
100 项改动说明 ( 查看 )

Mantodeans Continued

在 ElTwoFour 的 2 个合集中
Mantodean Translations
3 件物品
ElTwoFour's Recommended Mods for Mantodeans Continued
14 件物品
The Mantodean Insectoid Race Continued


Thumbs up and Favorite if you like the mod! It really helps! Thank you!

Currently due to a bug I cannot quite figure out Mantodeans Continued requires Biotech to work or world generation fails. I am trying to fix this issue but have had no luck in almost a month of effort. I apologize for the inconvenience.

The Mantodeans
This is a continuation of the Mantodean Insectoid Race mod by Sig as well as an expansion of that mod to include more weapons and buildings with the eventual goal to give Mantodeans a full array of neolithic to spacer tech while retaining their themes of animalistic insectoids.

Sig has given consent for me to take over their mod and combine my own submods into it to continue the Mantodeans going forward, for which I am eternally grateful and excited!

Sig is the original creator of the Mantodeans and deserves all associated accolades. My own work would never have existed with out theirs and I am eternally thankful.

The Spawning Through Egglayer Mod has been added as well thanks to smith589's blessing! His work has been a major boon to the Mantodeans and I am very happy to adapt and expand the egglaying system into Mantodeans Continued! Thank you smith589!

If you have Mantodeans Continued you DO NOT need and SHOULD NOT have the original mod by Sig, the egglayer mod by smith589 or my simple weapons and simple buildings mods. This will cause errors and conflict with this mod. Please do give Sig and smith589's mods a thumbs up though!

Requires Humanoid Alien Races Framework and Vanilla Expanded Framework to function.

Russian translation for the Mantodeans Continued!

Korean translation for the Mantodeans Continued! (Included along with many others) Thanks to Seanggag for the translation!

General Description and Lore
This is a race somewhere between animal and civilized species, difficult for outsiders to understand and closely related to the megaspiders found on most rimworlds.

The Mantodeans are a species of insectoids that live in Hive communities, where Queens are the only caste allowed to breed, and whose decision making is left to administrator mantodeans chosen among their peers for their cunning and guile. The hive divides its members by the roles they play in their societies and see everyone as expendable.

The culture and alien nature of mantodeans coupled with their hostile expansionist mindset and their propensity to see other species (and even their own dead) as little more than food has caused a deep resentment from more civilized cultures for obvious reasons.

In mantodean society, the duality of good and evil has never existed, therefore it can't be understood from traditional points of view and philosophies. Its hard to make a convincing argument to a mantodean to let you bury your dead when the mantodean only sees wasted food that can build the hive.

Their Genetics
- Specially adapted to live in warm climates, they quickly succumb when exposed to cold temperatures. The drug called blue jelly can help them adapt to colder climates.
- Their bite is venomous, due to an organ called the acid gland, which produces chemicals that are sent to the fangs.
- They are very strong, able to carry more weight than other species, and fearsome in hand to hand combat.
- Their anatomy: Four arms and legs, six eyes, breathing sac, and acid glands are but a few of the differences between mantodeans and humans.

- Their comfortable temperature range goes from 10ºC to 120 ºC. (47 ºF to 248 ºF). Blue jelly can temporarily alter the range.
- They can't wear clothes.
- They can only eat raw meat, corpses, animal products and kibble (won't get any negative thoughts from any of them). Neither will they get bad thoughts from butchering and eating humanlikes or their own species.
- Being a hive society, they are not concerned about personal space, and so will never receive cramped space penalties nor spacious room bonuses.
- Mantodean factions are in general hostile to other factions, but they can be befriended.
- Most ethically questionable actions like selling prisoners, cannibalism or executions won't bother them as they bother human pawns.

Mutagens (bionics)
Can be applied on mantodean limbs to mutate them into more specialized versions of the original limb.Mutagens can be purchased from traders as well as crafted at the bioalchemy bench. If you remove a mutated limb through surgery, that limb will be lost since the mutagen adapts to the host's genetics, therefore that limb can't be implanted in another mantodean, you will need another mutagen for that.

Weapons and Resources
- Between Mantodean Jellies, mantodean components, mantodean chem jelly, exudate and propolis there is a ton of new materials for Mantodeans to use and these items will be expanding with their own traders to visit your colonies in the future!

- An array of structures both old and new! Many more will be added over time and expanded upon!

Other Things!
Known issues, Compatibility and plans for the future will be covered in a separate Discussion!

Thank you for your time!

- Extremely special thanks to the original creator of the Mantodean Race, Sig! Without their work and their creation none of this exists!
- smith589 for creating the Spawning through Egglayer mod!
- DetVisor for creating new and high resolution textures for the Mantodeans! I cannot thank you enough!
- Erdelf for creating the Alien Framework, without which none of this would work.
- Pashka for creating the Russian Translation for the mod!
- Seanggag for the Korean Translation and image concepts and ideas!
- Vitamin Cera who made amazing textures for the Hulk, jellyphid, broodmother and others!
- Eriakit and Kiff44 my testers!
- Crazed Caveman for letting me use their Jelly Wall Texture!
- Druidefuzi for updating and rehauling the mantodean code!

Rancher Tier Memberships:
- Luminous Newt
- DevilKitten

- And so many others whose ideas or help have made this race what it is!
热门讨论 查看全部(7)
8 月 20 日 上午 8:29
置顶: Bug Reports and Suggestions
5 月 31 日 下午 4:03
When crafting scarab eggs...
2023 年 11 月 28 日 下午 9:49
to those having massive lag or error here simple fix
853 条留言
ElTwoFour  [作者] 9 月 2 日 下午 11:29 
@hovershift, Mantodeans are not required for you to use their buildings or items. Your regular humans should be able to research Mantodean Technology at present. Its under its own research tab.
hovershift 9 月 2 日 上午 7:27 
hmm, what about creating a mod with only the items and buildings for that insectoid run?
ElTwoFour  [作者] 9 月 1 日 下午 5:17 
@hovershift, no they will not work effectively as a xenotype. There will eventually be a half human half Mantodean xenotype, though it will not make humans appear to be Mantodean proper. (they will also have their own xenotypes unique to Mantodeans).
hovershift 9 月 1 日 上午 11:54 
do you think you could do a xenotype version of them?
-=Ðﮐ=- Arctic Howler 8 月 31 日 下午 4:14 

curious... graphictypes doesn't match the 1.4 migration guide for alien races... maybe a factor for the race issue itself?(even if genderless, they list a gender check for male and female for the graphics...I'm going through what documentation exists... these are the moments where an actual sample file for each version would be.... useful...)
-=Ðﮐ=- Arctic Howler 8 月 31 日 下午 1:42 
correction: 1.4 the start as race options fails to progress to the colonist screen... tested without any non-required outright mods just to see if there was a conflict somewhere in my list and yeah it really is an oddity....(mind you this isn't me commenting hoping to rush you, this is just a "oh this actually is part of it")

They apparently can't even roll in crashlanded like other alien race submods so the race seems to be having an issue not the starts themselves

Additional: 1.5 happens too, hm... maybe there's a missing mayrequire tapping biotech?
-=Ðﮐ=- Arctic Howler 8 月 31 日 下午 12:35 
curious enough I played with load order to see if somehow it helped, there's a lot of mayrequires(fair enough, bonus stuff for having x mod) and apparently the manto start as the queen can't go past the ideology selection option.... maybe the race in colonist selection is bugged?(both pun and error in code)
-=Ðﮐ=- Arctic Howler 8 月 29 日 下午 12:20 

All good, I'll wait and see type deal, hopefully it's not some "hidden" mod compatibility that is causing it somewhere... sadly the one mod(technically mods) for 1.4 I can't resist coming back for is the rimworld of madness series that the author hasn't updated so I can wait for the fix <3(I'm old school and used to having to wait xD)
ElTwoFour  [作者] 8 月 29 日 上午 2:13 
@-=Ðﮐ=- Arctic Howler, never seen an error like Unauthorized... odd. Probably still the same issue though so no worries.
-=Ðﮐ=- Arctic Howler 8 月 28 日 下午 4:24 

tried ctrl+f12 to upload, came back with an "Unauthorized" error

honestly never tried using that feature so uncertain of cause or solution...