Rogue Legacy 2

Rogue Legacy 2

35 Bewertungen
How to easily make a lot of gold with pacifist trait!
Von LNBK67
In this guide I will show you how to turn the pacifist trait, into the pacifier trait.
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In this guide I will be showing a very easy way to make a lot of gold in a small amount of time. There was one other guide I found that briefly mentions this so I'm gonna link that here
So check that out I guess, anyway let's begin.
How it's done
First you will need an heir with the pacifist trait before you enter the dungeon.
Once you have this continue into the dungeon until you find a curio shop.
Note that you need a curio shop with a weapon to replace your current primary weapon.
Here is an example:

Now that you have a new weapon if you check you stats you will see that the pacifist trait has become pacifier, but while keeping it's gold bonus. (Bottom of the trait list in this image)

And now you're all set to begin gathering absurd gold.
Here's a little aftermath of how much I earned from looting the entirety of the first area before retiring the hero.

Hope people find this guide helpful!
4 Kommentare
gray still plays 16. März um 4:52 
oooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahaww
LNBK67  [Autor] 13. Juni 2023 um 16:39 
your welcome!
presos 13. Juni 2023 um 3:32 
Holy moly, this is amazing. Thank for telling!
ScrubLord 11. Mai 2023 um 12:34 
interesting, i never considered that you could do that