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More Forgiving Loyalty
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23 Aug, 2022 @ 9:37am
25 Jun @ 12:59pm
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More Forgiving Loyalty

Trust no-thing, especially yourself. While I think loyalty's a flavorful system, it can be annoying to keep all of your lords happy, when something as small as removing an item or simply hitting end turn can cause a downward spiral to army disband. Completely removing the system means missing out on some interesting dilemma effects though, so I wanted to make a happy medium. This mod basically makes it so that for a lord to rebel, you have to be doing extremely poorly, intentionally treating them like garbage, or choosing -loyalty dilemma options. You know, actual reasons one might want to rebel.

This mod affects all factions that use loyalty. If instead you just don't want to deal with loyalty in any form (dilemmas or otherwise), try this alternate mod which should remove it entirely:


Is this savegame compatible?
-It should be able to be added and removed without issue, as it primarily modifies the percentage chances after certain events. Do let me know if problems arise though.

Mod conflicts?
-This only touches a few strings relating to loyalty campaign features and variables, so should be relatively safe. It's not compatible with Loyalty Removed, for obvious reasons.


-Battle outcomes with the lord keep the 1/2/3 loss/gain on close/decisive/crushing defeats or close/decisive/heroic victories respectively, but victories are 50% (100% for heroic) chance rather than 15-25%.
-Gain on completing a mission increased to 100% chance from 40%, loss from failing missions unchanged from 50%.
-Base chance of loss on end of turn removed. Loss related to lord being higher level than faction leader unchanged from 10% chance, gain related to lord being lower level increased to 10% chance from 5%.
-Loss on unequipping items removed, 40% chance to gain on equipping items unchanged, up to loyalty 5.
-Recruiting or disbanding units from the stack have a 25%/10% chance for gain or loss respectively, up/down to loyalty 5.
-Chance of loss from replacing the lord reduced to 20% from 50%.
-Loss and gain from signing treaties with the 'appropriate/inappropriate' factions is removed.
-'Chaining' loss from other lords defecting is removed.

-Chance for a loyalty dilemma upon hitting low loyalty increased to 50% from 33%.
-Chance for a loyalty dilemma upon hitting critically low loyalty increased to 75% from 50%.
-Starting loyalty level uncertainty range altered to 3 from 5.

Image credits: Developer art and 30 minutes in MSpaint on a meme.
themilkman074 27 Aug @ 1:21pm 
This mod makes my Peporoni nippys exited. thanx for the Mod.
glythe 22 Jul @ 2:11am 
Really cool idea for a mod that I would have used for my VC campaign had I known it existed. I will definitely use this for an upcoming Skaven mod instead of no loyalty.

-"Loss on unequipping items removed". Who in their right mid thought this would lead to a fun game?

You sir are a hero.
themilkman074 14 Jul @ 9:30pm 
not going to lie, downloaded this mod cuz of the pic. Yes-Yes!
Aristocratic Astorian 9 Jul @ 9:49am 
Anyone know if this is compatible with Nanu's sartosa overhaul mod?
Jiraskova 6 Jun @ 3:37am 
I appreciate you taking a look, since you're not seeing the same results it'll have to be a different mod that is messing with my VC.
Dehaka  [author] 5 Jun @ 12:20pm 
Yeah, I did a quick test and couldn't replicate the initial loyalty being stuck at one level; the recruit loyalty varied for the lords I tried. Trying to test dilemmas might be a bit more involved, but I'll see if anyone else is having problems. Loyalty seems to be affected by seemingly unrelated mods or updates sometimes, so I'm not sure how to help fix it if this mod's not the cause.
Jiraskova 4 Jun @ 2:09pm 
This doesn't seem to be an issue with your mod, restarted without it and the same issue is present - there are still no loyalty dilemma's triggering however.
Jiraskova 4 Jun @ 9:49am 
Recruit a VC lord and in most cases I've seen the initial loyalty is at 3 - no matter what you do, short of removing all gear and units to force a defection, it will not rise above 3. Their individual traits aren't kicking in for sacking, raiding, etc... item and follower stacking isn't raising it, and even though it's only 50/50 for a few turns the Rite for loyalty gain didn't raise a single lord even 1pt.
Dehaka  [author] 4 Jun @ 6:00am 
Locked in what way, the values remaining at the same level no matter what you do? Or not showing up at all?
Jiraskova 3 Jun @ 8:20pm 
VC loyalty appears to be locked.