A Building Full of Cats

A Building Full of Cats

221 avaliações
How to 100% A Building Full Of Cats
Por Fr0ge Detect0r
A complete guide to find all cats and get all of the achievement in this short & cute game
Adic. a Favoritos
Nos Favoritos
Floor #1
All hidden cats
Living room
#1: Click the the top left drawer of the cupboard left of the door
#2: Click the 3rd square drawer of the cupboard to the right of the door
#3: Click the curtains to open them
#4: Click the middle drawer to the left of the clock
#5 &6: Press the middle drawer of the most right cupboard.
#7: Click the top lid of the toilet
#8: Click the radio
#9 Click the mirror above the sink

Floor #2
All Hidden cats
Living room
#1: Click the mouse hole left of the door
#2: Click the plate thats on the lower part of the door
#3: Click the dome on the left branch
#4: Click the shutters
#5 &6: Click the bottom drawer below the window
#7:Click on the vent ඞ above the bathroom door
#8: Click the right drawer in the top left
#9: Click on the bin left of the toilet
#10: Click on the top left drawer below the sink
Floor #3
All hidden cats
Living room
#1: Click on the bag on top of the closet on the left of the door
#2: Click the right drawer of the bookcase
#3: Click the drawing that's on the round table
#4: Click on the bin to the right of the couch
#5: Click the cristal ball on the table
#6: Click the screen to the right of the bookcase
#7&8: Click the bottom left and top right drawers under the mirror
#9: Click the middle mirror
#10: Click the hole in the ceiling
Floor #4
Living room
#1: Click the painting left of the door
#2: Click the lightswitch left of the door and look for the light in the middle of the ceiling
#3: Click the botton drawer of the desk under the monitors
#4 &5: Click the power button on the PC next to the 3 monitors
#6: Click the wooden plank on the bathroom door
#7 &8: Click the door of the closet to the right of the bathroom door
#9: Click the glass cabinet
#10: Click the towel above the toilet
Floor #5
Note: There is a cat hidden on top of the closet left of the door and might be hidden behind the cat counter.
All hidden cats
Living room
#1: Click the top left cabinet just right of the door
#2: Click the left glass door of the cabinet, to the right of the bar
#3 &4: Click the 2 middle pillows
#5: Click the right circle (smokedetector?) on the ceiling above the bathroom door
#6: Click the cabinet door above the fishtank
#7: Click the window on the left
#8: Click the middle-bottom drawer under the sink
#9: Click the litter box
#10: Click the square on the closet, just above the litter box
Floor #6 (roof)
To get to the roof you must go to the 5th floor and instead of clicking on the door, click on the stairs to the right.
No hidden cats, if you clicked on Fofiño in each room, they'll be in the middle of the roof
Hidden cats
Living room
#1: Click the opening on the cathouse to the left of the door
#2: Click on the TV to the right of the door
#3: Click the container below the TV
#4: Click the drawer on the right of the desk
#5: Click the middle pot on top of the rack
#6&7: Click the 2 pots on the top right of the rack. the highest and the 3rd most left
#8: Click the small cup on the right desk
#9: Click the drawer on the most right desk

#10: press the pillow on the bed
#11: press the boot on the ground
#12: press the cup on the left table
On floor #0 aka the title screen, there is a cat hiding next to the building behind a bush.
Click it to get the achievement!
Give Meow Some Credit
Go to the credits trough the menu, press the cat hiding behind Giovani's name.
Wet Floor
Go to the game-settings through the menu, Click the tail sticking out from behind the wet floor sign.
Fofiño related achievements
To get the Grandma, Earth, Mystical, Rock and Classique achievements you'll have to click on Fofinõ 3 times on that particular floor.

After finding Fifiño 3 times on every floor, they'll appear on floor #6 aka the roof, click to get the Found! achievement.
To get the Adopted achievement you'll have eto make the right choice by not being heartless.
23 comentários
eXe.Scorp1on 8 de jul. às 10:20 
burumanet 25 de jun. às 8:47 
Cheers! This helped me find the one cat I was missing on the 5th floor (auto hint was garbage there) and mop up the misc. random achievements. <3
raquel 18 de fev. às 17:50 
LyndaSmiles ᴱᴳ 4 de jan. às 19:53 
Update: even though it showed i needed 1 more cat to find on floor 5, when i looked at my achievement listing it showed i had it. I went to the roof and found him and got all achievements after that. So it was bugged in the game. Thanks for the great guide! :happy_cats:
LyndaSmiles ᴱᴳ 4 de jan. às 19:45 
I am stuck on floor 5 (Rock) and it shows my hidden cat is in the light on the ceiling but no matter where i click it does not appear. I even deleted and restarted but the same issue. Anyone else having this issue?
BoJake Horseman 3 out. 2023 às 11:45 
Hunter, there is a second very tiny cat in the top right of the aquarium. Ran into the same issue as you and spent a good bit trying to find it. Hope it helps!
Casper "Muff Spelunker" the Cat 24 abr. 2023 às 19:58 
maybe hightlight where fofino is, those screen grabs are useless
Hunter 12 mar. 2023 às 13:10 
Its weird, i have han extra cat on top of the acuarium on floor 5 and i still have one cat missing its maybe a bug or something? i checked the guide because of this and i even counted the cats, have one more but the game says i there is one left
Mz Cookies 21 fev. 2023 às 23:59 
Thanks so much for the guide, very helpful. If anyone else is stuck on Floor 5, there is a tiny cat in the aquarium that is cut off in this guides pic!!
Fr0ge Detect0r  [autor] 16 jan. 2023 às 3:14 
hashida, there is a radiation hazard icon on the bottom of the elevator panel when choosing a level. Click it to go to the bunker.