Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Underpaid, Undersexed and Under Eisenhower
By ✚ Mariel ✚
This is a guide on how to get the "Underpaid, undersexed and under Eisenhower" achievement.
This is a guide on how to get the Underpaid, undersexed and under Eisenhower achievement.

To get this achievement you need to have 51 or more expeditionary forces from the UK while being in the same faction as them. Some general tips on how to achieve this are:

Do not attempt to puppet the UK, puppets produce only a very small army for the sake of balance, otherwise puppet China would be monstrously overpowered. As a result the UK will not produce enough forces to get the achievement if you puppet them. You will need to assume control of the allies and then request the forces by making an army for expeditionary forces and requesting 51 divisions from them.

You need around 450 factories and 4.5m manpower to assume control of the allies from the UK, assuming you do not let them get more land. This is around 1942, given enough time they will make more divisions and build more factories, but I doubt they could get much more than that. As such, you should have extensive conscription or all adults serve as your conscription law, and be sure to annex all territory you take to get enough factories quickly.

If the UK changes from a democracy that would seriously impede this achievement as you would need to do the same. Therefore it would be best to play on historical. This will provide you with Germany, italy and Japan as factory rich countries to conquer while ensuring the UK does not get up to any weird shenanigans.

It is recommended that you declare war on Mexico When they nationalise your assets in their territory, they are easy to beat and you will get more factories.

If you would like a more in-depth guide on how to achieve this then read on.
So your goal at this stage is simply to prepare for the war.

Focuses: You will want to go down the "goal standard" path to remove the great depression. This won't be available for a year though, so go for whatever you like in the meantime. Choose the republican president. I usually get the pentagon, war plans and some of the -10% fighter/bomber production cost ones until I can do gold standard. When world tension starts getting high do The Giant Wakes and the ones after that. Be sure to get the 2 extra research slots when you can.

Political power: Be sure to constantly do the small lobbying, and tax breaks when it is available. Grant statehood to the 3 new states but wait til after the presidential election so you have a lot of political power to spare first. You should get the silent workhorse, and get some military chiefs and the superior firepower theorist. When you get to 1939 save your political power for war propaganda, war economy and all adults serve conscription.

Construction: Just make military factories. If you get an event telling you to build something in a state for house/senate support then go ahead and do that too.

Production: As a general rule I make the following:
1 factory on trains
1 on trucks
I then put factories into infantry equipment, support equipment, artillery, AA and tactical bombers in equal amounts.
I put twice as many factories on fighters as any of the above. E.g. if I have 10 factories on infantry, support, art, AA and tac bombers each (40 in total) then I will have 20 on fighters.

After you get 120 "10w" divisions you can halve the number of factories on support equipment and AA to get more on the other things.

Naval production:

15 dockyards on convoys til you have 1000 convoys, then you can drop to 5 on convoys. I put all other factories on submarines and give them the best snorkels, torpedo launchers and engines I can. Set them to engage at low risk and support them with fighters and tac bombers on naval bombing missions near the coast

Division templates:

For this strategy I use two templates The 10w and 40w templates. 10w templates are cheap so you can cover a long frontline with them, they are also good at defense but bad at offense. 40w divisions are a lot more expensive and nearly as good at defense as 4 10w divisions, but they are a LOT better at attacking. This makes them ideal for pushing the enemy line or for naval invasions. I hear tanks are better than 40ws but they always seem too IC intensive for me to use. You can use tanks if you prefer, just be sure to make them 30 or 40w

10w divisions: 5 infantry, engineers, support art, support AA.

40w divisions: 16 infantry, 4 artillery, support art, support AA, engineers. You can add on light tank recon and med flame tanks eventually when you have hundreds of military factories. Perhaps even swap the AA out for rocket artillery if you have total air dominance

40w marines: You can also make a 40w variant that uses marines instead of infantry. I would usually send two of these to each port when I am naval invading as the combat is fiercest there when landing. With special forces research they can be monstrously powerful.

Just prepare as best you can til world tension hits 100%, then join the allies and join their war on the axis.
War on Italy
Send your forces to Egypt and prepare a naval invasion of Sardinia. Your navy can maintain naval supremacy in the area and you should use your substantial airforce to control the skies around your targets. After you take Sardinia prepare a naval invasion of the alpine region and northern Italy.

Be sure to have the second naval invasion research complete to up your capacity to 50 and as soon as your forces land try to secure the ports first then cut the italian territories in half. Send 2 more stacks of 24 divisions over to help hold the area, I recommend setting up a defensive line of 48 10w divisions along the river that runs south of venice, and the other 24 10ws should hold the line south and push if the enemy defenses there are low. Meanwhile send your 48 40w divisions to do another naval invasions to take the middle of italy, south of italy and the island of Sicily. This will likely capitulate Italy.

At this stage send all your forces to hold the river against the Germans, build 4 land forts on your side of the river, build some radar, some airfield and construct anti air placements, and infastructure so you can build and repair them easily. Convert all your divisions into 40w divisions and when the German offensive slows pull some back to train them while the other hold the line. You probably won't have enough time to train them all the way but try to make sure all divisions are at least at the "trained" level if not "veteran".

When the offensive has slowed a lot send 48 divisions to the philipines along with your fleet to prepare for war on Japan.
War on Japan.
You will have a bit of warning before they declare war on your in the form of a red icon at the top letting you know they will come after you soon, you have about 70 days at this point, the time it takes for them to finish a focus, it should be enough times to get your divisions and fleet to the phillipines.

After they declare war send your forces to naval invade Taiwan and Okinawa. Then Invade the Japanese home islands around the ports at the south and middle of their islands. After you control the southern half of their territory leave 12 divisions to hold the lines and naval invade the others around them to take the other ports and capitulate them.

The Japanese are really easy to beat because they do not defend properly, just make sure you send a lot of forces to the ports, don't spread them too thin, and be prepared to launch additional naval invasions to get around their forces rather than waste time pushing through them. If you get the ports then you basically win since its really easy to encircle their forces on their islands since the islands are so narrow.

After you beat Japan send your 48 divisions to Britain. You should also be able to peel away another 24 divisions from Italy because your forts are complete and you dominate the skies there so send them to Britain as well.
War on Germany.
Around this time the Germans will declare war on the Soviet Union. This will cause them to move a lot of their forces east and relieve a lot of pressure from Italy.

Have your 72 divisions in Britain invade around Denmark and the NW German coastline and start to push into the German heartlands. Meanwhile your 48 divisions in Italy should be able to start pushing north. With the German forces spread out so much you will face little resistance. If they do pull enough forces back to defend then consider another naval invasion to the NE german coast or to France to draw them out even more.

Capitulate Germany and Annex as much of Germany, Italy and Japan as you are able to. Germany especially has a lot of factories so make it your priority.
Taking over the allies and preparing for war with the Soviets.
The Soviet military is big but weak because they need a lot of focuses completed to improve it, you should have no problem beating them so go ahead and justify on them. Stop doing any focuses and start saving political power to take over the allies.

At this time you should start pumping out as many divisions as you can. Set the division priority to green and the reinforcement priority to red and deploy the new divisions as soon as you are able, even with 15% equipment they will count for the full manpower and all you want to do right now is get enough boots on the ground to take control of the allies.

When you have enough forces deployed take control of the allies and then disband all the new units to get your equipment back. You are now ready for war with the Soviets.
Start the war with the Soviets and create an army for expeditionary units. You do this by clicking the green icon at the bottom of the empty army icon at the bottom of the screen. Request 51 divisions from the UK.

Now they will refuse to give them unless certain conditions are met:

1) You need to be the leader of the Allies, which you should be.
2) The empty army needs to have a frontline and an offensive line on an enemy border, in this case the Soviet Union.
3) The UK also needs to be at war with the Soviets so be sure to drag them into the fight
4) Sometimes it will show a red X saying they wont give the divisions, but when you ask for them they agree anyway and give you them, so don't be despondent if there is a red cross, just ask anyway and they will probably accept.

Congratulations on the achievement!