Cyber Manhunt

Cyber Manhunt

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Battle of Public Opinion Guide
By NEOchuah
I was struggling with the battle of public opinion, so here are the ones I found to have worked best for me. :D

Also cheers to Chocoholie's youtube video whom I watched several times, and transcribed (and added to) for your ease.
Please check out Chocoholie who's guide I have used to help me get through.

For the Left (Increase Popularity)
-------Anything with x10 means make all the posters for it----------

  • Aluba’s latest video game released to unanimous praise from gamers, but the game’s theme is controversial. - x10
  • According to the head of a big data company, user’s private data is a red line that cannot be crossed!
  • Bob, a security researcher at cybersecurity firm, claimed to have discovered a compromised 500 gigabyte database at a data company.
  • Users have discovered a malware called BBios that could freely take over a device’s microphone and audio. - x10
  • Messages from unknown sources may contain Trojan horses that steal personal information!
  • With the titan breach, people are urged to pay more attention to personal information security in the era of big data.
  • Scientific statistics revealed security risks of 1 in 10 million for Titan.
  • The producer called for a focus on information security, which was why a number of gameplay related hacking appeared in the game. - x10
  • There is concern that churches may soon be using facial recognition to track your attendance and donations in the near future.
  • May, a former member of the AR15 girl group, took to Toothbook to blog about the ridicule and oppression she received at the company.
  • The game’s controversial subject matter has sparked much discussion. - x10
  • A number of internet data companies have now issued a joint statement to announce the strengthening of their security immeadiately.
  • Aluba released a statement that the game is just a product and player, as consumers, have the right to review the game. - x10
  • Female celebrity trip itinerary was leaked, had crossed paths with a number of male celebrities, triggering hot discussions in the entertainment industry.
  • There is nothing wrong with big data technology itself, and it’s the people with bad intentions who are at fault.
  • With its rich gameplay, the Aluba game has received more objective reviews and discussions from players. - x10.
  • X Game platform was complained for pushing violent games to minors at random.
  • Users are questioning the Anaconda keyboard on why computer peripherals are collecting data from users.
  • According to big data research, violence and horror elements in video games are becoming more and more popular, users question the authenticity of the data.
  • Titan unveiled latest data sharing technology, a reflection of how big data makes life easier for people. - x10
  • The domestic game development group released a new game that received constant praise.
  • The Ministry of Culture once again censored major game platforms and required a strict rating system by age.
  • The famous “Education” channel was complained for pushing videos of horror-themed games.
  • Mobile games require multiple authorizations from users, which has been questioned as a conspiracy by data companies to collect information.
  • Some commentators have pointed out that personal information leaks have nothing to do with other forces pulling the strings. -
  • Anaconda, famous manufacturer of gaming peripherals, has launched a new programmable keyboard that can collect user habits and automatically adjust the settings to best suit the user based on the data collected.
  • Controversial blockbuster title Public Enemy 2 topped the year’s most popular list.
  • Artificial intelligence and automation technologies cut the cost of personal data breaches in half.
  • Artificial intelligence and automation technologies will further enhance the public’s convenience.
  • According to a white paper on data breaches released by the government, 80% of data breaches result in exposure of customers’ personal data, causing public panic.
  • Titan advocates wireless connectivity as the cornerstone of the future connected world.
  • The BBIOS will spy on the user with a voice they can’t hear and emit a signal to the ultrasonic signal station in order to identify all the devices.
  • Some gamers have questions Aluba’s new game on allegedly copying the classic game OOOL that was released a little earlier. - x10
  • The era of big data calls for vigilance against malicious wifi hotspots that could set up phishing sites and compromise people’s privacy.
  • There are some in the player community who insist on playing only free contents, deliberately defaming the game and claiming that non-free games are not worth playing.
  • Security experts warned that many apps are risky; they would record your text messages phone numbers and GPS data, etc.
  • The cost of a data breach for data companies jumped to $392 million, up form $388 million last year.
  • Several companies and departments have jointly released the latest personal information breach statistics, which show a downward trend year over year.
GrandmaFavoriteGrandson 28 Jun @ 11:49am 
amazing! thanks.
Nøx 4 Sep, 2023 @ 5:45am 
omg thank you so much!
Elli 17 Sep, 2022 @ 8:59am 
Thank you, finaly got thanks to your help:KINlike::winter2019joyfultearsdog:
Chocoholie 20 Aug, 2022 @ 8:20am 
This part was such a tough challenge. 😆