WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition

WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition

70 ratings
Pup names
By Okamazy
Alphabetized name list for those who need it
For everyone who needs names:
Everytime i come across a name that i like or think would fit a wolf i write them down in my phone notes.

In another discussion i wrote a little bit of that list and thus today i decided to post my full name list alphabetized. There are in total 343 names. Good luck with choosing now , XD

- Abyss
- Ace
- Acey
- Achilles
- Adonis
- Aeolus
- Aeron
- Aesir
- Agave
- Alcide
- Amalia
- Ameinias
- Ameria
- Amerya
- Ampelus
- Amphitrite
- Andvari
- Aphrodite
- Apollo
- Arcos
- Ares
- Ariadne
- Arrow
- Artax
- Artemis
- Asgard
- Asher
- Astra
- Athena
- Athene
- Atlas
- Atreyu
- Auden
- Aviana
- Axar
- Axl
- Axon
- Azeran
- Azor

- Badger
- Bandit
- Benjamin
- Bexley
- Bia
- Blacktip
- Blaine
- Blaise
- Blake
- Blazer
- Boreas
- Brace
- Briseis
- Bryce

- Caeder
- Caedin
- Caedun
- Caedus
- Calliope
- Callisto
- Carnage
- Carson
- Caspian
- Celeste
- Cerberus
- Charon
- Chips
- Chrome
- Cinder
- Clio
- Coldy
- Condor
- Corvus
- Cratos
- Crydakton
- Curtis
- Cyprus
- Cyrene

- Dacian
- Daemon
- Dagger
- Dakota
- Dallas
- Danae
- Dasiri
- Davos
- Dawn
- Deaton
- Deimos
- Delta
- Demeo
- Demeter
- Derek
- Devin
- Devor
- Dhean
- Diomedes
- Dionysus
- Dorito
- Dragos
- Drill
- Drogo
- Dwythe
- Dynamo

- Eclipse
- Emylyna
- Ephaistus
- Erode
- Eta ( can also be said as E-T-A )
- Etherios
- Ethic
- Euridyce
- Euterpe

- Fenrir
- Focus
- Fraser
- Freya
- Frige
- Ganymede
- Garm
- Gaven
- Geirrod
- Glide
- Grinder

- Hades
- Hailey
- Halo
- Harmony
- Hathor
- Hebe
- Hecate
- Heimdal
- Helios
- Hephaestion
- Hephaestus
- Hera
- Heracles
- Heriayos
- Herios
- Hermaphroditus
- Hermes
- Heryais
- Hestia
- Hijinx
- Horus
- Howard
- Hugin
- Hustler
- Hydra
- Hymir
- Hypnos
- Hysteria
- Hyuga

- Ianthe
- Igneous
- Illusion
- Indigo
- Iolaus
- Iphis
- Iris
- Izles

- Jack
- Jake
- Jazzlyn
- Jormungandr
- Jucogan
- Juran
- Jurassic

- Katana
- Katari
- Kebechet
- Kevyn
- Kharon
- Khione
- Khryses
- Kvasir
- Kyurem

- Lahar
- Larcyn
- Laryelle
- Latin
- Laze
- Lemon
- Leto
- Liason
- Lotor
- Loyd
- Lucan
- Luciano
- Luke

- Maenad
- Maeve
- Maia
- Major
- Malcolm
- Maru
- Medusa
- Melody
- Meruem
- Mestra
- Mocha
- Mohabi
- Mohavi
- Monarch
- Moose
- Morph
- Morpheus
- Motto
- Mouse
- Munin
- Narcissus
- Narfi
- Nemesis
- Neo
- Neomania
- Nephthys
- Nerites
- Nidra
- Nike
- Nimbus
- Noah
- Nox
- Nymeria
- Nyx
- Nyxea

- Odin
- Odysseus
- Onyx
- Orion
- Orpheus
- Orson
- Osiris

- Parsley
- Patches
- Patroclus
- Pentheus
- Persephone
- Perseus
- Phaethon
- Phantasos
- Phobetor
- Phobos
- Poseidon
- Pozar
- Procion
- Procyon
- Prosymnus
- Psyche
- Python

- Rabon
- Raegho
- Raella
- Ravage
- Ravon
- Rawlin
- Redaze
- Renaein
- Rhaego
- Rhea
- Rubas
- Ryuu

- Sadie
- Santos
- Sappho
- Sarge
- Sekhmet
- Semele
- Seneca
- Serenity
- Shali
- Shalu
- Shredder
- Sigyn
- Silas
- Silver
- Skadi
- Skrymir
- Snarler
- Sobek
- Sorana
- Soyrana
- Spectros
- Spicer

- Tarryl
- Teagan
- Telesutha
- Tempest
- Tenshi
- Terpichore
- Terror
- Teshy
- Thalia
- Themis
- Theseus
- Thialfi
- Tiberius
- Titanium
- Toxin
- Tracye
- Tremor
- Trevor
- Trigger
- Triton
- Trixie
- Tundra
- Tyche
- Tygari
- Tyne
- Typhon
- Tyr
- Tyrone
- Tyson

- Valkyrie
- Vanty
- Vaughn
- Venaris
- Venarys
- Venom
- Verity
- Vilgax
- Vista
- Vita
- Vitari
- Vixen
- Voltari
- Vyclade

- Wilco
- Wildfire
- Willow
- Wyvern

- Xanadu
- Xero
- Xyone

- Yaegar
- Yarn
- Ymir

- Zach
- Zane
- Zelos
- Zero
- Zeus
- Zodiac
- Zora
- Zulu
- Zygote
Charzar 21 Oct, 2023 @ 8:46pm 
But I have a name, Azalea. Also 50 names is a lot.
Charzar 21 Oct, 2023 @ 8:43pm 
*Notices that I've commented on this already*
Okamazy  [author] 7 Jul, 2023 @ 11:14pm 
I saw some people say maybe add this name or that name. Ths list isn't finished and will never be . I wait until i have a lot of names 50-100 nefore adding them.
lese0116 7 Jul, 2023 @ 8:02pm 
Maybe add uniqe names like Zara or Nara? But over all lots of good names that I will use!
MoLdy! 4 Jul, 2023 @ 6:23pm 
ty ill be using this
BuckWeet 28 Jun, 2023 @ 10:17am 
for w add willow thanks for making this list
or maybe wild fire ? thanks
Maylie204 10 May, 2023 @ 11:54pm 
Thank you for making this! i have so much trouble trying to find fitting names and this will help a lot!
Charzar 14 Apr, 2023 @ 9:39am 
I like it, i'm using it for adult wolves though! lol
Sgt Faerrenheit 8 Apr, 2023 @ 12:17pm 
"Sliver" =/= silver
\\✭// 16 Jan, 2023 @ 2:10am 
Oh i see half of my name in here :D