331 ratings
Extended guide on console commands/cheats
By Roawen
This guide will show you how to use cheats/console commands and what they actually do.
Through this guide, you can view the console commands in the game and learn how they are used.

To use console commands, you must first open the chat window (ENTER on keyboard) and type devCommandsOn. Then you can activate cheats by typing cheatsOn. To turn off commands, you must open the chat window and type devCommandsOff.

You can learn the commands you can use by continuing the guide. Unfortunately not all commands are available to use yet, they will be added as they are discovered.

Warning! Do not use brackets, they are only there to specify the part of the command.

When you need to use a command that requires x and z coordinates, you can check your current coordinates by activating debug mode (below).
Console commands you can use
- changeRain
- changeSpeed <New Speed>
- cheatsOn
- chunkDistance
- clearFreeCam
- compassLock
- completeNPC <NPC ID>
- completeQuests
- crocDay
- cropsGrowAllSeasons
- debug
- devCommandsOff
- devCommandsOn
- dropAllFurniture
- freeCam
- fullPedia
- giveGift
- giveMilestone
- giveMoney <Amount>
- givePoints <Amount>
- hairColour <Hair Color ID>
- hairStyle <Hair ID>
- hideGuide
- hideHud
- loadFreeCam
- makeWindy
- maxRelation <NPC ID>
- moveInNPC <NPC ID>
- nextDay
- nextDayChange
- noClip
- noClipNoFollow
- npcPhoto
- placeItem <Item ID>
- placeItemFix <Item ID>
- randomClothing
- randomiseCharacter
- refreshInside
- renameIsland <Name>
- resetHouse
- resetHouseExteriors
- save
- saveFreeCam
- scanMap
- setAnimalRel
- setDate <Day> <Week> <Month> <Year>
- setStatus
- setTime <Hour>
- setTimeDay
- setTimeNight
- setTimeReal
- setTired
- skinTone <Skin ID>
- skipSong
- spawnAnimal <Animal ID>
- spawnBoat
- spawnCarry
- spawnFarmAnimal <Animal ID>
- spawnNpc <NPC ID>
- stopRandom
- strikeLightning <X> <Z>
- teleport <X> <Z>
- unlockRecipes
Normal gameplay NPCs:
0 - Rayne (Farming)
1 - John (Store)
2 - Franklyn (Crafting)
3 - Melvin (Furniture)
4 - Clover (Clothes)
5 - Ted Selly (Hunting & Weapons)
6 - Fletch (Community Center)
7 - Irwin (Farm Animals)
8 - Sally (Hair Dresser)
9 - Theodore (Museum)
10 - Milburn (Bank)
11 - Jimmy (Mysterious Boat NPC)

Not officially released NPCs:
12 - Ramsey Ramsey
13 - Jackie
14 - Timber
15 - Ghost
Animal IDs
Wild animals:
1 to 10 - Jackaroo
10 to 20 - Random Fish
21 to 29 - Random Bug
30 to 39 - Croc
40 to 49 - Magpie
50 to 59 - Shark
60 - Doggo
61 - White Doggo
62 - Black Doggo
70 to 79 - Scrub Turkey
80 to 89 - Cockatoo
180 to 189 - Jelly Fish
200 to 209 - Glowing Croc
220 to 229 - Kidna
230 to 239 - Random Critter
240 to 249 - Alpha Jackaroo
250 to 259 - Alpha Croc
260 to 269 - Alpha Bush Devil
270 to 279 - Bat

Farm animals:
90 to 99 - Chook (Grown)
100 to 109 - Chook (Baby)
110 to 119 - Vombat (Grown)
120 to 129 - Vombat (Baby)
130 to 139 - Mu
140 to 149 - Bush Devil
150 to 159 - Toad
160 to 169 - Wary Mu
170 to 179 - Pleep

To spawn some rare animals:
63 - Poodle
193 - Pet Poodle
64 - Collie
194 - Pet Collie
65 - Jack Russell
195 - Pet Jack Russell
66 - German Shepherd
196 to 199 - Pet German Shepherd
210 to 219 - Wild Vombat (with Horns)

P.S. Fish can only be spawned on water.
Item IDs
You can view the ID list of all items in the game via this Github[gist.github.com] link.
Spawning items from a list
You can press = on your keyboard to access a panel that enables you to spawn the item(s) of your choice.

Warning! If you're not using an English keyboard layout, you need to change your keyboard settings to English, then open up a notepad, try some keys until you find what corresponds to =. You can then change it back whenever you want.

Changing the game's speed
Command: changeSpeed <New Speed>
Changing chunk distance level
Command: chunkDistance

You can adjust the distance of chunks you can see with the chunkDistance command. You can view the difference between 1 and 15 on the example below.

chunkDistance 1

chunkDistance 15

Locking your cursor on compass
Command: compassLock

Normally your compass moves when you move, when you use this command it locks the compass.
Immediately completing NPC quests
Command: completeNPC <NPC ID>

Completes the quest given by the NPC whose ID is specified. Check above for all NPC IDs.
Immediately completing all active quests
Command: completeQuests

Making seasonal crops grow in all seasons
Command: cropsGrowAllSeasons

It allows seasonal crops to grow in all seasons.
Activating debug mode
Command: debug

Spawning one of every furniture in the game
Command: dropAllFurniture

Activating free camera mode
Command: freeCam

It activates the free camera mode, the Z key does the same.

Unlocking all undiscovered pedia content
Command: fullPedia

Giving yourself 1.000 dinks
Command: giveGift

Completing & unlocking milestones
Command: giveMilestone

Each time you use it, it completes one level of milestone or unlocks a new one.

Increasing your dinks
Command: giveMoney <Amount>

Gives you the specified amount of dink(s).

I have 200,000 dinks here.

I gave myself 100,000 dinks.

Increasing your permit points
Command: givePoints <Amount>

Gives you the specified amount of Permit Points.

I have 510,000 Permit Points here.

I gave myself 190,000 Permit Points.

Changing hair colour
Command: hairColour <Hair Color ID>

It allows you to change your hair color. Experiment with IDs.

Here I changed my hair to hair color ID 1.

Here I changed my hair to hair color ID 5.

Changing hair style
Command: hairStyle <Hair ID>

It allows you to change your hairstyle. Experiment with IDs.

Here I changed my hair to hairstyle ID 1.

Here I changed my hair to hairstyle ID 5.

Hiding the guide
Command: hideGuide

It is used to hide the guide.
Hiding the HUD for screenshots
Command: hideHud

It is used to hide the HUD, perfect for screenshots.
Maximizing your relationship with NPCs
Command: maxRelation <NPC ID>

Maximizes your relationship with the specified NPC, please check above for NPC IDs.
Making NPCs move in to your town
Command: moveInNPC <NPC ID>

When you use this command, it will be like you placed the deed of that NPCs house or workspace. You'll have to provide the materials and wait for the lot to be built. You'll need a couple of days for that.

Please check above for NPC IDs.
Automatically skipping to the next day
Command: nextDay

Allows you to proceed to the next day, also saves the game.

Commiting changes of the day without skipping a day
Command: nextDayChange

It commits the changes of the next day without skipping the day.

First day of Post Office construction

Second day of Post Office construction

Third day of Post Office construction

P.S. Post Office is not yet officially released in the game, I just put it up there as an example.
Turning on noclip
Command: noClip

Lets you use noclip but in my experience, you can't actually move. It only works as a way of making yourself invisible.

Turning on noclip (With no follow mode)
Command: noClipNoFollow

Lets you use noclip, you can see your character move but you are like an observer. Perfect for screenshots.

Placing items
Command: placeItem <Item ID>

Spawns the specified item. Experiment with IDs. You can also use the spawn list, check above for it. The only difference is when you spawn it from the list, it will be in your inventory. When you spawn it using this command, it'll be already placed.

Command: placeItemFix <Item ID>

I couldn't see any difference between them and the previous command placeItem.
P.S. Please let me know if you know the difference in the comments.
Random clothing
Command: randomClothing

It makes your character change clothes randomly.
P.S. You need to use stopRandom command to stop it.

When I use the command

After a few seconds

Randomising your character
Command: randomiseCharacter

Changes your character randomly, once.

When I use the command

I use the command again

Renaming your island
Command: renameIsland <Name>

Allows you to rename your island.
Reseting the insides of your house
Command: resetHouse
Saving anywhere, anytime
Command: save

It saves your game, you don't have to sleep. When you come back to the game, there will be a save point. Perfect for saving the game in the middle of the game day.
Changing your relationship with your animals
Command: setAnimalRel

Changes your relationships with your animals.

Full hearts for all animals: setAnimalRel 100
Setting the calendar to a spesific date
Command: setDate <Day> <Week> <Month> <Year>
Setting the game time to a spesific hour
Command: setTime <Hour>

Allows you to update the time.

To set the time for 3:00 PM, enter: setTime 15
Setting time to day
Command: setTimeDay

Updates the time to 10:00 AM.

Setting time to night
Command: setTimeNight

Updates the time to 07:00 PM.

Forcing yourself to become tired
Command: setTired

Your energy will decrease to the point you're tired.

Changing your skin tone
Command: skinTone <Skin ID>

It allows you to change your skin tone. Experiment with IDs.

Here I changed my skin to skin tone ID 1.

Here I changed my skin to skin tone ID 5.

Skipping the current soundtrack
Command: skipSong

It skips the song playing in the background.
Spawning animals
Command: spawnAnimal <Animal ID>

Spawns the specified animal. Please check above for animal IDs.

I spawned the animal which has ID 66.

I spawned the animal which has ID 210.

Spawning the Mysterious Salesman
Command: spawnBoat

Creates a mysterious bot from which you can get amazing items. You have to wait for a stormy day to see this boat under normal conditions.

Before using the command

After using the command

Spawning farm animals
Command: spawnFarmAnimal <Animal ID>

Allows you to spawn farm animals. Please check above for farm animal IDs.
Spawning NPCs
Command: spawnNpc <NPC ID>

Allows you to spawn NPCs. Please check above for NPC IDs.

Spawning items you carry over your head
Command: spawnCarry <ID>

It spawns things you generally carry over your head such as a fossil. In that case, the command is spawnCarry 05 and a fossil will be at your avatar's feet. Experiment with IDs.

Thanks dixiechick for this information!
Disabling random cloth change
Command: stopRandom
Forcing a lightning strike
Command: strikeLightning <X> <Z>

Lightning strikes at the point you specify.

Command: teleport <X> <Z>

Allows you to teleport to the specified point.

Unlocking all the recipes
Command: unlockRecipes

Allows you to get all the crafting recipes. Including the deeds (which are not initially craftable).

Refreshing map
Command: scanMap

If you're doing something like adding grass, making paths, bridges, etc. or moving stuff around town and it's not refreshing on your map, use that and it'll update it.

Thanks NEMESXS for this information!

Also if you use it in the mine it will reveal the whole map, but it doesn't show where the stone pillars are.

Thanks randal_thor69 for this information!
Commands that don't work
I tried these commands but they didn't work for me or i wasn't able to understand what they did. If they are working, please let me know down in the comments.

- changeRain
- clearFreeCam
- crocDay
- loadFreeCam
- makeWindy
- npcPhoto
- refreshInside
- resetHouseExteriors
- saveFreeCam
- setStatus
- setTimeReal
Don't forget!
Note that this guide is an incomplete guide and some command usages are missing, and will be updated when I learn about their use. Thank you for viewing my guide, don't forget to like and comment if you like it.

I J 28 Jun @ 3:56pm 
The ItemID link does not work anymore (the gitHub page). Does anyone know of an alternative list for the Item IDs please?
Clark 18 Jun @ 3:15am 
do any commands exist to set experience levels for skills? such as farming
Camel Toes 31 May @ 10:48pm 
12 - Sheila
13 - Julia
14 - Max
15 - Nancy
16 - Nick
[ICWT]Doctor_Radical 13 May @ 12:38pm 
For anyone curious, Sheila's NPC ID is 12, and Max's is 14! I just found this out by trying different codes, hope this helps!
kyunah 8 May @ 7:14pm 
Will this work on steam deck?
sarafarm56 21 Mar @ 12:00pm 
can't save stuff I did. what is wrong?
Hawk Silvamilliion 23 Jan @ 1:07am 
What command do you use to delete NPCs that are spawn?
Walterstorm 22 Nov, 2023 @ 12:42am 
@WordCobbler Shaila's ID is 12
NaniNanaJ 19 Nov, 2023 @ 10:14pm 
Is there a full list of all IDs?