Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

35 ratings
Versus Guide For Beginners
By Unhinged
This guide includes basics of versus for beginner players. If you wanna be more useful player for your team and expand your L4D2 knowledge, you should definitely take a look at it!
Hello everyone,

Here in the guide, you ll see the basics with the some examples. Im not gonna explain every single detail. Otherwise it ll take my hours. But dont worry this guide has everything you need. You need to watch informative videos, do exercises in training maps and play the game. I ll give all the links you need.

You ll be a better player with time and experience but it wont happen in one day like any other stuff in life.

if this guide get the attention deserves, i might do another guide for intermediate players!
First of all its team game. Dont forget it! You cant survive without your teammates. Whole team needs to move as a TEAM !
Same rule is valid for special infecteds too. Whole infected team must attack together instead of attacking 1 by 1.

Knowledge of all maps

Its something essential to know every single map before you start to play versus. Everybody should play all campaign in story mode at first.
Knowledge of the maps will help you at "what to do" and "when to do" in certain circumstances as a survivor and as a speacial infected.

Death charge and other choke points

Every player needs to know death charge points and choke points. As a survivor you need know these points to avoid taking damage as less as possible otherwise result might be disaster.
And as a special infected you need to know these choke points to attack with the most efficient way

i recommend 2 youtube channels down below which you can find many videos about choke points & death charge points.

The Bile = https://www.youtube.com/@leecow600

rh4xor = https://www.youtube.com/@rh4xor
(PS: i dont recommend playing style of this player,i find it very blunderingly.i give the link of his channel bc beginner players can find many examples about the common mistakes which happens at choke points!)


i strongly recommend to watch old tournements matches after you got the basic mechanics of L4D2! Watching those professional teams will help you a lot to understand team coordination in versus!
you ll also get tons of professional tips & strategies from those matches which will help to improve yourself for being advanced player!!!
and you ll never get bored to watch Kissme&Rails casting!

Kissme's youtube channel :

PS 2
there are a lot of different playgrounds to do exercise for survivor&infected as
-skeeting hunter- leveling charger -cutting smoker's tongue -witch crowning -curving rock tanks -hunter...etc
although rene is total d!ckhead, his training playground is pretty useful. so i strongly recommend to do these exercises often to improve personal skills.personal skills are also important in versus ! by doing so you ll be able to carry your team in critical moments!

D!ckhead rene's training map :
How To Play Special Infected
First of all there is no bad speacial infected. Every SI has different ability. You should see these different abilities as pieces of puzzle. These abilities complete each other like puzzle pieces.
Its why whole infected team needs to attack together synchronously.

Its not possible to explain every single attacking tactics here. You ll learn these tactics with time and experience but i ll leave a few tips here.

Dont spawn too early and too far away from survivors. Every SI (except hunter while standing) has different sound effect so its easy to locate special infecteds for survivors.Once survivors locate SI than your successful attacking chance decreases.

Environment needs to be used the most effective way. Try to spawn as close as you can, except some spesific situations.You can spawn behind a tree or any small object...etc

Dont steal grabbed survivor from your SI teammate, go for another survivor (except some spesific situations as death charge...).

When you see a isolated survivor, get him.Teach him a lesson ! Wolves get the alone sheep away from pack.

I leave here a few videos which i found it useful for beginner players.Ever single Special infected's abilities explained well in these 2 videos. take a look at it to learn SI characters abilities!

Sadly i couldnt find these video from Zerkovich's channel but gotta say these videos are belongs to Zerkovich

Ill leave a few tips only about support special infecteds bc as far as i see beginner players dont understand the importance of support SI. They do critical mistake and waste support SI


Spitter is support SI. Its hard to get damage without other special infecteds help. Spitter needs pinned survivor/s.The most effective way to use spitter is spit for pinned survivor by hunter or charger.Even after hunter or charger killed by other survivors, the player on the ground needs a few seconds to get up and go away from your spit. While this time, you can get huge amount damage.

You can use spitter effectively in some other circumstances as well . Forexample boomed survivor/s in small area/room or blocking some choke points to gain some time for your team.
or you can burn gas cans with your spit once survivors grabbed and dropped it (gas can's color must be yellow)


Boomer is also support SI.There are a few different way to use boomer effectively.Boomer can buy a time with distracting for your other special infected teammates while they are killing another survivor.

Boomer can kill the person on the ground so quickly.

Boomer is the most important SI to support tank.

Boomer needs other special infecteds help except some spesific situations ( at the events while there is survivor on the ground...). 4 survivor can easilly clear boomer's horde without taking any damage.


Witches are deadly. Never miss the chance of using witches. Its usually hard to trigger witches but once she get trigered there is no come back from it if there is no advanced player with a shotgun in survivor team.

There are many ways to trigger witch.
If there is a survivor around her and if she starts to get agressive,just slap her ass. Thats it! Its enough to trigger her.
You can grab a survivor and pull near to witch as smoker
You can ride survivor near to witch as a jockey
You can charge someone to witch.

Just dont miss chance to use witch.


Golden rule of the tank: Tank does not mean to rush towards survivors and die with in 15 seconds.Healty survivor runs faster than tank.Survivors can out run tank so easily. In the best case scenario you can get 1-2 punches. Thats it.

Tank needs distraction! Tank needs support!

First object of how to play tank is try to survive as much as possible and buy time for your teammates.You can try to throw some rocks or you can stay at the safe field of view without taking much damage.Your SI teammates can attack multiple times with the time you bought except some spesific situations (forexample there is an ongoing event or maybe there is a survivor on the ground while other survivors distracted by something else)

As a last resort you can go for attacking survivors but you need to be sure about some contions are fulfilled before attacking.

Wait for your SI teammates to get ready and they have the right combination to support tank( forexample spitter is useless to help tank.spitter should be sacrifice before tank's attack).
Dont go without SI support. Infected team must attack when they get the right moment to help tank(forexample the moment survivor team distracted by tank)

You need to know every hittable object around of you and use those hittable object if you have chance.If there is no hittable around, try to get closer to survivors as much as you can without taking much damage.

Try to avoid molo.If you get burn , try to find water source when you have chance.

Seperating survivors is always good tactic. It ll cause to ruin their coordination and it will help your SI mates a lot.

i leave another tutorial down here video for the players who has no clue about how to play tank.

If you have already known the basics about tank and wanna learn more things about "how to play advanced tank", i recommend you to watch old tournement videos from kissme's youtube channel which i gave you link of the channel under Esessential title ^

How To Play Survivor
As i said at the begining of the guide, this is team game and whole team needs to move as a team.Your team needs to be there when you need help and you need to be there when your teammates need help.

The main object of the survivor team is whole team needs move as fast as possible to reach saferoom.Team shouldnt waste too much time. As much as you waste time, you give SI chance to attack.
Never do these things below
-Dont rush
-Dont stay behind
-Dont let your teammate be alone
-Dont shopping alone

Listen Around

As i said before, every SI has different sound effect. You can easily locate them by listening you can minimize SI attack bc you are aware SI locates and how they ll attack.

Every survivor also needs to listen teammates's character vocalizer and check them all the time. It gives you information about your teammates situation.Expecially at choke points!
Are they grabbed by SI? Do they need help? ...

Using Resources

Dont waste any resource. DONT FORGET! They dont belong to you! Its team resource.


Dont waste pills when you have green HP, give it to teammate. Or when one of your teammate is slow, give your pills.
If one of survivors is slow, whole team will be slow and this is not what we want.


Almost 99% of players use adrenaline wrong. Adrenaline's main purpose is giving survivor temporary speed for actions.It shouldnt be used like pills.

You should use adrenaline at spesific situations. Forexample all of your teammates on the ground and you need to pick them up quickly.There are some exception situations like tanks or ongoing events...


Medkit is the last option as resource.It ll take some time to heal and it ll cause your team slowdown for a while. Or you might need it later on game. Always use pills as first choice.

Never waste your medkit when you have green HP (except before some spesific situations as tank or events. i recommend healing if you have around 40-50 HP at these situations ).
You might need it later, expecially at longer maps. Use pills if you have. If you dont have pills, ask from your teammates. In the worst case scenario you can continue with yellow HP for a while .

If one of your teammate is black and white, use your medkit for him/her.


When tank spawns, first thing survivor team needs to do is going back to a safe place. Safe place can be open area or it can be a very large room.

The most important thing about safe place is it should be away from hittables and it shouldnt have many spawn points for SI.
Survivors health condition should be green HP, so heal yourself or ur teammates while you have time.
Every survivor should hold a spawn point while they are waiting for tank.One boomer can change things to disaster!

If you are at open area and the tank has the higher ground, a good tank player can throw rocks for hours.Try to hide from tank's sight after every SI attack. You ll have 20 seconds untill next SI spawn.

Fire is the worst nightmare of tanks. Use molo or gas cans and tank will die eventually if there is no any water resource around .

I definitely dont recommend to use bile jar by beginner players.Even tank gets bile jar, a good tank will keep moving and avoid commons.Congratulations! After 15-20 seconds you ll have a horde which is running towards you.

Survivors need to kill tank as soon as possible.as long as tank is up, SI team ll have more opportunity to attack! Survivors might need to take some risk in some specific situations.and one those specific situation is close range melee combat! using melee weapon agaisnt tank can be very effective and useful. its very risky play but if you succes to juke tank, you ll get your reward!

i recorded a video to show of bacis about juking and melee tank for you but dont forget you ll not face to face with bot tank in versus match.it wont be easy to juke player tank as much as bot tank but you ll be better at it with time and experience. dont stop trying !!


Witches dont forgive a mistake.SI will try to use witch agaisnt survivors and survivors will try to avoid or crown witch without taking any damage.If you underestimate witch, it might turn into disaster.

If you can avoid witch,take that chance. Dont risk it.but if you cant do that, there are not many options to do left.

There are many ways to kill witch.Sniper with the safe distance or shotguns or crowning witch with melee.
You can find many videos about how to crown witch.

Extra Tips

Nobody expects hunter skeets or charger levels or cutting smokers tongue from beginner players. Beginner players should focus the parts that I have explained thus far. You should begin by focusing on improving your skills only after you have learned essentials.

You will find a few educational videos about those tips down below, but don't forget that this is very advanced stuff for beginner players. So take your time before rushing into these!

Areus 9 Sep, 2022 @ 10:03am 
Every Left 4 Dead 2 player should read this. :steamthumbsup:
Shepard 9 Sep, 2022 @ 9:59am 
Well made :steamthumbsup:
pirik3 23 Aug, 2022 @ 3:12pm 
this man knows something. thanks for the time.