36 beoordelingen
A Guide to the ports of Al`Ankh
Door TheOriginalMark:-)
It is hard enough as a new sailor to find the island they are looking for without having to search for the port when finally get there. This guide sets out to describe the locations of all the harbours of Sailwind and warn of the navigational hazards you should avoid on entering them. Its also gives details of what is available in the markets of each port.

Occasionally there is a little sightseeing information as well!

I was originally planning this as one guide covering all of Sailwind's ports but Steam did not like the size of it so now it is broken down into three guides by region.

A Guide to the ports of Al`Ankh.
A Guide to the ports of Aestrin.
A Guide to the ports of the Emerald Archipelago.

Please fell free to leave your comments, suggestions or corrections (of which I'm sure there are many). This is my first time creating a guide so try not to be too cruel :-)
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Al`Ankh Acadamy

The dock is on the Southeast side of the island, it's small but easy to get to from the Northeast or Southwest. There are no hazards to worry about.

The academy seen from the Southeast.

Approaching from the Southwest.

The Market
Just the one stall selling cheese, Honey beer, Water, Wine and Temple Fish.

Albacore Town

"Town" Ha!

The Harbour

Low lying and hard to spot Albacore is a very difficult place to dock. Bearable in the small boats but scary in the Sanbuk or the large Junk (though it's manoeuvrability would help) and I would not even want to try the Brig. The landing stage is on the South West of the main island with approaches from the North West or South East. Coming in from the North West is (relatively) easier but going out to the South East is horrible and can only be achieved by using the spring of the mooring lines to pull the stern in and get the bow well out to starboard.

Albacore approach from the Northwest. Easy to get into the port, very difficult to get out again!

Coming in from the South East is difficult with a bend in the fairway sandbanks on both side and shallow water. Make sure you start well to the south east of the island. Your heading as you approach the passage should be West 'nor West to get between the sandbanks. Come in dead slow and keep well to the port side when you are through the first set of sandbanks just shaving the smaller island and you will probably be OK. From this direction exiting the harbour is much easier.

Heading West 'nor West to ease your way between the sandbanks....

Quickly turn to Starboard but still keeping close to the rocks on the port side...

And then a final turn to port and dock. If you are exhausted after that Albacore is great for a bit of relaxing sunbathing.

The Market

Big fishing industry here so fish is about all you can buy.

  • Stall by the landing stage selling bulk Tuna and Sunspot
  • Stall in the "Town" selling Temple Fish, Tuna and, ta da, Gold Albacore.
    Oh and Water.

Alchemists Island

The Harbour

The small landing stage is on the North Side of the west island. A bit hard to get the bigger boats close along side due to the shortness of the landing stage. There are no particular hazards to worry about but as with all small docks come in dead slow.

As seen from the north. The dock is at the eastern end of the main western island (that's to say, the starboard one in this picture).

Tiny dock!

The Market

Unsurprisingly, Alchemists being the nut jobs that they are, there is nothing much to buy here. There is just the drug pusher, sorry, stallholder selling Elixir (for wakefulness) and Snake Oil (for sleepiness). Note that if you want either of these items stock up now as this is the only place you can get them. The stall does also sell water but only by the bottle (I suppose you will need something to take the taste of Snake Oil out of your mouth).


The Harbour
Simple harbour on the Southern side of the island, not hard to dock here just watch out for the marked hazard to starboard when approaching from the west. Note that unlike many of the islands Al'Nilem is very low with no mountains and thus not easily visible at any distance. However it is well lit and shows up well at night.

Approaching at night from the east.

Al`Nilem approaching from the west. Note the hazard to starboard as you near the dock.

Looking over the island, Gold Rock is visible to the East South East and Isle of Clear Mind can be seen to the South South East,

The Market.

Small market, not much going on here. I hope you are not hungry because really very little in the way of food.

  • Coconut Wine, Rum by the barrel.
  • Coconut by the crate,
  • Dates on a stick and loose Banannas.
  • Water, Water Bottles (filled and empty), loose firewood (!), fishing rod and hooks, broom, lamps (middle grade) and hooks.


Take in the sunshine, sit on the rock and enjoy the view of nearby Islands or visit the quarry (but don't fall in, though it does not look it, it is full of water).

Gold Rock City

The capital city of the region and, of course, a major port. The harbour is situated on the Southern side of the Island in a large enclosed bay. The height of the surrounding mountains means Gold Rock can be seen from pretty much anywhere in the region making it a natural navigation point.

Gold Rock City as seen from Alchemists Island,

The Harbour

Approaches are from the South East and the West with one small and one larger island between. There is also a route from the NNE between the two islands but it is narrow and beset by sand banks and offers no particular advantages.

The South Easterly approach is pretty much straight in.

There are a number of sand banks but they are all well marked and easy enough to avoid. The approach from the west has sandbanks on both sides but the channel is wide.

Gold Rock seen from the west.

The West passage requires a fairly sharp turn to port after clearing the Sandbank.

Approaching from the west, note the marked sandbanks on both sides of the entrance.

The Market

Located at the east end of the harbour behind the Harbour Masters office, Gold Rock's market is impressively large and sells something of everything. Working our way clockwise from the entrance we have...

  • Roast Lamb, Dates on a stick, Bulk dates, coconuts and North Fish.
  • Cooked Tuna and Sausages, Raw Tuna, Bulk Sunspot Fish.
  • Bread and bulk grain.
  • Cooked Sunspot and Trout,Bulk Tuna and more Sunspot.
  • Furniture (Rough Table, Square Stove) and Firewood.
  • Ships Chandlers with all the usual IE. Maps, Boxed Clock, Chip log, Compass, Sun Compass Quadrant and both types of Telescope.
  • Opposite that are Lamps (the middle quality ones) Lamp Hooks, Brooms and basic Mugs, Fishing rods and hooks.
  • In the booze dept. we have Barrels of rum, and bottles of Coconut wine.
  • Next, two types of cheese and Goats Cheese by the case.
  • Across the way is more furniture - the simpler bed, single wall shelves and floor standing book shelves, three types of table and a chair (well, stool).
  • White Tobacco and some rather smart Pipes.
  • Lastly back at the main entrance we have water by the barrel and bottle.

If you are interested in Art there is also a small gallery selling paintings, it is just off the main road that that runs from the harbour to the palace or go into the alleyway to the left of the market and turn right.

Oh, and lastly lastly, the Sanbuq is for sale in the harbour for 12500 in gold.


Lots to see in Gold Rock City, hills to climb if you are feeling energetic. Entry to the Palace is forbidden but there are ways to sneak a look.


Neverdin is the starting point for many a new sailor so you probably won't have any trouble finding it!

Here you will find the Dhow, probably your first boat. Likely your first voyage will be to Gold Rock City which is easily visible from Neverdin.

The Harbour

The tiny harbour with a small dock (more of a landing stage) lies on the western side of the island. There are areas of shallow water whether way you approach from the Northwest or the Southwest but they are easily avoidable. Watch out though as the water is especially shallow near the sandbanks to the west.

The shallow waters to the west. The Sanbuq passes over with about half a meter below the keel, not sure how the Brig would do.

You might want to Keep an eye out for a local idiot who will crash is boat into yours when he tried to dock.

The Market

The market is quite spread out with a couple of stalls close to the harbour and a couple more at the end of the village. Fortunately there is already a crate of cheese on your Dhow because there are no bulk provisions for sale here.

  • Bread, Bannanas, "Dates on a stick", bulk Dates and water barrels.
  • Rum by the Barrel, and Coconut Wine.
  • Stools, Fishing Rods and Hooks, loose firewood (seriously?) simple lamps and lamp hooks, wooden mugs and a broom.
  • Cooked ready to eat Tuna and Temple fish.


About three days sailing north-north-west from Gold Rock City, Oasis does not appear on the local Al`Ankh map, you'll need the world map to find it. You may need to do a bit of navigation to get there (it's at about 32.8* latitude). Since the trip to Oasis is likely to be the first reasonably long voyage for many new comers here are a few hints....

The Voyage

Set out from Gold Rock City heading north or just a little west of north, winds permitting. Weather can get a bit rough north of Gold Rock so be prepared for that.

For about the first day and a half you should still be able to see Gold Rock behind you. As long as it is south or a little east of south you are ok.

Sometime during the night of the second day or the morning of the third you should spot the Oasis Lighthouse fine on the port bow,,,

Turn towards the light and about half a day later you will see the welcome sight of Oasis Harbour...

The Harbour

A small bay on the eastern side of the island sheltered on the north by a curving sandbank and on the south by the lighthouse island. Coming from the north just watch out for the sandbank but otherwise docking is easy.

The Market

The stalls are dotted around the village behind the harbour.

  • Lloose goats cheese, stall selling roast lamb (very filling).
  • Chandler with limited items: Compass, Broom, World map, simple Lamps, fish hooks and firewood
  • Crates of Lamb and Grain (lots of grain) and water.


Oasis is a pleasant little island worth a wander round, and of course there is the oasis which gives the island its name.

8 opmerkingen
TheOriginalMark:-)  [auteur] 15 sep om 16:42 
Datarew 15 sep om 14:01 
@TheOriginalMark:-) - So far it's still pretty on point, and I've been through all of the locations. Your notes about harbor entry are really the most awesome things, from a guy who was sailing a Brig around Gold Rock City at first (it has way too deep of a hull!).
TheOriginalMark:-)  [auteur] 13 sep om 19:08 
@Datarew - Thanks for that, but be aware that the guide is rather out of date since I have not played for some time and there have been several updates since I created it (though I assume the basic layout of the ports I cover has likely not changed much).
Datarew 13 sep om 8:11 
Bro, this series kicks ASS. Thank you.
TheOriginalMark:-)  [auteur] 26 dec 2022 om 19:04 
Glad you found it useful @Hans1995
Hans1995 26 dec 2022 om 16:42 
THanks for the guide, helps to have a reference picture of the islands
TheOriginalMark:-)  [auteur] 8 nov 2022 om 10:57 
Thanks murdockwan, nice to know it's helped.
murdockwan 8 nov 2022 om 6:52 
Just wanted to say, thank you. This is excellent!