South Park™: The Stick of Truth™

South Park™: The Stick of Truth™

182 ratings
South Park™: Save Files for Collectibles & Missable Actions
By Lord Of War
Missed a friend? A toy? Didn't fart the Canadian? Have no fear - saves are here!
Links and Locations
Back up your own save files first!
1) They can be found at:
C:\Users\user_name\Documents\My Games\South Park - The Stick of Truth

2) Download my files from:

3) Turn off Steam sync!

4) Select which achievement(s) i.e. named folder you need, replace "save" folder, start the game.

The main course. Chinpokomons. Friends. Equipment and Weapons!
Full Arsenal
You own all the weapons and costumes available in the game.

Clothes Whоre
You've collected all of the available costumes.

You collected all of the Chinpokomon.

More Popular Than John Lennon
Everyone in South Park is your friend.

Truth to Power
You farted on four major authority figures.

Use folder "South Park (Last Chinpoko, All Friends, All Outfits & Equipment)".
1) Visit Mr.Mackey and buy all his items:

2) While buying off Mr. Mkay, go and fart at Principal Victoria - teacher with yellow hair.
3) Travel to "U Stor It".
Walk towards the cinema and climb down the sewers. Nagasaki that rock and
a) pick up the last toy,
b) talk to the crab person,
c) loot the chest.
d) ...
Missable Actions
You interrupted 5 channel attacks by using a fart.

Use folder "South Park - Channelling gnomes".
When fighting gnomes - skip your turn by selecting the range weapon, clicking any gnome and don't click anymore! You need to get text "channeling" above an enemy:

When it's your move again, then apply a fart attack on it. There are 8 channeling gnomes, plenty of targets (you need 5!).

Inside Joke
While inside Mr. Slave, you summoned Mr. Slave.

Use folder "South Park - Inside Joke".
Engage first fight and... summon the slave!

End of Game Trophies
1) Apply girls makeover: hair - makeover wig, makeup - makeover makeup, gloves - accessory, body - makeover outfit.

That's it. You already have dire aids and lovely nose.
2) Beat Kenny.
Use folder "South Park - Kenny fight"

For the Hoarder
You completed the game without selling any items.

No Child Left Behind
You completed the game and never ended a battle with your buddy knocked out.

Face Hoff
You defeated Princess Kenny while looking like David Hasselhoff.

Two Girls, One Stick
You defeated Princess Kenny in your girl makeover disguise.

You defeated Princess Kenny while living with Dire AIDS.
Pls Confirm if Saves Work!
I'd appreciate if people comment if the saves work :)
Tom_Panda 10 Aug @ 7:22am 
Thank you. I got everything in a playthrough except Clyde! Saved another playthrough:steamthumbsup:
Lord Of War  [author] 15 May @ 12:27pm 
You're very welcome :heart_eyes_yeti:
C!trus_Sh0t 15 May @ 11:32am 
I just want to say thank you so much. After 3 tries of playing this game all the way through (not counting the immense amount of half play throughs I stopped due to frustration of the achievement) over the course of 8 years, I finally was able to get the last achievement I needed. The friends one, because I could never remember one of three miss-able chinpokemon. I seriously cannot thank you enough for this. I hope everyone who is in my same situation finds this and is able to be saved like I was.
Chiara_Marie 17 Apr @ 5:00am 
First of all: Thank you! I completed Stick of Truth 28 times already (Yes, I'm dedicated but apparently not enough) and all of these achievements were missing except for Inside Joke. And they worked! THANK YOU! I'm so glad that I can finally stop thinking about this game because honestly, after playing a game for more than ten times, I've began to loathe the sheer existence of it.
The achievements in the sequel are sooo much easier. Anyways, thank you again, everything worked!
H2oMonkey 10 Apr @ 6:58pm 
my documents folder is empty any idea where else the save files could be? They are not in the steamapps version of the game files either.
jar 17 Mar @ 1:26pm 
it worked omg thank you so much, I missed one missable item in the school lockers and I had to play the WHOLE game and collect EVERYTHING again just for the last achievement, thank you so much!!
Lord Of War  [author] 12 Mar @ 3:12am 
Hello, sorry, but no chances. I didn't include back ups for those trophies which were simple or at the beginning.
p4tr0ckZ 11 Mar @ 2:34pm 
Well done, very helpful!
Any Chance you got one for Gingivitis and Dragon Wrath?(which afaik are both easier in school)
SturmBandit 12 Jan @ 2:11am 
Thanks, was missing one item and this solved the issue.
Playmaker 7 Jan @ 8:49pm 
Thanks m8